A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed! Also, in response AkaNeko-Sesshy, I did make the song up but I was inspired by 'Music of the Night' from Phantom of the Opera! It's my second favourite musical. This chapter takes place at the same time as when Sesshomaru and Kagome arrived home in the previous chapter.
Also, I am thinking of adapting tsome of my fanfics into audio dramas on YouTube, and this would be one of them, and maybe my Sesshomaru add Rin add Jaken equals Family fanfic...what do you guys think? Please let me know if you think I should do it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, however I do own Aiko.

"That practise was great Kohaku!"

"Your footwork during that second hour...I've never seen anything like it!"

Kagura smiled as she listened to her younger brother and his best friend talk about their football practice. She kept her eyes on the road, occasionally glancing back to check on the younger duo.

"Hey, Kags!"

Kagura glanced quickly at her brother before returning her stare to the road, "Yes Hakudoshi?"

"Can Kohaku stay the night?"

Kagura thought for a moment, before nodding her head. "Sure."

"Thanks Kags!"

"Thank you Kagura!"

Kagura chuckled, pulling up into the driveway. The boys jumped out of the car and rushed towards the door, excited to start their sleepover. Hakudoshi unlocked the door, and Kagura heard the boys running up the stairs. She chuckled as she entered the house, shutting the door behind her and heading towards the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Once her tea was made, Kagura headed to the front room, curling up on the couch with a book in one hand and her cup of tea in the other. She nestled into a comfortable position and opened her book to the correct page.

Kagura loved to read. She loved escaping from her life, away from her over-bearing mother and complicated family tree, by opening a book and getting lost in the words. It must have been hours before she was finally disturbed by something falling over.

Kagura put her book down, making a mental note of where she left off. She picked up the picture that had fell and smiled lovingly at it. The picture was taken on Rin's tenth birthday. Rin was stood in between Sesshomaru and Kagura. All three had party hats on and Rin was grinning, giving the camera a thumbs-up. Kagura herself had a hand on Rin's hair, ruffling it with a huge grin on her face, while Sesshomaru had a hand on Rin's shoulder and Kagura swore she saw a smile pulling at his lips.

Kagura chuckled at the memory, putting the picture back down gently. She loved her siblings so much, she didn't know where she'd be without them...

"Kagura, darling!"

Oh yeah. Living with Aiko, her over-bearing mother.

"I'm in here, mother!"

The door slammed open and Kagura glanced up at her mother. There in front of her was the woman she was meant to idolize, meant to adore...so why didn't she?

"Kagura, darling, look at how you've grown! It must have been ages since I last saw you!"

Kagura spoke through gritted teeth. "It was half a year ago."

Kagura's mother waved her hand, dismissing what her daughter just said. "Yes, yes, dear. I missed you so much, my precious. I've come for more than just the usual catch up though, darling."

Kagura clenched her fist, but kept her anger under control. "What do you need, mother?"

Aiko sat down next to her daughter, crossing her arms over her chest. Despite her age, she still looked young and beautiful, and she knew it. Kagura remembered all those times when people commented on her mother's clothing, be it to Kagura's face or behind her back.

"I remembered something a few days ago," Aiko said, snapping Kagura out of her thoughts, "That little brat Sesshomaru is going to be twenty-one this year, correct?"

Kagura balled her hand into a fist. No one spoke of her brother like that! Sure, they were only related through Inutaisho, but they were still related! Kagura wanted to punch her mother in the face, break that pretty little face of hers, and send her crawling back home, but one look in her mother's eyes made her throw that thought out of the window. Her own mother terrified her.

"Yes," Kagura said softly, "It's his birthday in a few weeks."

A grin fell on Aiko's face. "In my dear husband's will, he said that the company would be given to Sesshomaru, unless he denied it by his twenty-first birthday. The next child it would go to would be Inuyasha..."

Kagura felt her throat tighten at her late half-brother's name.

"...and if Inuyasha denied the rights to the company, it would go to you."

Kagura blinked. "What? Father...wanted me...to have the company?"

Aiko laughed harshly, causing Kagura to move back slightly, "Only if Sesshomaru and Inuyasha denied it. It took so much convincing from me for him to consider you having the company!"


"Anyways," Once again, Aiko dismissed her daughter's problems, "I think you would be a fine candidate to run the company, my dear. You're a respectful, polite, well-mannered young lady..."

Kagura felt her chest swell with pride as her mother complimented her.

"...and if the great Shikon company has a woman running it, we'll have such a reputation!" The pride melted away as quickly as it came. "And with Inuyasha's unfortunate death, you are the second choice for the company."

Kagura raised an eyebrow, "What are you trying to tell me, mother?"

"It's simple dear!" Aiko chirped, wrapping an arm around her daughter, "You and I are going to team up and make Sesshomaru deny the offer! We're going to crush his spirit and make him not want to accept the offer!"

Kagura gasped and pushed her mother away, "No! Sesshomaru's just starting to get better after Inuyasha's death! We can't do that to him!"

"Exactly!" Aiko cheered. "He's just started to come to terms with the loss of Inuyasha, so if we crush his spirit, he'll never want to take the company!"

Kagura stood up, putting her hands on her hips. "What makes you think I want to hurt my half-brother?!"

Aiko's eyes narrowed at her daughter and she stood up, glaring down at her. She reached a hand up and cupped Kagura's chin in her hands. "Because my dear..." Her voice was sinister, and it scared Kagura. "If we have all that money, we can afford for our darling Rin to have private medical attention." Kagura's eyes widened, and Aiko let a satisfying smirk fall onto her lips. "We could pay for her to live here and have her doctors visit her...we could have our darling back.. You could have your sister back."

Kagura struggled to talk, but soon, the words came out. "A-And if I don't h-help? What will h-happen then?" She cursed herself for stuttering, but she was terrified.

"Simple. I'll pull out the money I pay towards Rin's hospital fees."

Kagura's eyes widened. "She's your daughter! You can't do that!"

"I can, and I will!" Aiko spoke in a calm voice, which terrified Kagura even more than if Aiko was screaming at her. "Sesshomaru may have money, but neither you or he have a job. I get paid the most, and I offer the most to my daughter's treatment. If I pull my share of the money out, who knows what will happen?"

Kagura glanced to the side, once, twice, before her eyes landed on the floor. "I...I'll help you."

She didn't have to look up to see the smirk on Aiko's face. "That's my girl." Aiko patted her eldest daughter on the cheek twice; the first one was soft, and the second one was harsh, and it temporarily stung Kagura's cheek. "I'll take my leave now."

Kagura only watched as her mother walked away. Aiko reached the door before turning back to Kagura. "Remember Kagura...Rin needs you."

And with that, she was gone.

Kagura stood in silence for what felt like hours. How could Aiko threaten such a thing? Rin needed that treatment! Slowly, Kagura fell to her knees, and before she knew it, she was crying.

"My siblings..."

Please tell me what you think of the audio drama idea! Also, what are your opinions on Aiko? This is my first time writing with a big villain!