Given the lack of Klaroline and Kalijah in both the Originals and TVD at the moment here is my version of how I'd like to see a TVD/Originals crossover play out this season. Let me know what you think : )

Saving Caroline:

"I knew I should have driven." Klaus muttered looking over at his brother who was driving like an old lady on a Sunday afternoon.

"Calm down Niklaus." Elijah said rolling his eyes.

"See that's your problem you're too busy being calm to drive fast." He growled.

"I'm driving fast enough." He shot back. "We'll be at Whitmore soon so stop worrying."

"Well I think if it was Katherine Pierce you'd be concerned and more inclined to speed."

"Yes well that was all a very long time ago." He muttered thinking about his lost love. "Anyway we'll get there in enough time and Caroline will be okay."

"That's easy for you to say Elijah you didn't hear Marcel make those threats." Klaus gulped thinking about the conversation he'd overheard between him and Thierry. Marcel had discovered his plans to bring him down and was going after the only thing that meant anything to Klaus. He was going to kill Caroline if Klaus didn't get to her first, hence their desperate race to get to Whitmore College.

Klaus tapped his foot impatiently the anxiety swirling around violently in his stomach. When he left Mystic Falls Klaus had been lost without her but his plan to bring down Marcel had been a much-needed distraction and those niggling feelings had abated slightly, until Marcel decided to mess with his one true love.

He had done a good job of keeping her hidden from Marcel but in a moment of weakness he'd discovered his precious blonde secret. This is why Klaus had spent so many years alone it was much easier than falling in love. As much as he adored Caroline she was his Achilles heel and Marcel had exposed his weakness.

"Marcel won't get his hands on her Niklaus, we won't let him." Elijah promised. "So what's the plan when we get there?"

"Since when do we ever have a plan?" He asked incredulously. "We storm in there, grab Caroline and leave."

"And you wonder why your plans have a tendency to go awry." Rebekah drawled from the back seat. Klaus snapped his head around noticing the stowaway in the backseat for the first time.

"Oh great." He growled rolling his eyes. "Who invited you little sister?"

"Well neither of you." She pouted sitting up and leaning forward between their seats.

"We're not going to a sorority party Rebekah." Elijah said looking at her in the rear view mirror.

"And here I was thinking I could take a pledge tonight." She said sarcastically. "I needed to get out of that god forsaken town, even just for one night."

"You're supposed to be looking after Hayley."

"She's a big girl and can take after herself." She said dismissively. "Trust me you'll be glad I came along."

"Oh really and why is that?" Klaus asked.

"Well any chance you actually know Caroline's dorm building and room number?" Elijah and Klaus looked at each other realising they had no idea.

'Well she can't be that hard to find." Klaus scoffed.

"Remind me never to get into trouble and have to rely on you two idiots to save me." She grumbled. "Lucky for you I know where she and the doppelganger are living."

"What do you want a gold star Rebekah?"

"No just your eternal gratitude." Klaus gave her a look that said it was never going to happen. "Fine how about a radio station change this music is horrible."

"Hey." Elijah cried. "What's wrong with Mozart?"

"He's dead."

"So are we last time I checked." Klaus muttered turning the station. "I have to agree with Rebekah though, your musical tastes tend to reflect your driving style, really old."

"I just love these family road trips." Elijah said through gritted teeth. After a few hours they pulled into the car park at Whitmore. The College was shrouded in darkness not to mention eerily quiet.

"Huh I always thought college would be more lively than this." Rebekah commented as they poured out of the car.

"Enough with your social life, well lack of one." Klaus teased pulling her along with them. "Now tell us where we are going sister." She pointed to the sign denoting Rushton House and they followed the arrows.

"I hope you've worked out how you're going to get Caroline to go with you." Elijah said. "I don't think a lollipop is going to work either."

"Well I thought being the most powerful creature on the planet would be enough." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Since when has that ever worked with Caroline?" Rebekah asked curiously. "Last time I checked she's not scared of you, if anything she orders you around."

"Well I'll just have to improvise."

"This is going to be interesting." Rebekah murmured as they approached the front door. After letting themselves inside they walked up the flight of stairs and down the long hallway searching for her door.

Klaus was suddenly nervous, something that tended to happen whenever Caroline was near. It had been so long since he'd seen her and he was desperate to be around her again. Rebekah gestured to the door and they opened it slowly. The room was dark but Klaus could make out a figure in the bed on the far side of the room. He stalked over his breath hitching in his throat at the familiar blonde waves splayed across the pillow.

Elijah meanwhile walked over to the other bed to rouse Elena, he didn't want her to start screaming and make a scene. His heart ached at how similar she looked. He wondered what she was doing at that exact moment, something he thought about often.

He leaned down and gently placed his hand over her mouth watching her eyes open in fright. Her face softened slightly as she laid eyes on him. "Elijah?" He nodded at her thinking just how much he wanted her to be his Katerina.

"Sweetheart?" Klaus murmured softly caressing her cheek. Caroline's eyes fluttered open her fear immediately replaced by shock.

"Klaus?" She cried.

"Shhh love." He soothed. "You need to come with me now." She sat bolt upright her hair standing on end and turned on the lamp illuminating the room. Klaus thought she couldn't look cuter if she tried. Her pyjama shorts and singlet top were fairly brief only adding to her overall appeal.

"I'm not going anywhere, I have a bio chemistry quiz in the morning not to mention cheer practice, drama club and dance committee." Klaus had to stop himself from laughing Caroline hadn't change one bit, something he was extremely happy about given that was the girl he'd fallen in love with.

"Well that's going to have to wait." He said. "Come on."

"No you can't just waltz in here after all this time and push me around." She growled.

"Oh please." The brunette in the next bed groaned. "I have no idea why she needs the drama club when she's the biggest drama queen here." Elijah looked at her for the first time in full light sensing something wasn't quite right.

"I'd know that sarcasm anywhere." He murmured. "Is that you Katerina?" She nodded hesitantly losing herself in his brown eyes realising just how much she had missed them.

"Oh great." Rebekah rolled her eyes. "All my favourite people in the one room."

"Who invited your charming sister?" Caroline groaned obviously unhappy at the unfolding events. "Seriously I hope this is just some bad dream and I'm going to wake up and you'll be back in New Orleans."

"Here I was thinking you'd be happy to see me love." Klaus grinned.

"So let me get this straight you think charm will make me come with you?" She shot back.

"Well I hoped." He smiled his dimples only accentuated. "Now we really are running out of time so let's go."

"I'm not just someone you can boss around Klaus." She cried. "Do I even get to know why you're kidnapping me?"

"Well that's actually a very long and complicated story but you'll be happy to know there'll be plenty of time to explain in the car."

"This is my life you can't just come in and turn it upside down without giving me a good reason." She baulked. "The only way you'll get me out of here is by dragging me kicking and screaming."

"Well since you asked so nicely." Klaus said picking her up in one swift move and throwing her over his shoulder.

"Finally." Rebekah muttered walking off down the hall.

"Klaus! Let me down right now." She whined hitting him on the back repeatedly.

"No can do love." He smiled. "Now be a good girl and keep it down, don't want to make a scene now do we?" He strode out the door.

"Katerina." Elijah murmured torn between staying with her or following his brother.

"Just go Elijah." She growled. "We know when it comes down to it you'll always choose your family."

"Just because I had to leave didn't mean I ever stopped loving you."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" She cried standing up. "You know I've had a horrible last few months and would really just like to be left alone."

"What happened?"

"You lost the right to ask that as soon as you left me to run off to New Orleans."

"Elijah." Klaus hissed appearing in the doorway. "We don't have all day you know."

"Fine." He said struggling to tear his eyes away from her sad face.

"Grab the doppelganger she might be useful if we come up against Marcel." Klaus said gesturing towards Katherine.

"That's all I am to you people some kind of leverage." She cried feeling used. "Don't even think about carrying me out of here like a piece of meat." She said wagging her finger accusingly at Klaus.

"Elijah shut her up." Klaus said walking back out of the room. "Oh and as much as we like your pyjamas you might want to grab some clothes for you and Caroline to change into after."

"Well I could pick you up but I like to think I'm slightly more dignified than my brother." He said shrugging his shoulders. "Don't try and run because you know I'll catch you."

"More than you'll ever know." She muttered pulling some clothes out of the dresser then walking through the door. "I expect lots of food for doing this."

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"What's with Miss Piggy?" Rebekah asked looking at Katherine shovelling chips in her mouth at a rapid rate.

"Oh I think somebody is sexually frustrated." Katherine said sending the blonde Original a dirty look. "Let me guess the boys in New Orleans don't like you either."

"I did not sign up for this." Caroline moaned sitting between them. "What the hell is going on?"

"There's a guy called Marcel in New Orleans we used to know." He said. "In our absence he's taken over the city and thinks he runs the place."

"Oh and let me guess you don't like that very much."

"You know me too well love." He chuckled. "Anyway we've been involved in a bit of turf war with some witches thrown into the mix and basically he's out for revenge."

"So what does this have to do with me?" She cried in frustration.

"You are Marcel's revenge Caroline." Rebekah said thinking how blonde she was.

"Why does he care about me?"

"He doesn't but he knows someone who cares about you a great deal." Elijah murmured. Caroline's eyes immediately darted to Klaus and they held each other's gaze. She felt her face warm up and looked away quickly.

"So what's the plan then?" Katherine asked after she'd finally finished stuffing her face. Elijah and Klaus looked at each other blankly.

"Tell me there was a plan after you kidnapped me?" Caroline asked.

"No there really wasn't." Rebekah said shaking her head. "You see I got all the brains in the family."

"Well given we're almost out of gas and have been driving for hours we'll stop at this motel and work out what we're going to do in the morning." Elijah said methodically.

"Unbelievable." Caroline murmured crossing her arms over her chest not missing Klaus's blue eyes trained on her in the rear view mirror. She shivered hating that he still had that affect on her even after all these months apart.

They compelled themselves some rooms for the night and after some bitching from Rebekah and Katherine who were less than impressed with the standard of their accommodations, they retired for the night. Well some of them did.

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Elijah couldn't sleep his thoughts consumed by his Katerina. Knowing she was so close was only making it harder. He pulled himself out of bed and walked into the adjoining room. Taking a seat near the bed he watched her sleep.

His decision to leave her in Mystic Falls had not been an easy one and he'd missed her every day they'd been apart. She was the love of his life after all and that distance had only made his feelings stronger.

"Some people would call you creepy right now." She murmured her voice full of sleep.

"Well I don't really care what people think you know that, well except maybe you." She was quiet unsure how to answer that. "What happened to you Katerina, I can sense something has changed,"

"You could say that." She muttered. "Elena Gilbert decided to force feed me the cure."

"You're human?" He asked in disbelief.


'Are you okay?" He asked sitting on the bed and instinctively stroking her hair.

"I've certainly been better." She said. "Humans definitely have the rough end of the deal with all these pesky emotions, not to mention susceptibility to illness."

"I wish I'd known."

"Why what would you have done Elijah?" She asked swatting away his hand and sitting up abruptly, her anger returning. "You left me to follow Klaus and gave up any right to care."

"Whatever decision I made then hasn't stopped me thinking about you every day Katerina." He murmured sincerely. She started to tremble scaring him at first then he noticed tears rolling down her face. Elijah had never seen her show so much emotion and he had to admit it was a side of her he was starting to like.

"Damn human emotions." Katherine cried nestling back under the covers. "Please just go Elijah." She pleaded.

"I'd really like to stay and make sure you're okay." He said. "I promise I'll sit over here and leave you alone."

As much as he wanted to comfort her Elijah knew he had no right. He made his way back to the chair and listened as her tears finally subsided and looked over seeing the rise and fall of her chest as she slept. He knew if he had the choice he'd stay there forever and just watch her sleep.

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Caroline couldn't sleep either; her mind was racing with the night's events not to mention having Klaus come crashing back into her life. After graduation she had developed much stronger feelings towards him but had been able to pretend they didn't exist with him miles away in New Orleans.

She stood outside the room watching the cars race past on the highway. How had she ended up back in this situation? She had been so excited about starting college with Tyler, Elena and Bonnie and now she was all alone. A feeling that was unfortunately becoming so familiar to her now.

"Not thinking of doing a runner are you love?" Klaus murmured approaching her from behind.

"Honestly I couldn't be bothered if I tried." She muttered thinking how screwed up everything was.

"I'm doing this because I don't want to lose you Caroline."

"I find that hard to believe." She scoffed. "No one would even miss me if I was gone." Klaus shook his head and placed his hands on her shoulders looking deeply into her eyes.

"Well believe it sweetheart." He murmured hypnotising her with his eyes. "And as much as I hate to admit it you also have Tyler and all your other friends."

"I don't though." She cried the tears spilling down her cheeks. "Elena is back in Mystic Falls with Damon, Tyler broke up with me and Bonnie is dead." Klaus looked at her in shock not expecting to hear any of that.

"What happened?" He asked quietly brushing away her tears.

"Bonnie brought Jeremy back from the dead and paid for that with her own life." She sobbed. "Tyler came back for the memorial only to break up with me."

"Why would he do something stupid like that?" He growled struggling to contain his anger. After everything he'd done in sparing him Tyler had still broken Caroline's heart.

"Apparently his anger towards you is stronger than his love for me." She whimpered.

"I'll kill him." He seethed his whole body tensing up in anger.

"No Klaus." She cried. "He's really not worth it." Klaus couldn't hold back any longer and gathered her into his arms. She fought him at first not wanting to seem weak but finally melted into him realising how wonderful he felt. Caroline didn't realise how much she'd missed the Original hybrid until now.

"I'll never let anything happen to you love, I promise." He smiled pulling back and pressing a chaste kiss to her temple.

"Don't make promises you can't keep." She warned.

"You should know by now I never do that." He murmured raking his hands through her silky hair.

"Good." Caroline nestled back into his embrace feeling more protected, more loved and safer than she had felt in a long time.