Hook watched Neal and Emma talk, smiling and looking at each other longingly. His insides burned, his fist was white with the steely grip he had on his flask of rum.

Hook stood suddenly and gave a curt excuse. "I'm getting firewood." He walked rigidly into the jungle, cursing under his breath.

"Well, Hook, I suppose you've shown yourself to be a man of honor. Too bad that won't get you into Emma's heart," Pan sneered.

"It was… good form," Hook said, images of his brother passing through his mind. Back when he believed in heroes. Back when he strived to be one.

"Your good form doesn't seem to get you any closer to her form. Quite the opposite, I'd say. You admitted your feelings in the Echo Cave, and she doesn't seem to feel anything back. In fact she's content with dear Neal." Pan stepped in front of Hook. The game involved Hook, but he wasn't playing by the rules. He was supposed to be much easier to control.

"You must be bored if you find my grief so entertaining," Hook growled.

"I'll help you get her. I'll sing her a little song on my pipes. She'll be all yours, and all you need to do is help me a tad."

Hook threw Pan into a tree before the little bastard knew what happened. Pan's momentary shock melted into anger as Hook stared him in the eye and chewed out his words between clenched teeth.

"I won't do anything for you. Stay the bloody hell away from me!"

Pan stepped forward in challenge. "You think you can change after three hundred years of debauchery and selfish, sinful behavior? You are the same inside, nothing can change that."

"She can…." Hook shook his head. "I can change for her."

"She doesn't want you! She's the Savior, she's a princess, and her family hates you - you, a marauding, and murdering pirate."

"The kiss-"

"Meant nothing to her. She was ashamed. She regretted it. You mean less than nothing to her. You're a boat ride, and a guide through Neverland. If she got her son out, she'd drop you without a second's hesitation. Why don't you just do what's best for you, Hook?"

Hook made a show of bowing. "May I introduce myself, I am love's bitch, and I'll stay by Emma's side as long as she'll allow me. I'll protect her, and the ones she loves… no matter what."

Pan disappeared with a disgusted scoff, "Idiot."

Hook sat on a large, mangled tree root, running his fingers miserably through his hair. He looked up when he heard a branch snap.

Snow smiled tentatively. "Did you mean all that?"

"That I'm love's bitch?" Hook asked.

"That you love Emma so much that you'd die for her."

"I don't remember saying that," Hook ran his thumb over his hook; trying not to look at the mother of the woman he'd fallen for.

"It was there, even if you didn't say the words." Snow sat beside the heartbroken pirate. "Can I trust you with a secret?"

Hook squinted and looked at her for a long moments before nodding. "Yeah, alright, luv… mums the word."

"I don't really like Neal," Snow whispered.

Hook raised an eyebrow. "What was that?"

"I think he's selfish and not good for my daughter. I don't think they'd work out, and I think she'd get her heart broken again. And now that Henry is in the picture I'm even less sure about Neal. If he left Henry again, I don't think he'd recover for a long time."

Hook stared at her in shock. "I think you really are an amazingly astute person."

"It comes with the mom territory. Listen, if you stick with her through her thick skulled, hard head, stubbornness, you guys have my blessing. I know that you're a good man under all the pirate stuff. My daughter needs a hero, and I think you're that man for the job."

Hook did something he imagined looked ridiculous for a fierce pirate to do, he hugged Snow. He pulled back a smiled a charming smile.

"So, you wouldn't mind having a pirate for a son-in-law someday?"

Snow patted his shoulder, a smile turning the corners of her lips up. "No, I wouldn't mind. So, thinking marriage already? At least I know your intentions with my daughter."

Color flushed Hook's face, burning it red. "No, I just… I was just saying… joking, really…."

"Uh-huh, okay, I can pretend to believe that," she teased.

Hook chuckled. Minutes ago he was feeling ready for death, now he was laughing; Snow really was an amazing person.

"Come on, you'll never show up Neal by hiding. Let's go back to camp." Snow stood up, offering him a hand.

"Aye," he said and took her hand, "I suppose you're right."

"Of course I am."

They smiled at each other as they headed back towards camp. Hook decided that moment that he'd help her have her happy ending. Come hell or high water, he'd figure out how to save Charming from a life on Neverland.