I don't have much to say other than this is a Resident Evil AND South of Nowhere fanfiction. In this story the only age difference is for RE-characters mentioned in this chapter are teenage seniors in high school. I don't know much about South of Nowhere so work with me a bit.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. I don't own Resident Evil or South of Nowhere or this story

I hope you all enjoy.


It was so hot. Hotter than any day she had experienced in her life. Sweat ran out of the pores in her skin and the moister in her mouth disappeared with each passing second. The redhead's t-shirt was damp but drenched in the areas that she was sweating the most. The sweat covering her body was meant to keep her cool but in the heat of the vehicle it didn't nothing but make her hotter. Claire Redfield ad stopped speaking to everyone in the vehicle hours ago in hopes to save energy in order to stay alive and remain as hydrated as possible. So far it wasn't helping in the slightest. The dry area and the unforgiving rays of the sun seemed to suck the water from the redhead through the Hummer she was in- as if the universe was out to get Claire. And thus became her hatred of the legendary heat of South West America.

Claire blamed her brother's school for the suffering she was going through. Her older brother, Chris Redfield, had been training to become a member of S.T.A.R.S. since his last year in middle school. Chris had taken a ton of fighting lessons, specifically MMA, tae kwon do, and jujitsu. Though he only graduated from MMA recently, he was very good at the other two fighting styles. When Chris transferred from the Raccoon City High School into S.T.A.R.S academy, the school assigned him to an academy on the other side of the country.

Why, out of all the places on Earth, did they have to go there? It wasn't like S.T.A.R.S didn't have other academies or training areas in the other forty-nine states of America. Claire and her family lived four hours away from the academy in Raccoon City. However, Chris insisted that the academy in Los Angeles was the best of the best and-as usual-their mother agreed to move there for him. Claire wasn't jealous or angry at her mother or brother at all. She was just upset that she had to leave behind everything she knew all of her life to begin a new one. The redhead would've been glad if she could stay in Raccoon City with her mostly absent father but knew her place was with her mother and siblings.

Claire's mind was brought of her thoughts when a small draft of cool air swam pass her body. The redhead pouted when it wasn't followed by another draft. It made her heated body begging for more of the precious cool air. It drove her crazy that she had been denied the cool air she sought and she was determined to get more of it. Remembering the direction the wind had come from, Claire leaned forward in her seat to get as much of the air conditioning as possible. As she did so, her seat belt locked and pulled her back to the over-heated leather seat of the Hummer. The redhead groaned loudly and weakly tugged at the seat belt holding her back from the welcoming air conditioner. At that moment, she wished the safety lock on the seat belt didn't exist.

A low chuckle brought Claire out of her halfhearted attempt to break free from the locked seat belt. Claire's head lolled to the side to glare at the long haired blonde next to her. Dahlia, or K-mart, Redfield sat in the seat closest to her older sister and watched the redhead with a small amused smile. K-mart was a senior like Claire, only because she had to be smarter than all the other kids in her class. K-mart was not biologically related to Claire but the redhead couldn't see the blonde as anything but. The blonde, originally being from New Mexico, was used to the blazing heat that Claire was experiencing. The redhead recalled the endless stories K-mart had told her about the intense and unforgiving heat and she could tell they weren't made up. K-mart wasn't sweating as much as Claire or any of the other Redfields were and Claire was envious.

The redhead narrowed her eyes even further at the blonde and muttered "What's so funny blondie?"

K-mart's small smile grew into a full toothy grin "You know you could just unbuckle the seat belt and lean over right?"

Claire rolled her eyes in frustration and fought off the rising embarrassment. She had forgotten about that in the long car ride. Since the windows were newly tinted, courtesy of her brother at the last attempt to keep them cool, it was hard to see if someone was inside or not. So it would be hard to get pulled over for riding without a seatbelt. The redhead gave another weak glare at her sister before unbuckling her seat belt and leaning in the blonde's way. Claire sighed contently as a blast of cool air smacked her in the face, cooling the heat radiating through her body. The cooling sensation was beginning to go through her body and made her forget about the heat in the Hummer.

In the driver's seat, Chris Redfield noticed his redheaded sister lean into the front of the Hummer. The brunette kept his eyes trailed on the road in front of him but couldn't help but slow down for Claire's sake. Since Western Americans don't have an actual speed limit, there was a great chance of Claire to go flying out the window than usual.

"What are you doing up here?" Chris asked with a chuckle

Claire smiled at her brother "Trying to keep cool,"

"Keeping cool," Chris parroted with a smile and glanced at his sister. The older Redfield laughed loudly when he took an actual look at Claire.

Claire's red hair stuck to the sides of her sweaty face and she was beet red. Compared to Chris, whose hair was still fluffy from the hair jell he used and barely sweating, Claire looked insane.

"Damn, what's the matter Claire?" Chris laughed "Can't handle a little heat?"

Claire glared coldly at her brother "A little heat? Do you know how hot it is?"

"Like one hundred degrees," K-mart piped up from behind them

Claire glanced over her shoulder to glare at the blonde "We know K, thanks,"

"I just can't believe you're sweating so much," Chris declared

"Coming from the one who gets the breeze from the AC," Claire muttered as she leaned against the passenger seat

"Why didn't you sit somewhere cooler?" Chris questioned

Claire rolled her eyes at the question "Because the passenger seat is full of food and the only other cooler seat is where K-mart is sitting. And she can't move because your stab dummy Tom is sitting on the other side,"

Chris's brows furrowed as he casted a quick glance into the back of the Hummer. Claire knew the older Redfield had spotted his stab dummy that he got from their dad. K-mart thought it would be rude to shove a 'human like object' into the cramped space behind the back seat and set it in the back seat. Chris didn't object to the blonde's reasoning but told them the front passenger seat would be for snacks. Claire, not really caring about the seat arrangements at the time, agreed and stupidly climbed into the Hummer last.

"If it helps," K-mart piped up "You can use a hair tie for your hair Claire,"

Claire leaned away from the open space and back into her hot seat. K-mart took a hair tie from her wrist and held it out to Claire, who took it. The redhead tied up her hair into a ponytail with several strands of hair escaping her grasp. Once her hair was tied up, Claire could feel a bit cooler than she previously was and it made her sigh in content.

"Thanks K," Claire smiled at her sister "It helped a lot,"

K-mart beamed at Claire "No problem Claire,"

The redhead leaned back into the middle space between the front of the Hummer and the back. Claire hummed happily as the cool air hit the newly exposed skin.

"Can we stop somewhere and cool off?" Claire asked, knowing her newly found cooling situation wouldn't last forever

"I don't think so. We are a few miles from L.A. How about this, I'll buy us some ice cream then we'll meet with mom at the house," Chris suggested and glanced at Claire then K-mart "Sound good?"

Claire and K-mart exchanged a look. The blonde gave her older sister a hopeful look which Claire responded with a small smile and a nod.

"Sounds good," The two agreed


Spencer sat on the plush couch in her living room with her chemistry textbook in her lap while her girlfriend sat in front of her on the other couch. The blonde was working on an personal finance worksheet that was in her textbook while Ashley used a folder to write on as she worked on the same worksheet. The two were working on their homework in preparation for a test they would the following Monday. Spencer had offered to help Ashley with her finance homework but said brunette was positive she could solve it on her own. The blonde willing backed off but promised to help if it was needed. Since then Spencer had been telling Ashley if she had gotten the answer right on the fifteenth problem of the assignment. So far Ashley was wrong every time.

"Forty," Ashley informed sounding hopeful

Spencer grinned happily; her girlfriend was very close to the answer. Though the brunette didn't get it right, she was improving in solving finance problems. The blonde frowned a bit when she would have to tell Ashley it was wrong…again.

"Nope not forty," Spencer informed as she glanced up at Ashley "But you're getting better,"

Ashley's hopeful look fell into one of frustration. Spencer offered a sheepish smile before looking back down at the worksheet in her textbook.

"Keep trying Ashley," Spencer encouraged

"Oh my god Spence, just tell me the answer!" Ashley demanded

"Can't do that," Spencer replied seriously

A loud groan of frustration sounded in the room bringing a smile to Spencer's lips. There was sound of shuffling that made Spencer glance at her girlfriend. The brunette was lying on her back with her arms behind her head.

"I don't see why I have to do this," Ashley huffed "I will be famous and have a financial advisor. There's no need for me to learn this,"

Spencer looked up from her work with a raised eyebrow "You have to learn it to graduate high school,"

Ashley hummed and turned her body so that she was facing Spencer "Then I'll just get my GED,"

"This will be on the GED," Spencer assured "You might as well just learn it now so you won't have to drop out of school for nothing,"

"It wouldn't be for nothing," Ashley quickly countered "I'll use my free time to work on my singing career,"

Spencer tilted her head "But don't you want your high school diploma?"

"You don't need a high school diploma to sing," Ashley informed "Look at Beyoncé,"

Spencer frowned at Ashley but not in disappointment. The blonde wanted the best for her girlfriend and wanted the brunette to want to go for the best of things. The thought of Ashley dropping out of high school for her GED made her heart sink. Education was very important and for Ashley not to have one set her at a disadvantage.

"Will you at least try to do this worksheet though?" Spencer asked hopefully then when Ashley opened her mouth she added "For me,"

Ashley seemed to think about it, her brows were furrowed and her eyes were clouded with thought.

"It's just one worksheet babe," Ashley stated after a minute "There'll be other worksheets to do,"

"But education starts now," Spencer reasoned and pouted "Please just try to complete this one. You are so close to the answer,"

Ashley stared at her girlfriend and Spencer could see the brunette soften under her pout. Spencer was close to winning the brunette over until a part of Ashley started to fight back.

"Stop that," Ashley demanded

Spencer continued to pout, wanting her girlfriend to try her best at doing the assigned work.

"Come on you know how powerful that pout is," Ashley stated

Spencer gently set her text book aside and began to walk closer to Ashley "Please Ashley,"

Ashley stared at Spencer the entire time and didn't look away when Spencer sat on the arm of the couch.

"Fine," Ashley sighed loudly, causing Spencer to smile

"Great," Spencer said and began to go back to her seat

"Hey can I get a kiss for that?" Ashley whined

Spencer shook her head and glanced at the frowning brunette "Not until you finish the assignment,"

As the blonde began situating herself in her seat, she missed the mischievous smile take over her girlfriends' frown. Spencer hummed in thought at the new problem before her. The blonde wasn't sure how to solve the complex problem until it all clicked in her mind.

"Twenty-five," Ashley declared out of nowhere

Spencer shook her head as she wrote down the steps to solving the question "Not twenty-five either,"

"Thirty-nine," Ashley guessed after some silence

Spencer noticed how Ashley's voice had gotten louder but thought it was out of frustration and ignored it. The blonde kept writing and only shook her head at her girlfriend. Spencer looked up at the fifteenth problem on the worksheet and saw that thirty-nine was not the answer; it was forty-five.

"Close but not the answer," Spencer said, trying to offer some motivation

"Seventy-seven," Ashley stated immediately after Spencer spoke

"You're not even trying to solve the problem now," Spencer chuckled as she set down her pencil

Before the blonde could tell what was happening, her book was ripped from her lap and replaced with the body of her girlfriend. Arms snaked around her neck as Spencer looked up to meet Ashley's eyes.

"Why'd you do that?" Spencer mock pouted "I was almost finished,"

Ashley smirked seductively at Spencer and lowered her head until her lips were inches from Spencer's.

"I figured we could take a quick break," Ashley whispered and pecked Spencer on the lips

Spencer reached up for more of Ashley's soft lips when her phone started ringing. Ashley groaned quietly and leaned away from Spencer.

"Are you kidding me?" Ashley grumbled

Spencer offered a small smile to the brunette as she got her phone from her pocket. The blonde smiled when she saw the text message from Alice and opened it.

From Alice:

Time 2 end the hw period~meet me Suzanna's ice cream?

"Who's that?" Ashley asked

"It's Alice," Spencer stated

"What does she want?" Ashley questioned, sounding annoyed

"She wants to meet up," Spencer replied "Do you want to?"

"Hell no," Ashley said and took the phone from Spencer

The blonde didn't object to the movement and wrapped her arms back around Ashley's waist as the brunette sent a quick message. Spencer hoped Ashley would be nice to Alice, after all the three of them barely had time to hang out anymore.

"Now she'll be out of our hair," Ashley grinned victoriously, setting Spencer's phone beside them

"What'd you say to her?" Spencer questioned, feeling the brunette didn't say something too nice

"It doesn't matter," Ashley chuckled and kissed Spencer


From Spencer:

no dnt txt us again

Alice narrowed her eyes at the text message she had received from Spencer's phone. Ashley's evil ass must've high-jacked Spencer's phone during their 'homework' session…again. The blonde made the screen of her phone black and put it back in its place in her jean pocket. Alice buried the feeling of sadness and replaced it with indifference. Though she'd never admit it, Alice was beginning to get a little lonely. Ever since senior year began a few months ago, everyone has been busy spending time with their significant other or trying to find a career to purse. Alice, on the other hand, was busy avoiding certain guys at school and helping her friend's dad, Mr. Ashford, perfect his 'cure'. With everyone on a different schedule, Alice could barely find time to hang out with any of them. When Alice had free time, her friends were on dates and when her friends weren't on dates, Alice was busy with Mr. Ashford or doing other things. Although ninety-five percent of all her attempts to hang out with her friends had failed, Alice and her friends kept trying.

"How's the staring contest with the floor?" A voice chuckled

Alice, having being knocked off her train of thought, realized she was staring right at the floor. At first her brows furrowed in confusion as she thought for a moment the floor was talking to her, until she remembered where she was. Alice was staring at the green and white tile floor of Suzanna's Ice Cream. Alice vaguely recalled wanting some ice cream earlier that day and could easily recall Mr. Ashford dropping her off. Someone, obviously not the floor, must've spoken to her.

The blonde looked up from the floor and up at the only cashier at the long serving counter-Aiden Dennison. Aiden's black hair was hidden under a mint green hat and his eyes held amusement. Alice rolled her eyes as she inhaled deeply. She loved Aiden-she really did, but only as an older, annoying brother. But the black haired boy couldn't take a hint. Alice was gay; gayer than Ashley and Spencer and probably the biggest lesbian on earth. Yet Aiden kept trying to woo her into dating him. Either he didn't believe her since she had used to same excuse to get out of dating him in the pass or he knew she was Ashley's friend and thought she refused to date him because of that.

"Is there another cashier I can go to?" Alice asked, looking around the ice cream place

"Not really," Aiden smiled then put on his best consideration face "Unless you go to any other ice cream joint,"

Alice hummed in thoughts as she pretended to weight her options. The blonde, however, already knew what to say in response. Alice made a loud, excited sigh leave her mouth with a smile that made Aiden smile widely at her.

"Point me in its direction and I'll be on my way," Alice assured with a serious expression

Aiden frowned a bit but didn't lose his good humor as he said "Ah come on you can't want to get away from me that bad,"

"Oh I do," Alice corrected with a nod of her head "Now the name of the next ice cream shop…,"

Aiden frowned at Alice for a second before a thoughtful smile spread across his lips. Great he's got a plan; Alice thought and started to step out of line until Aiden called to her, making the blonde halt her movement.

"I'll make you a deal," Aiden started with his hands out, palms facing Alice

Alice inhaled deeply, crossed her arms over her chest, and waited for Aiden to explain his deal. Aiden seemed to catch on quickly and began to speak.

"You want ice cream from here right?" Aiden asked

Alice nodded "Why else would I be here?"

"And since you don't know where the next ice cream joint is it'll take a while to find it," Aiden continued

Alice narrowed her eyes in aggravation, her patience was wearing thin; especially since it was extremely hot today "Aiden, what's your point?"

"You order what you want, I ring it up; you get your ice cream and go. No flirting, no smirks, just business," Aiden clarified

Alice stared hard at the eighteen year old before her. Her eyes were no longer narrow as she examined him as if she was a predator and he was her prey. The blonde tilted her head to the side in thought. Aiden did seem serious and he wasn't known to break any deals that he makes but she was going to be sure.

"No flirting?" Alice asked slowly

"None," Aiden assured with a quick shake of his head

"No smirks?" Alice interrogated, watching Aiden closely

"Just the half ass smile and the 'How may I help you' then 'Have a good day' quote," Aiden informed with a straight face "Can we start this over?"

Alice huffed and dropped her arms to her side. Aiden was being honest, after all and she really wanted her usual order of ice cream-badly. The blonde tucked some of her short blonde hair behind her ear and walked back into her place in line.

"Hey," Alice stated, starting over like Aiden had asked

"How may I help you?" Aiden questioned with a half assed smile

Alice grinned at the male, who never ceased to amaze her "I would like-"

"A large vanilla ice cream cone with sprinkles and cherry juice on top," Aiden guessed

Alice snorted "Remembering the ice cream favorites of all your customers?"

Aiden shrugged, concealing the smile he so badly wanted to show, and typed in Alice's order.

"It's going to be-" Aiden began

"$4.43 and tip which is a dollar," Alice finished, pulling out the money from her wallet

Keeping to the deal, Aiden just nodded his head and took the money for the ice cream.

"It'll be ready at the pick-up space," Aiden informed

"Will you be there?" Alice asked with a raised eyebrow

Aiden shook his head and motioned to the customers around them with his head "I have people to please,"

Alice nodded and walked over to the pick-up counter. Well that went very well, Alice thought. The blonde smirked inwardly as she remembered her second reason for coming here. The brunette teen that worked at the pick-up counter was good looking. Her hair was black and always in curls left to hang down her back and cover her shoulders. Her eyes were a soft brown and her boobies were huge. The brunette was tan, giving her the look of a Hispanic person. The blonde wouldn't mind being with someone so good looking but knew that the relationship wouldn't last. So Alice flirted with the brunette every time she came in then avoided the shop for some time. She enjoyed the game she played with the brunette.

When Alice arrived at the pick-up counter the brunette that tended to the area was nowhere to be seen. The blonde looked down for the bell that usually sat on the countertop and rang it when she found it. Almost immediately, the head of the brunette popped up from behind a machine. Alice smiled at her and she smiled back. The brunette stopped whatever she was doing and walked over to Alice.

"Hi, is it your usual today?" The teen asked, pointing her finger at the blonde

Alice nodded "Yup,"

"Just one moment," The brunette stated

The blonde nodded and watched the brunette's ass as she walked over to the ice cream machine. Nice, Alice thought before looking away from the worker and looking around. There was a good amount of people in the building, not over crowded yet not too empty. The blonde looked back to the brunette just in time to see her walking over with the finished ice cream cone.

"Here you go," The brunette said as she handed over the ice cream cone

Alice carefully took the cone and winked at the brunette, who smiled in response.

"Thank you beautiful," Alice purred and flashed the teen a heart stopping smile

The brunette's smile dropped as she stared at Alice, a blush creeping onto her tanned cheeks. Alice chuckled under her breath and started to head for the exit of the building. As she did so, her phone vibrated, signaling either an e-mail or a text since no one actually called her before 12:35 in the afternoon. The blonde pulled her phone from her back pocket while her eyes fell down to stare at the lit screen. She had gotten a text from Spencer-or maybe Ashley the evil queen. Alice hesitated after her thought but clicked on the message anyway.

From Spencer:

Stay there. Ashley & I b there in 15

To Spencer:

U dnt hav 2 but if u want 2 come ill b here

Alice put her phone away and directed herself toward the booths in the building. The blonde walked to the back of the ordering line and brought her ice cream to her lips. Before her tongue could slip out from between her lips and lick the vanilla deliciousness, something hard bumped into her from behind causing the ice cream to cover the front of her shirt and into her shirt only to mingle with flesh and her bra. At that moment Alice cursed herself for wearing a tank top and not a shirt then she cursed whoever bumped into her.

"Oh my god," a voice gasped out

Alice's hand crushed the ice cream cone to bits and pieces. She was now furious. The blonde spun around, ready to unleash her anger upon whoever bumped into her until she was greeted by a pair of apologetic blue eyes and red hair. The redhead had her hair tied into a neat ponytail and wore a blue t-shirt and jean shorts. Alice took in the sight of the redhead and her anger was pushed aside with awe. The blue eyes drew Alice in when she looked up at them again. The blonde started to get lost in them the longer she looked into them. Alice was pushed out of the blue orbs when a pair of hands covered the mouth of the person before her.

"I am s-so sorry," The redhead stuttered then pulled her hands away from her mouth "I didn't k-know you were behind me,"

Alice blinked a few times to break herself of the spell she fell under before clearing her throat "It's alright. Uh just make sure you don't bump into anyone else,"

The blonde looked down at her tank top and at what the ice cream had done to it. The black color of the top wasn't ruined yet. Alice quickly began to think of ways to clean her top without having to get the whole thing wet.

"I am so sorry about your top," The redhead apologized again then started to ramble

"No it's fine," Alice interrupted and looked up at the redhead "It's black; it'll be fine when I wipe this stuff off,"

"I should buy you a new one," The redhead declared

Alice shook her head. The blonde wasn't about to let the redheaded beauty spend money on her. Alice had plenty of money so buying another ice cream cone wouldn't be a problem.

"It's alright," Alice stated "I can get another,"

The redhead shook her head "You have to let me buy you another ice cream cone, it's the least I can do for bumping into you,"

"I take it you won't take 'no' for an answer," Alice guessed with a lazy smirk

The redhead gave Alice a cute smile and shook her head "You got that right,"

"Just let me clean up before you buy me one," Alice chuckled

"Of course," The redhead assured

The blonde nodded at the redhead and started to make her away toward the bathroom.

"I'm Claire by the way," The redhead called

Alice stopped walking and turned around to smile at Claire. Alice thought the name suited the redhead nicely.

"Alice," Was all the blonde said before she continued on her way to the bathroom

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