Thank you to all my reviews and followers! I hope you enjoyed it all.

This story was inspired by the song: Into The Dark by Melissa Etheridge!


Chapter 25 – Into The Dark

Khloe felt her nerves working overtime. The deep purple triple spaghetti strapped dress was tight against her chest and torso and flared out to just above her knees. The deep imperial purple color made her normally deep ocean blue eyes look indigo. Her raven hair was piled up on her head with curly tendrils framing her face. Her 2 ½ in heeled open toed shoes buckled around her ankles as well as matched her dress.

She had to admit Angelina did have an eye for color. Imperial purple was Angel's favorite color and seeing it on herself now Khloe had to admit it was nice against her skin tone. AS she looked back at Tina and Marika she noticed how well the same colored dresses they wore make their skin tones glow as well as hers. As she looked around the couple who was actually paying attention to what the minister said; she looked over at Seth and admired how well he looked in a black suite with the crisp white dress shirt and the same imperial purple vest as worn by Dean and Roman as well. Seth had slicked his hair back into a tight bun just as Roman had done with his as well.

Khloe's eyes went to the beautiful white strapless gown that Angel had picked out. The dress maker was a damn genius; she was able to make a sash that went around the chest of the dress before it tied off into an elegant bow and the streamers flowed down the back. The imperial purple color really set off the brilliant white of the dress. Her nearly four feet of hair was straight with a few sporadic spiral curls to give it some attitude.

Khloe smirked when Seth looked around the couple and winked at her; she returned his wink. Khloe couldn't help thinking back to all the stuff that had happened in the last twelve months. Her older brother Bryan was sent to a rehabilitation center to be helped with his steroid abuse. He was gone for eight months and when he returned he literally couldn't remember doing anything remotely abusive to his two younger sisters. The proof was in the pictures as Paul and Stephanie made sure he was well aware of why he'd been shipped off for help.

The reconciliation between Bryan, Marika and Khloe was slow, but eventually Bryan was able to talk to each of his sisters and get back what he'd once had with the both of them. Bryan had finally seen what Marika saw when he looked at Khloe and Seth. He saw the love they had for each other and could see as it strengthened their bond. He took the news about them marrying well and had even managed to apologize to Seth for the things he'd done and said to get him away from his sister when clearly they were so perfect for each other.

Khloe looked over and saw Bryan with his arm around Brie as they sat in the front row and he winked at her and she smiled a full 100 watt smile. It was great having the old Bryan back. It was even better just having her brother back; she'd missed him so much.

Everyone's attention was pulled back to the happy couple facing each other at the altar. Phil smiled softly. "You're really sure about this right?" He whispered.

Angel couldn't help the smile that morphed into a grin as she stifled the giggles that tickled her throat and threatened to spring free. "Positive…"

Phil cleared his throat as his tongue came out to wet his suddenly dry lips. "Angelina, in your eyes, I have found my home. In your heart, I have found my love. In your soul, I have found my mate. With you, I am whole, full, and alive. You make me laugh. You let me cry. You are my breath, my every heartbeat."

Angel could feel the tears pricking the back of her eyes as they gathered in the corners of her eyelids. She exhaled before she took a breath. "Phillip, you are my inspiration and my soul's fire. You are the magic of my days.
You help me laugh, you teach me love. You provide a safe place for me, unlike I've ever known. You free me to sing my own song.
Each day I rediscover you. You are my greatest gain."

Phil squeezed Angel's hands gently. "I am yours. You are mine. Of this we are certain."

"You are lodged in my heart. The small key is lost. You must stay there forever." Angel stated as she felt a tear slip free and roll down her cheek and felt Phil's thumb gently brushed it away.

Khloe smiled softly as she watched them exchange rings before the minister stepped forward. "By the power invest in me and the state of Illinois, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

Phil stepped forward as he gently cupped Angel's cheeks. "No backing out now Mrs. Brooks."

"Wouldn't dream of it Mr. Brooks." Angel stated softly.

Phil leaned down and captured her lips in the softest of kisses; tilting her head upward slightly just to deepen it a bit. He slowly brought the kiss to an end as he pulled back but not before rubbing his nose against her and pecking her lips once more for good measure.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I announce to you all Mr. and Mrs. Philip Brooks." The minster rejoiced.

Everyone filed from the outside garden where the wedding had taken place to the inside of the 50 acre bed and breakfast; where the reception was being held.

Roman looked down at Tina with a concerned gaze as he ran his large hand over her six month pregnant belly. "How are you feeling?" His deep voice asked softly once they sat down at their assigned table with the rest of the groomsmen and bridesmaids.

Tina shook her head. "I need to be defrosted, but other than that I'm good Roman. The baby is fine he was just a little rambunctious earlier."

Roman chuckled softly as he moved her chair back and slipped her heels off and placed her feet in his lap. His big hands immediately went to work rubbing her feet, ankles and calves. Her skin was freezing to the touch and he knew his already hot blooded hands would rub the warmth back into her. "You look beautiful gorgeous."

Tina smiled. "Thank you baby, but nice try; I look like a purple whale. Thanks for the effort. I must admit you do look rather handsome in your suite, the purple vest brings out your skin tone nicely."

"You're not a whale beautiful, you're carrying my baby and that makes you the most beautiful woman in the room; actually the world." He winked at her.

Tina leaned over and tugged his hair as he leaned over and pressed his lips to hers.

Apparently life worked in mysterious ways because the same night Dean proposed to Marika, Tina decided to drop the pregnancy bomb; first to Roman who couldn't stop smiling like a big goof and then to everyone else. They hadn't gotten married yet, but they were engaged and their wedding would be next summer. Tina wanted to wait until the baby was born and during warmer weather.

Not Angel, bring on the Winter Wonderland. Honestly it wasn't that cold but there was a nice 3 feet of snow covering the ground. The bed and breakfast staff came out and seriously shoveled a huge area for the wedding guests and wedding party. Thank God she'd found white cardigans to go over the girls arms or they would have had to commission some people to thaw out her bridal party.

Phil's hazel eyes looked around at all their guests; he guessed now was as good a time as any to drop the bomb. He held Angel's hand in his. "Are you really sure you want to leave your friends and family in Tampa and live with me in Chicago? You know we can live in both places."

Angel shook her head. "I want to be wherever you are. You're not living in Chicago for kicks; it's because that's where your home is. I would never ask you to do that."

Phil smirked as he looked down at their joined hands. "I guess it's a good thing I sold the house in Chicago and Khloe helped me find a house on the beach in Tampa then." Phil turned to look at his brides face as her eyes were wide with shock. He put his index finger over her lips before she had a chance to say anything. "You didn't ask me because you didn't have too. I know who you're closest with; Khloe, Marika and Tina might be your friends, but they are my friends too along with Roman, Seth and Dean. Surrounding ourselves with friends we consider family is exactly where I want to be with you."

Angel threw her arms around Phil's shoulders as she squeezed him in a tight hug before pulling back and placing at least a thousand feather kisses all over his face. "Thank you. You really didn't have to do it! I could've easily made my home in Chicago as long as you were there."

Phil shook his head negatively. "Home is wherever WE are not wherever I am." Phil chuckled as Angel placed more kisses all over his face. "Glad we could come to an agreement."

Marika smiled softly as Dean whisked her around the dance floor. As much as he goofed off with Roman, Seth and Phil. Dean could be completely serious when he wanted to be. He had literally shocked the shit out of her when after dating for 8 months he'd proposed to her in front of their friends in their hotel suite one night. He popped open a black velvet box and it was a black diamond set on a silver band that alternated black and white diamond chips all the way around it.

Marika cried and then laughed and then called him a dumb son of a bitch for wanting to marry her when she couldn't even figure out if she was the marrying kind. Dean just chuckled at her and said hell yes she was the marrying kind because she WAS going to marry him whether she liked it or not. Marika said nothing else and argued no more as she held out her left hand and watched as he slipped the beautiful ring on.

Marika smiled as she played with the curls on the back of Dean's head. Those curls and his chest would be the death of her. Of course so would those blue/grey eyes he used to stare into her soul. "Are you really sure you want to get married. I'm telling you right now the only way you'll get out of a marriage from me is death or cheating, but they sort of go hand in hand; if you cheat on me I will kill you."

Dean shook his head as he laughed at her while tightening his arm around her waist. "Do you really think I'd be stupid enough to cheat on you precious?" His gritty voice asked as he gave her his 'are you serious' look. "I would like think that after the twelve months we've been dating that I've got enough hours logged into getting to know you; that I fully understand that you'd dismember me if my dick jumped out of my pants and into someone who wasn't you. Besides I don't need anyone else when I have everything I could possibly need in my arms right now."

"Smooth, Mr. Ambrose." Marika stated with a smirk on her lips.

"Yup, that's me - my lovely." Dean broke out in a cocky grin as he flex his biceps and his chest knowing she's feel both; leaning over he captured her lips before she had a chance to smack his chest and call him a cocky ass like always. They hadn't decided on a wedding date yet, neither of them were honestly in a hurry, but Dean was hoping she'd pick soon or he would just cart her cute ass off and Vegas it up!

Seth looked down at Khloe as they danced slowly. He was inhaling the scent of her perfume it always made him heady.

Khloe looked up when she felt Seth's arms tighten around her and could already tell something was bothering him. "What's wrong?"

Seth shook his head. "I didn't say anything." He shrugged slightly.

Khloe shook her head. "You're not going to get away with a shrug. So what is it?"

Seth sighed heavily. "I think – I think we should try for a baby again."

After 4 months of trying and Khloe not getting pregnant she went to the doctor and he told her to slow down a little. He told her sometimes if she tried too hard and she stressed her body out too much then her body would reject Seth's sperm and getting pregnant would be that much harder.

Khloe had gotten depressed and discouraged; even more so when Tina announced she was pregnant and she knew her and Seth were sexing it up like a couple of bunnies on a holiday.

Khloe shook her head. "No I don't think we should." She stated honestly.

Seth frowned. "What not?" He questioned in a soft tone.

Khloe smiled softly as she cupped his beard covered jaw. "I'm already pregnant." She squealed as she suddenly found herself swept up in Seth's arms and being twirled in circles.

Seth set Khloe on her feet gently as he gripped her hips. "When did you find out baby?" He asked as his eyes twinkled with giddiness.

"I took a test while we were on the road and when we went home you went to the gym and I went to the doctor. I was just trying to figure out when to tell you." Khloe stated. "So you're sure you're happy about this?"

Seth nodded emphatically. "Yes baby! There's nothing more that I want in my life then being married to you and you having my babies. Are you sure you're happy about all of this happening so fast?" He asked honestly.

"When we broke up I couldn't help but let my heart go into the dark; but now it's much happier in the light surrounded by you and the amazing future we're about to have."

And that's how you go from the dark to the light.

The End