A/N: So I was just refreshing my memory by re-reading the previous chapters and realised a mistake I made regarding Hunith. So my excuse to Arthur for Merlin's trip to Ealdor was that is his mother was ill, however, I said that he told Arthur his mother was dead so I tweaked some chapters and changed the reason for Merlin's trip. Nothings to different I just made it make sense. So if you don't want to go back and re-read everything I just changed his excuse from his mother being ill to an illness sweeping through Ealdor and how they need someone with medical training. I also edited out the spelling errors and such if I have missed anything tell me and I will fix it. Onwards :D





Clouds of grey spiralled into the inky midnight sky from the small fire that sat in the middle of the camp that was hastily put together by Merlin and his men. The small group sat around the campfire silently each of them staring at the flames popping and crackling before them. Each had their respective sleeping bag set up and ready to use.

Lucian shuffled slightly before standing and facing his companions. "I'll take watch. You guys get some sleep." He said before walking to the edge of the clearing and turning his back on the group to watch the surrounding trees.

One by one each member of the group stood and made their way over to their sleeping bags and settled in for the night. However, one figure remained seated before the fire with their head down and eyes closed.

"Go to bed Merlin. We have a long ride ahead of us." Lucian whispered over the even breaths and light snores of his brothers and Freya.

"Even if I go to bed Lucian I won't be able to sleep. Not with Ada out there with Cedric." Merlin replied.

Lucian sighed quietly before abandoning his post to make his way towards Merlin. "Kilgharrah is looking for her and you know he will not stop until he finds her. We will get her back Merlin. I promise." Lucian said as he took a seat next to his friend and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I know and I'm grateful to him. It's just, what if it's too late? What if she's gone?" Merlin whispered sadly.

"She's not gone Merlin. You know how strong she is." Lucian said. He squeezed his friend's shoulder before standing and saying "Go to bed Merlin." He strolled back to his post, watching the trees.

Merlin sighed before standing and making his way to his bed roll. He plopped himself down and got ready to sleep for the night.


Fire. Screaming. Smoke. Ada!

Merlin jolted upright as he woke, startled. His blue eyes moved rapidly around the clearing in search of the fire. Once he was assured there was no fire or screaming people Merlin sighed slightly and relaxed back into his sleeping bag.

"Come on guys, we need to get going if we want to make it back to Camelot before nightfall." Will said to the group as he put out the embers that remained of the fire they had made the night before.

The group packed up their camp quietly, only talking occasionally. They moved quickly, rolling up their sleeping bags and securing them to their horses, picking up any pots that were left out from the previous nights meal and their water skins that were placed next to each persons bed roll.

Once the camp was packed up they mounted their horses, Freya jumping on behind Merlin, and set off in the direction of Camelot.


The sunlight filtered into the small stone cell through a tiny barred window. A groan echoed around the enclosed space as a small, slim figure stirred. Chains rattled as the figure moved from their curled position so they were leaning against the damp wall.

The rattle of keys sounded just outside the cell causing the woman to slit her blue eyes open and looked towards the door.

"Breakfast is served Your Majesty." The bandit said mockingly before pushing a plate holding one slice of stale bread and a tiny lump of mouldy cheese.


"Get the camp packed up! You! Make sure I am undisturbed while I talk with the Princess." Cedric's voice boomed across the clearing.

Ada sighed. Getting up quietly she sat up in the carriage and plastered a fake smile on her face. She heard the door click as the handle was pushed down, opening the door. Light streamed in through the open door, momentarily blinding her before the door clicked shut behind the Cedric.

"You will be coming to Camelot with me. You shall pose as my daughter so I can bring Merlin out of hiding. Once I find him I will kill him and I shall send you to your mother." Cedric said with a smirk. "I will have one of my servants bring you something more, fitting, to wear." Cedric turned and made his way out of the carriage and away from the Princess.

'What should I do? How am I supposed to choose between my mother and my brother? If I help him he will kill Merlin but if I don't what would happen to mother? And me?' Ada thought as she sat frozen.

A knock at the door broke her from her paralysis. She stood and opened door to find a young serving girl holding a beautiful red dress. She passed it over before asking "Do you need help M'Lady?"

"No thank you. I am sure I can manage." Ada replied.

The girl nodded before running off to complete the rest of her chores. Ada closed the door before removing her night gown and changing into the red satin dress.


The sound of horses hooves beating against the forest floor echoed through the trees as the group of five made their way back to Camelot.

'I'm sorry Merlin I have been unable to locate Princess Ada yet. They must be in a dense section of the forest so I am unable to see them from above. Do not worry young Warlock I will keep searching.' Kilgharrrahs voice resonated in Merlins head as he rode towards his home.

'I know you will Kilgharrah. I don't doubt your ability to find her. Stay safe.' Merlin replied before focusing on the road ahead of him.

A/N: And done! R&R. I don't know when the next update will be. I suppose it will be the next time an idea strikes. Thank you to all those who followed, favorited and/or reviewed :D Until next time!