Liam and Annie

Annie's POV...

The pain was horrible. I couldn't deal with it. It was just so... unexpected. Only two days ago, I had told Riley that I had loved him and now... He is dead. Riley is dead. With the thought, a fresh flood of tears began to run down my cheeks and I let out a choked sob. He was dead. I was never going to see him again. How could this happen? Why did this happen to me? I had always tried to be good, all my life I was a little good-shoes. What had I done to deserve this?

A fresh wave of sobs overcame me just as a knock on the door sounded. I shot up and glanced at my closed bedroom door. I glanced in the mirror opposite my bed and groaned at the mess I was. My skin was sickly pale and my eyes were red rimmed and puffy, certainly not my best look. I wiped my eyes roughly and patted down my hair so I didn't look like a complete monster.

I laid back down on my bed and let out a hoarse croak,

"Come in." Liam. A lump rose in my throat at the look of concern on his face. Did I really look that pathetic? It took a lot for Liam to feel any sort of empathy. I turned my face away, I didn't want his sympathy.

"Annie..." I knew what he was going to ask, and I didn't want to hear it.

"I'm fine."

There was silence but I felt the bed tip slightly at his weight as he sat at the end.

"I really am sorry." I had the urge to roll my eyes, but I was too... drained.

"Why? Did you kill him?" I heard him sigh, he was exasperated. It was funny how I knew everything about him. Was it normal? Did I care?

"Shit Annie, I'm trying to be sympathetic." This time I did smile, having enough will power to turn my head and look up at him.

"Don't. You're not the type." He frowned, faking mock outrage.

"Hey! I have feelings!" I couldn't help my smile widen. Then I noticed his look of relief and I remembered Riley. My smile slipped. His face fell.



"Let me finish my sentence will you?" He sounded irritated, so I shut up and watched as he struggled for words.

"I hate seeing you like this. I know that you're grieving, and I understand that it will take some time but everyone's worried about you. I'm worried about you." I squeezed my eyes shut. I couldn't hear about this. I couldn't hear about how he's hurting. How I'm hurting him. I cared for him too much.

"Liam..." I let his name hang in the air, not sure what I was meant to say. After a moment's silence, he continues.

"Know that there are people that care about you. That love you. I'm sorry about Riley, I really am, but you can't stop living. It's not what Riley would have wanted, you have your whole life ahead of you. Just, remember that."

I didn't reply, just squeezed my eyes tighter and waited until I heard the click as the door closed. He was right. Riley was dead. But I was alive.


Liam's POV...

I leant against the wall in the kitchen and sighed. Seeing Annie like that was just so... draining. Annie Wilson is meant to be funny and chirpy, not miserable. It physically hurt to see her like that, I hated it. Sometimes, I really hated Riley. He was the reason she was like this, he broke her heart. I know it wasn't really his fault, it's not like he chose to die, but if it had been me, I would have held on with everthing I had. I would of held on for her.

I sighed, again and had the sudden urge to kick something. I should not be feeling this way about Annie. We were friends. That was all. And she just lost someone she loved. Now was so not the time for making a move or having innoproporite thoughts.

As I reached for the fridge, ready for a beer, I heard the door from upstairs open. My heart stopped. Annie. I saw her from the top of the stairs, looking down at me with an unsure smile on her face. I grinned. This is the first time on two days she's left her room and joined civilisation, apart from toilet breaks of course.

I got two beers and handed one to her as she came and sat on a stool. She took it, but didn't open it. Neither did I. She looked like she wanted to say something.

"Thank you." I blinked. Thank me? For what? She must have got a hold of my confused expression because the corner of her lips rose slghtly.

"For everything. I'm sorry to be a burden, I promise I'll try and find another place to stay as soon as possible." My heart stopped. She wanted to leave?

"You don't have to. Think of this as a thank you for saving my life and a sorry for the reason you got shot. And plus, I like someone else here and I want to keep an eye on you."

She frowned, just like I knew she would, her little nose crinkling.

"I don't need looking afer." I smirked, taking a swig of my beer.

"Whatever you say." This time, she smiled, a proper smile that had my heart beating double time.

"Seriously though, thank you. You're a really good friend."

I didn't falter at her words, just continued to smile. I pretended like her words didn't hurt me inside and out. You're a really good friend. I was a friend. Man up Liam, be her friend and get rid of those sick thoughts in your head.

"Don't worry about it. You're a pretty cool chick, it's hard not to be your friend." She blushed. She actually blushed. My smirk grew. She was so cute.

Her next words surprised me.

"So what do you want to do today?" My eyes widened. She wanted to go out? Already?

"You want to do something?" She sighed, looking down and popping her beer open.

"I have to get out sometime, Liam." I smiled. She was so brave and independant. I've never met anyone like Annie before.

"You don't have to rush, do what you want to do. Don't think that you need to do things because it is what others want from you." She shook her head, a look of determination which I couldn't help but admire.

"No, I want to." I grinned, ignoring my fluttering heart.

"Okay then. Do you want to go to the beach?"

She grinned. A proper full out grin that had my breath catching.

"Let's go."