A/N: Hi! This is short one-shot/long drabble. Hope you like it!


Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN. *Sobs*


When Annabeth fell into Tartarus, she held on to Percy like her life depended on it (Which was true, but that's beside the point).

And they fell.

She didn't know how long it was while she was falling. Maybe days? Weeks? Months?

But when she saw the river, she felt relieved.

She shouted, "Percy! Water!"

She couldn't read his face in the dim light, but she managed to make out him nodding.

He gave a defiant yell, and the water engulfed them.

Once they landed, she gasped, and mentally reminded to thank Percy later.

She suddenly felt cold, and started to shiver.

Percy held her close, attempting to transfer at some body heat to keep her warm.

Percy was exhausted, so was Annabeth; and soon they collapsed and the black, jagged glass chips, the equivalent of sand in Greek Hell.

Once she gathered enough energy, she got up and surveyed her surroundings. The air was poison, the water was miserable acid, and the sand was broken glass. Wonderful.

She pulled Percy up, and with some difficulty (When did this boy get heavy?), and they shared a look.

And that's when Annabeth realized it.

Life was a game.

Games were supposed to be fun, but this game was brutal, the demigods' version of Hide and Seek; the demigods were the hiders, and the monsters, the bloodthirsty (And determined to kill them) monsters, were the seekers. If you get caught, you die. So they develop a strategy, a strategy that could hide them forever, but things never go the way as planned.

That's why it was very similar to life.

It was a cruel game, a game that the fates created. A game for survival, in demigods' cases.

Apparently, Percy was a mind reader, because he simply said "You're right. It is a game."

And with that, they shared one last look, before walking deeper into the depths of Tartarus, seeking for the River of Fire.

A/N: Review!
