Leo's POV

I had hunted down that spindly driver of Santino's. Once I had tracked him down (easily, mind you), he rolled into a heap of fear on the ground at the sight of me. I had originally pursued with full intentions to end him like his dishonorable master, but the sight of him stayed my blade. Every step I took had him cowering further into himself, and despite my earlier state of mind that would have had me killing him in an instant, I could not bring myself to do it. That man could do no harm to others- not on his own anyway. In a twisted way, it would even be crueler to let him live in his fear. It was his aura however that ultimately had me spare his life; it was not as sick and evil as the others' of his gang. Of that I was sure. So in the end, since he clearly did not want death, I did not give it to him.

I sheathed my katana and left him alone. He wasn't Santino anyway. I still don't believe that he was capable of tormenting innocents. Besides, I think I kind of frightened him away from ever harassing anyone ever again; the wet fabric between his legs being sufficient evidence of that fact.

After that, I had gone and got the jeep with all of the loot to drive back to the village. I will be the first to admit that I suck at driving stick. But in my defense, that was the first time I had ever done it. It took longer to get moving than it did to take out three goons. I'll have to make sure and thank Don for making the Battle Shell automatic before starting a campaign to rid the Earth of those stalling death-traps. Like actually, it makes me angry just thinking back on the frustrating experience...

...Anyhow. When I got close enough to Astilla, I put the stupid thing in what I thought was park. I wanted to drop it off just outside the village and draw attention to it. I had it in the perfect spot too; the sun was peeking through the trees like a spotlight on a dimly lit stage. Yeah, that little plan didn't happen. I don't understanding how or why, but just when things are going great, and I want to do something cool, the universe makes an effort to sabotage me. Granted, having the jeep role up and stop in the middle of town was great in hindsight, but when I got out and the thing started driving forward on its own I think my heart actually stopped for a second. Before I could react it was already in plain sight of the village, and years of learning to stay out of sight kept me from chasing it. I watched as it slowly (though, it seemed to be going incredibly fast at the time) made its way down main street. Now, what I was freaking out about was not the fact that the demon vehicle from Hell was simply without a driver, no, it was the fact that no one was controlling the beast and there were people on the road. It might seem like an overreaction to most, but that's just because it was one of those 'you have to experience it firsthand to understand' moments.

When the heaping jeep came to a stop without running anyone over, I was relieved to say the least. Watching the villagers surround the vehicle with raw thankfulness, I jumped to a closer tree to gain a better view. I saw as the little boy stooped and grabbed his grand mothers' medallion that had fallen from the runaway freight (wow do I hate that thing). He stared at it for a moment but then his gaze turned up to me! I froze, but then relaxed when a strange calm washed over me. He didn't point at me because he was afraid, hated, or wanted to kill me; he pointed because he knew who I was and what I had done for him. I felt proud for what I had done.

So that was three days ago. Then April showed up yesterday. She fell into an underground cave, but I was fast enough to keep her from hurting herself. It was the weirdest thing. And yet, I couldn't help but greet her with something clever, I think it went along the lines of "it's a long way from the city to just drop in". Actually that was exactly it. I love being suave.

Now it's midday. I am in seiza, in my cave. I have my very few belongings spread out in front of me. From left to right: a canteen, my cloak, a pile of various sticks and stones made to resemble weapons, and my bag. I steal my glance from the semi-circle of objects to what lay in my lap. A letter. A letter that I grabbed after April told me that my brothers had been lost without my presence. Though I'm not sure I believe their situation to be as bad as she says... I can't help but worry. That's why I stopped by the post office and came back here, where I have been restlessly pacing on the floor and tossing in my bed. In truth, there are several letters that I grabbed that remained unopened, and most would stay that way, save for the latest. It has taken all this time for me to get this little ceremonial setting in place. But now, here I am.

Gently, I move the envelope in my hands; turning it and staring at every detail the paper has to give. It is off-white. Sort of creamy. But then I notice that it would have been true-white when it arrived. Months of it being handled and dropped in humid, dirty conditions have tainted the outer exterior. Months. I also spared a glance at the calendar on the wall. I have been gone for one year, eleven months, and six days. I find it hard to believe. Maybe five- six months over a year at most. Not eleven plus. I can't believe I have been away from my family for that long.

Setting the letter down in front of me, I reach into my bag and bring out a folded piece of paper. Once opened, it reveals the faces of my beloved brothers and Sensei. The backs of my eyes start to sting and I have to fight back the tears that all-too-suddenly appear in them.

I'm so sorry, my brothers.

Father forgive me.

With more effort than it should take, I place the photo by the letter and grab the letter instead. I open it with shaking hands and unfold it, adjusting its distance from my face so that I can read it through teary eyes.

My Dearest Leonardo,

I know that you have found duty in your training, and that it is easy to lose one's self in such things, however I do trust that you have not forgotten the duty you hold to this family. More importantly, I hope that you have not forgotten your family. However, if you must forget all else, remember one thing: your family loves you, Leonardo. Your brothers love you. I love you.

Every day we pray for your health, and that in time, you will return to us.

Watashi wa anata o aishi, musuko,

Your father

Cue the waterworks. Also I forgot to breathe at some point. I've been a fool. A selfish fool. I miss them. I miss them all so much it actually hurts right now. I've put this off for far too long. It's time to go home.

I get up and immediately go for the glider, but stop and look at the wall when an idea hits me. Grabbing a piece of charcoal out of the dead fire, I march over to a flat rock wall and begin writing,

Here lies the Ghost of the Jungle

Protector of this forest

He who got lost but has since been found

Indeed, the Ghost of the Jungle is dead. Ever since the greatest threat to these people was eliminated he's been dead. It's just taken me a few days to realize it. My task here is done. I am again Leonardo, of the Hamato clan. I am no longer a vengeful spirit of this land, but a single kame, who longs for the company of his kin.

I snatch the glider and a few snacks for the road and head out, never to look back. My first stop however is much sooner than anticipated. Like, a couple steps out the front door. A single slider turtle is on its back, desperately waving it's limbs. Without a thought, I crouch down and gently help him onto his feet. He looks at me with what I'm going to consider a 'thank you' face and carries on his merry way. A smile briefly makes its way onto my face before it is overrun by the thought that getting any turtles back on their feet in the near future is going to be a little more trying. But that's ok, because no matter what, they're family, and I will do everything in my power to see that they are loved and cared for for who they are; faults and all. I can only hope that my absence hasn't affected the way they see me toomuch.

I don't even bother stopping in at any of the villages. That was the Ghost's job, but he is no more. It's going to be a long trip to the airport, and an even longer plane ride, but it doesn't matter, because I'm going home.

EEEEEEE! First story done! I know it's been a long haul, and I am sorry about that to all my beloved readers. You guys have been great.

I have a few more stories that I want to write up, but it might take a while for me to start posting any of them.

I've got an AU set in the late 1800's, a series of one-shots about Splinter's experiences with baby turtles, a scary fic, and a sequel to this one/the 2k7 movie.

Hope to have some up soon!