okay I know this is very late, I try to update better but I most likely won't get it done by next we once we moved in and got settle. My mom decreed that the house was to expensive so we going to sell it and get something cheaper, so I have to pack everything back up and get my poster down from the wall with out hurting them -_- I hate moving, I do hope to have time to write something for valentine day but that may not happen. Now that I am done with my problems I hope you like this chapter

Thanks for reading,

~The one and only Nightwing

"Okay so Dick made you babysit how that make you an expert" Tim said

"Will better than you Drake" Damian said Dick was asleep in Damian arms

"How Dick get like this anyways" Tim asked

"Yeah I was wondering that as will" Jason added

"Klarion" Damian said

"The Lord of Chaos?" Jason asked Damian nodded but one one see him for years

"That can't be right he just shows up after five years to turn Dick in to a baby and then leave that doesn't make sense" Tim said

"Will that what happened okay" Damian snapped

"Okay fine what are we going to do?" Jason asked

"What do you mean we, am robin I was with Grayson I been taking care of him" Damian said

"Then what have you been doing to fix him?" Jason asked Damian didn't answer "ho then I win"

"Tt You wouldn't have any idea on what to do" Damian said

"So Tim the one who will do that, so what you got Timmy" Tim was in deep thought a minute later he look up to find Damian and Jason watching him "so what's the plan"

"Will if Klarion did it and he is a Lord of Chaos then a Lord of Order will be the best" Tim said

"So..." Jason prompt

"So doctor fate" Tim said walking to the batcave with Jason and Damian following Dick still asleepin Damian arms. He want over to the computer and sent a message to the justice league asking if they could see doctor fate. Damian deciding that he would put Dick in the crib and let him sleep. So he walked out of the cave Tim was typing on the computer and Jason was in the medicine door most likely getting more aspirin. He walked to his room and put Dick in the crib with the teddy bear next to him. When he walked out Jason was sitting on the couch looking for something to watch, Damian sat next to him the door bell rang neither one made an effort to get up. It rang again.

"Todd you get it" Damian said

"Why me, you get it you were up last" Jason said

"Oh I'll just get it you two are the laziest robins ever" Tim said just getting out of the batcave

"That's not saying much Dick is always full of energy and running around" Jason said Tim open the door a red hair boy how who look around thirteen stood there.

"Hi Mr. Is Damian here" he asked

"What did he do this time" Tim asked thing that Damian got in to a fight with this kid or made fun of him or something mean. The kid looked confused

"Who at the door replacement" Jason yelled from the couch

"Some kid looking for Damian"

"Who you harass this time demon?" Jason asked Damian then yelled to Tim "how big is he?"

"I haven't harass anyone" Damian said

Tim look Colin over who just stood there a little confused a and kind of wishing he just when back to the orphanage.

"No big at all, kind of innocent looking" Tim said

"Who is it a Drake, we're getting no where with this" Damian said

"Damian?" Colin called hearing Damian voice for the first time he just when to see Damian not get questioned by one of his brothers and then ignore so he could shout to another.

Damian realized his friends voice and got up a little faster then if it was anyone else

"Colin what are you doing here?" He asked

"I wanted to see you, you left right after you help me I wanted to see if you were okay. I know you probably just busily but your not usury in that much of a hurry. I guess your brother are home but you say you don't like them much so that would make me think you would stay with me longer." By this point Jason had came over to listen to my friend ramble on. Tim couldn't get over the idea of Damian having a friend Colin seem to be a hyper kid. Just then Dick started crying Colin look confused Damian didn't tell him about Dick

"You want to come in I have to take care of something" Damian said Colin nodded Jason when back to the couch and sat down Tim sat on the other side of the couch. Colin sat in one of the kitchen chair he move it into the living room which was only a few feet away. Damian when to his room the room smelled Dick was crying Damian grab the tape and took Dick in to the bathroom. He changed Dick taping the diaper so it would fit Damian tried to put Dick back in the crib but Dick cry and wouldn't let go of Damian.

"Find Grayson you can come with me but be good" Damian said he walked out of his room and when to the living room.

"Aw who the newest little bat he so cute" Colin said getting up and walking over to Damian, Tim and Jason just stared at him "what do you prefer bird I guess that why there red robin but red hood not a bird or bat or anything like that. Not that I don't like red hood or anything he just as cool as the others. What with all the red a least robin has green not that red isn't a cool color nightwing blue wasn't he?"

Damian nodded Tim couldn't believe that Damian told someone about him being robin and about all of us, if Bruce were here it would have been a different story. Jason could not believe how much the kid when on he sounded like Wally, Jason didn't need another talkative red head.

"Anyway who is this little one" Colin asked Dick was watching him happy for the attention or it may have been Colin's red hair, it was no mystery that Dick loved red heads.

"It Grayson he got himself deaged" Damian said

"What you going to do to fix him?" Colin asked

"Drake said he getting doctor fate coming to fix Grayson"

"Will..." They all look at Tim "doctor fate is off world and they don't when he be back so I got zatanna coming over on Friday to see if she can fix him"

"And what if it doesn't work school starts up again on Monday?" Colin asked

"I'll stay here" Damian said

"But the principle said your not aloud to miss anymore school" Colin said "you don't want be held bac, then we won't be in any classes together"

"We don't have any classes together anyways" Damian said

"Yeah but we have lunch together and we may get lucky oh I know we should take art together your a really good drawer"

"Damian in an art class" Jason began to laugh "can you imagine Damian creating not destroying"

Tim began to laugh Damian had a blank expression on his face which made Tim laugh harder. Colin look confused he was most likely going to talk about the sketch book in the back of Damian's closet Damian glared at him.

"Come on Colin let's go in my room and leave these morons" he said grabbing Colin's hand and pulling him to his room Dick still in his arms. Colin wave bye to the still laughing Tim and Jason. Once in his room Damian put Dick into the walker were he was happily looking around.

"You should have show them your work it really good" Colin said going over to were Damian hides the sketch book and pulled it out. Colin flip though looking for anything new, he finished the drawing of the spider. Colin look at the frame of the window were there was a web and the spider hiding in the corner.

"You should draw Eric when there a fly in his web" Eric is what Colin had name the spider, Damian didn't understand why he name it didn't Colin realize that when pennyworth comes back he clean the place and he will no aloud Eric to stay. Plus Colin had some how decided that the spider was a boy when he asked Colin said something about how this is now a boys only home.

"What you going to draw next" Colin asked Damian shrugged he wasn't sure what he was going to draw next "you should draw people next you masted object a long time ago and you can easily do animal so people would be the next thing right?"

"I guess" Damian said he didn't really want to draw people they moved to much to draw them and you can't asked them to stay still without telling them what your doing. Dick was trying to reach the teddy bear and let out a shriek They both looked at him. He had his hands open like he was about to grab it Damian was about to pick it up then Colin stopped him.

"You should draw him in this position it be perfect" Colin said Damian picked up the bear and give it to Dick

"Maybe later I don't feel like drawing at the moment" Damian said Colin nodded, Dick was happy to get the teddy bear.

"Can I draw something?" Colin asked Damian pulled out some copy paper from his printer, one of his drawing pencils and eraser, Colin sat on Damian bed, after giving him the paper he when in the closet and polled out a clipboard. Colin took the clipboard and put the paper in he looked around wondering what to draw he didn't want to draw something Damian had or will draw he wanted something different.

"I have an history essay I need to write will you be fine with me working on it while you draw" Damian asked sitting down at his desk he won't like it if people watch as he draw so he offered the same to Colin. It was kind of why he didn't let anyone know he could plus Dick would be all over his picture, hanging them up everywhere he didn't want or need that. Damian began typing about the French and Indian war, Colin figuring out what he wanted to draw began to draw.

Tim point of view

After Jason and me were done laughing at Damian and the idea of art class Jason put on some war movie. I pulled out my computer and began working on something for Wayne enterprises before I knew it Jason started to snore he looked over. Jason was passed out on the couch with his legs over one armrest and his head on the other. There was a little bit of drool beginning to make its way down Jason's chin. How are you suppose to be the hot one Tim wondered that isn't vary attractive.

I hope you like this charter I think this is the longest I have made, I always seem to get back to this Damian/narrator thing, Eric Needham is the first black spider, not that Colin would know that, I am not sure what Damian calls Colin I don't have those comics if you know I would love to know PM my or tell me as a review both are good

Thanks for reading,

~The one and only Nightwing