A/N: Wow! I never thought that someone would actually like this story. Thank you! Thank you guys so much. I thought about ending this if no one really liked it. Just let it be a one shot and all.

Anyway, this is the second and last chapter. I hope you guys like it. Oh! And by the way, before I forgot (again). I should mention that I based the first chapter from a head cannon with the same plot.

Response to the reviews:

Awesomenessssss (Guest): Here you go sir/ ma'am. Enjoy, enjoy …

(Guest [DUH]): Thank you … Thank you…

piglover5: Here you go. If it's not sooner than you've wanted. I'm sorry. We only have one computer and 7 people are fighting for it plus they use my sore eyes to their advantage.

Princess-Girl12: Snap indeed! _

teamleo4: Yeah. Mrs. Dodds was just a crazy old hag that had issues with Percy which resulted for her to try and kill him but he only managed to hit his head. I heard that if you hit your head too hard there is a possibility of falling into a coma should you go to sleep immediately after a concussion. You should try to read some AU fanfictions. A lot of them are amazing if written by the right writer.

Clarisse Daughter Of Ares: Thank you! I based the first chapter from a head cannon that I've read and was surprised that no one even thought of writing this yet.

I might have said something about the patience of environmentalists here so no offense to you guys, okay?

Sorry if it's too short :(

Disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson Series. Rick Riordan, the troll king owns it all!


The first few months were pretty horrible.

Percy was devastated. He locked himself in his bedroom, mourning for the life he never had. His mother, Grover, and even Paul tried to get him out of the house to have some fresh air but they couldn't even get him out of his bed. They understood though; imagine living five years of your life then find out that all of the pain and suffering that you experience through those five years were just a lie. You would be in that same state too.

Time passed by quickly and the healing process wasn't easy. He avoided all of his classes that involve Greek Mythology or everything that had to do with it. He became more irritated and snappy towards people but eventually, Percy wasn't seventeen anymore. He was a twenty seven year old Marine Biologist. He became successful, admired, but still unhappy. It wasn't his fault; he still tried for the people that cared about him, especially for his mom but he still can't believe it.

Percy drowned himself with work. He had done nothing but work, he never even thought of going out or having fun with some friends and forget about convincing him to get a girlfriend. There was only one girl in his mind and as far as he knew, that girl didn't existed.

Today was another normal Monday morning for him, except that he woke up from the sound of Grover's voice from his voice mail.

"Percy! God, you're late again! Your boss is so going to kill you. Hurry up, the meeting about the new project that involves us is going to start in twenty minutes. We environmentalists are not known for our patience."

He quickly jumped up from his bed and cursed as he saw that he really was late and had no time for breakfast so he decided to just grab a quick coffee from Starbucks.

He waited patiently in his car while he waited the traffic out and in front of the cashier register since the cashier was too busy flirting with him to even ask him his order. When she finally gave him his cup, he saw that she scribbled her number on it not his name that was supposedly be there. He shook his head in disbelief as he started to walk out of the coffee shop.

A million thoughts ran in his head. He thought about the new project he offered to his boss so he could work with his friend Grover who was now a famous environmentalist. He looked around the shop and noted that people in there were in pairs or in groups. He saw a brunette girl who had a choppy hair like she just cut it with a safety scissors laughing with a blonde haired guy. They looked relax and happy just like when he was just starting a relationship with-

No...He swore he would never mention that name ever again.

He walked fasted and just as he was about to arrive at the door, he felt something wet pour on his shoe. He looked down and saw a spilled coffee right down his brand new shoes. He mentally groaned, he really liked those he could even utter a word, he heard a woman apologizing to him.

"I'm so so sorry." He heard her say "I wasn't looking when I grabbed my mouse and bumped the coffee cup which spilled your shoe. I'm not usually this clumsy-"He just listened her rant as he grabbed the spilled cup on his shoe and turned to face the guilty criminal.

She looked like she in the same age as him. She had a blonde hair and the most familiar and intelligent gray eyes he'd ever set his eyes upon on. He set the cup on her table as he watch her pursed her lips and look at him with a guilty expression. Percy knew that he'd seen that face before but he just shrugged it off and faced the real problem in hand.

"It's fine ugh Miss-"He turned her now empty coffee cup as fast as he could, hoping to find her scribbled name on it. He read it out loud as soon as he found it, "Annabeth."

Percy hadn't even realize what he just said until the word came out of his mouth. The girl had the same name as Percy's Annabeth. Now that he thought about it, she had the same physical features as the Annabeth in his coma dream.

She cocked her head to the other side as she gave him a curious look. "Are you sure? I could clean your shoe for you Mister-"

"Percy. Percy Jackson."

"Percy," She repeated and at that moment, Percy felt his heart stop.


A/N: And here is the ending. Again, I'm sorry for all the grammar and spelling mistakes.

It's a cliff hanger! Yay! I just felt like a cliff hanging ending was better than a normal ending. I like to make people do their own ending and it was just like what Uncle Rick would do. And ran out of ideas

If you're wondering why Annabeth sounded a bit OOC, it's because she wasn't usually clumsy and then she just suddenly spills her drink on a stranger (Percy) and panics.

If you have any questions, just put them where I could see them and I'll answer it in a heartbeat.

Once again, Thank you :)