Hello. I've been reading Thomas/Jimmy fics for a months now and I've been wanting to write one for a while but I wasn't sure of the topic. I remembered that I wrote a story 10 years ago (ouch) and I'm going to base this fic with my previous one. I would greatly appreciate comments and reviews. Thank you for reading :)
Another thing is that I'm making Thomas a bit younger. He's 25 and Jimmy 22.
This is an AU modern era story in which Thomas is a prince who is bitter and lonely and wants something else in life. After a drastic decision, he enrolls to Downton Abbey University to see if he can find himself... that is without reveling his true identity.
Thomas opens his eyes and sees that it's morning already. He sighs and stretches on his large bed. He lays there for a few moments, trying to get the sleep out of his body. What will today bring? With a groan, he climbs out of bed, puts on his slippers, his robe and walks to the window and opens the curtain and sighs deeply. Same things... same people... same... everything...
Outside, he sees a large labyrinth garden that is being tended to by several gardeners. On the right side, there are several cars parked, people getting in and out of the cars in a hurry. What's the rush? Thomas shakes his head and closed his eyes for a second in annoyance. Then he saw that on the left side, there was a woman walking five dogs. Father's dogs, bloody dogs.
His thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock on the door.
A shy voice says, "Your Majesty?"
Sigh. Leave me alone for one blasted day. Thomas turns away from the window. "Yes?"
A young man comes in wearing a suit and a tie and looks terrified. "Good morning, sir. I, uh, I just wanted to make sure that..."
"That I was already awake, well yes, as you can see, I am wide awake," Thomas says impatiently with a tight smile.
The young man swallowed, "I uh, apologize, Your Majesty. I did not mean disrespect. "
Thomas closes his eyes and sighs. "I know you don't, Gerald," he says more calmed. "But, must we do this little 'waking up' ritual everyday?"
Gerald nodded furiously. "Yes, sir. The King demands it."
"The King demands it," Thomas repeated quietly. "Right, fan-bloody-tastic."
'Alright, I'll take my leave, your Highness, and I will tell his Majesty the King that you will join him for breakfast." Gerald nodded his head and walked out of the room leaving Thomas alone.
I hate this life.
Thomas was the first in line to the throne, but he didn't want it, none of it. He felt like a prisoner in his own home. His father, the King, had high expectations for Thomas to become King. Of course, he wanted the best for Thomas and his younger brother, Peter.
After the Queen's death, the King has been ruling on his own for the past 20 years. He never remarried. Thomas saw that his father is a rigid man, but his people respected him.
He knew he was always different because he was never interested in girls and when his father found out... Thomas couldn't have hope for a better reaction. He thought about their conversation three weeks ago.
King Albert had summoned Thomas into his library. The young prince could feel his heart pounding in his head. He knows. Thomas stood in front of door, took a deep breath and went in.
"You called for me, father?"
King Albert stood at the window with his hands behind his back. He wore a brown suit. He was as tall as Thomas and his hair had once been dark as Thomas' but was now gray. Without turning, he said in a low voice, "Thomas... have a seat on the couch, if you please."
Thomas swallowed nervously and sat down on the couch. He folded his hands on his lap and twisted his fingers anxiously. The King turned around and smiled tightly at Thomas. "There has been word that you have been spending time with the Duke of Crowborough, is that right?"
Thomas looked down at his hands. "Yes, sir."
The King nodded. "Aha, elaborate for me."
Thomas cleared his throat, "Phillip has become a dear friend to me. He, uh, has been keeping me company lately. It's been, uh, nice to have a friend like the Duke." He twisted in his seat hoping that the subject would be dropped.
King Albert nodded. "I see. I have dealt with his father before. He is a very manipulative man, he's cunning, ambitious, and will do anything to gain power. I also have heard that he has been teaching his son, your "friend", the ways to gain power and such, you see my point, Thomas?"
"I, uh," stammered Thomas.
"Let me get to the bottom of this," interrupted the King. "Two nights ago, around midnight, I couldn't sleep, so I decided to take a walk around the palace. As I was walking close to your chambers, I saw you and Phillip walking out of your door. You had a bed sheet wrapped around your waist and both of your hairs were an utter disaster. I saw you two embrace and kiss. You closed the door and Phillip left. Let me tell you, Thomas, I was shocked. It has taken me some time to process this little encounter of yours. How long has this been going on?"
Thomas was speechless. He thought him and Phillip were careful. But he also couldn't help but think of what had happened that night. The two of them walking around the gardens late at night, Phillip taking Thomas' hand in his. Them kissing passionately against a tree in the middle of the gardens. Thomas moaning when Phillip kissed his neck and ran his hand on Thomas' erection through the fabric of his pants. Them running holding hands and laughing like children when somebody heard them. Phillip telling Thomas, "let's go to your room." Making their way to Thomas' room without getting caught, their hands were always clasped. Inside Thomas' room, they hungrily kissed as they undressed each other, falling on the massive bed. Thomas' legs wrapped around Phillip's waist as he thrust into his body. Thomas crying out and holding on to the Duke's back. More kissing. Phillip grabbing Thomas' cock and moving his hand along with his thrusts. Both of them coming. "I love you," they told each other. Phillip's promise to see Thomas again. Them kissing goodnight. Finally, parting ways.
His thoughts were interrupted by his father and blushed. "This, uh, only happened one time."
The King didn't look convinced. "I see. How long have you not been interested in girls?"
"Ever since I can remember."
"Right. So there is no point in finding you a queen, is there?"
"No, sir."
"I've had my suspicions all along, but it wasn't until that night that everything was confirmed."
Thomas' jaw dropped. "Are you disappointed in me?"
"I'm surprised, that's all. Oh, and worried."
"Why worried?"
The King sat on the couch next to his son. "Thomas, I do not trust the Crowboroughs. They are greedy and I'm afraid the son is using you to get power for himself and his father."
Thomas snorted. "He wouldn't do that to me. He said he loved me!" Oh shit, that came out loud!
King Albert blinked at Thomas' confession and shook his head. "The only thing I am going to say is to please be careful. Please."
"Alright, father. I will be careful."
"Has Phillip contacted you since your... meeting?"
Thomas shook his head. "He hasn't returned my calls."
The King stood up and paced the room. "As I feared."
Thomas stood up too. "I will find him, I know I will," Thomas reassured his father.
Thomas looked at himself in the mirror after he took a shower. He looked unhappy. His face filled with anger and sadness. You're an idiot. "You're going to fuck up as King." He combed his dark wet hair backwards. He tilted his head to the side and could see a small bruise on his shoulder. Phillip... Why did you betray me? He could feel the back of his eyes burn with tears and took several breaths to calm himself down, but the images of the night before consumed him.
It took Thomas almost three weeks to reach Phillip. When he came to Thomas' room, they argued.
"Why haven't you answered my calls and texts?" Thomas almost yelled at the Duke.
Phillip smirked. "I was working, darling. I was very busy." He came close and put his arms around Thomas' waist and held him loosely as he leaned in and placed small kisses on the Prince's neck.
Thomas wrinkled his face. "Darling? What? Hang on!" He pushed Phillip away. "You think you can disappear for three weeks and then come and seduce me like nothing ever happened?"
The Duke snorted. "Don't be such a child, Thomas. I was doing business with my father and I was busy." He wrapped one arm around Thomas' waist again as his hand pulled Thomas' shirt down to reveal his shoulder. He placed his mouth on it and began to suck. "That's all," he said as he continued his actions.
Thomas threw his head back as he held on to Phillip. Then he remembered his father's warning. "What kind of business?"
Phillip looked up at Thomas. "Actually," he said as he released Thomas and sat on the bed. Me and my father are very interested in your father's plan on... some of his projects. So, I was hoping, if you could help me get a preview of... such projects. But you mustn't tell him you're doing this."
Thomas dropped his jaw and stared at Phillip in disbelief. "You want me to betray my father?"
The Duke shrugged. "If that's what you want to call it. You said you hated this life."
Thomas snorted. "Not to the point where I would betray my father and our country! Who the hell knows what you'll do with the information!"
Phillip chuckled. "Darling, you're exaggerating-"
"Fuck you, Phillip!" Thomas pointed his finger at the Duke. Then realization hit him. His father's words, I'm afraid the son is using you to get power for himself and his father. "You... you don't love me. You had sex with me to get closer to what you really want... power. Isn't that right... darling?
"So, I'm taking you won't grant me access?"
Thomas smiled tightly and went to push a button by the door. Phillip followed his movement. "What are you doing?"
Thomas shrugged. "Oh, using power, of course," he said lowly and carefully. At that same time, there was a knock on the door. "Come in," he said. Two large security men came in the bedroom. "Your Majesty, is everything alright?"
Thomas nodded. "I need you to escort the Duke of Crowborough out of the grounds and if him or his father dares to set foot here... arrest them."
"Thomas! You can't be-"
"You will not address me in such informality," Thomas spat. "Take him away, gentlemen."
One of the guards grabbed Phillips by the arm and pulled him out of the room as the other guard closed the door, making Phillip disappear forever.
Thomas finished his thoughts with a sigh as he walked out of his chambers, dressed in a tan suit with a light blue tie. He walked down the stairs and went into the dining room. The King was sitting at the head of the table. Thomas sat on the right side.
"Good morning, son," greeted his father. "I-"
"Father," interrupted Thomas. He took a deep breath and said, "you were right."