I know I should be working on my other story but this came into my head and I had to put it down plus I can do a lot more with this. it mostly going to be about Damian and Dick but I many add the other bats or justice league give some of them a chapter with baby Dick. I am going to try not to have parings but you know how that always go, there only be hints of them.

oh I got this new app that reads what you write back to you so my writing should be a lot better (it called IwordQ US it really cool) I am going to try and post more I hope to post at lest one a week.

Thanks for reading,

~The one and only Nightwing

"wouaaa wouaaa wu wu wouaaaaaaaaaa!" A baby with blue eyes full of tears was in robin arms. He just look at it unsure how to stop it from crying. Robin look around and pick up the black uniform off the ground and rapt the baby in the cape. The child stop crying and look up at him if robin was completely honest he have to say that Grayson was cute as a baby. That didn't mean that he would ever say it or even think it again. He walked over to the batmobile and opened the door to the back seat and put Grayson into the car seat. Now he was glad that Grayson had put a car seat in the batmobile he still didn't know why he wanted one in there so badly. Robin close the door and walked over to the drivers seat and got in. He started the car and made his way to the batcave, he was about to call Pennyworth but then he remembered that Pennyworth was in England for two weeks it hasn't even been 12-hours. Damian was going to have to do this alone it couldn't be that hard he wouldn't need help this would all be fine. The batmobile came to a stop Damian got out and walked over to the back seat door were Dick was sitting playing with the car seat's seatbelt. Damian undid the seatbelt and took the happy child out. Dick look around just at that moment a bat foug over his head. Dick widened his eyes grabbing on to Damian arm and soon begin to cry again.

"It's okay the bat won't hurt you" Damian said walking over to the computer Dick slowly released his grip on the boy and looked up tears in his eyes. Damian wiped the tears away from Dick's eyes, he sat down into the computer chair and put dick into his lap. Damian type in the password and open up a message to the justice league he wrote a brief message saying something came up and that batman wouldn't be there for a while. He made sure that it sounded like Dick wrote it and that there was nothing big so that they wouldn't come over, he knew how nosy they all could be. As soon as he was satisfied with his work he sent it, and logged off the computer. By that time Dick had stop crying and was setting there happily.

"Even as a baby you can't stay unhappy for long" Damian said to the giggling Dick in his lap. Dick in his arms he made his way up to the manner, once he closed the way to the batcave he walk to the attic.


"Hey Damian come here I want to show you something" Dick said it was one of the few times he and Dick were alone when Bruce was batman Dick looked around the corner "are you coming little D"

"Don't call me that" Damian said Dick just smiled and waited for Damian to come "your not going to lave me alone until I follow you"

"Nope" Dick turned around he knew that Damian would follow which is what Damian did.

"Were are we going?" Damian asked

"Your see soon" Dick said walking on, Damian just followed. They soon came to the stairs to the attic Dick started up the stairs.

"Why are we going in to the attic Grayson?" Damian asked

"Cause I want to show you something" Dick said Damian give up Dick wasn't going to tell him, Damian walked up the stairs into the attic. Dick was next to an old crib with that look on his face.

"I give up what am I looking at" Damian said

"It Bruce's old baby crib" Dick said then began going through the pile of things "there is a highchair, and a hole bunch of stuff"

"Grayson I don't know why you show me this or why you seem to be interested in it" he said Dick looked at him

"It your dad's old baby stuff that fact that they keep it this long means that it could have been before Bruce what if his dad or mom used it" Dick when on

"Your point?" Damian asked

"You should have used it or at lest your kids should"

"Who says I am going to have children?"

"Batman always need a robin" Dick said then added "let have lunch I am getting hungry"

End of flashback

Damian when up to the attic he decided to put Dick in the highchair while he moves the other stuff. Dick sat in the highchair watching Damian try and move the crib. It took an hour and a half but Damian had move the crib, highchair, and all the other little things into his room. Dick was in the walker playing with a teddy bear and waring Footsies that were a bit to big on him. Damian had fallen asleep on his bed, he was still in his robin uniform.

By the time Damian woke up Dick had fallen asleep in his walker the teddy bear was on the ground. Damian pick Dick up and put him in to the crib and put the teddy bear next to the sleeping child. Damian knew when Dick got up he would be hungry and the attic didn't have 40 year old baby formula. Dick was sound asleep in the crib so Damian got dressed in his civil clothes and when down to the batcave. He didn't feel like running into the paparazzi and explaining why he was buying baby food so, he decided on zetaing to a city were he won't be question by everyone. He decided to go to central city it was late and Wally was most likely to be asleep and it was far enough away. The zate-beam called out his name and number as he came to be in central city. Damian walked over to a Walgreens witch wasn't that far he entered there wasn't anyone else there but the cashier. Damian walked over to the shelves with baby stuff. He grabbed diapers and formula he didn't really know what size so he got two different ones hoping one would fit. He also got a bottle and pacifiers, he brought it all up to the cashier who just looked at him. Damian pulled out his wallet showing he did have money. Damian couldn't wait to get out of there ones he payed her he when to the zeta-beam. Once he got out of the batcave he could hear Dick crying Damian when up to his room. Dick was in the crib it didn't look like he been crying that long. Damian pick him up Dick looked at him still crying Damian walked to the kitchen and read the instructions for the formula. He put Dick in to the highchair and began to make the formula it was harder then it looked. Once he was done the kitchen was full of the white powder, he pick Dick up and sat down on the couch. Tilting the bottom of the bottle up he feed Dick who was very happily looking up at him. As soon as Dick had his fill Damian padded his back so that he would burp. Dick did and then giggled

"Why do you thing that so funny?" Damian asked looking at him. Dick tried to grab his nose "I don't think that how it goes I am the one who take your nose. I don't know about you but I am going back to sleep" Damian put the bottle in the sink and walked over to his room. Dick was giggling the hold way there he didn't look as if he was going back to bed so Damian put him in the walker. Then remembered he didn't have a diaper on so Damian picked Dick back up and took him to the living room and grabbed the diapers.

"Okay I will buy you a toy if you haven't already gone" Damian said. He was lucky Dick didn't Damian got the smaller diaper and try to put it on Dick it was too small.

"Okay please let this one fit" Damian said putting on the diaper it was too big. "Let see if we can fix that"

He when over to Bruce's study and was about to grab the stapler but then decided against it. Damian got the tape and walked back over to Dick who was chewing on his foot. Damian stop and just looked at him.

"I don't think I'll ever understand you Grayson" Dick look up at him his foot still in his mouth. Damian took Dick's foot out of his mouth, he folded the diaper and taped it so it wouldn't fall off. Damian put the footsies back on Dick and when back in it his room. After making sure Dick was in the walker with the teddy bear, he laid in bed he didn't bother putting on pajamas, he was soon a sleep.

I hope you like this charter, I will get the next chapter done in a week or some wish me lucky

Thanks for reading,

~The one and only Nightwing