Author Notes

Greetings fellow readers and writers! This is TBD here and I'm about to unveil a new fan fiction I decided to work on. Elsword is one of my favorite games to play in my spare time so I wanted to make a story about it. Now, this story revolves is set two years after the El Team saved the world of Elrios by returning the stolen El to Ruben village.

Now there are some minor changes I've added so that any of you who are familiar with the story of Elsword can understand.

Firstly, The El Team met Chung in Altera. He was on a mission collecting data for his Destroyer when he came across them. In the original story, he meets them in Hamsel but in mine he meets them sooner so that the whole gang can be complete.

Secondly, even though Elesis did not appear in the story, she will in mine. I'm not sure when, but she will come into contact with the gang before the story finishes so expect her appearance.

Finally in this time, they all passed their second job advancements and are going to travel the remaining journey through Elrios to stop the incoming army.

To make it fun, I won't tell you which jobs they chose but you should be able to figure it out when I describe their appearance.

Another quick thing, the characters will be using a lot of in game moves but not in the sense that it will show like life bars and mana bars. Also, Awakening mode will also be implemented.

Well, that's all I'll say. Enjoy the story.

Chapter 1:

Panic! The Demons Strike!

A gentle breeze calmly enveloped the soothing air as the sun vibrantly shined amongst the various towns and cities. There was nothing specifically special about this day, not to the townspeople anyway as they went about their daily lives. Blacksmiths either crafting weapons, Farmers farming their fields, and students studying in their classrooms.

No, to them today was just going to be another peaceful day that followed the never ending cycle.

But they were wrong….

Today would be a day that would change the lives of not only the world, but six incredible warriors who once saved Elrios from the clutches of an insane Nasod.

[Feita Kingdom, 10:30 AM]

"L-Lord... It's a d-demon!" A female voice screeched from the outskirts of a small tavern located on the edges of Feita. Steadily approaching her, was a swarm of several thousand demons who all carried intense blood lust in their eyes as they made their way through the streets.

Their razor sharp claws gritted against another, and their penetrating fangs seemed to petrify defenseless civilians one by one. These were nothing like the usual wild monsters living in their territories, these things were after blood, human blood.

It was a full out invasion! Elderly men running for their lives, young children crying for their parents, and able mothers who clung to their families all screamed in panic as the demons made their way to the center of the towns.

No one was safe from their wrath. They spread themselves out as they bombarded the stable buildings and farms, killing any human who crossed their destructive path. Soon, seas of flames were cast around the town, and without even realizing, the town was completely devastated.

Luckily, the royal guard of Feita was commissioned in the area and tried their best to hold off the massive army before them.

"Where's Lento!? We need back up!" Soldiers everywhere were filled with panic and despair as their commander was nowhere to be seen. Try as they might, the entire force of Feita was nearly wiped out, as the main force was stationed in the capital, unable to send their assistance to the lower branch towns.

"We can't hold them!"

"Someone help me! They're too strong!"

One by one, they all fell to the unstoppable might of these demons. Their tough, impenetrable armor that was crafted from the best materials were nothing more than tissue paper to them.

To say it was unexpected would be a grave understatement. No one, not a single person living in Elrios was expecting an assault of this magnitude, especially not when the world's heroes had retrieved the missing El Stone. Where were they now? The commanding red haired swordsman, the enchanting purple haired magician, the beautiful green haired elf, the frightening black haired rogue, the cool headed silver haired queen, and the determined yellow haired guardian? Their presence seemed to disappear entirely from their prayers as they never showed up.

The people began to lose hope, believing that their heroes would never show themselves again and that the world of Elrios would be under siege forever.

And so it continued, day after day, towns were attacked by hoards of barbaric demons claiming that they would overthrow the human race. Would this nightmare ever stop? Would the world be doomed to suffer this torment for eternity?

Let's find out….

[Three Months Later…]

Far to the east, secluded away from the destruction that occurred in Elrios, was a closed town of magicians and mages. This town was home to the world's most powerful and insightful magic users and had a reputation for producing excellent mana casters.

Regardless of what was happening on the outside, this town wasn't affected by the invasion in the least due to their knowledge of the outside world being quite limited. Only members of the high magic council were entitled to know what had been occurring and withheld this grave information from the rest of the village. It was in their best interests not to know, as causing more panic would only make the situation worse.

Small innocent children ran across the streets, enchanting beginner spells and summoning harmless creatures. The adults made their money through selling their well made potions and elixirs. Thanks to the endless supply of mana that flowed through the Tower of Juprehm near the center of the town, there was never a worry for not enough mana.

Smack dead in the middle of the town, was a large building that towered over the smaller houses and markets.

Magicians Academy!

This academy was specifically built for the sole purpose of training young, inexperienced magicians in the art of spell casting and enchanting, so that one day they could venture into the world and use their powers to better help society.

Inside this enormous building on the second floor, was a classroom that held hundreds of young magical students, eager to learn from their new instructor that had just transferred in last month.

She stood at the front of the class, magical book clutched in her small hands, chalk sitting comfortably in the other as she began to write down the next lesson for her young pupils to absorb into their excited brains. Turning her head to the front of her class, the lower left bang at the edge of her hair whirled around as she stood facing them.

"Now class, who can tell me the inscription of this incantation?" a clear but soft voice beckoned towards the young children.

Raising his hand, a young boy who sat right at the front of the class eagerly waved it around, as if he was absolutely sure he was correct.

"Sensei! I know! It means fire right?"

The purple haired instructor gave a weak sigh as she expected no less from him.

"Nicolas, must I repeat myself every time? Fire cannot be a part of an incantation such as this because of its opposite properties."

The young boy blinked his eyes several times as he tried to comprehend what she had just told him. Scratching the back of his head, he laughed nervously and closed his eyes. "Sorry sensei, I just really like fire!"

Giggles could be heard around the classroom from his latest answer as the professor closed her book and started to walk towards him. She lightly bonked her white encyclopedia on his head, making him grasp it in pain.

"You need to pay more attention, what am I going to do with you"

All the boy could do was smile and laugh in his seat, obviously ignoring his teacher's stern words.

"I'll study harder and become the strongest mage ever, just you wait sensei!"

Silence eroded the room at first after hearing his little outburst. Seconds later, no one in the room could contain their laughter anymore as they couldn't take what he had said seriously. A faded tint of pink spread across the boy's face as he got up from his seat and tried to shut them up.

The Professor however, had a little spark in her eyes after she had heard similar words before. Where had she heard them from?

I'll get stronger no matter what! I'll become the strongest swordsman you've ever seen!


The short, bratty, reckless, but determined kid who only thought about getting stronger suddenly popped into her mind. It had been almost two years since she last heard his less than pleasant voice and she wondered what he had been up to during this time. Was he still training in Velder to become an official knight? Knowing him, she guaranteed that he would fail and start slicing people up.

"Sensei? Are you okay?"

Snapping back to reality, the young professor gave an awkward cough and turned back to face the chalkboard.

"Y-Yes I am fine. Just a little something on my mind. Now, let's get back to-"

An electrical vibration began to condense at the top corner of the classroom as everyone could hear someone about to speak.

"Please excuse this announcement. Professor Aisha, please come to the council room immediately. The council members would like to have a word with you."

Aisha, who stood in the middle of the class with a confused expression on her face, wondered exactly why the council wanted her presence.

"Okay class, we'll continue this lesson when I return."

With that, she closed the door behind her and proceeded to head down the hallway.

"What could this be about? I haven't made any mistakes yet have I? Oh no! I hope they don't fire me because I'm distracting all the teachers? Maybe I should have dressed down in order not to stand out?"

Her thoughts began to cloud her better sense of judgment, as she found more excuses as to why they would call her down. Finally reaching the end of the hall way, she stood before the enlarged door that had the initials "Magic Council" engraved at the top.

Swallowing her spit, she proceeded to open the door handle and stepped into the darkened room that cast a sea of darkness. Cautious, she took her first few steps into the lifeless room, looking for any signs of human activity.

"U-Uhm..hello? I was called here by the magic council?

Her voice went unanswered as she waited eagerly for a response.

Suddenly, a single candle lit itself in the middle of the room, and soon a group of candles began to ignite themselves one by one as they rolled with each other like a set of falling dominoes.

"Miss Aisha…" The voice was weak and sounded quite old and on the verge of death.

Soon, many shadowed figures began to show themselves in front of the candles as Aisha began to adjust her eyes to the darkness and stood in front of ten wizards who all wore white hoods to cover their faces.

"Are you the magic council?" Her voice sounded weak and confused, still not believing that this was the legendary council that never revealed their presence to the outside world.

"That we are. We have summoned you here because of some unfortunate news"

She didn't understand. Judging by the way the voice had just said that, it was correct to assume that they weren't referring to her. A breeze of relief washed over Aisha's body as she was glad that she wouldn't have to leave the academy.

"What is it?"

"I'm sure you haven't heard the news yet, but most of Elrios is currently under attack."

Excuse me? Aisha couldn't believe what the voice had just spoken to her. The peaceful, carefree world of Elrios that she and her trusted friends worked so hard to save was under attack again?

"What! Who is responsible for this?" Her voice was completely different than the one she had used earlier. Instead, confusion and anger began to overtake her emotions as she wanted answers immediately.

"The one behind the invasion is still unclear. All the information we gathered was that for the past three months, the great Kingdoms of Feita, Altera, Bethma, and Elder were invaded by a hoard of powerful demons."

Now this wasn't making any sense. They had faced demons before, so what was the threat? Surely a few demons couldn't really overtake the near impenetrable fortress of those kingdoms? This had to be some sort of joke.

"No this isn't a joke, if that's what you're thinking Miss Aisha. We're dead serious."

The mood swiftly changed inside the lightened room as Aisha began to accept the reality she was thrown. Aisha gripped her fists tightly as she pictured the destruction of what the demons could have caused and the possibility that one of her friends might have been attacked as well.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?! This has been going on for three months and you didn't bother to tell anyone!?"

This time, a more stern and intimidating voice came from the far east of the room. "What would that have accomplished? We, the great leaders of the Town of Magicians were only notified of this a few weeks ago. You should watch your tongue Miss Aisha, the fact that we're telling you this is already an exception in itself."

It was frustrating, but Aisha had to accept that she had only recently been enrolled into the academy, and didn't possess enough authority to know about these kinds of things. This didn't make her ease up on her anger towards the council for this. What if one of her friends was killed during the invasion? She could have spent the rest of her life unaware of what could have happened to them.

"Well, why did you decide to tell me this?"

The voice from earlier resumed his speech.

"Because, it is our duty to uphold the peace of Elrios no matter the cost. We may not be as obedient as the knights, but it is still our duty to destroy any evil that threatens our world."

"And so Miss Aisha"

Aisha turned her attention towards the only female voice coming to the left of her side.

"We need you to gather your five comrades once again, and launch an assault on the demons that have brought upon another war."

Aisha's ears picked up and her heart began to flutter a bit when she heard those words. The world needed the El Team once again, and she was going to reunite them?

It's funny. She usually thought the role of brining the group together was supposed to be handled by the leader of the team, which in this case would be the young bratty Elsword, but the thought of seeing his saddened face, knowing that she was not only taller than him, older than him, but now higher ranked than him, would be delightful.

A small, wicked smile spread across her face as her eyes were shadowed by her eccentric purple hair.

"Miss Aisha? Do you accept or not?" the wavering voice spoke.

Raising her head, she looked them straight in their eyes and gave them a warmful smile. "You can count on me, I will not fail in this mission."

"Excellent, we knew that we could rely on your cooperation. Remember Aisha, these demons aren't your every day run of the mill monsters you find in the wild. They're a great deal more powerful and were able to beat the Royal Knights of Feita in almost a week. Needless to say, you need to be fully prep-"

"Mayor, she already left"

Noticing the absence of the young female magician, the mayor of the council sighed deeply as he had expected something like this from her. She may have been a child genius when it came to spells and incantations, but that girl never knew her limits and usually bit off more than she could chew.

"Do you think she'll be alright?"

"Hard to say, I do believe she has gotten much more powerful, it's her lack of reservation that worries me."

"Let her have her fun, I haven't seen her smile like that since she first came home from her adventures with her friends."

"I guess, I just hope she is careful, her magic is quite unpredictable. Remember when she felt so embarrassed that she summoned a meteor shower and almost destroyed the whole town?"

Hardy laughs and chuckles began to flood the room as the memories of Aisha started to envelope their thoughts.

"Regardless of what happens, let's just pray that she and the El Team can stop the threat before Elrios is doomed."

Lying on her cushioned white bed, Aisha had her eyes closed as her legs hung off the edge of the bed. She rested a hand on her face as a sigh escaped her small lips. It was such a shock that she still couldn't believe it was actually happening. The El Team was getting back together again, and she was going to do it. Not Elbrat, but Magician Instructor Aisha.

The mere thought of this just made her squeal in happiness as she couldn't wait to see her old friends again. She missed them so much, their warmth, their fun, their everything was something she longed for everyday.

Rena's beautiful smile and sweet scent that made her envy her perfect body. She was gorgeous, well endowed, and so wonderfully kind to everyone she met, even villains! Aisha could never be like that, she didn't have the patience to handle immature brats, or sleazy thugs who only wanted money.

She missed Eve just as much, her cute and emotionless face that always looked as if she was trying to reserve herself. It took quite awhile, but she was able to finally bring out her emotions again and show her that interacting with friends was a better way to live her life.

Even though she didn't favor men, she couldn't help but miss those three guys. Raven, who was actually a former enemy and acted distant towards them, was like a big brother to her and missed his guidance. Chung, the determined young boy who always thought about the greater good of the world, was like a younger brother to her who she cared about.

Finally Elsword, the bratty, stupid, but strong and dedicated swordsman who always tried his best and valued his friends more than anything in this world. Aisha couldn't help but smile as she remembered all of the crazy adventures they had together. It seemed like it had been forever since she last saw him make his way toward Velder to become a Knight.

Did he succeed? Probably not, with his personality, she doubted he would be one for following orders and becoming more mature. It just wasn't possible as the saying "once a brat, always a brat" was something she strongly believed in.

Getting up from her bed, she looked around her nicely fitted room that held mountains of books, incantation notes, and teddy bears, and began to pack her things for the long journey ahead of her.

Making her way to the entrance of the town, she noticed the townsfolk giving her pleasant smiles and children running around and enjoying their carefree childhoods. Could there really be a war going on with peace like this? The whole idea still didn't capture her completely, but she needed to worry about that once he left.

Arriving at the entrance, she took one quick look at the town she grew up in and spent most of her life with while smiling beautifully. She had just gotten accustom to living here once again, and now she was sent on another adventure, leaving the safety of her hometown to go to war with evil demons. Seemed a bit cliché to her, but she wasn't complaining. She already made up her mind to do this and she was a woman of her word.

With a back pack full of food supplies, mana potions, incantations, and her advanced magic encyclopedia for the road, she headed out of the entrance, where the force field that was cast around the town dissipated around her.

When she turned around, she saw nothing but an empty forest of where her town was hidden from intruders and bandits.

"I guess I should start looking for either Rena or Eve"

Taking her snow white wand strapped to the side of her high stockings, she gathered a significant amount of mana below her feet as a blue magic circle erupted from her shoes. She began to incite the words of a magic spell that she was familiar with.

Oh beads of time and space that govern the world we live in. Answer my Call!

Transpertta en Ruben! (Transport me to Ruben)

In a flash, Aisha's entire body was covered in a blue aura that began to change shape, and immediately she was gone, leaving behind a trail of leaves that danced with the wind.

Aisha had a long journey ahead of her, and it was going to start by getting her girlfriends back first, she needed to have them with her first before she reunited with the boys.

A/N: Annnnnnd done xD. Finally finished chapter guys! I hope you enjoy what I've cooked up here. Aisha is the first of the group to be told of what happened and it's up to her to get everyone back together. She seemed kind of happy though :P

Next Time: Chapter 2 - Meetings! The Elf Guardian Returns!