Requiem For Gideon – Chapter 8
It was nearly dawn when Emily and Hotch escorted Jane to the nearest mental facility which was over fifty miles from the cabin.
"Where is Gideon?" Jane asked them from the back of the SUV.
The two agents exchanged looks before Emily answered, "Jason's dead, Jane."
Her expression sad, "How?" She asked innocently. "Frank said Gideon won't die." She stared at Emily for answers.
"Jane, Frank shot Gideon." Emily replied.
"Oh. Then all's for nothing."
Frowning, Emily turned around, "What do you mean?"
"I…Frank said he needed Gideon to succeed. But now that he's dead, it's finished."
"What do you mean succeed?" Hotch asked her.
"It's nothing." Jane replied quietly. She was still intimidated by Hotch. "Can I go home now?"
Emily looked over to Hotch. "Er…Jane, we're taking you to a place where you'll be staying there for a while."
"How long? I have to go home."
"Er…no, you'll be staying there for a long time, Jane." Emily replied sadly.
"Oh. What about Frank? When can I see him?"
Shaking her head, Emily said, "Frank is gone, Jane. He won't be seeing you for a long time."
"Oh. I'm going to miss him, right?"
Emily nodded her head. "Yeah, you'll be." She then stared out of the window out towards the scenery but she was not seeing what was out there but think of Jane and what the rest of her life in the mental facility.
Sensing her sadness, Hotch reached over and touched her hand gently, offering her some comfort.
Smiling, Emily turned to face him and turning her hand over, she held his hand and for the rest of the way, they held each other hands.
"Although, Frank did tell me about Gideon's son, Steven. So my work is not complete."
Emily paled as she clutched at Hotch's hand tightly, "Oh my god."
"How's he doing?"
"Peaceful and sleeping."
"Does he know?"
"Yeah. Em and Hotch escorting Jane off?"
They nodded.
"I heard you guys had Simba for dinner?"
"Oh yeah, it was pretty good, would have save you some but Dave decided to share it with Yogi and Boo Boo Bear." Morgan grinned happily.
"Who is Boo Boo Bear?"
Frowning, Morgan stared at Reid, "Don't you watch Saturday morning cartoons when you're a kid, kid?"
"Er…no, I…" The young doctor faltered.
"Hey, we were drawing some pretty good crowd from the Berenstein Bear family and if we don't share the steaks, they were gonna attack us, whether we had a choice or not." Dave grinned as he stood beside JJ who was shaking her head at the guys.
"I don't think sharing mountain lion meat counts as manly nature bonding ritual." JJ responded.
"Babe, the guys just wanted to feel manly, I didn't know they like the red meat." Dave whispered. "Derek had two huge chunks of it and medium rare."
JJ stared at him, "If I didn't know you better, I think you're proud of him."
Dave shrugged, "Well, I was…and the kid…he ate a pretty big size too. Almost rare."
JJ shook her head again, "I think you've initiated them into the Pride Rock, Mufasa." She patted on his back.
He grinned, "I was proud of them."
"Hey, they did taste pretty good; Dave did a heck of a job."
Reid nodded.
"All the way until Yogi and crew showed up."
They began to laugh.
"You know. I'd get more rest if I'm really dead." The team turned towards the bed to see Jason Gideon's eyes staring grumpily at them. "How can anyone sleep with the noise you're making?"
The team laughed as they gathered around Gideon.
"Hey, how's it going?"
"I'm good just a little sore." He replied. "Did I hear you grilled a mountain lion?" he glared at them, especially at Dave.
Altogether, the team told him the story of the advancing mountain lion.
"…and so, it was either us or Simba." Derek concluded. "And I don't feel like being buffet to him."
"Yeah, me too." Reid nodded."
"I would love to be there," Gideon said softly. "I've lived there on and off for a few years and I've never seen a real mountain lion wandering around the cabin. Well done, Dave."
Nodding, "Not a problem, it's just like shooting a duck…with wings." He shrugged. "Anyways, I'm making a rug out of him, he's going to go nicely in my den, so you're very welcome to my humble home and admire my new pelt in a few months." Dave grinned again.
Jason shook, "Thanks but I'll pass, Dave."
JJ felt her phone buzzed in her pants pocket and left the room to answer.
The team noticed her actions; they hoped it was not a case cropping up.
JJ came back into the room with a look on her face.
"That's Garcia, we have an urgent case in Tennessee."
"But Gideon?" Reid stared at her reluctantly.
"Spencer," Jason said softly.
Reid turned to him. "I…want to spend more time with you…you are not completely well."
Smiling, "Spencer, you have to let me go. You know when I leave the hospital, I'm leaving Virginia again."
"Where are you going?" Reid asked, he was almost near tears but he managed to fight it.
"I have no idea, now that Frank is dead." He shrugged. "Maybe, visit my son, I heard he was recently married."
"Won't you come back to the bureau?"
Shaking his head, "No, I'm done with the FBI." Gideon said.
Reid nodded.
Shaking his hands, "Take care Gideon," Dave and Derek said before they headed out of the hospital room.
"You guys too. And thanks for your help."
They nodded.
"Come on Spence." JJ called to him.
Reid finally nodded his head and walked to the door. "You're right, Gideon. We'll meet again. Take care." And he left.
Leaning back against his pillow, he closed his eyes, Gideon sighed. "Take care, Spencer." He whispered before he succumbed to sleep.
His phone buzzed on the night table but Gideon didn't hear it; it was Steven.
Outside the mental facility, Hotch shook his head, "He's not answering his phone. He must have his phone turned off."
Emily stared at him, "We must warn him, Hotch. And his son."
"I know."
He made another phone call, "Garcia, can you track the whereabouts of Gideon's son, Steven?"
"I can't, Hotch." Garcia replied.
"What do you mean you can't?"
"I don't know his last name?"
"You don't? What about birth certificate?" Hotch offered.
"Hotch, Gideon made sure his son is not in the system."
"Damn you, Jason." Hotch muttered angrily.
Emily took the phone from Hotch, "Garcia, can you search another way…er, er…how about trying to track down Gideon's cell phone records?"
"Emily," Garcia began. "That will require time and…"
Emily nodded, "Yes, take all the time you need, PG."
"I wish but JJ and the guys are headed to Memphis and they needed my brains…"
"Garcia, this takes priority." Hotch leaned in closely next to Emily as he spoke into the phone. "This is no joke. We think Frank and Jane has Steven."
"Oh! Hotch! I…Oh…" She stuttered.
"Just get it done, Garcia." Hotch insisted.
"Yes sir." Garcia nodded. "I'll call back when I find it."
"Thank you."
As Hotch and Emily climbed into the SUV, Garcia called.
"Hotch! I found Steven! He tried to call Gideon last night!" She cried out. "The call was made right here in Virginia!"
Hotch stared at Emily, "Exact location, Garcia?"
She gave him the address.
"Let's go, Em. Let's go find him."
"I hope we're in time." Emily said as she reached for her seat belt and buckled in as she watched Hotch started the ignition.
"Have faith, Emily." Without hesitation, he turned to her and kissed her fully on her lips and smiled, "We'll fine him."
She smiled brilliantly at him, "Wow! I …Can you do this every time we rescue someone?"
He shook his head as they drove out of the parking lot, "Let's go, beautiful."
She chuckled.
….. THE END…..
Thank you everyone for reading this story! Hopefully you'll review this and give a feed back.
Thank YOU!