Many Lives of the Shinobi

Now this was something that took a while. It was not because the chapter was difficult to do or anything but mostly time and stuff happening in real life. I am dealing with several issues including looking for a new job and finding some information I need before the year is over. So I got some issues to deal with but I am trying to get my stories done when I am able. I thank you all for being patient with me and not too angry with how long it takes to get these out. But for now a new chapter with several new readers added to the list.

Alright disclaimer; I do not own anything of Naruto nor any of the stories featured in this one. The story below is written and given permission to be used by DryBonesKing.

Another Solution

The group looked at each other nervously as the Fifth Hokage Tsunade and her assistant Shizune observe the crystal ball they have been using for the day. After a few more minutes Tsunade spoke. "To think sensei had discovered something like this. Who knows what kind of worlds he peeked into."

"It must be amazing," Shizune added.

"We did see a few of the worlds out there," Sakura said "One was with several realms and our team were learning at schools for fairies, heroes and witches. And another where Naruto is from a clan of thieves."

"Really?" Tsunade asked, "Interesting."

"Not as interesting as the last one," Anko admitted, "the last one had Itachi Uchiha become the fifth Hokage."

This surprised the new adults, "Itachi Uchiha? The one that murdered his entire clan?" Tsunade asked "He was chosen to be the fifth?"

Iruka nodded, "Yes it was before the massacre and Lord Third chose Itachi to be his successor himself."

Tsunade was quite thinking it over, "Sensei must have a reason to do so. I would like to see it for myself."

"Really Granny?" Naruto asked, earning a sharp hit over the head by Sakura.

Tsunade nodded, "Yes, I think it would really be an eye opener. Plus, I can see someone else do this job."

Shizune smiled, "it actually sounds like fun."

"Great!" Naruto cried out recovering and making his way over to the crystal ball. "take a set and I'll get it going."

Tsunade rolled her eyes and took a seat with Shizune next to her, "Maybe we'll get lucky and we will see a world where Naruto is quite."

Shizune giggled, "That would be funny. But then again it would be hard to see Naruto as anything but himself."

Tsunade smiled softly, "True, but with as many worlds out there we might see a world or two with him different personality or even darker."

The others could hear this but they didn't really believe it much. Naruto got the Justus working and the room vanished and it became the academy classroom.

Two years later…

"Iruka-sensei, it's time for class to be over! Can we go now?"

Umino Iruka, instructor at the Konoha Shinobi Academy, looked up at the clock in his classroom. It was indeed time for class to end for the day. Before he dismissed his students, though, he had an announcement to give.

"I'll let you all out for the day soon, don't worry. But before I do, I want to remind you guys that because tomorrow is a special day, class tomorrow will be canceled." He explained.

"Wow that's lucky," Konohamaru said to which Naruto nodded. Iruka gave them deadpan looks but reframed from saying anything.

Most of the academy students started to cheer loudly at the prospect of having no class. One student, however, was confused.

"Sensei, what do you mean? What's so special about tomorrow?" He asked.

Before Iruka could answer, one of the other classmates, Inuzuka Kiba, let out a loud scoff.

"You don't know? What, do ya live under a rock?" The Inuzuka laughed to himself. "Tomorrow's the day where the Sandaime steps down and the Godaime replaces him."

"So it's true," Shizune said softly. Tsunade was quiet, wondering if her sensei would be happy with how she was as Hokage.

Iruka was about to lecture Kiba about his tone of voice and attitude, but he was again interrupted by more cries of confusion from the other students.

"We're getting a new Hokage?"

"Since when?"

"Why did I not know about this?"

'It's been known for two years…and I've been talking about this all week…I swear, do any of my students pay attention to anything?' The Academy Instructor sighed in frustration.

Iruka turned his look to his former and current students. Most smiled sheepishly while Naruto and Konohamaru were grinning widely.

"Yeah, the old man decided he wanted to put someone else in charge. Someone a lot younger." Uzumaki Naruto said loudly, getting everyone's attention.

"Oh be quiet Naruto! Like you knew about this if I didn't!" One of his fellow students, a girl with brown hair, said as she rolled her eyes.

Naruto laughed "Man I end up knowing who the fifth hokage is before anyone here did."

Sasuke gave him a look before he decided to burst his bubble, "I'm pretty sure my guy knew Itachi would be Hokage before yours did."

Sasuke wouldn't admit it but he took a bit of pleasure of the stunned look on Naruto's face and then the glare he sent him.

"Hey Mai, you don't know shit! Don't act like your smart or anything." Naruto exclaimed. In response, the girl, Mai, reddened in anger. Before she could do anything about his comments, Naruto continued to speak. "The Godaime is going to be some black haired guy named Itachi."

"He's my brother."

All eyes were then directed towards Uchiha Sasuke. The boy, usually sitting quietly in his seat until class ended, was standing up.

"Oh yeah, that's right. Old man Sandaime mentioned that to me. I forgot about that." Naruto said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

Sakura rolled her eyes, "Only you Naruto."

Naruto shrugged, not really caring if he forgot that. He was young then and forgetful.

Sasuke nodded in response. "The Sandaime has been training my brother for the past two years in all of the duties of the position. Today, he's finally ready to succeed him."

Immediately after Sasuke's comment, nearly all of the kunoichi rushed over to Sasuke's seat. Most of them were blushing and a few of them even appeared to have 'hearts' in their eyes.

"Of course your brother would be Hokage, Sasuke-kun." Ino said dreamily.

"Maybe you'll be the Rokudaime after him!" Mai added in a similar dreamy tone.

"Hell no!" Naruto cried standing up, "I'm going to be the next one!"

Tsunade rolled her eyes and pulled Naruto into the seat next to her, "Behave or I'll make someone else the next hokage."

"…whatever." Sasuke rolled his eyes in response as he backed away from the girls. "…can I get going now?"

"Hey, I'm the one going to be Rokudaime! Get in line Sasuke!" Naruto exclaimed loudly.

Sasuke scoffed; like he would even want the position.

Naruto's female classmates turned their attention away from Sasuke and towards Naruto. They all glared at the blonde, releasing a sizable amount of killing intent at the boy. Sasuke took this opportunity to get out of his chair and away from the girls. He then started to walk to the door.

"You can have the position Naruto. Being the 'Hokage' is Itachi's thing. Not mine." The Uchiha boy said dismissively. Naruto's eyes widened slightly in response, but Sasuke paid it no mind. He, instead, turned his head towards Iruka. "Iruka-sensei, may I be excused?"

Iruka blinked in response before nodding. "Yes, class is dismissed. Have a good day!"

Naruto looked surprised hearing the younger Sasuke say something like that. He glanced at his teammate and the teen glanced his way for a second before turning away. Naruto wondered if Sasuke really believe that he should have the title.

Sasuke bowed before leaving the room. The other academy students followed behind one-by-one. Naruto, too, walked out of the room slowly. The blonde, however, was deep in thought.

'Sasuke seemed upset when we talked about the Hokage.' Naruto noted with a frown on his face. '…why would it bother him, though? What would upset him about it?'

The scene slowly fades and now they were in the village itself.

'This is the place…' Itachi noted a sign of a building as he walked into it.

Itachi entered a small teashop near the Konoha Ninja Academy. The young man walked up, ordered a cup of tea, and sat down at an empty table. He then stared at the door.

A few minutes passed and Itachi received his cup of tea. The door then opened up to the shop and another man walked into the room. He was an old man with black shaggy hair. He had bandages covering his forehead and his right eye. He had a white shirt on with a black robe over it that covered his right arm. The man walked over to the counter with a cane and ordered a cup of a tea. Itachi mentally tensed at the sight of the man, but he had no outwardly reaction.

Tsunade scowled seeing who it was while Shizune frowned. Iruka and Anko also frowned knowing who that is. The rest of the genin however had no idea who it the man is and why everyone was tense around him.

After receiving his tea, the man walked over to Itachi's table and sat down.

"Thank you for coming at my request Itachi. I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long." He told the Uchiha.

Itachi shook his head in response. "I was only here for a few minutes. Don't worry about it Danzō-sama."

"Danzo?" Sakura asked, "Who is he?"

"One of the village elders," Tsunade said, "He's retired but he's always sticking his nose into the village's business. He was sensei's rival and wanted the title of Hokage."

The genin stared at him, "Is he bad news?" Neji asked with narrowed eyes.

"He's a war hawk," Anko advised, "He always believed that war was the way to show the villages power. Most ninja don't trust him though we can't really do anything about him."

"He's a pain," Tsunade muttered.

The crippled man, Danzō, nodded in response. The two men took a sip of their tea in near unison. Silence filled the table for a few seconds before Itachi started to speak.

"Forgive me for asking, but what exactly did you want to talk about today? It's unusual for you to plan a meeting with someone. Especially during the day." Itachi noted with a neutral tone of voice.

"Your schedule is going to be filled in the next few days. I felt like I should talk to you while I had the opportunity." Danzō commented. "How do you feel, Itachi? Tomorrow is your big day."

"I've been training for this day the past two years. I feel ready." Itachi responded.

"You're not nervous at all?" He questioned.

"Why would I be?" The Uchiha asked.

"He's up to something," Tsunade said with narrow eyes.

"Being Hokage is a stressful position. I'm sure Hiruzen has gotten that point across." The crippled man noted as he stared at his tea. "The entire village is going to be your responsibility. It'll be your duty to keep this village safe." Danzō's eyes left his tea and glared at the Uchiha. "The entire village: not just your clan."

Itachi matched his glare with one of his own. "I realize that. I'll do my best."

"But is your best enough?" Danzō questioned, eyes going back to his tea. He took a sip before speaking again. "A prodigy you may be, but you are also young and inexperienced in the world of politics."

"The Yondaime was also young when he was chosen to become Hokage." Itachi pointed out.

"As was the Yondaime Mizukage. I'm pretty sure we all know how well that decision worked out for Kiri." Danzō retorted.

Team seven frowned, having recall what they learned while in the Wave and not liking how it was started by a Kage. Naruto frowned looking at Danzo, not liking this at all. "What's this guy's deal?"

"It sounds like he doesn't think he wouldn't be a good Hokage," Sakura guessed seeing some of what Danzo was getting at, "Or at least he shouldn't be Hokage."

"Danzo has wanted the position for Hokage ever since Sensei was chosen over him," Tsunade explained. "He never believe this is the way the village should be going in or the Will of Fire."

Sasuke frowned, "You think he would try something?"

Tsunade shook her head "No he's not that stupid. It would take something big to happen to the village as well as something to happen to the current Hokage before he could take any position of power."

"Why didn't he try after the invasion?" Neji asked seeing it as Danzo's chance. "The village was damage and our man power has weakened. Not to mention Lord Third's death during it."

Tsunade shook her head again, "Because the village replied the attack and while it was damage and we lost shinobi we were still standing. It would take the village nearly getting destroyed and the Hokage incapacitated before he can take some form of control."

The other looked worried, not wanting to see the day where the village in that state and Danzo in power.

Itachi frowned. Kirigakure appointed the Yondaime Mizukage, Yagura, when he was seventeen years old. Ten years had passed since his appointment and the village of Kirigakure had fallen into a period of bloodshed and civil war due to the leadership of Yagura.

Those unaware looked horrified at this. Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke grimace, wondering how it the village was now.

Itachi pushed his teacup to the side of the table and glared at the crippled man. "Danzō, what exactly are you wanting to talk to me about? Are you trying to threaten me in some way or something?"

Danzō let out a small chuckle. "Threaten? No, of course not. I'm not one for threats: I simply act when I see a need for action." The man then glared back at Itachi. "I just wanted to remind you of the importance of the position of Hokage. Your life is forfeit now. You belong to Konoha. Konoha's safety and power are all that should matter to you. I trust you will be able to act in the best interests of the village."

The Uchiha nodded, not dropping his gaze. "I will give my all for this village."

The older man's glare intensified. "For Konoha's sake, I hope it is enough. Just remember that what is in the best interest of the village may not always be…the most ethical of decisions."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes. He didn't like how he said that last sentence. Part of him wondered if he had something to do with his clan's death.

Danzō got out of his chair and picked up his teacup. Bidding farewell to the Uchiha, he proceeded to walk out of the restaurant. Itachi was left alone at his table.

"…what is he planning?" Itachi mumbled to himself as he got out of his own chair.

Itachi left the teahouse as well and headed back home. He was going need to get as much rest as he could. Tomorrow was going to be a big day for him…

The scene changed again showing the Hokage's mansion. They could see the people gathering around excited.

The next day came quickly for the people of Konoha. Celebration filled the streets of the village as villagers crowded around the Hokage's Mansion. Many were buying decorations, food, and other items to commemorate the day while they wait for the inauguration of the Godaime.

Inside the mansion, Uchiha Itachi was getting prepared for the inauguration in a locked room. His parents, Mikoto and Fugaku, his younger brother Sasuke, and his best friend Shisui were all waiting outside of the room impatiently for the soon-to-be Godaime. After a while, Itachi walked out dressed in the robes of the Hokage.

Sasuke stared at his brother bewildered at his brother in this world. To see him as Hokage was mind boggling even now.

Fugaku smiled proudly at his eldest son. "Itachi, the robes suit you. You look like a true kage."

"I'll say!" Shisui added with a playful smirk. "Looking good Itachi."

Itachi smiled in response back. "Thank you-"

"Now all we have to do is get you a little more personality, lest we have to live under the reign of the most boring Hokage in the history of ever!" Shisui added.

Naruto, Kiba, Choji, Anko and Konohamaru laughed at this as Shikamaru smirked amused. Iruka smiled as did several of the others. Sasuke's lip twitched struggling to keep the smirk off his face. His brother's face at this was too god damn amusing to him.

Itachi's smile dropped and he gave a glare at his best friend. Shisui and Sasuke proceeded to laugh loudly at Shisui's joke.

Team seven blinked seeing Sasuke laughed like that. It felt…strange to them. Naruto the said, "Wow Sasuke can have a sense of humor. Think we can trade teammates?"

Sasuke glared at Naruto, "Maybe if your humor wasn't stupid then I might laugh more."

Naruto glared back, their foreheads smashing into each other, "My sense of humor is way better than yours!"

"That's not something to be proud of!"


Naruto and Sasuke were both face down on the floor with smoking bumps on their heads. Tsunade crossed her arms and huffed, "not behave you two."

Fugaku chuckled lightly as well. Mikoto, however, ignored the laughing boys and walked over to her son. The woman had tears of joy in her eyes as she gazed at him.

"Itachi…you look so dashing, so handsome." Mikoto told her son as she gave him a hug. "I'm so proud of you…"

Her eldest son returned the hug and rubbed her back gently. "Mother…"

"I can hardly believe it! My little baby boy is the Hokage!" Mikoto tightened her hug on Itachi. "I remember back when you were just a year or two old and you stole your father's forehead protector! You tried to so hard to get it on your head like him but you couldn't and you were crying, because you weren't a tough shinobi like your father. And that little baby boy has grown up into the most powerful shinobi in Konoha!"

Sasuke, who had just gotten back up, shot his head towards the image of his mother, "Wait what!?"

"Whoa, whoa. What was this about Itachi crying because he couldn't get a forehead protector tied to his head?" Shisui interrupted the moment, his smirk seemingly growing.

Itachi resisted the urge to blush and shook his head. He pulled away from his hug with his mother and gave her a look. "Mother, please, I'd rather not discuss my early childhood right now."

"No, no, go on Mom. What else do you have to say about Itachi?" Sasuke added with a similar smirk to Shisui.

"Ah, Itachi. The robes suit you well!"

All Uchiha clan members in the room turned their heads. Sarutobi Hiruzen entered the room. The man was wearing a black mesh suit instead of the Hokage robes that he was generally seen wearing. He was holding the Hokage's red hat in his hands.

"Sandaime-sama, it's nice to see you." Fugaku bowed to the man. "Is it time for the inauguration?"

"Fugaku, I will soon no longer be active Hokage. Just call me Hiruzen." Hiruzen said with a slight chuckle. "And yes, it is indeed time. Are you ready Itachi?"

The Uchiha prodigy nodded in response.

"Then let's get going." The Sandaime suggested before turning to Itachi's family and Shisui. "The four of you may want to head on outside. Make sure you get there before us!"

"Got it." Mikoto nodded in understanding. "Itachi, we are so proud of you!"

"Do us proud, son. This is your day!" Fugaku added.

"Itachi, in all seriousness, you're gonna be the best Hokage we've had." Shisui said with a smile.

Sasuke gave no verbal reply. He gave his brother a thumbs up, which Itachi quickly returned with one of his own.

Sasuke stared at his younger self. It was so alien to see himself happy like that, giving his brother encouragement. It reminded him of how he was like before Itachi betrayed them all.

The Uchiha prodigy's family, along with Shisui, left the room and headed on outside the mansion to join the festivities. Hiruzen and Itachi were left alone. The two men proceeded to walk further into the mansion, heading towards a nearby balcony.

"So, Hiruzen-san, what are you going to do now after you pass on the title to me?" Itachi questioned, making a note to use the Sandaime's name instead of his title.

"Well, I'll have a lot more free time now. Perhaps I'll try and be more involved in the Ninja Academy and try and help train the new generation. I always told myself that if I didn't get the Hokage position, I would have tried to be an academy instructor." Hiruzen answered with a chuckle.

The genin were surprised by this as they realized their counterparts in that world will be thought by the third himself. Iruka felt a bit envious that he would teach next to such a figure. Tsunade smiled softly knowing how much her sensei loved to teach his students.

"Only someone like you would have the patience for that job." Itachi responded with a similar laugh.

"Indeed. It takes a lot of patience, but it's definitely worth it. At the very least, it'll be a good way to kill time as I get older and older." The Sandaime noted.

Iruka nodded, knowing he wasn't the most patient man but he always felt teaching a future generation was worth it.

After a minute of walking and some small conversation, Itachi and Hiruzen reached their destination: the balcony doors. Hiruzen walked forward onto the balcony and stood at the end of the balcony. The people of Konoha saw their Sandaime and started to cheer as all eyes focused on him.

Hiruzen delivered a speech, talking about his time as a shinobi and about his reign as the Sandaime. He talked about how his return to the position after the death of the Yondaime and how Konoha has recovered since the Kyūbi attack. He then talked about how the people of Konoha, both civilians and shinobi, were the strongest and most caring throughout the shinobi nations and how it was an honor for him to serve as their leader for so long. His speech received a loud applause from the crowd.

The group smiled listening to the aged Hokage. They all looked up to him and it was an important figure in the lives of the village. Konohamaru had to wipe a tear from his eyes but he felt both happy and sad hearing how his grandfather loved the village so much.

After completing his speech, he turned his attention back, towards Itachi. The Uchiha nodded and proceeded to walk forward. He walked on to the balcony and stood next to Hiruzen. The eyes of the Konoha population turned towards the Uchiha.

"As my time as Hokage ends, I pass on the hat and the authority to the new generation. I trust that Konoha will prosper and grow under a new Hokage." Hiruzen declared as he held out the hat to Itachi. "I present to you your Godaime Hokage, Uchiha Itachi!"

Itachi took the hat from Hiruzen's hands and put it on his head. The reaction was instantaneous: the people of Konoha cheered loudly at the sight of the new Hokage.

Sasuke stared, seeing his brother in the robes and wearing that Hokage hat. It felt surreal to him even more with the people cheering for him. He could not but think of how different his brother was to the man he was staring at.

'It's happening…this really is happening…' Itachi let a sincere smile cross his lips as he turned his head towards different groups of people in the crowds below him.

The reign of the Godaime Hokage, Uchiha Itachi, has now begun!

"So think he would be Hokage," Iruka muttered.

"Different world different rules," Anko said with a shrug.

The scene changed it they were now by the Hokage Mountain. From the light it was early the next morning.

The next day, a couple of civilian architects arrived at Hokage Mountain. They were tired and seemed red in the face due to activities from the previous day's celebration, but they were all excited for the day ahead.

"I don't think I partied that hard since the Yondaime's inauguration…damn, that's why I don't drink much anymore." One of the architects noted as he rubbed his head.

"Quit bitching. You got a hangover, just like everyone of age in the village. Big whoop." Another architect retorted, rolling his eyes.

Tsunade scoff hearing this, "Lightweights."

Anko chuckled, "Yep, can't even handle a simple hangover."

The hungover architect glared in response. "I'm pretty sure mine's worse than most other people. Don't tell me it's not a big deal!"

"Guys, we can't be fighting now. We got a big day ahead of us." A third architect said with a large grin on his face. "Today's the day. We get to work on the head for Godaime-sama and add it to the mountain. We can't have any complainers or negative attitude! We need focus and we need determination!"

All civilian architects, including the two that were arguing, nodded in agreement. The group of architects, after hours of set-up and preparing equipment, reached the faces of the mountain to start construction of the Godaime's face. Just as they arrived and were at the space reserved for the Godaime, they noticed something…

Lee blinked looking up at the mountain, "Did they get the face drawn so they know where to carve?"

"What are you talking about Lee?" Tenten asked.

Lee pointed to the mountain itself and everyone followed his finger. Once they saw it Naruto's face split into a grin as did Konohamaru. The rest of the genin either gave deadpan look or smiled slightly with a chuckle. Iruka face palmed with Anko struggling to stay in her chair as she laughed, "Damnit Naruto."

"Hey boss! Someone's covered the entire area here with paint!" One of the architects exclaimed.

The lead architect, the one who rallied his follow workers, rushed over and saw the area for the Godaime's face. It was, indeed, covered in paint. The paint was still slightly wet and depicted a very crude depiction of Itachi's face. Underneath it was written a small phrase: "All hail the Godaime, but just you wait for the Rokudaime! He'll be twice as cool!"

Naruto was laughing hard seeing the whole message. "Man why didn't I think of that!?"

Sakura hit him over the head and he landed face first into the floor. "It's not funny Naruto!"

Tsunade shook her head with a slight amused smile on her face. Shizune giggled next to her, "Glad to see he grew up from that."

Tsunade rolled her eyes, "I'm sure if he thought it was a good idea he would do the same for my face."

The architect, who had been preaching about positive attitudes, couldn't help but glow red in anger. He had a hunch at the culprit and couldn't help but shout aloud his suspicions. "NARUTO!"

The scene changed and how they were outside the Hokage office where Naruto was being carried too.

Uzumaki Naruto was, indeed, the culprit. After being notified about his painting, a group of chūnin and jōnin were sent out to capture blonde and bring him to the Hokage to be reprimanded. It took them two hours before they were finally able to trap the academy student and bring him back to the Hokage's office.

'Heh, it keeps taking them longer and longer to catch me! Am I getting better at this stuff or what?' Naruto chuckled to himself.

The blonde was nearly tossed into the Hokage's office by the jōnin that had captured him. Naruto brushed off some dirt on his clothes before coming face-to-face with Itachi.

"Er…" The blonde rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Hey…uh…Godaime-sama?"

Tsunade raised a brow, "You can show respect?"

Naruto rolled his eyes, "Not like you get much respect from me granny."

This earned him another face meeting with the floor.

"…" Itachi sighed in response at seeing the boy's awkward response. "Hello Naruto. Have a seat."

Naruto sat down in a chair in front of Itachi's desk. The boy had a slight nervous look on his face.

"I'm not in trouble, am I? The old man would never punish me too hard for doing anything! He would just tell me to not do it again!" Naruto explained, still rubbing the back of his head.

Iruka gave Naruto a deadpan look, 'And how did that work out for us?'

'…he'd tell you not to do it again, but you would anyway.' Itachi noted, resisting the urge to chuckle.

"I'm not going to punish you Naruto." The newly-appointed Godaime stated.

The Uzumaki immediately sighed in relief. A grin quickly came over his face. "So, then, did you like my paint job? I felt like I captured the real you!"

Sasuke glanced out the window to where the faces could be seen and the painted face could barely be seen from there. 'Look accurate to me.'

Itachi actually let a frown come over his face. "You messed up my face."

Naruto shot up at this, "I did not!"

"Behave!" Tsunade said pulling him to his seat.

"What?" Naruto blinked in surprise before shaking his head. "No way! I made sure to study you yesterday dattebayo! There's no way I did!"

"I saw the painting on the mountain. My eyes aren't that narrow, and I don't look that unhappy." Itachi noted.

Sasuke had to resist rolling his eyes, still firmly believing it was accurate.

"It's not unhappy! You look serious! Like…" Naruto closed his eyes, trying to come up with the right wording. "…like you have to fart, but are trying really, really hard to not let it out!"

Anko fell from her seat, unable to keep herself up from laughing. Sasuke's lip was twitching slightly but he kept himself from smirking.

Itachi immediately face-palmed, unable to resist the urge. '…of all the ways to say that…he reminds me way too much of Shisui…'

"Uh, Godaime-sama…are you okay?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"…I'm fine. Just don't refer to my face like that again please." He requested.

"Sure…whatever." The Uzumaki shrugged in response.

The Uchiha then realized something he wanted to talk to Naruto and changed topics to it. "Naruto, if you don't mind me asking, how are you able to avoid the shinobi for so long?"

"…huh?" Naruto blinked in response.

"I sent both chūnin and jōnin out to bring you here and you avoided them for two hours. How were you able to do that?" Itachi elaborated.

Iruka nodded, "seems accurate," he muttered.

The genin stared at Iruka and then back to Naruto who just grinned at this.

"Oh!" The blonde's eyes widened in realization. "Um…I don't know exactly. I've just been good at hiding and stuff, y'know? I've been practicing it and I'm quick! I'm just hard to catch!"

Itachi remained quiet for a few seconds, trying to understand the blonde's response. A few seconds passed before he spoke up.

"Naruto, from what I understand, you failed the graduation test to become a genin." The Uchiha noted.

Naruto groaned at that reminder. Tsunade and Shizune stared at Naruto, being the first they ever heard of this.

Naruto's face immediately stiffened in response. "Hey, I didn't fail it!" He exclaimed defensively. "I was just trying to graduate two years early and they told me I couldn't…so what?"

"I was just trying to wonder how you wouldn't pass the graduation exam if you are able to avoid the pursuit of chūnin and jōnin shinobi." Itachi clarified. "Based on that alone, I feel you should be a genin at least!"

Naruto eyes went wide hearing this. He wasn't the only one stunned but he was no doubt the most surprised. He knew the old man believed in him as did Granny Tsunade, but the new Hokage after just one or two meetings believed in him as well? A lone tear gathered in one eye but he quickly wiped it away. Iruka glanced Naruto's way and smiled, happy to know he had a new role model to look up too.

"…really?" Naruto's eyes widened in response at Itachi's praise.

The Uchiha Hokage nodded as he smiled in response. "Try taking the test again early next year. I'm pretty confident you should be able to pass it then."

Naruto's eyes actually started to water slightly. No one, under than the old man, Iruka, and the two workers at Ichiraku's seemed to have any faith in him. Here, the new Hokage was saying that he faith in him as well. The blonde couldn't help but smile in response.

"Heh…I like you Serious-sama!" He exclaimed.

Iruka sighed. He was expecting this but at least it is not that bad of a nickname. Tsunade's eye twitched thinking at least his nickname was not insulting.

"…'Serious-sama?'" Itachi repeated the phrase with a hint of confusion in his voice.

"Well that's what you are! You're the Godaime and you're always serious. You're Serious-sama!" The blonde explained with the same smile.

Itachi processed his newly-appointed title and the logic behind it and he laughed in response. 'Naruto, you remind me way too much of Shisui. The two of you need to meet at some point!'

"Hey, hey! What's so funny?" Naruto questioned curiously.

"Heh…nothing, nothing. Just thinking." Itachi responded, his laughter dying down. "You're free to head out now Naruto. You're not in trouble: just try and not to do too many pranks. I'd rather not have to have you get dragged to my office every day."

"Good luck with that," Iruka muttered.

Naruto pouts at Iruka while the others chuckled, agreeing with the chunin.

Naruto nodded in response. He got up and was about to head on out the door when he heard his stomach growl loudly. A sheepish looked appeared on his face, which was then followed by a pleading look.

"Um…Serious-sama…the old man would sometimes take me out for ramen at Ichiraku's…would you want to come with me?" He asked.

"Really?" Sakura could not help but ask.

Naruto shrugged, "The old man sometimes took me and he never complained. He probably liked getting out of the office and into the village more." He had a thoughtful look on his face before he admitted, "I'd probably do the same if I was in my guy's place."

Tsunade raised a brow, "I'm surprised you never asked me."

Again Naruto shrugged, "You've always been busy with getting the village back together plus researching for Lee's surgery."

Tsunade smiled softly at his maturity, seeing as he knew when not to take someone way from an important job. However, the smile vanished at his next comment. "Plus I'm pretty sure you would just use this as an excuse to go drinking."

Naruto was once again kissing the floor, only this time Tsunade leaned back in her chair and placed her feet onto his back. Shizune sighed but didn't admit it out loud but she thought Naruto had a point.

Itachi closed his eyes in thought as he tried to remember if he had any appointments for the day. A second passed before he realized that he was, indeed, free. "Sure, I wouldn't mind."

This surprised the group, a few glancing at Naruto. It was strange how easily he is able to befriend the Hokage's.

A grin developed on Naruto's face as the blonde rushed over and pulled the Godaime out of his desk. The two then left the mansion and headed off to go get dinner together at Ichiraku's.

Naruto and Itachi had just created a bond between a future shinobi and his Hokage: a bond that would change their lives forever.

The scene slowly deformed and shifted and they believe the visions they were seeing was done. Not many had an idea what to say, well expect for Anko "So it's official…our traitor is now their hero."

Iruka gave her a deadpan look, "Did you have to put it like that?"

"Yes, yes I did."

However, to their surprise the room changed one last time to show the Hokage office again.

Omake: Itachi's 'Training'

A day had passed since Hiruzen publicly declared Itachi as his successor. Both Hiruzen and Itachi knew that the Uchiha, despite being a prodigy, was not prepared to claim the title of Hokage. The Sandaime would need to train his successor…

The two men met each other in the Hokage's office to begin this training.

Naruto got up to pay attention, hoping to gain a hint of what he might expect when he became Hokage.

"Itachi, it is probably going to be at least a year or two before I feel you are ready to take the hat and my title as Hokage. There are lot of things that you need to know and be capable of before I feel comfortable with you being the Godaime." Hiruzen explained. "You are going to have to become aware of many S-Ranked secrets of Konoha. You're going to have to improve on your understanding of politics and figure out diplomatic responses to foreign and local leaders. You're going to have to become aware of every aspect of this village. And you are going to have to improve on your individual skills. You are indeed talented and are one of the greatest shinobi your generation has improved, but you are going to need to be constantly improving. You need to be ready to face any danger and threat to Konoha that could come at any given moment."

"I understand Hokage-sama." Itachi responded immediately.

Iruka glanced at Naruto, seeing him pay special attention. He grinned softly, 'I know you can do it Naruto.'

"Hiruzen, just call me Hiruzen Itachi." Hiruzen chided before continuing. "Regardless, we have a lot to cover during these 'training' sessions. And I figured the first day of training should be focused on the most difficult aspect of being Hokage!"

Itachi nodded again in understanding. "What do you wish me to work on?"

The Sandaime gestured to his desk. "Have a seat there Itachi."

Tsunade raised a brow and had an idea of what was going to happen.

The Uchiha nodded in response and took a seat at the Hokage's desk. Hiruzen proceeded to pull out a stack of papers from seemingly nowhere and slammed them on the desk.

"…….Hiruzen?" Itachi gave the man a strange look.

"This, is just a sample of the paperwork you must complete as Hokage." Hiruzen said. "Each paper must be studied, read carefully, and then responded to appropriately. You need to be careful. Occasionally, the civilian council will send a paper with a rather idiotic request. You want to make sure you don't accidentally pass a stupid law or something."

"…" Itachi turned his head in confusion.

Naruto had the same reaction, "Thar's it?"

Tsunade smirked knowing she was going to enjoy this.

"I am going to leave you with the paperwork, Itachi. I'll be back in about an hour or so to your progress. Good luck!" Hiruzen said politely before he left the room.

Itachi blinked in response before he turned his attention to the piles of paperwork. "This…is the hardest part of the job?"

The Uchiha prodigy pulled out a piece of paper from the pile and started to study it. "…well, I guess I should start. How hard can this be?"

"I…expected more," Naruto admitted.

Tsunade chuckled wishing she had a camera.

The scene changed again and they found themselves in the office again.

An hour had passed when Hiruzen returned to the office. When he came into the room, he saw Itachi was studying a sheet of paper with near-bloodshot eyes. Approximately ninety percent of the paperwork he had started with was completed and filed to the side of the desk accordingly.

"Ah, Itachi, how are you doing?" The Sandaime asked cheerfully.

Itachi gave no response. The boy continued to focus on the paper. He soon slammed the paper down on the Hokage's desk, signed it, put it with the piles of completed papers, and then pulled out another sheet.

"You look…stressed." Hiruzen noted.

"…you think?" Itachi finally commented as he continued to focus on his next paper.

Sasuke blinked…never seeing his brother looking and acting like this.

A devious smirk developed on the older man's face. "It would be a shame if, well, there was more paperwork that was needed to be done."

Itachi turned away from his paper and stared at the Sandaime in surprise. The Hokage was, indeed, holding another giant stack of paperwork.

Tsunade chuckled more enjoying the look of horror on the young man's face.

"…please…lord of God no…" The Uchiha begged.

"Oh, but you must! It is the duty of the Hokage." Hiruzen chuckled as he placed the new pile of paperwork on the desk.

Seeing the new stacks of paper that needed to be completed, Uchiha Itachi fell backwards in his chair and promptly passed out. Hiruzen started to laugh loudly in response.

"Well, I must say, he responded better than Minato did when he got assigned his first batch of paperwork!" The Sandaime reminisced. "Thankfully, another soul knows the agonizing feeling of paperwork!"

Tsunade nodded but still had a smile on her face. She was sure if he was alive he would do the same to her…and enjoy it too

With that thought, Hiruzen left the room to get some tea to pass the time while Itachi was unconscious. The aged shinobi was daydreaming about a life without paperwork and was actually looking forward to the day when Itachi succeeded him and he could finally leave the accursed paperwork behind.

They group blinked as the room turned back to normal. "That's not real right?" Naruto asked.

"There no way that is real," Sasuke said with a scoff, "it's probably a joke."

"Yeah, your right" Sakura added before she turned to Tsunade, "Right Lady Tsunade?"

But all they got was a dark chuckle from the blond Hokage. Shizune sweat dropped before she to them, "How about we take a break?"

So another chapter of this. Again sorry it took so long but like I said I am dealing with a lot of stuff right now. But next chapter it will be a different story after a small break. Not much but it will give me time to figure out what story to do next. Speaking of which I have a question for you guys and a new poll up. Should I do a new story or should I do another chapter of a story I have already started? The next reading will be up to you guys.

If anyone has any suggestion then you may but remember the rules for the stories below.

Rule one have to be with Naruto in it. Be it a Naruto only story or a crossover. Naruto or characters from Naruto must be main characters.

Rule two, little to no basing. I am not a fan of basing people like Sakura or Sasuke. A little bit is fine but nothing major.

Rule three, I get the final say. If I don't like the story for some reason then I will not add it to my list to read. Sorry if you do not like it but I will not do work I do not like and I am sure you would feel the same.

Rule four, no song fics or one shots. While cute and a good read I rather do a story with some chapters in them to make it enjoyable.

Rule five, no smut. Lemon scenes are fine but I want stories with a plot and work behind it not sex scenes every ten minutes of reading.

That's all for now good day everyone.