Before you say anything...YES, I AM A TERRIBLE PERSON.

To the 46ish of you that follow this story and the people that have reviewed and messaged me, etc. I am SO SORRY for not updating since last year. LITERALLY last year. I haven't been "gone" from FanFic in a sense. In fact I've been reading it a SHIT TON more, I just haven't really updated and I feel terrible. But I HAVE been writing, just not uploading.

But also, I've had both an AMAZING and struggle-full 2014 and if I'm gonna be honest, things get in the way.



Weird shit I'd rather not mention.

Writer's block…..

^^^ That one's been EATING at me. Sorry :(

But that's besides the point.

The point is that I am BACK and ready to slowly get into the habit of writing my stories and uploading the, when I can. I really have a lot of school stressin me out right now, but I promise you that I will upload when I can and give you guys more Loki/Rebekah plot.

And thank you for being patient with me. I know some of you have messaged me like, "YO, WHERE YOU AT?" and I love you for having the patience of our little American Golden Boy. (ireallyhopeyouallknowwhoimean-review if you know!)

Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter, I've been struggling with it for a few months now, not sure how much I really like it, but enjoy.

BTW some chapters might end up becoming shorter than the usual….sowwie.

Now let's dive into a chapter chock full of some Loki POV! :)

Thanks loves :)

Loki's POV

I was dreaming. That much I knew. What I didn't know was what exactly I was dreaming of, and that notion unnerved me. Murky clouds of smoke surrounded me, a warm breeze filtering through my hair.

I looked around, only to find nothing but the smoke, constantly enveloping me in it's shroud, rendering me confused and still, until a force rocketed me forward. I was standing, body curved against another, my arms wrapped around the waist of a woman. I couldn't see the entirety of her face, but rather the curve of her cheekbone, and a mane of golden blonde hair cascading down her head and onto pale. smooth looking shoulders that were currently nestled into my chest.

"Loki," she murmured, leaning back into me. Her hair brushed my nose, and a wave of vertigo hit me as her scent assaulted my senses. Cinnamon. I gasped, suddenly very new to my current situation, that newness being unaware of what woman was in my arms. Because of the vertigo, I felt as though I would fall away from her, but I didn't. She seemed to be magnetically attached to me, two forces pulled together.

"What...what in Valhalla…?" I stammered, brows furrowed.

"Something wrong?" her voice was melodic, with a slight timbre that I couldn't quite place. So familiar, yet so foreign. She giggled, shifting against me.

"What is this trickery? A dream from those wishing to weaken me?"

"Why Loki, this is anything but. The Norns have decided to enlighten you with a little destiny. Your destiny to be precise."

"Are you one of the Norns? Surely you maidens have better things than try to attempt to entice the God of Mischief whilst he is asleep."

The girl in my arms merely chuckled, still not allowing me to see her face.

"One of the Norns? No...I doubt the real me even knows who they are. I am merely an incarnation of a piece of your destiny, sent with a message." I blinked, looking down at my "destiny"'s shoulder. "And attempt? I believe you're a little more turned on than you're willing to admit. Plus, it must be nice to have a woman in your arms once again, no?"

"I've never believed that the Norns had that ability. And, going back to your point, I'm not in the mood."

"Loki Laufeyson, you may be the God of Lies, but I know you're lying. Besides," she laughed. "If you really don't believe any of this is real...why not lose yourself? I mean...what's the harm in that?"

I suddenly had another wave of vertigo wash over me, and blinked trying to register my surroundings. I was still dreaming. I was still with the blonde woman. I still had my arms around her waist.

And I wanted nothing more than to touch her.

I dipped my head down, lips resting at the crook of her neck and inhaling her scent. There was a giggle. "I thought so."

I heard myself mutter something unintelligible back, planting a soft kiss on her skin. She hissed in contentment, reaching a hand up to tangle her digits in my thick hair.

"I need you to do something for me." She whispered, tugging slightly on my hair. She was pulling me closer, as if she couldn't get enough of me.

Gods it felt good to be touched.

I stroked her sides idly, still nipping and kissing the soft flesh of her neck. She gasped and giggled, her nails sinking into my scalp.

"And what is it that I need to do, darling?" I asked, attempting to turn her in my arms. I felt her body move with my hands, malleable like clay. Her face rushed past mine too quickly, so I couldn't see her face.

Her lips grazed the outer shell of my ear, her breath hot on my skin.

"Wake up."

"Loki." a gentle voice murmured, thin fingers pressing at my shoulder. "Loki, wake up." I furrowed my brow, turning towards the voice. "Loki."

I felt an arm shaking me and I slapped it away aggressively. Again the hand shook me and I groaned, still feeling exhausted from the lack of sleep, pushing at the person. My hand seemed to be resting on their hip, clothed by thin material. Thin, soft material that slipped like soap beneath my fingers. I opened my eyes, my gaze hazy and clouded. I closed my eyes again.

Where did she go?

"Loki." a voice spoke, the hand shaking me again.

"Begone..." I muttered, hand still resting on the person's hip.

"Loki, wake up." I was shaken again and I squinted open my eyes, seeing the figure of a woman standing over me.


"Begone wench!" I muttered again, and then quietly, "Tease."

The woman sighed, hands at her sides. "I don't know how I'm going to put up with you these next few months." I heard her say, words slurred in my ears. Slurred, but soothing. "Loki, please?"

God damn it, I don't want to open my eyes, especially after that.

Eyes still clouded, I moved swiftly and reached for the woman, gripping one of her idle hands in my own, pulling her down and atop me, eliciting a gasp of surprise from her. "No."

"L-Loki!" She exclaimed. I twined my arms around the woman's frame, my nose nestled in her hair. She smelled sweet, yet spicy at the same time, like cinnamon, just like before. It was soothing. As I inhaled the scent of the squirming girl, my brows knit together. Her was familiar. I hadn't noticed the familiarity of it before.

"Your smell is divine." I dipped my nose past her hair, finding my way to the crook of her neck as I had before, ghosting my lips across the sensitive skin.

"Loki!" she squealed, legs flailing, I pressed mine together, trapping her and my legs in a scissor-like pattern. I felt some fabric shift and move as she squirmed. "Loki, what are you do-oh... " she sighed, melting against me. I had started sucking up and down her neck, biting occasionally. I trailed my hands downward, toward the source of the moving material, and was greeted with the bare skin of her thigh.

I gripped her leg and she squeaked in shock.

I chuckled. "What does it look like I'm doing? Do you know how long I've craved human contact? And as long as I'm here, I might as well take what's been offered. You were just with me moments ago."

She stiffened in my arms. "Loki...are you asleep right now?"

"Of course I am." I scoffed, pulling her closer. "You are the one who permeated my dreams! I wouldn't dare do this if I were awake." She went silent. But then she moved, and I wasn't prepared. I still hadn't opened my eyes.

Her voice was suddenly there, close to my ear just like before, her lips brushing against me. "Loki...if you don't let me go soon, Tony's either gonna come looking for us or be alerted by those guards over there. I guarantee if either method is used, then he's going to break your face." At the name "Tony", my eyes snapped open, and I was no longer half-asleep. I practically threw Rebekah off of me and onto the floor in front of me.

"You!" I shouted, pointing at her accusingly as she stood. "What are you doing in here?"

She sighed, hands on her hips. She was indeed clad in a dress. A short, dark green sweater dress that hugged her form, along with knee high, dark brown boots. "Waking you up."

"For what good reason?" I snarled, lip curling in irritation.

She blinked, crossing her arms. "We're heading out. To that little town we'll be staying in? Figured I should get you."

"I thought we were leaving tomorrow." I pointed out. She merely shrugged. "Change of plans. I'm not planning on questioning Fury this morning about it either. He looks like he's in a bad mood as it is, I don't want to worsen it."

"Does he always change plans at the last minute?"

"Do you always grope other women when you're not lucid?"

I simply glared at her. She smirked back, brushing a wavy strand of hair behind her ear. .

A guard walked in handed her a bundle of fabric, and she thrust the bundle to me.

"Here, get dressed, I'll wait for you outside. We're leaving as soon as you're ready." She turned once I took the bundle, so I started to peel off the clothing I currently had on. When I fully got the shirt off, I looked over to see Rebekah standing in the doorway of the cell, staring at me.

"What?" I asked, pulling on the new shirt.

"Uhm...nothing." She muttered, quickly leaving, her face flushed.

Confused for a moment as to her red face, I suddenly realized she was blushing because of my appearance. The corners of my mouth turned upwards as I finished dressing myself in the mundane clothing she had given me.

That could prove to be useful in the future.

Once clothed, I stepped towards the door of the cell, noticing the guards eyeing me warily. One closest to me seemed nervous and fidgety in my presence.

Afraid of me hmm? Let's play with that, shall we?

I whirled on the guard, speaking rapidly in ancient Asgardian and leaning towards him menacingly, which caused the man to fumble for his gun, inevitably dropping it to the ground. The other guards immediately pointed their guns at me, glared plastered on their grim faces.

"Relax, gentlemen." I chortled, turning to them with an amused grin. "It's not like I can really do anything, now can I?" As I spoke, I neglected to notice that the guard I had scared senseless had risen up behind me without my awareness. My knees suddenly gave out as he kicked me, and I gasped as pain shot up my legs, knees knocking hard into the ground. The guard circled around me once, coming to a stop in front of me, the other two guards managing to take positions next to me, guns cocked at my head.

"You're pathetic." Scaredy-pants snarled.

"Pathetic?" I laughed, my eyes suddenly turning to slits on him. "The only pathetic thing in here is the man who's afraid of a weak, defenseless God. That's what's pathetic." His fist swung out angrily, making harsh contact with my cheekbone, snapping my head to the side. Pain flared all along my face, causing me to wince slightly.

"Don't you ever say that again." The other two guards hauled me back up, shoving me roughly out of the now open cell room door and into the slate colored corridor that was S.H.I.E.L.D. Rebekah was a few feet down from the door, a small device tucked between her shoulder and ear as she held a thick folder in her hands.

A cellphone. I reminded myself.

"Yes Fury, we're on our way. He just stepped out of the-" Rebekah trailed off as she caught sight of me, her face suddenly more grim than it had been beforehand.

"Rebekah? Hello?" A faint voice could be heard from her device. But Rebekah paid no mind to her phone, but rather to my face, and more precisely, to the cheek that had just been punched.

I rolled my eyes, walking up to her and taking the device with ease and speaking into it. "I've just stepped out of my confinement, Director. I look forward to seeing you this morning." I snapped shut the device, which seemed to snap Rebekah back to reality. "Too enraptured in my appearance that you cannot speak?" I asked the wide-eyed girl.

Rebekah shook her head, blushing a dark shade of red.

"No, no, that's not it I just….Loki, what happened to your face?"

"I tripped while making my way out."

"I don't believe you."

"I don't expect you to. Lying is my specialty after all."

Her soft caribbean blues narrowed at me. "Did you really trip? You're hardly the type to be clumsy. I'm guessing that's more Thor's fault than yours."

"Smart girl. No, I didn't trip, at least I didn't trip myself."

Her eyes suddenly widened in some sort of realization. She muttered something under her breath, marching past me and back towards the door from whence I came. She knocked lightly, taking a step back as it opened. The man who had struck me stepped out, sneering when he saw me instead of speaking to Rebekah. Seeing this, realization crossed Rebekah's face. Her fist swung out, catching the guard dead center in the face. He flew backwards, flurries of curses streaming out of his mouth, both from the evident pain and anger.

The blonde spun on her heel and marched back over to me, grasping my arm and leading me away from the door.

"C'mon Loki, we have to go."

"Bitch!" the guard screamed. I glanced back to see the other two guards holding him back from charging her. I faintly heard, "Fury'll kill you if you touch her!" and, "You really want Stark to end you?"

Turning back, I saw the faintest hint of a smirk tugging at Rebekah's lips.

Sly girl. I thought quietly.

Rebekah led me through various narrow, twisting hallways, some with multiple sets of doors, some without.

S.H.I.E.L.D's facilities sure are vast. I wonder how often one gets lost in a place like this.

As we turned into a hall-colder than the rest-without doors, I placed a hand on her arm. She stopped, turning to look at me.

"Why did you-"

"Because Flint is an asshole and deserved what he got." She blinked, turning away from me and continuing to walk. "And because hitting you was uncalled for. Not his place."

"But I antagonized him." Rebekah laughed suddenly.

"Flint's aggressive whether or not you'd have messed with him. He would've punched you had you blinked. He's got less patience than Tony did when I was sixteen and dating. And that's not a lot of patience to begin with." I stared at her, continuing to follow. "Besides, it wasn't his place."

"Does that make it yours?"

She turned, grinning a very Tony-like grin. "Exactly."

I followed her to the end, where sunlight filtered through thick panes of glass, their golden rays shining brightly into the hallway. We reached the end of the hallway, reaching a pair of steel gray doors.

Rebekah turned to me, placing a hand on the doorknob. "You ready?"

I rolled my eyes, simply motioning for her to open the doors.

"Shield your eyes at first. You've been locked away for a few days with nothing but indoor lighting. The sun might burn and blind you for a few seconds." Her fingers wrapped around the handle and turned clockwise, pushing forward.

Shield my eyes? She's kidding. I'm a God, not some pathetic human who can't handle a little sun-

As soon as I'd stepped out and into the open, my sight flashed white. I threw my hands over my eyes, hissing and stumbling. I suppose she was right, being exposed to only artificial light only for days and then thrust into the sun does hurt a bit.

"For fuck's sake!" I spat, taking a few more uneven steps backward, not sure where exactly I was moving towards.

I heard a sigh, and suddenly felt an arm around my waist and a hand on my arm, slowly pulling me in the opposite direction of where I'd been backpedaling.

"I told you to cover your eyes." Rebekah's voice murmured. And then I heard, "Stubborn little prick."

I snorted, rubbing my eyes now. "There's nothing little about me." I grinned as she coughed suddenly, as if her throat needed clearing. As we continued to walk, I slowly removed my hands, only opening my eyes when I heard an all-too familiar voice ring through my head.

"Enjoying the sun Reindeer Games?" a voice called from behind me. I turned swiftly, still in Rebekah's grip, looking straight into the covered eyes of Tony Stark.

My eyes narrowed at the intrusion of Stark's entrance. He walked forward, dressed for the cold in a dark black jacket, a knitted hat on his head of unruly, dark hair.

"I am." I responded politely.

"Looks to me like you're more…uncomfortable. Darkness of space more cozy than the natural brightness of Earth?" He finished.

"I actually prefer Midgard's surroundings compared to the open galaxy. Space is too…" I suddenly felt at a loss for a word.

"Empty." Tony inserted, folding his arms across his chest.

I eyed him tentatively. "Yes...empty."

"Come to give me a proper send off?" Rebekah asked, facing her uncle. He grinned.

"Of course I did, what kind of uncle would I be if I didn't?"

"A very, very lame one if you don't mind my saying so."

Tony snorted. "Please, when have I ever been lame?"

Rebekah didn't answer, just started to count silently on her fingers.

"Okay, okay! I get it, I'm not perfect." he eyed me warily before continuing to speak. "How are you feelin, kid? Better?"

She nodded. "Better, yeah. Embarrassed that I had a mini-meltdown yesterday, but it's over, so there's no use crying about it." she blushed. "Thanks for taking care of me by the way. I was a bit of a basketcase."

"Nothing I haven't handled before."

Rebekah's mouth widened. "If you're referring to my teenage years... I would just tread carefully Mr. Stark."

"You were a nightmare as a teenager. Granted, a S.H.I.E.L.D. teen agent, but a nightmare nonetheless. But where you're going, you won't be a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, but a woman and her "husband"." I watched him eye me and put "husband" in quotation marks with his calloused fingers.

"Where are we headed again?" Rebekah sighed.

"Bellingham. Beautiful place chock full of good food and college students. This place has a shit ton of lakes too."

"And when exactly are we leaving for said place?" I asked, finally speaking for the first time in the past few minutes.

Rebekah opened her mouth when another voice cut in.

"Soon." Nick Fury came up behind us, his voice low and angry sounding. "I wanna get you out of here so you can't cause any more trouble than you already have."

Rebekah sighed, tucking some blonde hair behind her ear. "A little unexpected Fury." She commented.

"Deal with it." Fury snapped. "And don't expect me to explain it to you either." Rebekah seemed a little hurt by the comment, as if Fury didn't always speak to her that way.

"Whoa there sourpuss, what's got your panties in a twist?" Tony jeered. "Someone not dry clean your eye-patch? Trench-coat wrinkled? Boots not shined?"

Fury turned to Tony, his one good eye glaring fiercely into Tony's dark pair.

"Let's just say the Chinese Government is giving me problems."

"Problems, sir?" Rebekah questioned.

Fury sighed, sending an apologetic glance Rebekah's way, turning and starting to walk towards the jet, our small trio following.

"The Chinese intelligence representative is flying in tomorrow to speak with me about Loki's little...excursion. I simply figured it best if he was vacated of the area as to not cause any trouble."

"'re sending us out early?" Rebekah's voice was almost accusing.

Fury stopped walking and turned to stare at the blonde woman. "Is there a problem, Agent Matthews?"

Rebekah merely shook her head, hands clasped behind her back.

"I just wanted to say goodbye to Barton and Romanoff but-" She stopped once she saw the look Fury gave

her. "None, sir." She corrected, her gaze firm on Fury.

"Good. Let's get you all loaded then." Fury walked onto the large metal bird, and we followed. Once there, Fury muttered a few words to the pilot before turning back towards us.

"You should land within a few hours. There will be a chauffeur who'll pick you up and bring you to the house. After that, just settle in quickly and get to work." I knew he was not speaking to me, but Rebekah, who nodded intently with a, "Yes sir." slipping from her mouth.

"Then I'm off." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Good luck."

She nodded. "Thank you."

Fury turned, and walked off, not turning back to look whatsoever at his agent. I watched as Tony walked up to his blonde niece, pulling her into a large hug.

"You be careful, you hear me? Don't let this son of a bitch take advantage of you one bit." His glare planted on me as Rebekah sighed.

"I doubt he could take me down, Tony." She pulled back, planting a kiss on her uncle's cheek. "I'll call you when we land, okay?"

"You better." Tony turned to me, his eyes narrowing. "And you," He growled. "Hands. Off."

I held my hands up in mock-defense, taking a slight step back. "I would not dream of it." Rebekah blushed.

"Yeah. Sure."

After a few more snotty remarks and hugs between Rebekah and Tony, he turned, walking back towards the S.H.I.E.L.D. building and through the doors, but not without looking back at us first as the plane closed us in.

Before I got the chance to sit down, Rebekah tossed me a folded piece of dark green fabric, the same color as my current tunic. Casting her a look, I unfolded it and scrutinized it thoroughly.

"It's a jacket." Rebekah said quietly. "Well...technically it's a sweatshirt, but it'll keep you warm for the most part. The planes can get kinda cold at night. Best to preserve your heat now rather than later."

So it was to cover my top half. Knowing I didn't really need it, I considered tossing it aside. But that would not help with concealing my Frost Giant decent. Sighing softly to myself, I attempted to put it over my head, managing to stick my head through a hole at the top of the thick tunic. My arms, however, seemed to be stuck inside the confines of the fabric. Two tubes of fabric on the sides swung idly.

A chuckle emitted from Rebekah, who was glancing at me, a hand over her mouth.

"You know, there are arm-holes for your arms. Unless you already knew that, but you don't really seem accustomed to our clothing." she said, mirth dancing in her eyes.

"I'm familiar with Midgardian clothing. I managed to put on the tunic you gave me before." I rasped, attempting to reach my hands to the holes, but with little luck.

"Here...let me.." Rebekah stood and stepped towards me, causing me to back away a bit, shooting her a disgusted look. " don't want to be touched. I know how you hate being touched by humans, despite this morning...but, may I?" She watched me warily, as if I were poised like a cobra to strike. Sighing, realizing she might genuinely want to help, I nodded.

She stepped closer hesitantly, and moved her hands under the thick fabric, guiding my arms through different holes and out, helping to cover each pale arm. And she was dangerously close to me in that moment. Her fingers brushing against me softly, sending a flutter through my body.

It was that moment that the metal bird jerked forward, moving into position to fly, Rebekah was flung forward and into my chest, her hands bracing herself against me. In that moment, I also happened to sling an arm around her waist sub-consciously.

Her spicy scent overwhelmed my senses, and for a moment, I felt completely frozen, stopped in time against her body, my own limb keeping her close to me. And as much as I claimed to hate human touch, her body against mine felt good, sending shivers down my spine.

Perhaps it was Rebekah in my dream. The cinnamon smell is so similar. I brushed the thought off.

"Ahem..." She cleared her throat as she started to move backwards, away from me. She turned to sit in a close chair, but I gripped her arm and turned her back towards me.

"Something wrong, Agent Matthews?" I taunted, moving closer to her with every breath. I stepped forward still, causing her to nervously back into wall, her hands braced against it.

She was startled, making intense eye contact with me as I slammed my hands above her, slowly bringing my body closer to hers. I grinned, seeing her cheeks flush as she realized the predicament we were in. I trailed a hand down the wall, lifting it slightly to land on her waist gently. She went rigid, and I could see her tense up. I stroked her side, and her blush darkened. I felt a surge of pride in seeing her blush because of me.

She knew I was a tease. She damn well knew it the second she met me. And teasing her was fun. Her reactions spurred me on, and I had an inkling that these next few months would be...interesting. My body lowered slightly, against her body, brushing slightly. She sharply inhaled.

"You know," she said, fingers drumming against the plane's wall. "I wouldn't be too surprised if Tony was hiding on this plane and popped out any second now to pin you down for this."

She smirked at me momentarily before shoving me back and into a chair, barely allowing me time to register what she had just done. I hadn't realized she had that much strength in her.

"There." she said, eyes narrowing to slits, the blush receding."Seatbelt. Or should I help with that too?" I glared as she grinned mischievously, and swiftly moved forward and buckled the strap to keep me secured in my seat. I grimaced at her. "Too slow." she giggled, walking to the front of the plane's cabin.

So she too was a tease.

I sighed. This was going to be a long trip.