AU: Hello there Fanfiction. Today I have decided to create another story, except this time, it's an Ash Betrayed one. Lately, I have been really getting into the betrayed stories and I have decided to create one of my own. Sadly, this won't have long chapters like my other stories, 'The New Chosen One' is also on hold at the moment. I have almost no time to write anymore because of exams among other things, considering I am in my last year at school. Anyway, on with the story...

Normal POV:

Betrayal. This was the only word going through a young boys mind at the moment. He had been, shunned, abandoned at his weakest time by those he thought 'friends'. He couldn't wait to prove them wrong. In these types of situations, most people would consider just 'ending' it right there and now; but not this boy. No, he was going away for a while and when he comes back, everyone wont know what hit them. You're probably wondering how all of this started aren't you? Well, it goes like this...

Flashback - 2 hours ago:

Ash Ketchum, an aspiring young trainer was on his way back to his home town of Pallet from the Sinnoh. He was with his best friend and starter, Pikachu. Sadly, he lost in the last round of the Sinnoh league against a mysterious person called Tobias. This man still made Ash shiver; just how did he manage to capture a Darkrai and Latios? Ash kept asking himself this question through his head over and over. Ash broke out of his thoughts as he heard the loudspeaker.

''We are arriving in Vermilion City soon. Make sure to pick up any extra luggage and walk off the boat safely. Thank you for riding with the S.S. Voyager, we hope to see you with us again.'' The person on the loudspeaker said kindly before cutting the mic off. Ash smiled to himself, glad to be home after another long and arduous journey. Ash turned to his other friend, Brock, to see him giving Ash a slightly intense glare. Ash flinched back and raised his eyebrow at Brock.

''Uh, Brock, why are you looking at me like that?'' Ash questioned. Brock seemed to get slightly nervous for a second before coming up with an excuse.

''Oh, sorry about that Ash, I zoned out for a second.'' Brock said, a fake blush on his face. Ash sent him a questioning look before deciding to just drop it.

''Whatever you say Brock. Just don't look at me like that again.'' Ash said in a warning tone. Brock nodded and mumbled a small 'sorry'. Ash smiled at his friend, he didn't really mean to say it like that, he was just a little creeped out.

''Don't worry Brock, no harm done.'' Ash said happily. Brock nodded and smiled at him. They stood in relative silence, waiting for the boat to dock. Pikachu was slightly more confused and suspicious about how Brock was looking at his best friend, since Pikachu was a Pokémon, he could feel emotions better than Ash and Brock was giving off malice and hateful emotions. This was the first Pikachu ever saw Brock like this and as he was about to talk to Ash about this, the boat finished docking at Vermilion and Ash was the first off, running home.

After a while, Ash stopped for a short break, panting for running around 3 miles. Pikachu smirked, Ash would never learn. Brock caught up to the two and decided to speak up.

''Hey Ash, I'm going to Pewter City for a while, I'll see you in Pallet later.'' Brock told his friend. Ash nodded before the two walked separate ways, not even bothering to say goodbye. Pikachu raised his furry eyebrow at that (AU: Well, if that can even happen) and got even more suspicious about Brock. Everything seemed to be really off today and he was wondering just what was going on. Pikachu decided to just let it go and watch the road ahead, excited about seeing Ash's home town again.

Eventually, Ash made it back home, sprinting the rest of the way. He was really excited about seeing his mother again. The two got into to Pallet Town to see it was eerily quiet, not a single soul out and about. Ash and Pikachu looked at each other, confused. Ash walked ahead, reaching his own house relatively quickly. He ran to the door and stepped inside...

Ash's POV:

I walked inside my house, with Pikachu still on my shoulder. Upon first glance, you would think the whole place was deserted. I suddenly got a bad foreboding feeling and my neck hairs stood on end. I don't know why, but my own lively, happy town was making me feel really scared right now. It was like someone or something came here and took away all the happiness. As I looked around my house, I eventually came to the kitchen, to stumble upon my mother and my friends apart from Brock. They were all talking to each other lowly, making sure I couldn't hear.

After a while, everyone turned to me, the same look on their face as Brock had earlier. I flinched back again, why was everyone being so angry with me today. As I looked again, that was when I noticed him. I have no clue why, but seeing him here made me feel fear like never before. Standing in front of me, a scowl on his face; this was my worst nightmare. The one going through my dreams with me every night. I felt fear well up inside me and I could only pronounce one word.

''Tobias...'' I spat harshly, wondering what the hell this guy wanted with me. I looked around the room again, to see that everyone was glaring at me with so much hate that if a Latias was here, she would literally die from the malice coming from my 'friends'. I turned to Misty as I heard her talk.

''Ash, I think I speak for everyone here when we say your weak.'' She said in a harsh voice, her tone not wavering at all. I looked at her shocked, how could one of my friends say this to me?!

''She's right Ash, you have been through so many leagues and you haven't won any of them.'' This time it was May. I looked at everyone, hoping at least someone would take my side. Tears started dripping from my eyes slowly as no one was making a move to stand up for me. Then I looked to Tobias with as much hate as my so-called 'friends' were giving me as he spoke.

''They're right Ash, you have been on this journey for around 6 years and the only thing you have won is the Battle Frontier along with the Orange Islands. You're a joke little boy, you need to give up and face the fact that you're a nobody.'' Tobias said with a sneer in his voice. Everyone nodded and stood by him. Suddenly, I felt rage like I never have before; these people were turning their backs on me now, after how much I helped them and gave them friendship. As I got more angry, my body was slowly enveloped in blue energy and I spoke in a voice that isn't my own.

''You people are fucking imbeciles! If it wasn't for me, you would have all never met and would probably be dead by now considering I was the one who stopped the world from being destroyed multiple times! Mark my words, you will regret this day for the rest of your pathetic lives!'' I roared as the blue energy increased slightly. Everybody, even Tobias, looked terrified at what was happening. They all took out their Poke-balls and gave me a glare.

''See, I always knew you were a freak. Let's take him out now!'' Gary, my supposed best friend shouted.

''Wow Ash, I knew you were weird but this just tops the cake, we are going to destroy you!'' Max shouted. Everyone summoned their own Pokémon, grinning widely. I knew that even though this unknown power would probably help me, I was outnumbered and made a run for it, Pikachu still on my shoulder and giving those traitors an intense glare. Hopefully, Oak was still on my side, I really needed to get away from all of this but I couldn't leave all of my Pokémon. I made it to the ranch in a short amount of time. Not even bothering to knock, I pushed the doors open and ran to where my Poke-balls were being kept.

Upon entering the storage room, Oak was standing there, a maniacal grin on his face. I sighed annoyed, it seemed like everyone was against me. I felt my aura flare up again, like it was protecting me. Oak's smirk went away instantly, replaced by fear. He seemed to know what this was and he walked backwards.

''You're not human anymore Ash, this power you have will destroy you. I know, I can help you, just quit being a trainer and come with me.'' Oak told me, his tone wavering. I looked at him oddly, did he really think I would trust any of them now? I had my own maniacal smirk on my face as Oak was trembling in fear.

''Huh, fat chance old man. I have come for my Pokémon and all you traitors can burn in hell for all I care.'' I said in a tone that actually slightly scared myself. I decided that anymore time wasted would be stupid so I just grabbed my other Poke-balls and ran towards the ranch, Oak chasing me, shouting vulgar words.

I got outside the laboratory quickly and told Pikachu to gather all of my Pokémon. He nodded before running off, sending me a nervous glance, hoping I would be okay. I smiled to myself, my Pokémon were much more loyal than any human could ever be.

''So there you are freak, you're outnumbered now, just give up.'' I heard a voice call behind me. I turned and my blood ran cold, everyone was there with all of their Pokémon out. May had her Blaziken, Misty had her Gyarados, Gary had his Blastoise, Max had his Kirlia and Tobias was using my worst fear, Darkrai. Everyone smirked triumphantly, knowing they had me cornered. I smirked myself as I heard all of my Pokémon running towards me.

Upon seeing everyone against me, my Pokémon got in a defensive stance, protecting me. The traitors groaned, knowing it was them that were outnumbered now, considering I had around 40 Pokémon including all of my Tauros. It was my turn to smirk triumphantly, although what I heard Tobias say next filled me with a lot more rage.

''Pfft, those weak Pokémon can't do anything. Everyone attack them, leave no survivors!'' Tobias roared, ordering the traitors Pokémon for them. The other Pokémon, to my surprise, listened to him and attacked. I decided this just can't happen and returned everyone as fast as possible. Some sadly got injured, although all of my Pokémon were okay. I sent all of them one last glare before running away, Pikachu close behind.

''Stop that little shit! We must destroy him!'' Tobias roared. They complied and ran after me, actually wanting to kill me! I had more tears fall from my eyes; how could my own friends do this to me? I was soon pelted with stones and attempted Pokémon attacks. I then realized that Pikachu fell behind...

''Oh no, please god no!'' I screamed, seeing Pikachu get surrounded by everyone. I roared angrily, my aura even stronger than before. I ran at all of them, not caring if I seriously damage any of my 'friends' anymore. This was a fight to the death, and I couldn't wait to get their blood on my hands...

AU: That's the end of the first chapter to my second story! This was very fast pace and is about to get pretty gory next chapter. I'm not going to tell you what's going to happen, although it will be very sad and there will be some character death. I have decided that one of Ash's 'friends' will die next chapter, although you can decide. Leave a review to tell me what you think and I will see ya next time.