The Assignment

My name is Annabeth, and I am 15 years old. I'm a pretty above-average sort of kid, great on the field, and even better in the classroom. I have a great group of friends too.

There's a boy. He's dumb, I'm smart. He has a slow brain, mine is mega-powered. He has dark hair, I'm a blonde. He has sea green eyes, I have stormy gray. He also used to be my best friend, up until about 5 years ago.

Now? I'm his arch-nemesis. Our story is famous around Goode High. Best friends turned enemies. People gossip about us. I wouldn't be surprised if someone from Goode grows up to become an author and writes stories on us. There's already a website with every hour, on the hour updates of our whereabouts and our latest interactions. Sometimes they even have photos. It's ridiculous.

I don't even try to fight with him. It just happens. We see each other, we ignore each other. He ignores my friends, I ignore his. We hadn't had a fight for 5 months until that day...

Percy was so dead. Or so I thought.

I was exhausted. We had a major Algebra II test that day, along with a quizzes for History, Literature, and P.E.

"Hey Annie!" Thalia exclaimed as I walked inside the school buiding, while fixing her black eyeliner. She recently had her jet black hair dip-dyed an electric blue, which matches her eyes. Thalia is also Percy's cousin. He stopped talking to her after she took my side in our fight.

"Hey sweetie," Silena said, applying lip gloss.

"Hey guys," I replied, yawning.

"Don't tell me. You studied," our other friend, Rachel said, shaking her head.

"Well, obviously," I replied.

"Annie!" Thalia exclaimed. "You don't have to study!" she said, kicking her locker and muttering about how she's going to murder it one day.

"Why?" I asked, sighing.

"You already know everything." Silena exclaimed, picking up her bag from the floor. "Hurry up, get your stuff. We're gonna be late."

I got my stuff, and 5 minutes later, we were in class and in our seats just as the bell rang.

"Good Morning 10th grade!" Mrs. Hanna said. She's our young, energetic English teacher, always a little too perky in the morning, a bit annoying if you ask me.

"Good Morning Mrs. Hanna," we replied customarily.

"Well! Its Monday!" she exclaimed.

We stared at her.

"Well, don't look like that! This week will be fun! I promise," she said.

Thalia, sitting behind me, tossed a note over my shoulder, which landed on my desk. I picked it up and read it: She says this every Monday. Doesn't he know what our reaction will be?

I shrugged in response.

"I'm assigning you all a project! You will be working with one partner," Mrs. Hanna said.

That woke everyone out of their daze, as they tried to grab their friends, Thalia poked me in the back, Silena grabbed Rachel, our friend Clarisse kicked Katie, Malcolm nudged Beckendorf, get the picture.

"Oh! And the partner will be assigned," she continued.

Thalia scowled, Clarisse groaned, Malcolm went back to sleep.

"When will we find out our groups," Nico Di Angelo asked, one of our friends who sided with Percy when IT happened.

"They will be posted on the bulletin board at the end of the day," Mrs. Hanna replied crisply, then proceeded with her lesson.

After School- In Front of 10th grade Bulletin Board.

"Move out of the way!"


"Okay, really? You're just gonna come stand RIGHT in front of me?"

"Oh come ON!"



Thalia weaved her way to the front, stuck her leather-clad arm through the throng, grabbed my arm, and yanked me into the chaos. Somehow, I ended up next to her, directly in front of the bulletin board. Her eyes were wide, mouth open in shock. She squeezed my arm.

"Thalia? What's wrong?" I asked, scanning the sheet for my name, and immediately understood her shock.

"Oh no," I breathed. A hand placed itself on my shoulder and whirled me around. I instinctively lashed out, but quick as whip, the person had grabbed my wrist to stop me.

"I swear, whoever you are-" I growled, but stopped short as I saw who it was. 'Shoot,' I thought.

"Hey," Percy said, showing off his perfect smile, surrounded by a group of his friends, who stood there smirking.

Oh did I forget to mention? We're partners.

Can you guys please review and tell me what you think? I would love some tips and suggestions!


1. Any particular pairings, other than Percabeth?

2. Additional drama? In what form?

Let me know!
