Usually, when Quinn Jackson switched places with people, they were blonde, tanned, frustratingly perfect, and called Jason.

The British boy couldn't have been any more different.

For one, he looked nothing like Jason at all- actually, he looked like a male Quinn Jackson, except for the fact his eyes were greener then hers, without the tiny blue flakes, he was much paler then her, and he had round glasses resting upon his nose.

Secondly, it was a dream- but not just any dream. It was a demigod dream, which meant that it'd show the supposed future deaths of the ones Quinn cared about most, or simply a quarrel between the gods' fights. Usually, they couldn't see Quinn- but this guy looked just as confused as she was, and his bright green eyes were bewildered as they met her own. She was pretty scared, too- but not for the same reasons he was. There was a storm brewing up in the sky- so violently wild that it reminded her of the weather when the gods accused her of stealing the lightning bolt.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" The boy yelled over the weather, just as Quinn shouted, "WHERE ARE WE?!"

They stared at each other. Then, they cautiously began to walk over to one another.

"My name's Quinn Jackson- man, I'm so confused. Where are we?" Quinn said distractedly, looking around with wild eyes. They were near some sort of cottage, where a beautiful red-haired lady and a handsome, black-haired man were holding an infant version of Male Quinn inside of the house.

"I- I think we're in Godric's Hollow!" The boy exclaimed. For the first time, Quinn noted that he had an accent- a British accent.

"What in the name of Hades is Godric's Hollow?" Quinn asked. The boy stared at her oddly.

"You- you're a muggle?" Quinn didn't even know what a muggle was. She decided to ignore the comment.

"Look, I don't know who you are, or where I am, but I'm telling you right now- you should try to waken yourself before it's too late."

As if on cue, lightning sapped the grass in-between the two, and Quinn and the Male Quinn stared as a woman appeared where the burning hole of the charred grass should have been. She had deadly pale skin, long, golden hair tied back Ancient-Greek style, and a long white chiton that shimmered, like liquid being shook in its container. She was carrying two old-fashioned Greek torches in each hand, and a polecat and a Black Labrador retriever stood next to her.

Quinn suppressed a groan and knelt. Even though she wasn't a big fan of Hecate, she wasn't stupid enough not to show respect for the goddess. See, the gods were kind of, well, egotistical, and to them, not showing respect upon their arrivals was a huge smash down to their large egotistical selves. Quinn gave Male Quinn a looked that said, kneel or die, and uneasily he copied her.

"Lady Hecate," Quinn muttered. Hecate stared, a serene smile on her lips, at Quinn's face.

"Rise, Quinn, rise, Harry." She commanded, and so they did.

"Lady Hecate, why have you summoned us here?" Quinn asked, her tone muddled with confusion. Hecate touched her hand.

"Purely for entertainment, my dear." Quinn didn't like the smile on her face. Hecate's eyes glinted as the storm up above raged on.

"What do you mean, entertainment?" The boy finally piped up. Hecate let out a little laugh.

"Ah, Harry Potter, how big you've grown! You are so young, and so clueless…" She sighed. "Truth be told, Miss Jackson, you might say that the Olympians grew bored of waiting for you and Rome to unleash war with each other. We've decided we'd take matters into our own hands- you two are going to switch places-" At Quinn's furious look, she added, "and no, I'm not going to give you amnesia like that foolhardy queen back on Olympus had. In about two minutes, I will send you two to Camp Half-Blood and Hogwarts, and-"

"Hogwarts? What in the name of the Underworld is Hogwarts? A pig's skin disease, or what?" Quinn snapped rudely, tired of being the gods' plaything. She just wanted to get everything over with already.

"It is a magic school in England, discovered by the followers, Rowena Ravenclaw, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin. You'll need a wand, of course, and some robes, too- I'll go tell Dumbledore I'll bring in a custom-made wand, it may just take a few minutes-" She disappeared.

Harry turned to Quinn.

"Who was that? What's Camp Half-Blood? What does she mean, the other gods?" His tone was pure suspicion. Quinn folded her arms and stared at the grass without talking. Finally, she said, "Camp Half-Blood is my home. I mean, it's a home for demigods." At his questioning look, she sighed and began to explain.

"You know the myths about Poseidon, and Zeus, and Athena?" She asked. He nodded, still looking confused. "Well, they're real. Like, all of them. My dad's Poseidon."

Harry looked slightly surprised, but didn't question the weirdness of it.

"Oh." He said softly. Quinn laughed, gently punching him on the shoulder, and smiled sympathetically. "I know, right?"

But he didn't answer- because at that second, right when they were having an OH-MY-FREAKING-GODS-THIS-IS-SO-COOL-AND-WEIRD-AT-T HE-SAME-TIME moment, Hecate decided to take them on their way.

Quinn fell through the wall.

It wasn't a very pleasant experience- if you'd call being sent to a creepy magic school by a goddess that may or may not hate your guts via wall-falling. She landed on her feet. Her feet did not like that- she wobbled, and fell face-first onto the floor.

"Ow," She said. Some people screamed.

"Calm down, calm down!" An ancient, soft-yet-strong voice ordered. They quieted down, although some people whimpered. Quinn heard footsteps nearing her- and then a strong, withered hand on her forearm pulled her up.

"Thanks, dude, I owe you-" She stopped when she saw his face.

It was a kind, old face- he could've been a kindly old man at the retiring home, if not for his long white hair and beard, his spangled blue robes, and his sparkly blue eyes. Oh, not to mention that weird pointed hat on top of his head.

"Hecate wasn't kidding, was she?" Quinn asked, her voice awed as she took in her surroundings. They were in some sort of large hall, with four long tables in the center, occupied by hundreds of students with black robes. In the front was another table- but this one was occupied by adults, staring sternly at Quinn's face. Quinn shivered.

She turned back to the old man and, taking out Riptide, slowly backed away while uncapping the pen. It turned into a shimmering bronze sword with a double-edged blade, a leather-wrapped grip and a flat hilt riveted with gold studs. The whole of the hall let out a gasp.

"Now, I want you to tell me who you are, what your motive is for helping the gods, and why they are doing this to me. Wait- don't answer that last one- they hate my guts." She turned away from him and stared at the ceiling, which held the exact same appearance as a midnight sky, studded with stars.

"CURSE YOU, HECATE!" She yelled. The midnight sky quickly changed from peaceful to a full-fledged storm in a matter of seconds. She threw down Riptide in frustration.

The old man's face turned to slightly surprised to no emotion at all.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lightning Thief," He smiled, bowing down respectfully. Quinn stared at him, before screaming her head off.