Chapter 11
Clary POV
"Jace! Jace! Jace!" I bounce up and down on his chest, trying to wake him up.
"WAKE UP!" I yell in his ear.
"Clary.." Jace replies groggily, "Why are you up so early?"
"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" I say in response to his question.
"We have to wake the others!" I say cheerily.
I hop out of bed, make sure I'm covered fully, and run to everyone's room, bouncing on their beds and shaking their shoulders.
"IT'S CHRISTMAS!" I reply to all their questions.
I race downstairs and sit cross legged in front of the tree, slightly bouncing from my excitement.
Slowly everyone trickles in until we're all surrounding the tree.
"So...Who goes first?" Alec asks.
Everyone fights to get the first gift, but it quickly dies down and everyone unwraps presents.
When the tree's empty, we all split up with our couples.
Jace keeps pulling me away from the room, and he won't tell me why.
Abruptly, he stops pulling me and we stop underneath an arch.
"Why are we all the way over here?" I sigh.
He just smirks and looks up, then back at me.
I catch what he's telling me and glance upward.
All too cheesy. There's a mistletoe.
Jace grabs my chin and pulls my lips up to his.
A kiss underneath the mistletoe.
Izzy POV
"Do you want to want some cookies?" I ask Simon.
"Who made them?" He jokes, and I punch him lightly in the arm.
"Clary did, thank you," I reply.
"Let's have some candy canes," Simon offers instead.
I smirk, then grab a candy cane from the jar.
Simon tilts his head to the side, confused, as I break it in half and put one half in my mouth and the other on the table.
I grab the front of his shirt and crash my lips against his, and he gets the message.
Now I don't have to worry about my breath.
Maia POV
"C'mon!" Jordan urges me forward, dragging me through hallways.
"Where are we going?!" I demand, though I'm smiling because his is contagious.
"Surprise!" he yells back, continuing to drag me through the Institute.
He pulls me through the front doors, forgetting to grab our heavy jackets.
"JORDAN!" I yell, the cold seeping through my hoodie.
"Yes?" He twirls in front of me, hands behind his back.
"I don't like that look…" The cold is soon forgotten.
The first snowball hits my arm.
"Why you little…" I hurl snow at him, and he laughs.
"Come back here!" I yell as he starts to run away.
"Jordan!" I shout, following his path.
"Jordan?" I stop, no longer able to see him. The snow feels like it's coming down harder.
I feel something behind me, so I twist around.
"JORDAN!" I yell louder. Did he really leave me?
"Merry Christmas," cold metal touches my collarbone, and I wrap my hands around, bringing it further out so I can see it.
It's a necklace.
Jordan's face appears from beside me, and I smile up at him.
"Merry Christmas to you too, Jordan."
Alec POV
"Darling, you look fabulous!" Magnus squeals.
I'm wrapped in christmas lights.
I waddle forward, struggling against my bindings.
"Can you please untangle me?" I ask, trying to stand in front of him, but he keeps moving.
"I'm trying to take a picture! Stop moving!" Magnus complains.
Wait- Picture?!
"No! No picture!" I try to go towards him again, but accidently fall on him, ripping the chord out of the wall.
The room's bathed in darkness.
"Magnus? Are you okay?" I ask, trying to get off him.
He pulls me down, and our lips connect.
I grin against his lips, and he pushes me away just a bit.
"I'm hanging that picture in our room with a golden frame," he says.
I laugh, too happy to be mad.
Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays! Thanks for reading and to anyone who reviewed/favorited/followed!
multiplefandomgirl- meh, she's okay. Do you like Magnus?
steph1601- I'll have you know that I have become very skilled in that art, thank you very much!
Yarnbag- Okay! Thanks for telling me, but I realized that I won't have enough time to write one before new years, and that defeats the purpose. Thanks anyway!
BabyKitty0101- WHO THE HECK DOESN'T LIKE ALEC?! I'm worried about their health if they don't…. And nope, just Jace ;) it wouldn't be as snazzy if everyone did!
Guest- Awww, thanks! You're so nice :) And there will be Sizzy, Clace/Jary, Malec, and Jaia! (though you know that, you read it!)
i love jace lightwood- Isn't he always? He's a guy...I just needed a little filler for some places :)
MeredithRoss- Great minds think a like ;) You have a great nose, young padawan.