AN: Hi everyone! Haven't written anything in a while and went and saw Thor 2 yesterday, which sparked the idea of a LokiXOC fanfic...hopefully it does well. Sorry for the crap writing but I hope you like it...enjoy!

The haze of my dream was thick and seemingly white, like fog. I was in a kitchen, apron on over my jeans and long sleeved shirt as I stirred a bowl of colored cream with a whisk, my hands caked in food coloring and flour. The bowl of bluish green icing sat in front of next to it a hot metal cupcake pan harboring steaming chocolate and red velvet cupcakes.

As I stirred the mixture, a stray hair escaped my ponytail, dangling in front of my face. I didn't want to streak my hair blue, so I tried blowing it away from me, back up and into my hair. After a few moments of this, a pale hand, larger than my own, reached forward and brushed the hair back behind my ear.

"You really thought that was going to work?" a voice murmured in my ear. I would have frozen in place, but instead shivers flew down my spine. I realized the hand had come from behind me and that there was a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I wasn't alone. I turned, dropping the whisk into the icing bowl.

I couldn't see his face. The fog seemed to block it somehow. All I saw were his eyes; striking green eyes that glimmered and shone like emeralds out of the earth. His skin was cold, but I felt warm encircled in his arms.

I wanted to say, "Who are you?", but when I opened my mouth, out spilled, "There's no reason it wouldn't. The hair would have eventually gotten where I wanted it to."

"Highly doubtful." He muttered.

"To you maybe..." I grumbled.

"What, me doubtful? Have you ever heard of such a thing?" His voice dripped sarcasm.

I rolled my eyes. "Highly out of the ordinary if you ask me."

"As if I would." He quipped, leaning into my figure.

I groaned, feeling his weight practically crash onto me. "Get off!"

"But why?"

"You're on top of me, that's why genius."


"You're heavy!" I yelled.

He mock-gasped. "You dare call me fat?"

"Wouldn't be the first time, especially since you can't keep your fingers out of the icing." I muttered.

"So you are calling me fat."





"No." I hissed quietly, "Fatass."

"Wench." So he heard me.





I gasped in fake shock. "Are you calling me ugly?" His eyes widened.

"No..." He said, rolling his eyes.

"Sure sounded like it to me, unless of course that's not at all what you said?" I asked, hands on my hips.

"My words never hinted at you and the word ugly." He snapped.

"You called me and ogre though…" I trailed off, watching his face (though I couldn't see it).

He was silent a moment. "Never mind wench..." he muttered, sticking a finger into the icing and lifting it up to his mouth.

"HEY!" I squealed, slapping his side. "That's for the cupcakes, not a greedy little nymph like you!"

"Nymph am I? Greedy?" He said. I could tell he was grinning.

"Yes. Greedy suits you. If you look up greedy in the dictionary, your picture would be right next to it."

"I'm not that greedy am I?" He asked, a glimmer in his eye.

I snorted. "Please…like I said, you are the definition of greedy. Your name could practically be the synonym for greed."

I heard a chuckle escape him. "If I were that greedy," I felt his hands firmly grip me and haul me up, setting me firmly on the countertop. "Then I obviously would've claimed you as mine and mine alone, to where no one else could take you from me, long ago." My eyes widened, looking into his emerald orbs.

He stared back murmuring, "Eyes of a wench, color of the sea, and yet somehow, I'm captivated." I felt myself lean forwards, him as well to where our lips touched.

He kissed with harsh force and I felt as if my lips were on fire, as cold as his skin was. He bit down on my lip, begging for more. His hands slid around my abdomen and he picked me up, my legs wrapped around his slim waist. I felt it get hotter and hotter until the fog clouded my vision fully and I opened my eyes. Sitting up quickly, hair sticking out in all directions, I was drenched in sweat, head pounding, heart thumping. I touched a hand to my lips.

What just happened?

It was the middle of the night. I could hear the crickets chirping from the field beyond my door, lit up by the moon's pale rays of light. I looked to my clock. 4:46 A.M. I rubbed my forehead, sighing. Man, it was early.

Suddenly, a high pitched shrill rang from nearby. I squealed, clutching my chest. Within moments, I realized it was my phone and I mentally smacked myself for being such an idiot. I reached to my end table and picked up the slim device, groaning at the caller ID. Sighing, I pressed 'Answer' on the screen.

"Hello?" I answered, pressing the phone to my ear gently.

"Did I wake you?" A familiar male voice asked.

"Afraid so sir." I responded, annoyed.

I heard him scoff. "Good. I would get up and pack if I were you Agent."

"And why is that Director?" I countered. I was still very tired and sleep-logged, and did not want to put up with this.

"Because we need you to come in. It's important, and you're the most qualified for the job that we have." He responded. His voice seemed on edge.

I snorted. "What, Romanov not available?"

"Actually, yes. She's on a mission of her own as we speak. Her and Hawkeye both. They won't be back for a little while. You're the next person I have to call."

"Good to know I'm your backup plan, Fury." I sighed.

"It is good to know. Be happy you're not last and that you're the top of my list." Fury snapped.

I sighed, brushing hair back from my face. "How soon do you need me?"

I heard Fury chuckle on the other end. "Tomorrow evening. Think you can make it?"

"Always do."

"Goodnight Agent Matthews."

"Night sir." He hung up. I slammed the phone back onto the end table with a grunt, rolling over and shoving my face into the nearest pillow.

"DAMN IT!" I screamed into the puffy piece of fabric and cotton. I sighed and crawled back under the covers, covering my long legs in an attempt to keep myself warm. I hoped I could at least get some sleep, especially now that I was going into work tomorrow. Pressing my face into the pillow, I closed my eyes, seeing green ones flash behind my lids. I smiled. They were warm eyes.

I slept soundly that night, visions of emerald orbs and cupcakes in my head.