Newest Fan Fiction: Not a one-shot either!

Hermione goes to restore her parents memories but it's not working. Her love for them keeps her near, but as a different person. Now she is befriending the Grangers again and settling down in Australia right before her life changes again. Changes because of a certain pureblood family.

Everything (excluding the epilogue) is the same as J.K. Rowling crafted. EVERYTHING AND IT ALL CAME FROM JOE ROWLING! OWN NOTHING except minor characters. . . BUT EVEN THEN THEY ARE BASED OFF OF SLEEPING BEAUTY CHARACTERS SO YEAH!

So Sleeping Beauty won the favorite Disney movie contest by one point. So this is loosely based off of Sleeping Beauty, except the mortals in that movie are actually witches and the witches are like mortals and stuff….? I don't know but I swear I'm better at writing stories than I am talking through text, or talking at all, so go. Read

STOP READING THIS SHIT AND READ THE SHIT DOWN THERE! \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ (its not really shit, i've been told its pretty good)

"Good bye my beautiful, sweet baby. You will grow and be loved by all who know you. When you reach the extent of your glamor, I will come for you, I promise. I love you, Aurora."

The words don't wake the sleeping four-months old baby and neither does the chime of a doorbell or the smack of feet on concrete. The chime does however wake the muggles inside of the house that a baby girl has been left in front of. The husband of the two muggles gets out of his warm bed, mumbling things about the time of night and several profanities.

He is in a very foul mood by the time he reaches his front door, and swings it open to reveal no one. About to slam the door closed in frustration, Mr. Granger finally catches sight of the baby on the ground. He gasps and quickly picks the baby up to check its pulse, its forehead, and, of course, the baby's gums.

For a moment Mr. Granger just stands there, looking at this beautiful baby girl in his arms. For many years he and his wife had longed for a child, but had found out they could not have one unless they adopted. Was this baby girl an angel from God sent to grant their deepest wishes? Mr. Granger smiled down at the baby girl as she moved slightly in her purple blankets and he knew she was his angel. As Mr. Granger turns and walks into his house, he does not hear the sound of a faint pop. Just as the door locks a witch apparates away crying for the loss of her baby girl.

For the next sixteen years, the Granger family lives together in some what ignorance bliss. Hermione Granger had grown to be a bushy haired girl with straight teeth and a straighter back bone. Nothing in her life was strange to her, yet everything in her life was strange to most others. Being a part of the Golden Trio does that to a witch. Yet throughout all of her sixteen years, her parents have been supportive of everything they were aware she did.

Hermione loved the Grangers like parents, and they were her parents for sixteen years. And then she subconsciously chose to go on the quicker path to finding out who her real parents are.

(16 years later)

Hermione Granger closed her trunk with a snap. "There," she thought, "that's everything."

On the bed sat the daily prophet, its headlines still spreading terror throughout the wizarding world. Yet as long as it is still spreading bad news about Voldemort, the Order of Phoenix knew he hadn't taken over the Ministry. Today's headline read "Dark Mark is spreading Panic." Hermione wasn't interested in that part of course, everyone in the Order knew all about the panic and the many Dark Marks. What Hermione Granger was more concerned about was the little section on the front page that concerned another muggle killing. The muggles who died had a daughter her age, so had the muggle family who got killed last week, and the week before that. It had been a pattern of muggles with brown hair being killed who had children Hermione's age, boy or girl, since the beginning of summer. This killing was a bit too close to home. That's why her trunk is packed and the only thing left that she plans to keep was the news paper in my hands.

"Hermione? Dinners ready, darling." Monica Granger calls from the bottom of the stairs. Hermione winces slightly at hearing the last time her parents will say her name. She stuffs the trunk in a beaded bag.

"Coming mum!" Hermione says loud enough for her mom to hear, yet quiet enough Monica doesn't hear the slight quiver in her voice.

Hermione walks down the stairs slowly and quietly, skipping the fourth to last step so her parents don't hear her coming. She stands behind the teal colored couch and watch the Grangers for a moment. They don't take notice to her as they watch the television that was charmed to show things about Australia.

"It looks wonderful doesn't it?" Monica says. Behind them, Hermione sucks in a breath as she concentrates on what she want, what she needs. As the reporter begins discussing the islands, she raises her 10 3/4 inch wand and clearly states the spell she had been practicing the past week. It was a difficult spell, not wiping the memory like Obliviate, but altering it. It was difficult to preform it and harder to concentrate in this situation, she did the best she could.

"Sumo Memoria." Hermione pictures her face and full name as she says it. When the light from her wand grows smaller, she knows that the only way that the Grangers will remember they have a daughter is for their own blood to restore those memories. And that is what Hermione Granger will do when this war is over.

Casting a simple and quiet charm over the house, all items connecting to her, and all photos with herself in them vanish. All evidence of her, vanish. With one last glance at Wendell and Monica Wilkins, Hermione walks out of her childhood home and begin walking towards the end of the street looking back only once.