A/N: this is the sequel to In My Hands, hope you all enjoy! :D

Pairings: Established: Destiel, Sabriel, Balcifer


Here they were once again, on the road. Without a word to Sam or Gabriel Dean had driven off with Castiel riding shotgun towards Minneapolis. They'd been driving non-stop since two days prior when Crowley had sent out his distress call to Dean. Dean hadn't trusted Crowley since the whole trials ordeal, but while he and the unofficial rest of Team Free Will had been restoring Heaven to its former glory, Crowley had been amazingly assisting Kevin in locating Abbadon their other threat. He'd left the bunker after having tracked her for months and now once he'd finally gotten the drop on her in Minneapolis he'd been injured when Abbadon attacked him. He'd called Dean late one night informing him that Abbadon had disappeared somewhere in Hell's underbelly and that he now needed Dean's help in finding her.

Dean and the rest of Team Free Will had spent a few months without realization making their way through the seven Realms of Heaven, fighting various threats such as seemingly vicious Angelhounds, the flames of the Soul Train and even Metatron himself. Chuck Shurley, a supposed Prophet from earth that Dean, Sam, and Castiel had met long ago and who had disappeared from the face of the earth had showed up to help defeat Metatron once he realized the Winchesters were in Heaven and in trouble. As it turned out Chuck had been God in disguise all along and had cast Metatron down to wherever, destroying him and leaving Team Free Will unharmed and a once graceless Castiel redeemed and up to full power once again. All had ended well and Team Free Will had returned to earth unscathed and a hell of a lot happier than before. Gabriel had dragged Dean's brother off on a romantic excursion to God er…Chuck knows where, but Dean knew he was safe. Castiel and Dean had been working on their new found relationship as well since the both of them had finally admitted a long hidden truth to one another; they loved each other more than friends and had for a long while.

Currently Dean was driving way too fast towards Minnesota with Castiel in the passenger seat staring out the window, Kevin in the backseat, and Titan, the Angelhound that had bitten Dean's ankle and that Balthazar had decided to give to Dean, leaning his head out the open window and drooling down the highway. Kevin seemed a bit uneasy with the hound right next to him.

"Oh c'mon Kev," Dean laughed, looking back in the mirror at the Prophet who currently had a lap full of Angelhound butt. "He's a real sweetheart."

"Dean," Kevin grimaced. "I have a dead dog on my lap, a living, breathing, dead dog."

"Ain't that the most ironic sight you've ever seen," Dean chuckled and looked over at his boyfriend who was watching the trees fly by. Castiel had offered to fly them all there, but Dean had decided they were driving, no questions asked. "Right Cas?"

"Oh yes," Castiel said, he seemed a bit distracted. "Right Dean."

Dean sighed. Castiel had been acting a lot different ever since Heaven had been restored. Dean had been meaning to sit down with the angel and talk to him about it all, but once he received that phone call from Crowley everything "normal" about their lives had gone to Hell once again.

"I sent out a prayer to Gabriel," Dean said, changing the subject off of Castiel. "He said he and Sam would get there before us, but they needed a day to get their bearings together."

"What about Balthazar and Lucifer?" Kevin asked, still trying to somehow push Titan off of him, but failing. "Have you spoken to them?"

Since Heaven's restoration, Lucifer and Balthazar were now both back in Heaven seeing that things were tended to. Lucifer had redeemed by Chuck after he'd decided to help the Winchesters and his home. He'd resigned from his original position as head of the Distinguished Angel Council and had let Donathan keep the position. He'd become a Warrior instead and had been working with Balthazar and the other angels to restore Heaven to its once former glory. Dean hadn't heard a peep out of any angels but Gabriel and Castiel. All in all it had been fairly quiet in Heaven.

"They've been busy," Dean explained. "I didn't want to bother them, but I suppose if we're going to deal with the Queen Of Hell, we'll need all the help we can get."

At the mention of her name Titan growled and stood at attention, leaving Kevin completely smothered in dog. Dean and Castiel laughed.

"That's right bud," Dean took his hand off the wheel for a second to pet behind Titan's ear. "We're gonna kick her ass."

Titan barked and lay back down on Kevin's lap earning a sigh from the Prophet causing laughter to once again erupt from the front of the vehicle.


It was dinner time when the trio and Titan reached the heart of Minneapolis. They checked into some dirty run down hotel. Titan housed the power to turned invisible if need be so with a quick order by Dean he did. The hotel manager checked them in and they carried their bags up to the room and shut the door. Once they did Titan turned re-visible and barked once, hopping on one of the beds, panting and wagging his tail excitedly.

"Ssh," Dean scolded him and Titan's ears drooped with a whine. "Do you want people to kick us out? Keep it down will yah big guy?"

Titan rolled over exposing his belly and whined for Dean to rub it. Dean rolled his eyes and sat down next to the wolf-dog Angelhound and proceeded to scratch his tummy earning a string of happy noises to come out of his muzzle. Kevin smirked, but didn't comment. Castiel simply sat down on the couch in the room and waited for Dean say something.

"Crowley called me on his cell phone," Dean explained their current situation to the room while Kevin and he unpacked their belongings. "But since he is practically human I assume he'll have traveled to one of the hospitals in the area to heal. I'll need Sammy and his hacker skills for that."

"Look no further Dean-o," Gabriel and Sam were suddenly standing in the center of the room, Sam looking very jet-lagged and Gabriel smirking. "For we have arrived."

"Gabe," Sam held his stomach for a moment. "Did you have to do that so fast?"

"Sorry Samsquatch," Gabriel leaned up and kissed him. "Dean-o here said he needed our help quickly."

Dean took in the sight before him. Long ago Dean hated the trickster, later known to them as Gabriel, and wanted to kill him. Sam did too. But something had happened up in Heaven and the two had decided to profess their mutual attraction as well. Dean wasn't bothered by it so much anymore, he'd originally been jealous; he just wanted to see Sam happy.

"Damn straight," Dean tossed Sam his laptop which Sam caught and immediately bitch faced his brother. "Sammy I need you to check the records of the hospitals of any males admitted into any hospitals nearby."

"Dean that could take hours," Sam complained. "And besides that could be anyone! It could take forever to find Crowley among them and besides he'd probably never use his real name!"

"Figure it out Sammy!" Dean said, grabbing a beer from the mini fridge and popping the lid. "It shouldn't be that hard, just look for anything unusual."

"Oh and what are you going to do just sit on your ass with Cas and that dog of yours?" Sam sat down at the table, opened up his computer and started to work.

"That's the plan." Dean smirked and petted Titan's head before motioning for Castiel to join him on the bed.

"Lazy ass jerk." Sam grumbled.

"Bitch," Dean replied, missing the little things like that with Sam. "That archangel of yours not giving you enough? Or is it that stick up your ass?"

Sam rolled his eyes and started to work earning a hearty laugh from Dean as the older of the Winchesters cuddled up to his angel and affectionately kissed Castiel's forehead. Dean wasn't much for PDA, but with Castiel and in front of his family he was okay with it. They already all knew, so why not? He looked down at Castiel who was zoned out and watching the television Dean had turned on, laying his head on Dean's chest and snuggling into him. Dean smiled and clicked the volume up a bit just as Looney Tunes came on. Castiel smiled and sighed contently into his hunter's chest.


"So get this," Sam spoke up a half hour later and earned everyone's attention. "There's only two admittances in the past two days that seem similar to Crowley. One is a Mr. Crowson; a similar name to Crowley's but the appearance doesn't match. The other, a Mr. Fergus Singer, perfect match it seems. Possible injuries sustained by Abbadon match too."

"Fergus is the name of his vessel," Gabriel spoke up. "And Singer, Bobby's last name perhaps it was the only one he could think of?"

"I have lost people too, people I cared about."

The voice of Crowley echoed in Dean's mind as Gabriel said that. Crowley had in fact, with an exception of Meg, been the most human of all the demons Dean and Sam had ever encountered in their lifetime. If he had in fact lost people he actually could care about, had Bobby really been one of them?

"Well," Dean said, getting up from the bed and shedding Castiel and Titan from on top of him. "That's the best we've got so I say we head on over."


Dean parked the Impala as far away from the hospital's security cameras as he could. Sam, Kevin, and Titan exited from the back and front seats and Castiel and Gabriel landed a few feet away at the hospital's entrance. Gabriel motioned for the rest of them to follow.

"Titan," Dean ordered. "You may wanna go invisidog on us; you can come in just stay hidden ok?"

"You got it," Titan spoke through Dean's mind to him and turned invisible before they entered. "But are you sure this is a good idea? I mean we just fixed Heaven. What if we're in over our heads here boss?"

"Not like I haven't faced the impossible before." Dean muttered to his invisible dog and shut his mouth when they reached the front desk. "We're here to see Mr. Fergus Singer?"

"Ah yes," the nurse said. "He was talking about you. He's right this way and lucky to be alive. He sustained possible life threatening injuries is he hadn't gotten here sooner."

Dean and company followed the nurse to Crowley's room. Dean resisted the urge to pet behind Titan's ear for fear of looking crazy, but in all honesty it soothed him sometimes to have the hound nearby. They all strolled into Crowley's room and were greeted by the ex-demon's smile. He was hooked up to an IV in a hospital bed with a not so great view of the outside parking lot. He had a few scars on his face, but he looked as if he was on the mend since the two days prior when he'd first called Dean.

"You're looking well Dean," Crowley remarked. "As are you Sam. Your angels treating you well? Hey Kev!"

"You look better than I'd anticipated." Dean said, sitting down in the chair next to Crowley's bed. Titan whined and placed his head on Dean's lap. Dean looked around for cameras and gently started to stroke the fur on the invisible dog's head.

"And I see you brought that hound of yours with you," Crowley chuckled. "And how you got him by security."

"Cut to the chase Crowley," Gabriel said, looking up to the clouds outside the window. "Where did you last see Abbadon before she got the jump on you?"

"Patience grasshopper," Crowley replied. "I was in an alleyway a few blocks from here when I spotted her; she put up a hell of fight. I zigged, she zagged and I ended up beaten and bleeding. She smirked, her heel on my chest, and snapped her fingers. I saw a portal to Hell open and she disappeared through it. It closed behind her and I passed out. Next thing I knew I woke up here and here you all are."

"So what you're saying is," Sam asked. "Abbadon is in Hell, and she's…"

"She's waiting for us to make the next move…" Crowley sighed.

"So hold up a second," Dean exclaimed. "You mean that bitch wants us to come to her!"

"It would appear so Dean." Castiel replied.

"So basically that means…" Kevin gulped, fearing the worst.

"Congratulations," Crowley said sarcastically. "You boys are on the highway to Hell."

Read and Reviews are appreciated a lot! :D

So? Their next journey will be Hell! Exciting!

What will happen down there?

And will they catch Abbadon and kill her?

More to come soon guys!