Kagome was standing in a blood covered field. Demon bodies everywhere, her son Shippo not very far from her. Kagome was caked with her own blood, her clothes were torn. And she had 5 big claw marks on her stomach from Inuyasha. And a big whole where her heart was supposed to be. The Shikon No Tama replaced that spot.

Kagome did not cry. Everything was over everybody was dead. Now she had to bury them. She did not even know if she could even bury them because they were shredded to pieces. So Kagome took their weapons and buried them. After that she looked ahead there stood a woman with Miko robes. But she wasn't the one who made the Shikon No Tama she was someone different.

'' I have a task for you'' the woman said

'' Don't you think you gave me enough already, you and those other monks and miko's took everything away from me'' Kagome said

'' Everything and everyone has their reasons'' The woman replied

'' Don't go telling me reasons because you took away the people I called family and you took the little boy that was like my son'' Kagome yelled

'' But s you may gain even something better than that'' The woman said still calm

'' What may that be'' Kagome said

'' You will have a chance to have a new chance , make new friends and have a family of you own child, don't you want that? '' The woman said

'' But, you have to do one thing for me first'' Said the woman

'' O.k but-'' Kagome said but was cut off

Kagome was on her back , the woman was standing over her with a rattling bottle in her hands. Kagome could sense demon coming from the bottle. Kagome was to weak to move.

'' Demon of the changing tails I imprison you in this miko until merging, Demon of the elements I imprison you!'' the woman shouted

Kagome screamed as the bottle broke and a red blur went into Kagome's stomach. Then a orang seal appeared.

'' Water, fire, air, earth, nature of all kind. Seal this demon in. '' she again shouted

And Kagome was in even more pain but she stayed awake. The woman raised a hand that was covered in colorful energy. It was probably bigger than the world, and the woman slammed her hand onto the seal she just created. Kagome's vision got dotted with black, but the last thing Kagome saw was the woman turning into dust.

~ When Kagome Woke Up ~

Kagome woke up in hospital with nothing but a gown on. Kagome jumped up she went to the door but it was locked. She felt stronger, she felt her senses heightening , and all different types of knowledge running through her mind. Kagome kicked the wall . She had made a nice size hole in the wall. Kagome made the whole bigger by digging at it. It was big enough for her to get through so she slipped through.

A blonde woman looked at her. She had blonde hair that was pulled into a loose ponytail, and a light purple diamond in the middle of her head. And the biggest bust you ever seen . Kagome ran down the hall. She then looked back only to find the woman chasing after her.

'' Get back here!'' the woman shouted

Kagome paid her no mind and jumped out the nearest window. The woman stopped and looked out the window with amazement. The girl did not use chakra and a jump from the 10th floor could kill you the woman thought. The woman made a hand sign with her fingers.

3 men with mask appeared, one with a dog mask another with a bird and the last one with a cat mask.

'' A young woman about 18 jumped out the window and ran, but she didn't use any chakra I want you 3 to go catch her and bring her to my office. And tell team 7 & 8 to go after her to'' The woman ordered

'' Yes Hokage -sama'' the 3 masked people said. Then disspared

End of chapter ! Who likes it ? I do and review even if you are not apart of our wonderful fanfiction.

Ok so next chapter is where the chase is on and everyone is introduced.

See Ya!