Dis_Fish: +100 people read the last fan fiction...

Ikuto: What's wrong with that?

Dis_Fish: Because out of 100 people, I only got 6 FREAKING REVIEWS!

Ikuto: ha. Loser.

Amu: Woow... is our fandom dying that fast?

Dis_Fish: I am not satisfied. NOT. AT. ALL!

Rima: ...

Dis_Fish: If I don't get more than 15 reviews by the third chapter, I'll quit this story.

Ikuto: What?!

Dis_Fish: Like I said before, I'M NOT SATISFIED!


Dis_Fish: If I don't have 15reviews or more, no more Pink-haired Angel for ANYONE! DISCLAIMER! I'M DONE WITH THIS CONVERSATION!

Nagihiko: SwexyFishy doesn't own Shugo Chara...

Rima: (And that's a good thing that she doesn't own it!)

Pink-Haired Angel

Chapter 1

Mysterious Beauty Arrives

:)Rima's POV(:

I sat on the bench beneath a large Peach tree. It's beautiful, light pink leaves lightly fell from the tree as the cold wind came by. Shivering lightly, I pulled my legs up to my chest, forming my ball-formation.

I waited patiently for my parents to pick me up, but obviously they had forgotten about me. They don't do it on purpose, no. Instead, they get caught up in their arguments, they literally forget their own daughter.

Arguments go on from morning, until night. During Breakfast, dinner, and secretly at parties. It's been a long time since I had seen them smile at me, or at each other.

Because of their arguing, I was never able to make friends.

I buried my head deep down between my legs and chest, my long, blonde, wavy hair blew against the wind.

Since I was almost late for school this morning, I didn't have time to grab a jacket. It was clearly an act of stupidity since winter's just around the corner.

Suddenly, I felt a warm piece of clothing cover my back. I jerked my head back to see honey-golden eyes staring straight into my eyes. Her pink-hair was pined up with a red X-shaped clip, and her punk clothing matched perfectly.

Minutes passed.

No one talked.

Instead, we stared into each other's eyes.

Finally, her pink lips twitched upwards into a smile.

I frowned.

"Who are you?"

The girl smiled stayed despite my nasty attitude.

"You must be cold."

My frown depended, "Of course I am, what's it to you?"

Once again, her smile stayed.

"I'll be going now. Stay warm, Rima."

My frown deepened as she walked away. I closed my eyes and shook my head furiously.

"How do you know my-"


She's gone.

Beep. Beep.

I took my phone out from my bag and read the text message my mother had sent me.

To: Rima

From: Mama.

Are you still at the school? Your father's coming to pick you up.

I sighed, "So they had forgotten me..."

Standing up, the warm jacket the girl had given me earlier dropped form my shoulder.

"She left jacket with me!"

I grabbed the jacket off from the bench and scanned my surroundings for the pink-haired girl.

No sign or clue.

Sighing, I began to walk to the front up the school. Wondering if I should wear the jacket or not.

"Stay warm, Rima.

Yaya's POV~ O.)V

I sat at the dinner table, alone.

Mother and Father had went to work early like they have been ever since Tsubasa was born. They took him to work first, leaving me breakfast.


"I'm very sorry Yaya, but your clumsy father spilled the rest of the waffle batter and we don't have time to make new batter at the moment. I promise tomorrow you'll have some of mommy's famous muffins in the morning!"

I sighed, staring down at the empty bowl of cereal.

Did she know that she had already broke 5 promises? All the same?

I slipped on my tennis shoes, tugged on my jacket, and grabbed my backpack. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door.

I didn't want to be bullied today, nor did I want to fake my expression.

"Am I the only one who has to deal with this? Everyday?"

Finally arriving at school, I noticed the most popular and most famous singer was surrounded once again. Her blonde hair in her usual stylish pig-tails and her smile shined just as bright as anything.

Must be nice... being popular... having friends...

Suddenly, her purple eyes snapped towards me, causing my face to turn bright red. I quickly turned my gaze to else where and walked away as fast as I could.

Once I hear a loud, snobby voice squeal gleefully at the singer, I relaxed my muscles and eased my speed. Although I was at least a half a mile away from them, I could hear Saaya's voice echoing loudly in the school campus.

"...I was so lucky my good-for-nothing father actually gave me something useful!" She exclaimed.

Frowning to myself, I rested my body up against the tree beside me and sighed.

No one noticed me yet, so the bullying won't start. "Yaya wonders what they'll say now..."

"Worried about something?"

I jumped away from the tree, "KAH! TALKING TREE!"

A giggle came from the tree. "Up here, Yaya."

"Eh?" I looked upwards at a mysterious pink-haired teenager. Her honey-golden eyes gentle and sweet.

She smiled at me, awaking my blush from tingle pink to omega red.

The girl slowly and carefully climbed down from the tree. Once completely down, the pink-haired girl gave me a careless grin.

And suddenly I realized, here was a good chance to make a friend.

"YUIKI YAYA! PLEASED TO MEET YOU!" I exclaimed, bowing down almost immediately.

Before I realized it, I sounded too desperate for anyone or anything.

I snapped my head, "S-SO SORRY! YAYA DIDN'T M-MEAN TO-"


The girl I wanted to be friends with... was laughing at me.

Just like everyone else.

But instead of teasing me, she simply smiled.

"Pleased to meet you, Yaya." She held out her hand, her simple smile turned into a genuine and loving smile.

It's been so long... to have a hand held out for me to grab and shake, with a smile so genuine and loving. A sign of a beginning friendship.

Sniffling, I grabbed her hand, but not with one, but with both.

"P-P-Pleased to m-meet you too!"

Before either of us could speak, a loud scream echoed though out the school campus.

"UTAU-SAMA!" They screamed.

We both looked at each, nodded, then dashed towards where the screams were.

There, the popular blonde singer, was collapsed on the ground. To make matters worse, the girls next to Utau, were arguing on who was taking her to the nurses office.

I stood there, watching nervously.

I wanted to speak.

I wanted to help.

I wanted to show my new friend that I'm a kind person.

The girl besides me saw my troubled look and smiled gently. "It's fine, Yaya. I'll handle this."

As if immediately, her honey-golden eyes which used to be sweet and kind, turned cold and heartless.


After one word, the girls looked up and stared at us.

I could have sworn my face turned white as a sheet.

"And just who are you?" Saaya snapped.

Her eyes narrowed, "I said move it."

"Don't go bossing the richest girl in the school around. Not to mention the most populist gal here!"

To everyone's surprise, including mine, my new friend pushed Saaya aside and went straight towards Utau. She placed a hand on the singer's forehead, a worried look displayed only in her eyes as she occasionally looked towards me. Then once more, she looked at Utau for a seconds but felt like a century, as if her eyes were saying something I didn't understand. Little did anyone else know, Utau's body slightly relaxed and a small, tiny smile appeared for a slit second.

"Yaya, would you like to go with me to the nurses office? I'm not strong enough to carry Utau by myself."

I nodded and quickly ran towards her.

I didn't get far when one of Saaya's followers stuck out her leg, tripping me on purpose.

Surprisingly, I never managed to touch the floor. No, instead a pair of warm hands caught me before I fell. The group of girls gasp as I looked up to see the student class president holding on to me.

His green hair shined brightly in the faint sunlight as well as his eyes.

He pulled me up, a blank expression plastered on his face as he turned to the other students.

"Can someone explain to me what's going on here?" He asked patiently.

"C-Class president!" Saaya gasped, her face shocked and mouth wide. Suddenly, her facial expression changed dramatically into a fake hurt expression.

"Sanjou-san! This girl here threatened to beat me up just because I wanted to take Utau-san into the nurses office!" Saaya cried, pointing at the pink-haired girl. Surprisingly enough, she didn't bother looking at her even though the girls around Saaya were agreeing with her. Instead, she looked straight into the Class president's green eyes.

"Kairi, Utau needs to go to the nurses office. She has a high fever." Once again, her facial expression was as hard as a rock and cold as ice, yet her honey-golden eyes only showed concern and worry for the teen singer.

Kairi, the class president, looked down at Utau before finally looking up at her.

"Yes, you may."

The pinkette sighed with relief and turned towards me, blank expression, but kind eyes.

"Let's go Yaya."

I nodded eagerly once again, a true smile plastered on my face. I gave a small respectful bow to the class president and ran to my new friend. I gently helped lift Utau off the ground, throwing one arm around my shoulder and the other around the pinkette.

Saaya growled at us fiercely, but for once I didn't care.

The girl besides me is the first friend I had ever made.

Being besides her made me safe.

The pinkette stopped for a bit so she could twist her head around to see Kairi.

At that moment, Kairi took the right moment to walk towards us. He placed a head on the singers forehead while a small conversation went on.

"We need to talk." She stated simply.

"I know, it's been a while since I've seen you... I'll go with you to the nurses office once class is over."


With that, the two separated their ways.

As we walked away from Kairi and the angry fans, I couldn't help but notice the pinkette's facial expression softening with every step. But what really got me was what was her relationship with Kairi?

Finally gathering enough courage I asked, "H-Hey... Just wondering, but what's your relationship with the c-class president? YAYA DIDN'T M-MEAN IT I-IN A BAD WAY AT ALL! YAYA WAS J-J-"

A small giggle came from the pinkette, the small sound relaxed me greatly.

"Our relationship... hmm... let's see," She hummed thoughtfully, "We went to middle school together and were close. One day, Kairi confessed and-"

"YOU DATED KAIRI-SAN?" I gasped causing the singer to groan, but kept her eyes close and continue her sleep.

The pinkette laughed a bit, shaking her head lightly. "Actually, I didn't accept his confession."

My eyes widen at that.

Kairi's one of the most cutest teens out of the school! Was he really that bad in middle school?

A giggle came from the girl once again, "Kairi... is a wonderful and sweet person. Despite his strictness, Kairi is a sweet man who deserves a kind woman next to him at all times. And sadly enough, that woman isn't me."

I gapped at her, "But you're the kindest person Yaya know!"

A sad smile graced through her lips.

"So I am..."

A strangely comfortable silence fell upon us to our trip to the nurses office.

Once we arrived, the bell rang loudly signaling everyone to get to class.

I frowned sadly, "That's the bell."

She looked up from Utau, whose now laying comfortably on the bed.

"Alright, I'll see you later then." The pinkette said, her honey-golden eyes shined brightly.

She stood from her seat and slowly walk towards me. Surprise covered my face as her warm, soft arms wrapped around my body.

This had been the first hug I've had in years.

Tears rolled down my cheeks when I lifted my arms to finally give her a big hug back.

It's been so long to cry in someone's arms.

I wailed loudly, head buried in the crook of her neck.

She gently twirled her fingers through my pig-tails.

"Yaya... you're lonely. Aren't you?"

I sniffed, refusing to reply.

"Hang in there, Yaya. I'm here for you, forever and always."

Without warning, I dropped down to my knees. My arms wrapped tightly around her waist as I cried, head in the dent between her legs.

She placed her hand on top of my head, causing me to look up.

Her smile had showed up again, but more gentle and beautiful.

"You're a strong one, Yaya. Head up and stand proud because what ever happens, you know I'll be there for you."

I bit my trembling lips, eyes red from the tears that continued to fall.

"Thank you... for being my first friend."

In class, I sat there brightly, eyes no longer red from crying.

I felt like I was missing something, yet shrugged it off and continued to listen to the teacher.

"y is equal to 46 when X is equal to 78. Can someone answer number five for me please?"

No one raised their hands.

Sighing, the teacher picked me instead.

Nervously, I walked to the front of the classroom. I could feel the glares coming from the students, mostly the girls. I glanced behind me to see the glares hardening, the only one not glaring was a small petite blonde whose eyes remained on the teacher. A blank expression.

Saaya faked a cough with a hidden message within it.

Hidden Message: Loser.

"Yuiki-san? Is everything okay?" The teacher, Nikaidou-sensi asked.

"O-oh no! Yaya gets it!" I smiled.

And just like that, my mind exploded.

I forgot to ask for the pinkette's name.

With swirly eyes, I tripped over my foot and slammed my head against the white board. Nikaidou's eyes widen at this as he helped me up, but my eyes remained in swirls as I continue to repeat my stupidity.

"Yuiki-san?" Nikaidou said gently, yet urgently.

The class bursted out laughing at my dizzy state. Nikaidou frowned at the class causing some to laugh harder and some to stop.

The first friend I've ever made... and I never bothered to ask what her name was.

"Yaya forgot... Yaya forgot... Yaya... forgot..."

"What is it that you forgot?"

I blinked, shaking my head furiously and looked up at my teacher's brown eyes. Suddenly, I bursted into tears. Crying so hard, my tears could flood the room.


*Utau's POV*

The cold, chilly, fall wind blew furiously at me, my blonde locks flying with it.

I huffed, eyes shined irritatedly at the coldness. Once at the school, I was greeted by a large group of fans which inwardly made me slightly relaxed.

I've been gone on tour and stuck with people who were much like my step-father. Strict, boring, and evil. If you tried to tell them a joke, they'll fire you immediately. Sadly enough, I actually seen the poor man fired because of it.

The business man stated it just wasn't funny enough for him.

Fortunately for him, I knew a great restaurant that needed a new cook. So before he went out the door, I managed to catch up to him to give him the flyer. I've never seen a man so happy in my entire life.

You could say I've been over working myself just a bit, but it's all worth it for my brother's sake.

My older brother, Tsukiyomi Ikuto, told me to just be home-schooled instead. My manager, mother, and everyone else had said the same thing as well since I had too much on my schedule to handle it.

But school is the only place I'm able to see Ikuto at. Even if he was a grade ahead of me, I could still see him walk in the hall ways, walk pass his classroom, and talk to him at lunch.

Sometimes, he doesn't come at all. And if he does manage to come, Ikuto's covered in bandages and/or bruises and scars. What scares me the most is that he just shrugs them off when I ask him.

Why does he do that?

I don't know...

"Utau-san!" The girls squeals echoed throughout the school campus. I managed to smile throughout all the yelling and screaming and waved politely, fans were probably one of the only things to keep my life going.

Without their support, I wouldn't be here anymore.

I love singing, even if my talented voice was a curse.

The crowd of girls circled me eagerly, chatting happily.

"Hey hey Utau-sama," One said, "That girl over there's staring at you!"

I raised a brow and snapped my eyes over towards a orangish-brown haired teenage girl. Her eyes widened instantly and her cheeks flushed cutely, as if she was caught with her hand inside a cookie jar.

She swiftly turned her head away from me and sped-walked away from my sight.

"Strange..." I muttered.

Just then, a loud and obnoxious voice boomed through the school's campus.

"UTAU-SAAN~ THE WONDERFUL SAAYA HAS ARRIVED." I held in a deep, annoyed sigh and faked a smile at the rich, red-head. My head was pounding a bit.

"Utau-San~ you're concert last night was so amazing! I'm so lucky my father was able to buy tickets that cost over 100! The lazy ass finally did something right for once, I mean, all he buys is stuffed animals and worthless clothes that were soooo last year." Saaya continued rambling on and on while the girls around me gave her a irritated look.

My headache grew slower and slower by the loud noises, maybe it was a bad choice to stay up past mid-night for the concert.

Finally, one of my fangirls spoke up from Saaya's blabbering. "So, Saaya. Where's your followers? Did they finally ditch you? I wouldn't be so surprise if they did." Saaya glared daggers at her and flipped her hair.

"Just so you know, those two are just homework in the library."

"Doing their homework, or your homework?"

I sighed as the argument began, my headache increasing little by little. I placed my hand on my forehead, taking deep breathes.

"Are you okay, Utau-san?" One asked.

"I...I'm fine."

Saaya, not aware of my condition, yells gotten louder.



My knees gave way at exactly that moment, my head spinning and pounding dangerously.


Once again, another argument broke loose.

"You're not taking Utau-san to the nurses!"

"You'll burn her with your pathetic attempts of lifting her!"

Blurred bodies and faces grew redder and redder with anger. I lay, emotionlessly on the ground.

Simply forgotten to the world.

Finally, a cold, harsh voice interrupted the loud arguing.


I opened my eyes a bit more to see whoever spoken up against the loud crowd.

There stood a pink-haired girl with beautiful honey-golden eyes. She wasn't in our uniform, perhaps a visitor?

She wasn't tall, but just about the same height as me. Maybe smaller?

Next to her was a familiar orangish-brown haired girl, put up in pig-tails. Her nervous eyes darted around the area, seeing all the angry girls glaring daggers at her.

"And just who are you?

Her eyes narrowed, "I said move it."

"Don't go bossing the richest girl in the school around. Not to mention the most populist gal here!"

Surprisingly enough, the teenager pushed her way towards me. She bent down and placed her hand on my forehead, only then her expression soften. Her eyes darted from her friend then back to me. For the last time, she made eye contact with me.

She smiled at me, a small, tiny smile. As if she was telling me everything would be okay.

Did she know about what's going on in my life?

Have I met her before?

Is she only here for me because I'm famous?

But with her golden-honey eyes staring straight at me with a calm gaze, everything seemed... better.

I gave a small small. Hardly noticeable to the human eye, yet I knew she saw it.

With that, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

The chilly air of fall woke me up from my deep, comfortable sleep. I blinked my eyes open only to see the same pink-haired teenager from before.

The girl hadn't noticed that I had woken up as she opened the window just a crack. The wind blew in softly, blowing her and my hair. Her honey-golden eyes stared intensely out the window, as if she's in deep thought. The pinkette took a soft sigh when she finally turned to me.

"Oh, you're awake." She blinked, obviously surprised.

"Well I would still be sleeping if it wasn't for the chilly wind!" I growled, shifting eye contact with the cold, wooden floor.

I expected her frown or at least be furious with my extremely rude behavior. After all, she was the one to bring me here safe and sound.

Instead, the pinkette laughed it off.

Her laughter was like the sound of bells, such a beautiful sound it was.

"Sorry, sorry. I thought you would burn to death with your fever you have." She smiled.

"Fever?" I felt my forehead only to notice a white cloth on it.

"Yes, fever. It seems you've been stressed and over-worked." Her smile disappeared with a small disapproving frown, strangely reminding me about my mother. "You haven't had enough sleep as well I presume."

Her eyes drilled into my soul as I shifted uncomfortably, "What's it to you?" I hissed, eyes once again avoiding eye contact.

She shook her head, but gave a smile nonetheless.

"Your manager came in. She's giving you a week off."

"A-A week?" I shot out of bed, searching franticly for my phone.

The pinkette watched me with now a blank expression.

"She won't change her mind, you know." She said.

"How would you know," I snapped, purple eyes glaring daggers at her.

"She cares about you," She pushed on.

"You're lying!"

"She would still be here if I hadn't pushed her out on my own."

"It's all an act!" I spat.

"I believe... she called you her Special Butterfly."

"Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" I yelled, covering my ears.

"She's only worried is because if I somehow magically die, she would lose her job immediately! Father wouldn't mind, he would just replace me with another singer. After that, everyone will quickly forget about me. I'm unimportant, I'm useless, I'm nothing more but a slave."

I took a deep breathe, trying to calm myself down the best way I could. I wasn't aware of the tears dripping down my chin until the pinkette reached out and place her warm hand upon my cheek.

"Yukari-san was wrong, you're not a Butterfly."

I flinched at her direct-fulness.

She noticed my small flinch and giggled, "No, you have a long ways to go to become a butterfly."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Just like before, her calming golden-honey eyes stared straight into mine.

"You're merely a caterpillar trapped in its cocoon."

Before I could say anything, the knock on the door was heard and in came a tall, handsome teenager with a mysterious aura around him. I gasped, trying my best to get out of bed, yet the pinkette wouldn't allow it.

"Utau," She said, "You're in no condition to get up and run."

I didn't bother glaring at her since all my attention was now on the man before me. His deep blue eyes looked empty and soulless just like his smile, although I knew he's trying his best to put it up. His jacket covered up his muscular arms and a small bandaid is typed on the side of his left cheek.

"Utau." He greeted, nodding his head towards my direction. My eyes sparkled as I gave him my best grin.

"Ikuto!" I yelped with joy as I tried getting out of bed, yet my headache came back and struck me like lightning.

"Oi!" I heard my older brother scowl at me, "Don't get up that fast! You're not in the right condition to move and jump around now."

"He's right Utau-san, you just woke up a few minutes ago." The pinkette said, her golden-honey eyes watching me carefully.

I sighed and nodded, eyes turning away from the girl's and starring up at my brother's, surprised to see him starring at the pinkette.

"You are?" He asked, his voice as cold as ice.

"A friend of Utau's."

"Friend? Or a gold-digger?"


Silence went through the room until the pinkette gave a loud sigh. She stood up, her spot by the window with the sun still on her long, pink hair.

"Think what you want, Ikuto-san, "Her piercing honey-golden eyes starred directly at the window, "Well, Utau I better be going. Take care and stay safe. You'll be able to go to school tomorrow if you get a long, good-night's sleep. Good-bye."

She took her leave which was a small piece of paper with a weird drawing on it, something with pink, blue, green, yellow and red. I expected her to slam the door on the way out, but it seemed as if she remembered my headache and shut it slowly. However, inches away from closing the door, a familiar green-headed man was shown running down the hall. He opened his mouth to say something, but the door was closed by then.

"Who was that girl, Utau?"

"... I don't know.."

"You never asked for her name?"

"Well... I sort of forgot."

I sighed, leaning back on my bed as Ikuto made himself comfortable on the chair.

"Overworked?" He muttered.

"Aa," I replied.

Silence played the next role in the resting room for a while as Ikuto calmly played with my hair.

As I drifted off to sleep, all I could think of was the pinkette's words echoing in my head.

You're merely a caterpillar trapped in its cocoon.

:}*{AMU'S POV}*{:

"Joker... why are you here?"

"Kairi! I had no idea you go to this school!"

"Don't dodge the question, Joker."

"Dodging the question? Oh whatever do you mean, dear Kairi?"

"Amu..." He growled impatiently.

I smiled.

"Aa... you caught me." I smiled.

"It's because..."

The clock in the hallways ticked loudly.

8:10 A.M.

Class started 5 minutes ago, the teacher already said he would introduce me to the students when he gave the cue.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

"Okay! You can come in now, and please introduce yourself Himamori-san."

I took a deep breathe, before opening the door and walking in.

Normal POV

Yaya rested her head on her desk, miserably thinking on how foolish it was of her without asking the name of her first friend. The poor girl couldn't think of anything besides the biggest mistake she had ever made in her lifetime.

"Yaya'll probably never meet her again!" She thought.

It has been 3 days since their last meeting and Saaya has shown no mercy for Yaya. Unfortunately, Yaya's mind stayed focused on her nameless friend then all the rude and shameless things Saaya had done to her.

Three seats up from where Yaya sat was a small, beautiful blonde. Her gold eyes shined lifelessly as her arms stayed down like a doll. The boys surrounded her seat asked a million questions, but the blonde never answered.

Her thoughts were glued on the pinkette's jacket which laid inside her backpack. Yesterday while her mother and father were too busy arguing to notice her, she slipped out from the living room and took her jacket with her. She held it up one of her favorite maids and asked for them to clean it.

The maid, Sydney, bowed and smiled.

"Of course, young master."

Now, the jacket laid quietly in the backpack where no one but her knew.

One minute before the bell had rung, a beautiful blonde idol came rushing to the class room. "Utau-sama!" Fangirls squealed as they went straight up to their idol and began talking about their previous night or something.

However, Utau didn't bother paying attention. Instead, she nodded and smiled.


It was hard to believe such a thing. Although it could be possible. Seventy-five percent of her fans were gold-diggers at the school here.

Just then, her thoughts were interrupted with the loud bell, signaling school to start.

Every student rushed to their seat as soon as the teacher decided to walk in.

"Good morning class~!" Nikaidou-sensi smiled cheerfully.

"Good morning Nikaidou-sensi..." The class greeted plainly.

"Today, we have a new student. Now class, I want you to greet the new student respectfully. She was actually someone I had taught in elementary!" He said proudly.

Yaya looked up from the desk, a spark of interest shown in her eyes.

Nikaidou-sensi taught Kairi-san in elementary too...

Rima stared at the door tensely, as if wanting to break down the door to see who it was once and for all, Utau doing the same.

"Okay! You can come in now, and please introduce yourself Himamori-san."

Slowly, the nob turned clockwise. Then tension to see who behind the door nearly killed Yaya as she stared at the door with eager eyes.

Rima's glare intensified as well was Utau.

Finally, a medium sized teen came inside the room. Her honey-golden eyes ice-cold, shocking the majority in the class, as well as Yaya, Rima, and Utau. Basically everyone besides the teacher who stood there chuckling at the frightened looks.

"It's Hinamori-san." She corrected the teacher.

"Aa, sorry. Well go ahead and introduce yourself."

Rima watched closely as the pinkette gave a small cough before preceding, her cold voice sent shivers down Utau's spine. Yaya stared at the girl with amazement evident in her eyes as Saaya rolled her eyes.

"Hinamori Amu, 16 years old. Just because you know my name, doesn't mean you know me completely."

And just like that, she took a seat next to Rima without any hesitation and grinned.

"Pleasure to meet you all, fellow classmates."

Dis_Fish: Late update... by like 3 months .-. sorry. Won't happen again.

Rima: R&R