When I published the first chapter of this story, a couple of you readers asked for Sam's POV on the same day. Here it is. While Jules is implementing her plan to go to Sam's apartment, he's at home trying to decide what to do to get her back.

Disclaimer: I write for my pleasure and I hope your enjoyment. The characters are not mine; they were created by the producers of Flashpoint and apparently a half dozen other entities affiliated with the production of the TV series. They belong to those people. I just take them out and play with them occasionally. Or is it let them play with each other? The situations and descriptions in this story belong solely to me using characters borrowed from Flashpoint.

When Commander Holleran dismissed Team 1 after the long morning spent on re-evaluations and physical testing, the members scattered quickly. It seemed as though none of them wanted to hang around where the stress levels were so high. Sam took a quick shower in the changing room and headed for home as fast as he could. He wanted to be alone to think about that conversation in the hallway with Jules as well as the other emotions that Dr. Toth had awoken with his questions. From the expressions he'd seen on the faces of other Team members, he knew that each of them had also had traumatic questions thrown at them as well. Dr. Toth certainly knew how to open old scabbed over wounds. No one had escaped his probing.

Sam settled into a chair in his apartment with a magazine. While he was flipping pages, he wasn't really reading it. Instead he was reviewing the day, and other days, in his mind, going over everything. The one thing he couldn't let go of was Jules' comment about "it's not going to go away." In his mind, he hoped that meant that her feelings for him weren't going to go away. He sure hoped that's what she'd meant. It gave him hope that maybe they could find a way to be together again. Too bad his sister Natalie had shown up at his apartment last night. Getting back together with Jules could be more complicated with Nat around. But first he had to figure out a way to initiate a reunion with Jules.

He let his mind drift back more than two years to when he first saw her on his first day in Toronto. He'd just flown in after his exit interviews from the Army. He'd said good-bye to his parents and his military career and headed off for a different version of keeping the peace. He asked his driver to detour to city hall when he'd heard the breaking news story on the radio about a hostage situation. He arrived in time to see the resolution of the crisis. Then he'd seen this gorgeous brunette sniper exiting a building with her gear. While she was stowing it into the back of a big black SUV, he'd approached her and tried to pick her up. In hindsight, that was definitely not a smart move as the Team on scene was the very Team he was to join. But he smiled as he recalled the entire Team aiming their weapons at him when they thought he was carrying a gun. They had no clue who he was. Fortunately Commander Holleran arrived on scene and ordered them to stand down.

He joined the Team, full of himself and his tactical ideas. The army required tactics, not negotiation. The latter was very difficult for him to learn, but he was doing much better at it now. At least he hoped he was even though he'd definitely flunked the negotiation with Jules to keep seeing her secretly.

From his first day he had never stopped trying to pick up that sexy brunette sniper, and he finally caught her. She made him work for it, but she was worth it. Then she got shot on the job in that very plaza where he'd first seen her. That was the most painful event of his life, trying to stem the blood flowing from her wounds. It was even more painful than when he'd fired the shot that killed his best friend Matt in Kandahar. Because the Team was on the hunt for a sniper at City Hall, he had to go back to work and could not even accompany her to the hospital. He spent the rest of the call hoping and praying that she would still be alive when he finally got there. He was the last Team member to arrive since he had to go before the SIU review board first.

He idly turned pages in the magazine while recalling the hospital scene. When Sam arrived at Jules' room, most of the Team were outside in the hallway. Only Greg was in the room with Jules. He quickly exited when Sam entered. Sam didn't realize it at the time, but later he became aware that the entire Team had to have figured out that he and Jules were involved. It wasn't like he could keep his feelings a secret during that traumatic time. He'd broken down and shed tears over her unconscious form. When Jules recovered and returned to the Team, she broke it off with him to preserve her spot on the Team. He also hadn't wanted to leave the Team in order to keep her. It was a decision he continued to regret daily. Even though he pretended to move on, pretended that they were only colleagues and friends now, he knew in his heart that she was more to him, would always be more.

He stopped pretending to read the magazine when he recalled that evening in the coffee shop when he's been dumped. Sam had stood outside the entrance to the coffee shop where he'd just said goodbye to Jules, the coffee shop where she'd dumped him for her job. He'd known all day that this was talk was coming. Ed Lane had even called him on his attitude first thing that morning. What had surprised and stunned him the most was her admission that she loved him. Her exact words were: "I love you, but the job comes first." He shouldn't have been surprised that she would choose the job over him. After all, she would not have been the first female officer in the SRU without being single-minded about her job and her dedication to it. He just wished that he and their relationship had not become a casualty. Jules was the first and only woman he'd ever loved. High school relationships didn't count.

For the sake of the Team and Jules, he had to pretend he was dating and moving on after that. Yes, he had dated a few women, but none of them were Jules, and none of them lasted more than a few dates. Then he had to watch her with Steve, the paramedic from her high school. That really tore at his heart. But then today, Jules had said "it wasn't going to go away." Now it was up to him to decide how to follow up on that statement while hoping it meant what he hoped it meant. He had admitted before Toth, the Boss and that dang lie detector that yes, he would have continued the relationship secretly if he could have. Still a true statement. That desire wasn't going to go away either.

So now he had to figure out a way to convince Jules to give them another chance. He ran a few scenarios through his mind, but none of them seemed right. While he was trying to come up with a viable plan, he heard a knock at his door. Wondering who could possibly be there, he called out "Coming," and went to open the door. He was speechless when he saw Jules standing before him. She had a very uncertain expression on her face, but she was beautiful. And she was here. His heart stumbled over a beat or two before he moved aside to allow her entry. They just stared at each other. She still didn't say a word. He didn't want to say the wrong thing, but he said the first thing that came to mind anyway, "You were right."

"About what?" she whispered as she continued to stare at him.

"It's not going to go away," he responded huskily, silently thrilled that Jules had come back to him. He leaned in to kiss her. He did not want her getting away again.

Author's note: I've pretty much already written the rest of this story from this point on in Sam's POV. You can find it in "Are you Sure?" in the M section. There's no need to rewrite the story when you can simply go there and read it. s/9433205/1/Are-You-Sure