AN: It is a sad fact of life that my story- previously places as this chapter but now its own story- about killing off all the flamers of the world has been the recent target of flamers.
It is too laugh, right? I mean, how idiotic must one be to prove their stupidity in such a way?
Anyway, I gained Nny's help in writing up some Haiku to replace the chapter the yapping little dogs were insisting that I take down because "you're not supposed to double up on chapters" or however their annoying little voices put it.
So here all you wonderful non-flamers go, please enjoy.
And as for you flamers sitting there and getting all offended, just go suck an egg. Flaming a story about yourselves just proves you don't have a real life, you know. Oh! And go check out my new story 'Die Flamer Die', I've written it with only you asshats in mind.
Disclaimer: I've said it before and I'll say it again: I don't own anything related to JTHM. But if you listen to the flamers during their little babble sessions it sounds as if they believe that they own everything in the free world and can therefore dictate everyone else's actions.
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac presents:
Haiku for Flamers
Flamers are shit filled
They should all die horribly
Stab them with my knife
Kill all the Flammers
They do not deserve to live
No-one will mourn them
Flamers worst thing ever
Even worse than cheerleaders
Tase them all, bury alive
To write is to love
Flamers ruin everyone's love
Love to kill flamers