Teddy thinks the meme is too priceless to pass out on. Billy thinks it's far too early in the morning for this.

It wasn't the very first rays of sunlight that day that made it through his bedroom window, but the young man struggling to hold onto sleep cursed them just the same. Billy growled and tried burying his face further in the pillow, the movement ending with him lying on his stomach with his face buried in the mattress. It offered him respite from the offensive sunlight, but also made him aware that the rest of the bed was empty. He frowned and pushed himself up, looking around sleepily until he heard a snicker from behind him.

"On your left", Teddy hummed fondly and wheeled himself on his chair to the edge of the bed where Billy, currently on his back, was rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms.

"You look the part at least, I'll give you that." Billy muttered before glancing up. "Does that make me the ever lovable, irreplaceable sidekick?"

He rested his elbow on the mattress, and Teddy reached to run his hand over his forearm.

"That makes you the one person I can turn to when the rest of the world turns on me." Teddy whispered fondly before holding Billy's hand. "My safe place."

The still sleepy teen stared at him in awe for a moment before pushing himself up with a hiss. "Waaaaay too early in the morning for this, you sap."

"More like afternoon but ok." Teddy laughed and leaned closer to kiss Billy's reddened cheek, finding his partner's bashful pout nothing short of adorable.


Teddy faces off against the younger Kaplan siblings

Some people performed well in front of an audience. The company would give them an edge, the adrenaline would flow and they would ride the wave of excitement, outdoing themselves every time anew. Some people lived for the spotlight, relished it - and then some people, like Teddy, didn't.

"No, to the right-"
"Jump higher-"
"No, duck, dodge!"
"He's coming for you-"
"Look out!"

Teddy's right eye twitched while he tried to keep his gaze focused on the TV, his hands gripping the console controller almost tightly enough to break it.

"To the left!"
"On your left!"
"Watch out-"
"Noooooo!" Both younger boys let out frightened exclamations as Teddy's virtual avatar plunged to his doom. The post-mortem score that was displayed immediately after was one of the the lowest Teddy had gotten since he bought the game.

"Man, you suck." Aaron growled and looked at his brother's boyfriend with disapproval.
"Yeah, you're the worst." Daniel chipped in, following his older brother's example.
Teddy, sight still set on the screen held out the controller to Aaron, and then Daniel. Both pulled back.

"Aaaaaaiii have homework to do!" Aaron muttered before escaping.
"Yeah, me too!" Daniel chirped and moved to follow.
Alone, Teddy slumped back over the couch and stared at the ceiling, his eye still twitching. Billy was right, his brothers were obnoxious...