Dedicated to Sam L Manson (since she is the reason I like this couple. Damn you!) And there's been loads of problems recently between me and my ex-best friend (Robyn, you know who I'm talking about.) and she's always been there. She has literally been my rock and my shoulder to cry on, and I can't imagine my life without her. She cheers me up when no one else can and always makes me feel better.
And when we fall out, we make up in the silliest ways possible. How do you spell dinosaur, Robyn?
So this is my first Sesshomaru/Kagome fanfiction, and it is dedicated to the best friend ever!
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or Face Down.

Do you feel like a man when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the groud?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found

Sesshomaru only trusted two people. He was known as the Ice Prince, the one who was meant to have no emotions, but not many people knew that he did have a heart.

He only trusted one child. Her name was Rin, a young orphan his father had taken in. Rin preferred Sesshomaru, always calling him 'Daddy' and calling Sesshomaru's father, Inutaisho, "Inupapa." Sesshomaru had grown to love the girl who his father had taken in.

Taken in. Taken in. Taken in.

Those words ran through his head. Looking away from the picture of Rin, he saw the letter. The one his father sent him before he died. The letter that still had Inutaisho's blood on the right hand corner.

The letter leaving him responsible of his little half-brother.

Sesshomaru used to hate his half-brother, but as time passed, he grew to love the little boy. They stayed with their godmother until Sesshomaru was sixteen, and Inuyasha was fifteen. Sesshomaru grew to protect Inuyasha, grew to defend him from everyone who dared mess with his little brother. Since Inuyasha was such a happy child during pre-school, he had a huge circle of friends, and Sesshomaru grew to love them as well.

He was closest to Inuyasha's best friend Kagome. She would always smile when she saw him and she would bow politely. Inuyasha and her would fill Sesshomaru in on everything that happened, and Sesshomaru would smile as he heard Kagome and Inuyasha giggle.

Now, Sesshomaru would give anything to hear Inuyasha's laughter again.

Inuyasha began to hang around with the bad crowd at school. He forgot all about Kagome and his grades dropped.

One night, Inuyasha had been with his girlfriend, Kikyo. They had a drink, and Inuyasha had to walk home. Inuyasha was hit by a car on the way home. Unfortunately, he didn't make it. Sesshomaru couldn't believe that Inuyasha had died when he was only seventeen. Sesshomaru had been eighteen when it had happened. Kagome had been sixteen.

The now twenty year old sighed as he stood up, still thinking off Kagome. He knew he was in love with her, he always had been. He had pushed them aside so he didn't get in the way of his brother's friendship with the girl. Suddenly, Sesshomaru heard people arguing and he recognised Kagome's voice.

"How dare you suggest that I'm cheating on you with Ayame?!"

"Sango saw you kiss her!"

"Sango's nothing but a liar."

"She's my best friend!"


"Kouga, I will always believe Sango over you."


Sesshomaru growled as he saw Kouga slap Kagome. He rushed outside, staring at Kagome, who was sat on the floor, covering her face with her hair.

Sesshomaru grabbed Kouga's wrist and pinned him to the wall.

"Don't you ever come near her again!" Sesshomaru growled. He threw Kouga to the floor, and turned to Kagome. Kagome blinked up at him, and Sesshomaru picked her up.

"You're coming with me."


"You're staying with me."

End of chapter one!

There will be a twist in here to do with Rin and Sesshomaru's relationship in later chapters.