So this update isn't as bad as the last one, seven months. I do have some questions for you, my loyal readers. As I said in my last update I am thinking about starting a new story, but I want to know what type of story you guys are interested in. There are a lot of stories on here that are really similar and while I like those kinds of plots I feel like they are slightly over done. So if you could give me ideas maybe I'll choose one and start another story. Like I said I love this story and I am by no means abandoning it. I am a just stuck with what to write. When I started this story I had a clear path of where I wanted it to go and it as changed along the way, which isn't a bad thing. I love you guys for the support and the fact that you still read this story after my shitty updating ability. And I am not sure if I mentioned it before but I love reading your reviews, but remember I won't give away anything that is going to happen in the story ahead of time. I don't believe in spoilers lol. I hope you enjoy this chapter and let me know about the whole story thing! I also want to say that I try my hardest to keep everything consistent within the story, if you see something that isn't right let me know!

It has been two months since Nicky's birthday which means that is getting closer and closer to the wedding. The planning of the wedding has been relatively easy for Gabriella and Troy; they only have a few things let to settle on. Troy has been very involved in the wedding stating that it is his special day just as it is her special day and he wants to remember more than just standing in a church and saying I do. Their moms and sisters have helped out a lot, which has made it easier on them. Most of the stress that they have to deal with comes from everything else in their lives. Dr. Warner is back to his old ways, only he is getting worse. Dr. Watkins has still not done anything to warrant them firing her, although she is getting more daring. And while she has really stopped talking about Troy around Gabriella, she has been heard saying some stuff around other nurses and doctors.

Gabriella spent most of her time upstairs in the maternity ward now-a-days. She had about three and half years left on her residency. This means that Troy is almost done with his residency which means he has to choose what he wants to do his fellowship in. Every time Gabriella brings it up he gets testy and walks out of the room. Troy is still at Melrose-Wakefield working with the children and as far as he was concerned he wasn't staying there much longer.

Gabriella was needed down in the ER tonight due to a huge accident on I95. She was able to save all of the patients that she tended to that night. Thankfully everyone survived the crash, although some were severely injured. Gabriella was finished up her paperwork before she was going to go back upstairs when Nancy walked up to her. "Hello Dr. Montez."

Gabriella looked up and smiled, "Hey Nancy, how are you?"

"I am doing very well how are you?"

Gabriella could tell that Nancy wanted to ask her something but she didn't know what, "I am good."

Nancy hesitated, "Look Gabriella, I have to ask, has Troy decided what he is going to do for his fellowship?"

Gabriella sighed, "He won't even talk to me about it. Every time I ask him about it he just gets mad and walks out of the room."

"Why? I thought he had his heart on working with the kids."

Gabriella smiled a tired smile, "Me too. But to be honest I think he has been more anxious about that other doctor coming back."

"When is suppose to be back?"

"Next week."

"What are they going to do with him? I mean I thought he would just come back here but nobody seems to know."

"That's the thing," Gabriella sighed, "Every time he asks they don't give him a solid answer. The shifts he is working will be picked back up by the other doctor when he comes back and Dr. Watkins is working his old shift here."

"Man if only they sent her back to where ever she came from."

Gabriella smiled, "That would make it easier for sure."

As Gabriella said that the phone rang and Nancy picked up and looked over at her before hanging up. "They need you in the waiting room." She looked at Nancy and Nancy just shrugged her shoulders. Gabriella walked out to the waiting room where she saw Catherine sitting behind the desk. "Hey Catherine, what's up?"

Catherine looked over at her, "There is a patient here who I think you would like to know about."

Gabriella just looked really confused, "What?"

Catherine didn't say anything but just looked over at a sitting area. Gabriella looked over in the direction and her eyes went wide.


He looked over groaned, "I told you not to call her, Catherine."

Catherine looked like she was going to say something but Gabriella cut her off, "No I'm glad she did. I would have found out either way." She turned towards Catherine, "Can you call Nancy and tell her that I am taking my break?" Catherine nodded her head as Gabriella turned towards Troy. "What the hell happened to you?"


Gabriella sat next to him and took a deep sigh. "Troy, don't lie to me. You clearly were in a fight. Your lip is split, your eye is almost swollen shut, your eyebrow is cut, and your nose is bleeding. Those are just the injuries I can see with my eyes. By the way you're holding your side I'm assuming you have at least two broken ribs. You're hiding your right hand from me which means that is injured as well."

"Don't doctor me," he said shortly.

"Then don't lie to me," she said just as short.

Troy shifted in his seat a little before clutching his side and groaning. "I'm fine."

"No you are not."


"Troy. We are not fighting about this. If you weren't fine you wouldn't have come to the hospital. And if you thought you were just a little hurt you would have driven to a different hospital and not to this one. What happened?"

"Sean showed up."

Gabriella looked confused, "Sean has in my ex Sean?"

Troy just nodded his head.

"You fought Sean? Why?"

"He showed up looking for you. When I told him you weren't home because you at work he seemed a little upset. I told him that tomorrow, well today, is your day off and he could stop by then. He didn't seem like that. He left without saying anything else and I thought that was it. And then at like 3:30 in the morning he comes back banging on the door. Now I'm upset because I was sleeping and I have to be at work at 7. So I didn't answer the door nicely. And when I opened the door Sean wasn't alone."


Troy looked over at her and sighed, "He had some guys with him. And one of them was like, 'You think you're so tough sleeping with another guy's fiancé' and then the next thing I know I'm on the ground and these guys are beating the shit out of me."

Gabriella ran her hand over his face. She wanted to say something but she didn't know what. Troy looked over at her and saw the tears in her eyes. "Mr. Jones woke up with all the commotion and he broke it up. He even drove me here."

"Did you call the police?"

"No," Troy said as he shook his head. "Sean looked drunk. Really drunk. And I know his wedding date is coming up so I don't know what to do."

"Whether his wedding is coming up or he was drunk, he jumped you Troy. You are in the ER because of him. You could have internal bleeding because of him. I'm calling the police."

Troy didn't say anything just let her get up and call the police. After Gabriella called the police she walked back over and kneeled in front of him, "They are going to take you back now and run some tests, stitch you up and everything else okay?"

Troy nodded and went to stand up, "It hurts so bad Gab."

"I know babe."

Gabriella helped Troy back and into a room. "I can't do anything for you but Henry is going to stitch you up so there isn't a bad scar and Nancy is going to do all the other tests for you, okay?"

Troy nodded his head as Gabriella kissed his forehead. "I have to go back upstairs to finish my shift but it's over in an hour and I can't be in here when you have your tests done anyways so I'll be back okay?"

"Gabby, don't call my mom okay?"

"Troy, I have to call your mom. If I don't call her and she finds out that I didn't call her, she will be pissed."

Troy sighed, "Just wait till we have the tests back okay. She will freak out and come all the way down here for no reason. If we have the test results we can tell her I'm fine and she doesn't have to come."

"You know she is going to come here anyways. And if she doesn't come here she will be at the apartment before we get back waiting for us and then she will yell about how I should have called her the moment I knew you were here."

Troy just looked around the room and then back at Gabriella, "you're going to call her no matter what I say, so whatever."

"Don't do that."

"Don't do what?"

"Don't be mad at me for calling your mom. She is still your mom and she deserves to know that something like this happened to you."

"I'm not mad."

Gabriella walked back towards him and kissed his forehead again, "Yes you are."

Gabriella walked out of the room and pulled out her cell phone and called Troy's mother.

"Uh oh, why are you calling me at 4:30 in the morning?" Bethany answered.

"Why are you wide awake at 4:30 in the morning? I was expecting it to ring a few more times."

"I always wake up at about 4 in the morning, I don't know why. Now why are you calling me at 4:30 in the morning when you are at work? What happened to Troy?" Bethany answered back a little panicked.

"First he is going to be fine. Let me just say that." Gabriella said quickly.

"But something is wrong with him."

"My ex-boyfriend showed up last night with some friends and they jumped him…"

"Oh my gosh,"

"… the landlord was able to break it up but they did quite a number on him…"

"Oh my gosh,"

"… he drove him here and he is in getting looked at right now."

"Are you looking after him?"

"I cannot perform any actual tests do to him being my fiancé but the best nurse is taking care of him."

"What tests are being done?"

"They are going to have to make sure that there are no fractures in his skull, no bleeding in his brain, how many ribs he broke, make sure that there is no internal bleeding, and then stitch him up."

"Oh my gosh, I'm on my way."

"Bethany," Gabriella said quickly before she could hang up.

"He doesn't want me to come, right?"

"It's not that he doesn't want you to come, he just doesn't want you to worry about him. I told him that you are going to worry about him no matter what but he wasn't having any of it."

"Does he know you called me?"

"He does, but he wasn't happy about it." Gabriella said as she walked into the break room and sat down in a chair.

Bethany sighed before speaking again, "He is my baby, Gabriella. I know I have Nicholas, but Troy will always be my baby."

Gabriella sighed sadly, feeling bad for Bethany, "I know he is."

There was silence on the phone for about two minutes, "do me a favor?" Bethany asked.

"Of course," Gabriella answered with no hesitation.

"Keep me updated? Let me know what is going on with him?"

"You're not coming?" Gabriella asked in shock.

"No. He obviously doesn't want me there. He is a grown man and he has you."

"Beth, I would never want to replace you,"

"I know sweetie, but it's the way the world works. And I am so happy that it's you. And believe me when I say that if there was any other woman there with him I would already be in my car on my way, but with you I know he is in good hands. I trust him with you which is something I could never say about any of the girls he has been with before, specially that Jessica." Bethany took a minute and Gabriella could hear her moving around. "I never liked Jessica, but it wasn't my job to make that decision for him. I would sit there and listen to him to go on and on about how amazing she was and then the next week listen to him go on about how much of a bitch she was. It was the same cycle the whole six years they were together. I knew they were toxic together and it didn't matter how many times I told him that a relationship was not a cycle of fights and make-ups. They never even went through the traditional honeymoon phase. And then I had to watch her break his heart and the trust issues he had after that. He was always cautious with his heart but after Jessica, it was like he shut down until he met you."

"The day he first saw you I got a call, he said 'Mom, I just saw the most beautiful woman in the world'. I asked if he went over and talked to you and he said no."

"Wait a minute, the first time we met we talked on the floor with Lilly for like fifteen minutes." Gabriella said giving a quick glance at the clock, seeing that she had ten minutes left on her break.

"That was the first time you two met, but I am talking about the first time he saw you."

"He saw me before we first met? When?" she asked smiling at another doctor who walked by in the break room.

"I believe it was when you were talking your tour of the hospital."

"That was like a week before my first day, why hasn't he ever said anything about it to me?"

"I have no idea, but I do know that a week later I got another call that involved him going on and on how he was able to talk to the most beautiful woman and she was incredible and nice and genuine." Gabriella couldn't help the smile that crept on her face hearing Bethany talk about Troy talking about her. "He went on and on about you. It was the first time he had ever talked about a girl like that. Even all the times he talked about Jessica he never talked about her like he talked about you. I was happy to see him like that again. He was that happy because of you. He is happy because of you, and that makes me happy. So thank you for making both my son and myself happy Dr. Montez."

Gabriella smiled with tears in her eyes, "He makes me happy too."

About forty-five minutes later Gabriella walked back down into the ER in her street clothes. She had her bag and her purse under her arm as she walked up to Catherine and the desk. "Hey Catherine."

Catherine looked up from the computer, "Hello Doctor Montez."

"What room is Troy in?"

"He is in surgery."

Gabriella's eyes shot open, "What! For what? When did he go in?"


Gabriella's head shot over to the doors that led back to the rooms where Nancy was standing, "What happen to Troy? Where is he? Why wasn't I called?"

Nancy walked over to her, "He told us not to call you until you got off shift. We just called up but they said you were already on your way down."

"I don't care what he said. My fiancé is surgery, you should have called me." Gabriella said walking past Nancy through the doors.

"Who is working on him?" Gabriella said walking up to the desk.

"Dr. Rooney. He is one of the best we have."

"I know he is." She said looking around. "Where is his file."

"Gabriella you can't look at it."

Gabriella whipped her head around, "Nancy, where is his file?"

Nancy sighed and walked around the desk grabbing Troy's file and handing over to Gabriella.

Gabriella grabbed the file and opened it, "Three broken ribs, a broken hand, split lip and eyebrow, frontal bone fracture." Gabriella looked up at Nancy, "He has an eye socket fracture?"

"Yes. We couldn't tell at first because of the swelling. He told us that it hurt more than it probably should have so we looked at with an MRI and he was right it was just a swollen eye. It was bad enough that Dr. Warner ordered surgery to repair it."

"Dr. Warner is the responding doctor?"

Nancy nodded her head, "He is. But I looked over the results and I agreed with his decision."

"Where are the results of the MRI?"

"They are in the file," Nancy said pointing at the folder in Gabriella's hands.

Gabriella searched the file and found the MRI results, "Oh my god." Gabriella looked up at Nancy, "This could leave permanent damage his vision."

"Which is why Dr. Rooney is taking great precautions in his approach with the surgery."

Gabriella took a deep sigh, "How long as he been in?"

"He went in twenty minutes ago."

"I have to call his mom. Excuse me." Gabriella walked outside and called Troy's mom, who was immediately on her way to the hospital with Troy's dad. Gabriella was sitting in the waiting room up on the eighth floor when they showed up. Not long after all of Troy's siblings where there and Gabriella's mother and father as well.

"You're sure Juliana doesn't mind watching Nicholas?" Bethany asked Lupita.

"Of course she doesn't mind. Gianna would love playing with Nicholas. Marco is still too young to entertain the two year old princess of the house."

Bethany smiled, "How old is he now?"

"Six months."

The two moms continued talk as the others sat and had their own little conversations, expect for Gabriella, who sat by herself just looking at the ground. Sophia sat down next to her and grabbed her hand. She didn't say anything just sat next to her and for that Gabriella was thankful. She didn't want to talk anymore. The police had returned not too long ago to ask her some questions about Sean and Dr. Warner had given her an update on Troy. However once his parents showed up the updates where then directed towards them, since Gabriella was not technically family. She knew the rule but never hated it more than today. It felt like days had passed when Dr. Rooney walked out into the waiting room. He talked to Troy's parents before looking over at her and giving a small smile, "Dr. Montez, a word?"

Gabriella stood up and slowly walked over to him, crossing her arms and tightening the sweater, Troy's sweater, that she was wearing. "What's up Henry?"

"He is going to be out of work for a few months," he said while nodding his head in the direction away from Troy's family and started to walk in that direction.

"Why are you telling me this?" Gabriella asked following him, "I am not his family," she said bitterly.

"I know I just needed something to say while they were in ear shot." He looked concerned.

Gabriella looked confused, "Why?"

Henry sighed, "I wasn't supposed to do the surgery."

"Why not?"

"The best ocular surgeon on staff right now is Dr. Watkins. But before she could go in Dr. Brady pulled her and put me in."

Gabriella took a deep breath to try and stay calm.

"When I came out of the surgery one of the nurses said that she was pissed. And that she went on a rant about Dr. Brady not having that right." He looked around and grabbed her arm pulling her further away from any ears that may be listening. "She also said that Dr. Watkins mentioned something about getting her hands on Troy one way or another."


"I know. As soon as I heard that I ordered Nurse Nancy to stay with Troy until you are able to go in and see him and to call me if Dr. Watkins tries to get into his room."

"Nancy is suppose to be down in the ER. Who approved the move?"

"Dr. Warner."

"You told him what she said?"

"I had to, he told me not to tell anyone else about what the nurse told me and to tell the nurse not to tell anyone else, until he talked to Dr. Brady and got back to me."

"Did the nurse say anything to anyone?"

"No, she said she told me and that was it."

Over the speaker Dr. Rooney was paged, "I have to go but I thought you deserved to know."

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

Gabriella walked back to the family that was sitting there and sat back down. "What did Dr. Rooney say?" Troy's mom asked.

"Everything he told you, he just wasn't supposed to so he didn't want anyone to hear him, and he could get in trouble for telling a non-family member what was going on."

"That's a stupid rule," Troy's sister, Bethany, said.

Gabriella just smiled. At that time a nurse came out and said that they could go see Troy, just two at a time for now. Troy's mom stood up and looked at Gabriella, "come on, you need to show me how to get to his room."

"Don't you think Jack should go with you?"

"Oh please anyone can see that sitting here not knowing what is happening to him and if he is really okay is killing you," Jack said from his seat next to her father, "Go, I can go in after."

"He's your son,"

"And the love of your life. Go. I don't mind waiting twenty more minutes after waiting six hours." He smiled at her and she walked over to him and gave him a hug.

"Thank you."

Gabriella and Beth walked back to Troy's room where Nancy was sitting next to him going over his charts. "Hey Nancy, this is Troy's mom."

Nancy stood up and walked over to Beth, "You raised and incredible man."

"Thank you," Beth said with tears in her eyes as the two women hugged. Meanwhile Gabriella had already walked over to Troy who was still sleeping from the anesthesia from the surgery.

"Everything went to plan. He should make a perfect recovery," Nancy said handing Gabriella the file, smiling. "I'm going to step back outside,"

"Nancy you can go back down, he isn't going to be left alone till he is released."

Nancy went to say something but looked at Troy's mom who was holding her son's hand and talking to him, "Okay. You keep me updated on how he is doing alright?"

"You can just look that information up."

Nancy smiled at her, "True, but I can't look up how you're doing." With that she left.

Gabriella stayed in the room with Troy while his family came in and checked on him. She had to be forced to stay over Beth, after Beth insisted that new woman in his life should stay by his side. It was about four in the afternoon, almost twelve hours after she first saw him, when he opened his eyes for the first time. He looked over at Gabriella who was looking at a magazine a nurse had given her. His mom was looking at another one on the other side of him on the couch. He looked back over at Gabriella, "Hey beautiful."

Both women in the room snapped their heads up to look at the banged up doctor laying the bed. "Hey," Gabriella said standing up and moving over towards him. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine."

"Good," She smiled at him before putting on a serious face again, "if you ever tell them not to call me before you go into surgery, any kind of surgery, again I will kill you."

Troy smiled at her, "okay."

"You did what?" Beth said standing up. "You told them not to tell her."

"If they told her she would have ended her shift early and I didn't want her to do that." Troy said looking at his mom.

"That is not your decision to make, it's hers."

Troy smiled at his mom, "Yes ma'am."

Gabriella smiled at the two and sat next to him, "let me get the nurse and tell her that you are awake.

Before Gabriella could stand up Dr. Brady walked in with a serious face. "I am glad you are awake Troy."

Troy smiled at Dr. Brady, "thank you sir."

"If you two wouldn't mind I would like to talk to you both."

Troy's mom stood up, "I will let you three talk in private, I could use some food from the cafeteria." She left with a smile.

"What do you want to talk to us about?" Troy asked a little confused.

Dr. Brady looked at Gabriella, "You didn't tell him?"

"Tell me what?" Troy asked looking back and forth between Gabriella and Dr. Brady.

"He just woke up," Gabriella asked ignoring his question.

"Tell me what?" Troy asked again more nervous than he was before.

Dr. Brady took a deep breath, "There is a bit of a situation Troy,"