11/9/2013 Hello! This is my second fanfiction so hopefully you all enjoy it. I read Allegiant and was devastated by the ending, but got some inspiration from Mockingjay. For those of you who read it, we know that Finnick lived on through his son and Annie. I needed Four to have some kind of consolation for all that Veronica Roth put him through. So here it is, I update this and my other story for Hunger Games once a week so expect weekly updates from me.

My chapters are never this short, but my prologues are, I promise all future chapters will be at least 1-2k words.

I do not own the Divergent Trilogy or its characters...or else the ending would have made me happy.

I decided I needed to go through and clean up some stuff and fix some plot holes and tie this story together in a neat little bow. Hopefully someone still cares! *insert nervous sweating emoji*


Without further ado...


"Tobias...there is something else.'' A soft voice and warm eyes pull my attention off the floor.

Anger wraps its fingers around my heart, squeezing until I can't breathe. "What else is there? Tris is dead!" She should be here. She should be alive, she was so young, so full of life.

Cara rests a hand on my shoulder, "she was pregnant."

"What?" A child? Soft whispers and stolen touches force bile up my throat.

"Tobias...we, we were able to save the baby."

Those words vibrate against my skull, able to save the baby.

In the distance I hear Cara's voice, but new terrifying words swarm over my head, a headache throbs between my eyes.




Father? Can I even be a father? Without Tris?

Am I even ready to be a father?

Her voice pricks into my focus, I struggle to hold onto anything she is saying. Thumps against my brain press on my skull, what kind of father will I be? Marcus blank cruel eyes haunt me, still. Venom and disgust taste bitter in my mouth, slowly I shake the monster away from me. I won't become him. I can't.

For Tris.

For her child.

I can't be him. I won't. "C-can..." the words are thick in my throat, "can I see it?"

Is that tired, strained voice mine? It hasn't been long since Tris was pronounced dead only a short while ago and suddenly there is a piece of her left.

There is a piece of Tris left.

Cara walks down a never ending maze of twists and turns. She is still speaking about how she will keep this child alive, but I can hardly hear her. The sound of my heart beat echos raging against the headache of one incessant thought, there is a piece of Tris left.

Cara swings open a door and the blinding white of the lab makes the space behind my eyes pulse. She turns to an odd looking structure with a small form resting inside.

"Is that it?" I ask. Cara sets her hand on my arm and gives it a firm squeeze before disappearing behind me.

It's so tiny, smaller than anything I could have imagined. This was inside Tris? The anger from earlier takes another aggravating squeeze at my heart. Swallowing my emotions, I step forward and look at it more carefully...this child is mine.

"I will protect you, I promise." The softness of my voice scares me, the words pooling from my mouth before I can even realize they leaked out. I failed to protect Tris, I would not fail protecting her child.

Her child.

Tris. And me.

Not just hers, but mine. Ours. "I will love you and protect you." It's another slip of the tongue, a pledge between me and this child. Our child. My last little piece of Tris.

I hope it is a girl, one that will be like her mother with her strength, courage, and bravery. A smile falls upon my lips, for the first time in a long time.

I can now only keep one thing in my mind, I will love and protect you... Always.

11/9/2013 Please review let me know what you think. By the way, I actually researched the medical aspect of it and all the medical things I reference are either in the works or already developed.