Grant was leaning against Fitz' work station watching him bicker with Simmons when Skye entered the lab area. He was getting used to and coming to terms with being apart of a team but something was stopping him from fully trusting Skye, it's just something about her. An air of mystery maybe, that just unnerves him to the greatest extent.

"Coulson sent me to tell you that we have a mission" Skye announced almost cheerily.

"Oh yeah, where?" Fitz asked, he and Simmons had stopped arguing after Skye spoke.

"Some high school in Lima, Ohio" She chuckled.

Grant gulped instantly. There isn't many high schools in Lima, only two infact. The last thing he wanted to do was mix his personal life with his work life and most of all put his family in danger.

Coulson had briefed them soon after and informed them that some sort of devise had been found in the school. The classroom had been sectioned off and the teachers and students had been told that it was under construction.

Grant sank back further into his seat as they approached Mickinley. He was silently praying that it was another high school and that his brother was completely safe.

It's not like he doesn't want to see his brother or even that his brother doesn't know what he does but it just seems that every time he finds himself back in Ohio it's always for the wrong reasons.

He hasn't even seen his youngest brother since before he left for Paris and that was over a year and a half ago.

He hadn't expected to find his brother along with a group of teenagers singing in the courtyard as soon as they got out of the car. Then again knowing his brother, he should have.

"What the hell?" He heard Skye mutter beside him.

Grant locked his eyes on Blaine and watched him as he danced on a table with an Asian girl, Blaine was making his usual strange singing faces that always made him smile fondly.

"Schools aren't like this back home" Fitz told him, chuckling softly.

The performance ended just as Blaine spotted Ward.

"Grant?!" Blaine called loudly across the crowded courtyard, squinting against the sun.

"You know him?" Skye asked.

Grant ignored her and stepped forward slighting, Blaine was running towards him.

"Blaine" Grant said as soon as Blaine got closer.

Grant engulfed Blaine into a bear hug much like the ones they shared when Blaine was younger.

"What are you doing here, man?" Blaine asked smiling broadly.

"Sorry kiddo, I'm here for work" Grant said sadly, clapping Blaine on his shoulder.

"You've gotten taller" Grant mused, dragging his eyes up and down his brother's small frame.

He heard a snort from behind them which was followed by a loud high pitched voice, "He probably hasn't grown since he was seven" a girl in a cheer leading uniform and a blonde ponytail taunted.

Grant had to stop himself from reaching for his side-arm. Blaine simply rolled his eyes, as if he was used to her teasing. That only made his blood boil even more.

"How long are you going to be staying for?" Blaine asked him.

"I don't know bud, but I promise we'll get dinner, even catch a movie aye?" Grant said to the younger boy.

"Sure Grant" Blaine smiled at him again and they looked over his shoulder and eyed the group behind him.

"Bro, who are they?" Blaine asked quietly so only he could hear, he always was polite.

"Blaine, this is my team" Grant said curtly.

"Oh man, you're on a team, that's so awesome" Blaine said with wide eyes.

The bell had rang and Blaine and his friends had all disappeared off in different directions leaving Ward alone with his team. They straight away started pestering with questions. Ward said nothing but instead glared at Coulson, who obviously knew that his younger brother went to this school. That was one of the things he hated about Coulson, that he knew so much about him. Even one of his biggest secrets that he didn't dare to tell anyone.

Fitz and Simmons had taken the object, still unidentified, back to investigate it and had left him alone at the school with Skye. She for the most part of the day had still been bugging him about Blaine even after Fitz and Simmons had stopped.

He had continued to say nothing to her. They were walking back through the school when they heard music again.

"Jesus, it's like high school musical around here" She said mostly to herself.

Grant followed the music to a mostly empty classroom, Blaine was the only one in there. He was sitting at a grand piano, playing and singing to himself softly.

"Head back without me, I'll catch up later" He told her and then turned to lean against the door frame.