Chapter 13 Alternate Ending: Tigress

Hey Ya'll it's great to be back! Wooooow this took way longer than I expected but a good author never disappoints his readers. So this chapter will be interesting I did get some great ideas from you guys and I would like to thank Lacey52 for her endless support so without further ado I give you the alternative ending for General Po!

Tigress stood in the shadows, her body erect, ready for action, her mind, committed to making sure Sage would never touch Po again. The thuds and booms coming from outside perked her ears to action but it only widened her smile she had waited for this moment for a long time ever since she first saw them kiss she knew that it was going to be even harder to get Po separated from her but she was ready this time she would make Sage pay for taking the only man she would ever love. The door was made of solid steel she knew that door would offer a good amount of resistance because even in Tigress's maddened state it would take a lot of strength to bust it down. And Tigress both hated and admired her adversary for having the strength needed to carry out such a feat. Tigress heard her cries of pain from the first and second attack on the door and it made her almost giddy with joy. But all that joy was short-lived as the steel door was rocked from it's hinges and landed with a loud thud. A dust cloud covered most of the building and Tigress at first couldn't see anything. She scanned the area in front of her looking for any sign of Sage. Where is she? I can't see her? Is she really that fast, Tigress thought to herself. She started to get worried maybe Sage was going to be more of a challenge than she originally thought.

The dust finally cleared and her eyes fell upon the door to see Sage just starting to get up rubbing her sore shoulder. There you are. Tigress thought. She leaped from the balcony right behind Po and before Sage could react she grabbed a bottle from the ground and broke it over Po's head. I'm sorry sweetheart but I can't have you getting involved sleep well darling. Tigress thought to herself. Sage screamed out in distress, she spoke in a shaky voice. "Tigress!… what are you doing?!" Sage said as she made a beeline for Po. Tigress jumped over Po's chair and delivered a powerful palm strike to her chest pushing her back. Sage backed off clutching her chest.

"Well Sage it's all quite simple. When Po first came to the Jade Palace we didn't exactly see eye to eye in fact I thought I hated him but I realized after all the great stuff that he has done not just for China but for me and the Five I saw the real Po a wonderful, caring, loving, funny guy. I never thought I would fall for anyone especially not Po and when it first dawned on me that I loved him questions began to pop into my head. Do I tell Po I have these feelings? What do I say? How will he react? Will he feel the same way? And would I really be his one and only? And it was thanks to questions like that I never had the guts to tell Po how I felt for years and with each successful mission and one more night of his amazing cooking it all just made me love him more. The day you showed up to the Jade Palace was supposed to be the best day of my life. It was the day that I was finally going to express my feelings for Po." Tigress began to cry and her tears soon streamed down. Her heart had held back the flood gates in her heart for years. For years she was keeping the tears inside but Tigress could no longer hang on. Her vision became cloudy and she only saw a blurry image of Sage in the distance. "Then you show up and he goes nuts. I don't know and I don't care what kind of history you had with him. My heart is telling me that he is my one true love and there is no way I am going to lose him to someone like you." Tigress said as she wiped the tears away.

Sage just stood there letting her words sink in. She saw the pain in Tigress's eyes and she felt a pain in her chest not from the strike but she felt something in her heart it was a familiar pain. It was the same feeling she felt when she left for the army leaving Po behind to take care of her mother. Their final hug they shared that day gave her a sense of understanding on how Tigress was feeling. Sage lifted her left arm, her fist was balled up. She flattened her hand and pointed to the ring that Po gave her. Tigress gasped she saw how beautiful the ring was and even in the dim light of the warehouse it still shone brightly. "Po asked me to marry him only a few days ago. I am sorry Tigress but you are too late I love Po too and we both can't have him" Sage said.

Tigress was at a lost for words, she failed. Po had made his choice clear and all her anger and strength evaporated into thin air. She crumbled to her knees, she looked down at the dirt floor fresh tears now pooled into the dirt ironically they formed into the shape of a heart. Sage looked at Tigress and she started to walk over to her she put her hand on her shoulder. Tigress was too weak to move her hand off. "I am so sorry to cause you this much pain Master Tigress, I hate to see you this way." Sage said as she stood up. She drew her sword and whispered in her ear. "Let me put you out of your misery!" Sage said with a sweet smile. Tigress immediately snapped back to life and she threw herself into the dirt nearly dodging a sword swipe to where her head was. She rolled on the ground and got in her fighting stance.

"What are you doing?!" Tigress said with a fear sweeping over her body. "Tigress, if someone like you would love Po that means other girls will love him too and than he probably leave me for someone younger and prettier. Well I am not going to let that happen." Sage said as she sharpened her sword with her claws. " Po will be forever mine and started with you it will prove a point that no one will take Po away as long as I live and breath" Sage said. " Oh it's on sister Po doesn't deserve to be with a psycho bitch like you" Tigress sneered. "Well isn't that the pot calling the kettle black" Sage said as she readied her sword. The two ran towards each other at top speed. Tigress grabbed Sage's arms trying to disarm her but Sage threw an elbow into her temple temporary disabling her. Tigress stumbled back and went for Sage's legs instead she sweeped her legs out from under her and the force of the kick made her yelp and drop her sword and Tigress grabbed it. Sage's eyes widened as she saw Tigress bring her sword down but instead of her getting hit with the sword Tigress distracted her and kicked her in the stomach sending Sage into the other side of the warehouse. Tigress ran to Sage who was down her side with her face facing the wall she proceeded cautiously Sage's sword held with a death grip. Tigress took her other hand and rolled over Sage's unconscious body. Tigress breathed a sigh of relief and went to grab off her engagement ring but suddenly Sage grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm behind her back and slammed her into the wall. Tigress winced in pain as she dropped the sword. Sage quickly picked up her sword she leaned in close and whispered in her ear. "Don't worry Tigress this is all just a bad dream it will be over soon" Sage said in a sweet voice. Tigress suddenly felt cold then she looked down. Sage's sword and gone clean through her she screamed in agony, blood soon poured from her back and chest. She saw a flash of white light then utter silence.

At first Tigress didn't know where she was but one thing for sure was she felt warm. She opened her eyes and she was in a white room she lying in a room with many wounded soldiers. "Oh great I'm dead" she said helplessly. "Nope" a voice said from across the room. Tigress turned her head she saw Po standing there in his BDUs with a huge grin on his face. " You almost died but you survived. The doctors said you were pretty lucky that arrow had barely missed your heart, you were in a coma for a few days but we took care of you and I am so glad your ok sir. I checked on you everyday" Po said then giving a short salute. Sir? Tigress thought then she felt that horrible pain in her chest and back again she clutched her chest and found a patch of bandages and wrappings they were clear and she saw that the wound in her chest was getting smaller. But she also noticed that she was covered in white fur she immediately felt her neck the necklace it was still there she was Lieutenant Lee. "Where am I?" she asked using Lee's voice. "You are in a military field hospital just outside of Yanjing. They sent you here after you took that arrow for me and for that I am eternally grateful sir. And as a status report Sage's battalion was sent to the capital to defeat Attila the Hun" Po said. "Why didn't you go with them?" Lee asked. "Because I couldn't leave a man behind and besides Sage can handle herself." Po said. Tigress was happy on the inside. But against her better judgement she decided to ask the question she didn't want to ask. "I thought you loved her?" Lee said. Po let out a deep breath and sighed. "I am so confused sir I don't know what to do I really like Sage a lot but I always thought I could get to be with the girl of my dreams. I have had a crush on her since I was little and every time she smiles which isn't often but when it happens a warm glow fills my heart and soul and rocks me to my core she is my motivation for getting up in the morning. Well that and Shifu throws me out of bed. Lee laughed at that. "But if only I had the strength to tell her how I feel and how she would make me the happiest man on earth…..I love her…. but I don't know if she would ever love me and Sage is a good friend but I would rather spend my life with her. " Po said ending his rant.

Tigress was moved she had no idea Po had feelings for her too. She was so happy she barely kept it in. "Po come here" Lee ordered. Po got real close to Lee's bed. "Close your eyes I got a surprise for you" Lee said a smirk. Po felt a little uneasy but he closed his eyes anyway. Tigress took off the necklace and changed back into herself she grunted as she moved her body up off the bed. She slowly put one paw on his cheek the other paw held his hand. "Open them" Tigress said in her normal voice. Po opened his eyes and he almost screamed but Tigress just caressed his face. "Shush, I know you must have many questions and I will answer them all but I have to do this. She leaned in and kissed him. Po's eyes widened even more than he ever thought was humanly possible. But he slowly eased into the kiss and he wrapped his arms around her waist trying to avoid the bandages. Tigress and Po shared that moment of bliss that seemed like an eternity. They finally ended the kiss after a few minutes and they stared into each others eyes. "I love you too" Tigress said as she nuzzled into Po's neck purring. She was happy that Po was finally hers and that it really had all been a wild and crazy dream.

Well I hope you Tipo fans enjoyed that! And I hope you all enjoyed the whole story. Thank you all for your reviews and your thoughts. And thank you to all my friends I hope to see you all soon. Thank you again Newguy100.