Inspired Courage

By Ulrich362

"I think I've got an idea who should be teamed up." Iruka said while looking at the list of graduates. "I couldn't be prouder of Naruto, he really proved he has what it takes to be a great hokage someday."

"Excuse me, Iruka-sensei." said a voice from outside the classroom.

"Yes, come in." Iruka said before looking up to see Hinata Hyuga. "Hinata, is something bothering you?"

"Actually sensei, I was wondering if I could make a request." Hinata said. I can't be nervous, not now, she thought.

"Well I suppose, what is it Hinata?" Iruka asked.

"If it isn't too much to ask, could I be on the same team asNaruto? His determination really helped me find the strength to work past my own limits." Hinata said before bowing in respect. "Although the decision is entirely yours to make."

"Your father doesn't acknowledge your abilities does he?"Iruka asked. "I heard that the younger daughter of the main branch would be the heiress to the clan. I'll give it some thought, the squads won't be announced for a few days, so get some rest, you've already graduated."

"Thank you sensei, I will." Hinata said politely before leaving the classroom.

"I wasn't expecting that, but she might have a point, Naruto has that effect on people." Iruka said.


"Lord Hokage, you wanted to see us?" Asuma asked as the Konoha jonin walked into the Hokage Mansion.

"Yes, the new generation of ninja are ready to begin their training, you are to lead squads and so I need you to speak with Iruka Umino about this years graduates." said the Third Hokage.

"Yes, I hear we have quite the group this time." Kurenai said.

"That's true, but I would suggest Naruto be put under Kakashi's watchful eye." Asuma said. "He's the only one of us with any chance of containing the nine tails safely."

"Well, if he's going to be my student I might have to make a habit of keeping him out of trouble." Kakashi said lazily.

"The squads haven't yet been given to me, but I trust Iruka's judgment." the Hokage said. "You are dismissed, enjoy the rest of this peaceful day."

"Thank you lord Hokage." the jonin said together before leaving.


"Hey Naruto." Iruka said when he saw his student walking past the academy.

"Oh, hey Iruka Sensei." Naruto said. "I was just heading to get some Ichiraku Ramen."

"That's just like you, but actually I'm glad I caught you, I need to ask you a question." Iruka said. "Naruto, what would you say are the most important qualities for a hokage?"

"Well, I'd say a hokage should be strong enough to protect his allies, be able to understand and connect to everyone in the village, and motivate the villagers to work towards their goals." Naruto said. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason, I was just curious." Iruka said. "Go grab some Ramen, I heard it was freshly made this morning with a new batch of ingredients."

"Really." Naruto said before running off.

"Naruto really is a one of a kind kid." Iruka said calmly.


"Hinata, how was your day?" asked her mother. "Did your teacher answer your question?"

"He said he would need to look into it, but hopefully I'll know soon." Hinata said. I can't tell her what I asked, father wouldn't approve, she thought.

"Hinata." Hanabi said before running in. "I missed you, I need a break from training, and father isn't giving me any rest."

"I'll speak with father Hanabi, you should go and rest until dinner." Hinata said when her father walked in.

"Hinata, you're home. Well in that case I assume you got an answer from Iruka." Hiashi said.

"Yes, but I feel I should train now, I need to improve if I'm going to be a useful member of my team." Hinata said.

"Very well, we can begin after dinner." Hiashi said as his wife placed the meal on the table.

"Hinata, would you be willing to tell us what you asked your sensei?" her mother asked.

"Well, I would like to get an answer first." Hinata said slowly.

"That's understandable." said her mother. "Hanabi, were you able to improve today?"

"I think so mother, although I feel completely sore now." Hanabi said.


"Lord Hokage?" Iruka asked at the door.

"Iruka come in, I was wondering when you would arrive." the Third Hokage said. "What's on your mind?"

"Actually, I was here to inform you I know who the squads will be, and I needed to know where to send them to meet their senseis." Iruka said respectively.

"Alright, here you are, I trust you placed Naruto in good hands." said the Hokage.

"Yes, I put him in the most capable hands we have." Irukas aid. "Thank you lord hokage." Iruka said before leaving.

"I wonder how he divided the rookies, well I suppose I'll see tomorrow." the Hokage said with a smile.


"Alright, I hope you all had a pleasant rest last night, because today is the last time you'll ever set foot in this academy." Iruka said. Well for the genin who actually pass that test, he thought.

"Iruka sensei, we owe you quite a lot." Sakura said.

"She's right, you taught us all so much." Kiba said.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that you all think that, but now you all get the chance to go and learn from the world. Who knows, maybe one of you will teach me something." Iruka said with a laugh. "Alright, time to announce the squads, first squad six, Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka, and Sakura Haruno."

No, I needed to be with Sasuke-kun, Sakura thought.

"Next, squad seven Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and…" Iruka started to say.

"Thank you sensei." Ino said standing up.

"Ino, I wasn't talking about you, the last member of squad seven is Hinata Hyuga." Iruka said.

"What!" Ino and Sakura said simultaneously.

"You heard correctly, now the next squad, Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, and Choji Akamichi." Iruka said.

(Author's Note: the other squads were never specified, so they won't be here either.)

"Alright, I'll tell you where you will meet your sensei, squad six will head to room 115, squad seven in room 103, and squad eight, room 110." Iruka said before the last three squads left the classroom. I hope I didn't make a mistake, no I know these are the right squads, he thought.

(Hinata made a critical request of Iruka and it was granted, now she's on Naruto's team. Next chapter Kakashi will meet his team and the survival exercise will start. As always any reviews or critique is appreciated.)