Magic of a Young Girl's Heart Ch. 1 – The Amazing Brett Tyler

Author's note: Not even a day after the end of A Boy and His Fox and already I was far too excited to not continue the story. I hope that you guys enjoy this: the sequel to my first story written. If you have not yet BE SURE TO READ A BOY AND HIS FOX FIRST! This story contains spoilers from the series and if you haven't read it you will not understand what is going on. – Kiba Elunal

Bored. That was the word for the way I was feeling as I walked home from the Ionian highschool. I was bored. Nothing exciting ever happened around here. It had been eight years since Magnus was incarcerated and I joined Kal and Ahri in their home as their adopted daughter. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents. They've been kind to me, treated me as their own, and they've given me everything I could ever possibly need. Except for one thing…adventure. I was sick of Ionia, I wanted it to be like the old days: long walks across the desert, climbing high mountains, fighting monsters, finding love…but all of that ended eight years ago. I looked down at the pink slip of paper with blood red ink scribbled on it. Mom and Dad were not going to be happy about this.

Sliding my key into the house's door knob I turned it until I heard the satisfied click of the bolt being undone. Turning the knob I pressed against it with my shoulder and stepped inside. "Mom, Dad I'm home." I called out into the large house. I heard the excited scampering upstairs long before the two came downstairs and rounding the corner were my eight year old brother and sister. Vul and Vix came down the stairs in a blur of white tails and black and brown hair. Both of them grabbed on to either of my hand excited as they tugged on my arms. "Welcome home Annie!" They cried together in unison as I lifted them both in either of my arms. I had to admit it was creepy how the two of them could talk in synch with one another. It made me kind of wonder if they like discussed it and would give one another an invisible sign to indicate when to start talking. They would be the sort to do that.

"Hey guys. How did your lessons go today?" I asked kissing both of them on their cheek. Vix's eyes lit up as she spoke up before her brother as per usual. Despite the two of them being twins Vix was most definitely the leader of their two-man pack. She was incredibly valiant and headstrong, not to mention she was super protective of her brother. She was a combat virtuoso so when she turned six years old, Ahri and Kal decided to hire her a tutor to teach her sword play, much to Aunt Lux's distaste.

"It was great Annie. Madam Fiora taught me a new technique today."

"Oh she did, did she?"

"Mmhm, she called it the…umm…the…ummm…" Her brother beamed and chimed in.

"The Cloak Parry and Riposte." She frowned at him.

"I knew what it was called!" She said playfully swatting him with her tails.

"Sorry Vix." He said softly.

Vul was definitely the brains of the two. I'd never seen a kid who could soak up so much information before. He had inherited his parent's skill in magic, no doubt about that. Of course he was also incredibly shy, the polar opposite of his sister. But because of his shyness most often saw him as sweet and gentle, and they would be right, well sort of. The boy could look at you and give you the cutest puppy dog eyes you ever saw and you'd almost have no choice but to give him what he wanted. And he knew it too. He was very clever and cunning; Gods help you if you decided to play a game of chess with him.

"Hey Annie, what's that?" he asked pointing to the slip of paper in my hand. Did I also mention the brat was incredibly observant?

"Oh it's nothing special Vul, just a piece of paper from the school."

"It says 'Notice of Suspension' on it." A voice cleared their throat causing me to turn to see Kal and Ahri standing next to one another in the hallway.

"Suspension Annie?" Ahri asked. "What did you do this time?"

"You say 'this time' like it's a common occurrence mom." I said softly as I put the twins down on the ground before walking to her and offering her the pink slip with an extended hand. Looking at the paper she scanned it briefly and passed it to Kal to do the same.

"That would be because it has become a common occurrence Annie. Fighting in school again? We talked about this the last three…"

"Four." Chimed Vul.

"Gee thanks Vul." I said sarcastically.

"You're welcome." He also had something of a problem with sarcasm.

"We talked about this the last four times then. What did they do this time to upset you?" I bit my lip wrapping my arms around me nervously biting my lip. Ahri gave a soft sigh.

"Vix, Vul, could the two of you please excuse us. We need to speak with Annie in private."

"Okay." The two chimed cheerfully before running back upstairs to play.

"Alright Annie, they're gone now. Go ahead and tell us what happened."

"Okay, so I did get into a fight but it totally wasn't my fault! I mean I was just sitting there talking to some friends and telling them about the adventures and stuff that we had when the mean little asshole…"

"Language Annie."

"Sorry mom, this mean little jerk said that I was lying."

"So you set his pants on fire?" Kal asked raising an eyebrow as he read the letter. "Isn't that a bit extreme Annie?"

"I didn't, Tibbers did. After he called me a liar he took Tibbers from me and he was upset so he just kind of…you know, burst into flames." Kal gave me an unamused look with a sigh.

"Annie, we all know that it's you who controls Tibbers actions. You can't keep doing this just because someone doesn't believe you when you tell them something. Sometimes what makes something an adventure is the fact that it's unbelievable. But even if someone doubts you Annie that doesn't make it okay for you to attack them. What if that boy had been seriously hurt?" I looked down at my feet guiltily.

My parents were really good at making me feel like an idiot sometimes. They were always good at showing me the logic behind actions and why I should or shouldn't have done something. And more often than now they were adept and making me realize just how stupid some of the things I did were. "Sorry Ahri. Sorry Kal." I whispered softly. I felt mom walk over to me and wrap her arms around me lovingly causing me to look up at her. I didn't often use their real names unless I felt really bad about something that I'd done. I don't know why…but it was like I was ashamed to call them Mom and Dad out of fear that they'd be disappointed in me as a daughter.

"We know you're sorry sweetie." Ahri said kissing my forehead gently as her tails wrapped around my waist. Kal approached behind her and hugged me as well.

"But even though you're sorry, it doesn't change the fact that you're still grounded."

"But dad!"

"No, but dad. This is the fourth time this has happened Annie and I'm not sure what it'll take to get the point across that it isn't okay for you to use your magic to attack your classmates just because they don't believe you when you're telling a story." I frowned softly.

"It's just hard to think that so many people don't believe some of the things that Magnus did, some of the things that you two did. It makes me sick that they don't realize just how much of a scumbag he is."Kal gave me that soft smile, the one he had given me so many times as a little girl to comfort me on our adventure when things got difficult.

"I know it is frustrating honey. But he's in prison now, it's best to bury the past instead of letting it come back to haunt you." I nodded softly as they both hugged me tight. "I tell you what…" Kal whispered as he looked into my eyes with those soft icy blues. "I want you to swear to me that you won't ever fight with another student over our adventures again. If you do, I may lessen your punishment…slightly." I smiled and nodded.

"Alright Dad, I swear. Never again will I fight with a student over our adventures."

"Or anything else short of attacking you."

"Or anything else short of attacking me." I repeated. He smiled and held out his pinky, and I curled mine around his. Pinky promises were something of a symbol in our family. In Ionia, there are legends of a red string of fate that connects people's pinkies together. No matter how much you pulled or how tangled it got, the string would always lead you to the person of your destiny. When we locked pinkies it was something of a promise on our love for one another that we'd keep it, and any time I made one I did my best to keep it.

"That's my girl." He whispered softly. "Now I tell you what, you're still grounded for a week, but…tonight there is a circus in town. Why don't you take your brother and sister and go have a good time?" I looked at him dubiously.

"That's your lessening of the punishment? You're making me babysit the twins?" He chuckled softly.

"And letting you go to the Circus by proxy. Ahri and I wanted some…alone time." I held up my hand.

"Say no more, I don't want to know, I don't want to think about it. I don't need that mental image so I'll just grab the kids and we'll head off to the Circus now, kay?" I turned to leave quickly to go upstairs and set my stuff down but before I could Kal managed to catch my wrist and pull me back into a big bear hug before kissing my forehead.

"Hey. I love you kiddo." He whispered. I smiled softly hugging him back.

"I love you too Dad." I whispered back before smiling. "I'll grab Vul and Vix, who knows maybe this circus thing will be fun." I didn't honestly believe that: I always found circuses to be rather boring and bland. Admittedly when you lived in a family of acrobats, swordsmen, magical foxes, and sorcerers it was kind of hard for anything to impress you really. Kal smiled and nodded with his head for me to go and so I went up the stairs to tell the kids.

They both were ecstatic of course, they always loved the Ionian circuses that came to town. "Alright guys, but before we go I need to change out of this uniform, I'd like to get into something a bit more comfortable you know?" They both nodded.

"Okay." I smiled and ruffled their hair as I retreated to my room at the end of the hallway, slipping inside I took off my backpack and tossed it onto my bed causing Tibbers to tumble out one of his button eyes staring at me.

"Oh don't give me that look Tibbers, it was worth a shot. What would they have done to you as punishment anyway? No starch in the next laundry cleaning?" The bear of course said nothing in reply, but he and I had a deep enough connection that I could tell he was not amused by joke. I sighed softly and immediately undid my sweater vest slipping it off as I worked to undo my school blouse. I looked at myself in the mirror as I did turning slightly this way and that as I scanned myself. As arrogant as it was, I had to admit that I for one, thought I was rather attractive. I didn't really have any sort of acne or anything to speak of. My curves were in all the right places and I filled out rather well as I grew older. I mean 34 C is worthy of at least some bragging rights. My pink hair was still the same style as it had always been, and I thought it made me look cute at least. A few boys at school would be inclined to agree…if it wasn't for the fact that I had the nasty habit of setting people who pissed me off on fire. Slipping out of the uncomfortable article my eyes fell upon my semi-exposed body, my bra being white and lacy. Taking off my skirt and stockings I was soon standing in just my bra and panties. I'll admit that that was my favorite part of the uniform. If it wasn't for the fact that the skirt was so long and such a terrible color I'd be inclined to wear it casually, but instead I selected a purple miniskirt and knee-high rose colored stockings. Satisfied with my bottom half at least I decided I'd go for a flirtier look today and so I selected a matching violet cropped halter top that showed off my midriff and a bit of cleavage as well as a halter bra replacing the one I had on and exposing a majority of my back. Satisfied with my choice I blew my reflection a kiss before slipping my tennis shoes on and proceeding outside. There Vul and Vix were already waiting for me dressed in their matching blue and green robes that were very similar to the ones that Kal and Ahri wore. I could never really get into the Ionian style of dress, I mean their silk tops were cute but they didn't always go with what I pictured.

"Wow Annie you look pretty!" Vix exclaimed running over to take a closer look.

"Don't I though?" I giggled showing off my outfit while Vul just shook his head.

"Girls are weird." He said as he proceeded down the stairs and after Vix and I shared a smile we headed downstairs to see Kal and Ahri making out in the living room.

"Really guys? Couldn't wait five minutes for us to leave?" I teased causing them both to blush embarrassed. "I'll have them back before ten okay?"

Kal nodded. "That's fine…but where do you think you're going dressed like that young lady?" I froze turning back to him.

"Dressed like what? Isn't it cute?" I asked innocently. Before Kal had a chance to protest Ahri put her hand over his mouth and winked giving me a thumbs up.

"You look beautiful hon, go ahead. Be good, have fun. Make sure those two don't eat too much junk food that they get sick okay?"

"Okay." I called back before mouthing a silent thank you to my mother. "I love you Mom, I love you Dad."

Ahri smiled as Kal's muffled protest were drowned out. "We love you too dear, go have a good time." Opening the door I herded the two little monsters out the door and onto the path that headed into town. Our house was on an overlooking hill so right outside I could see the large big-top tent that marked the circus' location. Truth be told I was happy to give Ahri and Kal some personal time together. I knew that raising three kids wasn't easy for them and I think a romantic evening would be something nice for them to have. The twins may be too young to understand, but whenever the two were in a room together I could see the gleam in their eyes when they looked at one another that betrayed their feelings and affections. My parents were head over heels with one another and I always thought that the story of how they came together was one of the most romantic things I'd ever heard. To be honest I often dreamt I'd meet a man who could sweep me off my feet the way my father swept my mother off hers.

I let out a romantic sigh as the three of us walked into town and after purchasing three tickets we went inside to find good seats. Luckily we lived in a pretty small town so we managed to get front row. Once everyone was inside the lights went down low as the ringmaster stepped into the center of the single spotlight that shone down on the stage. Holding out his arms he took a grand bow before speaking in a booming voice. "Ladies and Gentlemen! Boy and Girls of all ages! I am proud to present to you here tonight the show of a lifetime: the amazing Circus Extravaganza!"

I sighed softly watching unimpressed as the clowns, trick riders, aerialists, acrobats, and lion tamers came out one after another performing their shows for the audience. Vul and Vix had a hard time not laughing at the clowns' antics and despite that most of the tricks the acrobats performed were ones that the both of them had practiced multiple times in their lessons they still oohed and aahed as they soared through the air with the greatest of ease.

They gasped with the audience as the lion tamer cracked his whip, using a chair to keep the great beasts at bay and they applauded as the horseback riders performed their skillful flips and routines. I, however, was unimpressed. Everything here seemed so phony, so forced. It was as if no one ever had any real talent any more. I watched half-asleep as a blind-folded knife thrower threw knives into a rotating target. He didn't even manage to hit the bulls-eye and still everyone in the crowd cheered. But that was when he showed up.

As the knife thrower packed up his kit I thought it was the end of the show and so I began to stand before the Ring Master came out one last time. "Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight we have a very big surprise for all of you. It is my biggest pleasure to present to you all, here tonight, The Master of Magic, The Professor of Prestidigitation, The Ingenious Illusionist, the one, the only: Brett Tyler!"

Oh great, a stage magician. More than anything I hated these so called "magicians". They all claimed to be miracle workers, able to do amazing things that 'no mere mortals could comprehend' and every time I could see right through their stupid acts. It was like they didn't even try any more.

"C'mon guys let's go this is a waste of time." I whispered before Vul and Vix shushed me turning their attention excitedly to the stage. I let out a frustrated sigh as I watched with them as small pink rose petals fell from seemingly nowhere. Looking up I couldn't see anything: no buckets, no stage hands, no assistants: nothing. But this wasn't even a trick…this was just the intro. I watched stunned as the flowers began to swirl as if caught in an invisible vortex before they scattered vanishing into thin air. Standing in the center of where the vortex had been a man in a bright white silk top hat and cape turned to face me the audience and I felt myself gasp as I discovered him to be no older than me. He was just a kid and he was already a stage magician? I guess they just get younger and younger. He was handsome, that much was certain as the young faced illusionist stepped forward and began to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen…allow me to introduce myself. I am Brett Tyler, master prestidigitator. Now every magic trick is separated into three acts." He said as he reached into his pocket flipping a silver coin into the air before catching it and twirling it skillfully between his fingers. "The first is called 'The Pledge.' It is where I show you a simple and ordinary object. Something plain, not very special. It could be anything really: a deck of cards, a dove, a man…or even something like this coin. I may even ask you to inspect it, to check if it's legitimate or real. Here you go sweetheart." He said flicking me the coin as I caught it in the air. I examined the coin, ensuring that it was indeed real. Showing it to Vul he confirmed my thoughts it was just a regular coin. "But of course for the most part…it isn't. Which brings me to the second part of the trick: 'The Turn'. This is where I make the ordinary object I presented to you do something absolutely extraordinary." With a snap of his fingers I felt the coin slip through my fingers like sand only for it to reform back into his hand. He smiled softly. "Ah see, now I've gotten your attention. Now you're watching closely, you know that this is a trick and so you begin to seek out how I've done it…you won't be able to find it of course. Because the truth is you want to be fooled. You don't want to see through the illusion. But you wouldn't break into applause just yet. Because making something do something extraordinary isn't enough. You need something more is that not so?" The crowd let out a cheer as he smiled turning to look dead into my eyes. "And that…my friends, is the third act…the prestige. It's where I take the extraordinary, and make it do something even more spectacular." Flicking the coin into the air towards me again he snapped his fingers and when the tiny object landed it was no longer a round coin. It was now a small metal rose that landed softly in my hands. The detail was absolutely spectacular, and I could feel my heart racing as I examined it closely. How had he done that? He clearly flipped the coin, you wouldn't be able to flip this rose with precision. Worse upon closer examination it was made of the same material as the coin.

"You see ladies and gentlemen." The man said softly as he approached me with a disarming smile that made my cheeks turn a bright pink. "We magicians see the world in a different way. Where you see something boring and dull…where you look at the world and see a simple Pledge: a normal everyday thing." He knelt down in front of me with a smile taking my hand and staring deeply into my eyes. His were breath-taking. They were a bright gray as though storm clouds over an ocean. "That's…where I see things for what they really are…" he said softly, just loud enough that everyone would could hear him. Perhaps it was the fact he was right there, or that he was staring into my eyes, but I could have sworn he was talking only to me. "Something beautiful and extraordinary." He smiled softly and gently kissed the back of my hand before I pulled it shyly from his grasp provoking another sly grin.

Vix and Vul looked at me beaming brightly. "W-what are you two looking at?" They giggled with one another.

"Annie has a crush on the magician." They both sang.

"I do not!" I argued back. "He surprised me, that's all. Don't be fooled, he doesn't know any real magic, he's just a phony trying to pretend he's better than everyone else because he can move his hands a little quicker." As the show continued he did a few more simple tricks, a couple 'is this your card' sort of stuff. Pretty basic over all. But despite what I had told the twins I had found myself hanging on to every word that came from his lips.

He smiled softly. "Now then ladies and gentlemen, you're probably getting tired of this charade aren't you? You didn't come here to see me guess bits of paper. You came here to see something miraculous and amazing is that not so?!" Another cheer came from the crowd confirming his statement. "Very well! I sense there is someone amongst you who still does not believe that I am a man of magic. Isn't that so…ma Cherie?" He asked turning to look directly at me causing my heart to pound in my chest. "Well, I will give you the chance, right here, right now to prove to everyone else just how much of a phony I am."

"No…thank you…that's really not…" before I could finish however he grabbed my hand pulling me into the center stage as Vul and Vix watched excitedly.

"So then mi amore, what pray tell is the name of the lovely flower that I am addressing?"

"A-annie." I studdered embarrassed. "My name is Annie." He smiled softly to me.

"A most lovely name indeed. Well Annie, I have the sinking feeling that you don't believe my magic is real, is that true?" I frowned and I could feel the entire audience's eyes on me.

"But…it's not real…" I said softly. "You even said so yourself…it is just a trick, an illusion. It's not real magic." He smirked softly.

"You misunderstand milady, I am indeed able to use magic. And I will prove it to you. Tell me, what do you see here?" He handed me a round object like two wheels on an axis with a woven string wrapped around it.

"This is…a yo-yo?"

"1 for 1, it is indeed a yo-yo. A children's toy. But this Yo-Yo is special, can you tell me why?" I examined it closely, the thing was very beautifully painted on either side of it were engravings of blossoms. The string however was not made of cotton or thread.

"The string is made of…metal?" He smiled brightly.

"Very good, you are a bright one. But not just any metal Annie, no! This is tungsten carbide. One of the hardest most durable metals known to man!" Taking the yo-yo from my hand he slipped the knot around his gloved finger, rotating it downwards causing it to buzz before he called it back to his hand with a soft tug. "As you can see, the Yo-Yo clearly functions as normal. Now Annie, I'm going to need your help for my next performance…think you're up to the task?" I turned looking to Vul and Vix who were nodding excitedly for me to do it.

"Erm…I guess so?" I said hesitantly before he smiled.

"I tell you what Annie, I'll make a bet with you. Find me three materials, any three things you want, though I suggest you make them ones that are difficult to break otherwise this won't be much of a trick. I bet you that with my yo-yo here, I can snap anything that you find in two."

"Bet me what?" He smiled slyly.

"A kiss." I blinked.

"Beg your pardon?"

"I bet a kiss from you against my career that I can break any object you bring me in two using nothing but this Yo-Yo." I frowned softly. This was getting out of hand now. How could he possibly know what objects I'd bring him? Fine, if he wanted it that way we'd do it. I wasn't some magician's groupie that would give him something easy to for the sake of his show. Walking over to where the Lion-tamer had been set up I grabbed a chair and placed it in front of him with a smirk.

"Oh…done already? I figured you would have given me more of a challenge." I chuckled softly as he tossed the yo-yo down from his hand causing it to buzz as he performed a sleeper. With a twist of his wrist the yo-yo spun in a wide circle before he shot it outwards by popping the moon as he tugged back the yo-yo I had to prevent myself from laughing. The chair stood completely intact.

"Well…guess all that was just big talk huh?" I said sweetly but he still had a bright grin on his face.

"Don't be so quick to think so." He said softly as he nudged the chair causing it to fall into two clean halves. "You've got two more tries, unless you're willing to surrender the kiss now." I growled.

"Not a chance." I looked around the room again before finding one of the thick wooden hitching posts that the horse riders had used. That thing could hold back a wild stallion, there was no way some stupid kid's toy would be able to… I was interrupted mid thought as with another wild swing of the yo-yo the hitching post slid apart, again another completely clean cut.

"Last chance to prove me a fake Annie." He said softly, "I look forward to stealing a kiss from those lovely lips of yours." I frowned again. I had to find something that would be impossible to break no matter how hard he tried. I saw a strong man off to the side lifting a two thousand pound barbell. That would be perfect. I tapped him on the shoulder and had him carry it to Brett.

"Oh…no the rose shows her thorns. Very well, I'll show you that my magic is indeed real." I watched carefully this time as he swung the yo-yo one last time causing the string to wrap around the barbell. But the metal rod stayed in one piece.

"Hmmm, next time you shouldn't talk so big." I said crossing my arms. He looked at me with a gleam in his eye and with a tug the barbell split apart the 800 pound weight falling to the ground with a heavy thud that I felt in my feet.

He smiled softly at me and turned his head, gently tapping his cheek. "A bet's a bet milady. I believe you owe me that kiss now." I sighed. I wasn't upset about the kiss…more that I wasn't able to prove this phony for what he truly was.

"Fine." I said walking over to him. It was only on the cheek, it wasn't that big of a deal. I leaned in to place a kiss on his cheek but at the last second he turned his head placing one on my lips causing my cheeks to burn red in embarrassment as the crowd applauded loudly the whole room bursting into laughter at his antics.

"Thank you ladies and gentleman it was an absolute pleasure performing for you tonight. I hope that if you can take anything away from my show today…" he smiled, "it's that believing in something truly spectacular is worth more than any reward. Good night." He said bowing as his hat rolled down his arm only for him to catch the brim in his hand. As the people began to filter out of the tent slowly Vix and Vul ran up to us.

"Wow! That was absolutely amazing Brett, how did you do that?" Vul asked excitedly. Brett smiled kneeling down with a wink.

"Why isn't it obvious? Annie's kisses are clearly magical. Otherwise why would she have gotten me to break those objects?" I blushed even brighter.

"Now hold on a second!" I cried. "I know you used some sort of trick, there is no way that a yo-yo could ever do anything even remarkably close to cutting through a 2000 pound barbell. That's impossible!" Brett smiled softly at me and nodded.

"She's right kids, it is impossible. A yo-yo cannot cut through a 2000 pound barbell."

"Thank you!" I exclaimed.

"However…you clearly saw it happen did you not? Sometimes the most amazing thing a person can ever see is the impossible become possible. That's why I became a magician." He smiled softly at me and I glared back at him. "After all Annie…haven't you ever tried to show someone something spectacular, only for them to deny you at every turn?" I gasped softly.

The stories…the one's that I'd gotten in fights over. Were those the same thing as these magic tricks? No, no way! My stories were actually true unlike this loser's shoddy attempt at magic. I watched as Vix tugged on his arm. "Mister Tyler? Do you think you could come home with us to meet our Dad? He's really good at magic too." I looked at her alarmed. How could she even possibly suggest bringing a random stranger to our house.


"I would love to, little lady."

"What?" I asked turning to look at him an eyebrow raised.

"I'd love to visit your house to meet your father, I'm sure he's an amazing person if he managed to raise three children such as yourselves." I looked at the stage magician before looking to Vix. My eyes glanced past her to Vul who was giving me those damned puppy dog eyes.

"Pleeeease Annie." He asked cutely staring up at me. I sighed softly. I couldn't say no to that.

"Fine, but only to meet him then he's going home understand?" Vul nodded excitedly before grabbing Brett's hand.

"C'mon Brett, this way."

"Woah wait a sec guys, I've got to get my stuff first." He grabbed his big case that he used for his trick supplies and placed the yo-yo carefully back into its spot next to one that was identical to it. I watched as he pulled off his hat and taking the large briefcase managed to press it down into the brim, causing it to vanish in side. I watched shocked as the thing simply vanished away intot eh white hat and when the case was gone I was shocked.

"Okay, what the hell was that?" I stuttered. "That was no illusion, what the hell did you do?" He smiled softly placing his hat back on his head.

"Sorry darling, a magician never reveals his secrets." I looked at him suspiciously as Vul and Vix led the way out of the tent pulling him behind them as I followed after. When his cape fluttered past me for a moment I thought I smelled something odd…the sweet aroma of chamomile. It must have been in my head I decided and soon we were walking down the street. When we arrived at our house I was shocked to find that the door had been broken in, kicked off its hinges.

"Vul, Vix. Stay here." I ordered. They looked at me frightened as I ran inside to find that the entire place was a wreck. Furniture was upturned, two wine glasses that had been set out were shattered. The stone sword that Dad always had hanging on the wall was missing, and there were parts of the wall paper that were burnt away from its fiery swings.

"Mom? Dad?" I called out. No response. "Kal?! Ahri?!" I shouted again as I went through the rooms trying to find some sign of them. The entire house was empty and when I started to leave to report back I found lying on the ground its feathers singed a pure black raven. Swain.

I stepped outside to see the magician with a worried expression on his face, holding the hands of both of the twins. I swallowed softly. "Vul…Vix…there is something you need to know." The looked up at me sadly. "Remember the story? The one about how Mom and Dad met?" They both nodded. "Well the person who took away Magnus' powers, he's a really bad person. His name is Jericho Swain…and I'm afraid he came here and took Mom and Dad. But don't worry…I promise, I'm going to bring them both back." Vix and Vul looked at me tears in their eyes as the let go of Brett's hands crying as they ran up to me hugging me tightly. I looked at Brett to see a look of fierce resolve in his eyes.

"I'm coming with you." He said flatly.


"I said I'm coming with you."

"Now hold on, this isn't your problem. You're not a part of this family, and in this family we handle our own."

"I think you misunderstand. That was not a request. I'm coming with you and I'll help you deliver your parents back here whether you like it or not." The twins kissed my cheeks and sniffled.

"We're coming too Annie…we want to help get Mommy and Daddy back…" I sighed softly looking at the both of them.

"Listen you two…this is going to be very dangerous…these people are not like the bad guys in your books or cartoons. They will not hesitate, they will not gloat and monologue allowing you to escape, they will kill you, and they will do it swiftly and without remorse for you just because your kids. Do you still want to go?"

They both nodded and I sighed softly. "Then it looks like we have no choice." I said softly, "we're going to Noxus to find Mom and Dad."

To be continued in Ch. 2 – The road less traveled…