Final chapter at last. I want to thank all the supporters and readers of my story. I hope you also like my next story which I'll post the prologue of the new story I'm making later. Now let's go on with the story or what's left of it.

Disclaimer: The only thing I own is my OCs . I do not own anything about Phineas and Ferb, all rights go to Disney.

(Monogram's POV)

Carl and Ferb rushed back to their seats while Buford went and manned the cannon once more. " Hurry! Hurry! We've got no time!" I shouted to them as they strapped back to their seats. " Initiate thrusters on my mark, 2, 1, Mark!" I said as we engaged the thrusters and the shuttle lifted off. We went straight through the giant hole in the ceiling and we went faster than when we were entering the rock. We managed to dodge and destroy the debris that were in our way. In 3 minutes we managed to get out of the inside of the rock.

" Come on! Get some altitude! Let's go! Let's go!" Deputy Administrator Alex said over the radio. We passed through the debris field once more and braced ourselves as we were about to get out of the force shield. " Thank you Agent P." I said my last words to him as we impacted and after that we lost our shield once more but it's not necessary anymore. Now all we're waiting for is for Agent P to detonate the bomb.

(Perry's POV)

I looked up as Major Monogram said goodbye to me. The eruptions suddenly got more rougher and an eruption threw me off. The trigger escaped my grip and I almost fell towards the magma but I managed to hang on the edge.

(Jones' POV)

All of us continued to monitor the situation as we were running out of time quickly. " Shuttle's out of range and still no detonation." Dr. Falkman said.

(Ferb's POV)

We were now out of range from the asteroid and we were following the rock from the side by a safe distance. " Something's not right. Too much time has gone by." Major Monogram said as there was still detonation.

(Isabella's POV)

" Asteroid about to hit, 1 minute!" Dr. Falkman said. " Come on press that button." I heard Director Jones say as we continued to wait for the expected detonation. Some were praying hard and already doing their goodbyes just in case the rock hits before the detonation.

(Monogram's POV)

" We're going back to do it ourselves." I said as I reached for the break of the ship. " Just don't, wait 1 minute." Ferb said to me.

(Perry's POV)

I started climbing up but I was having a hard time since the ground was shaking. I was pushing myself to climb since I know that in about a minute the rock will hit.

(John's POV)

All of us nervously watch as the asteroid was about to hit Earth. " Jones, it's about to hit us." I said to Jones. " Come on Perry press the button!" he said.

(Django's POV)

Major Monogram was holding the break already and was preparing to turn the ship back. " Major I'm asking you! Just one more minute!" Ferb shouted to him. But Major Monogram didn't let go. All of us looked at each other as time runs out.

(Perry's POV)

I finally managed to climbed up and looked around to find the detonator. I found it immediately and dived towards it.

(Jones' POV)

We only have 41 seconds left before impact. All of us were now hanging on to something as the rock gets closer. " Press the button Agent P!" I shouted.

(Perry's POV)

I grabbed the detonator and got up. There was a small hole in the ceiling and from there I saw one last glimpse of the Earth.

(Phineas' POV)

" Perry will do it, I know it." I said. Major Monogram started to unhand the break. " He doesn't know how to fail." I said as Major Monogram fully lets go of the break.

(Jones' POV)

The timer hits 20 seconds and that moment I was panicking. " Press it!" I shouted.

(Perry's POV)

I readied myself and prepared to press the button. " If I'm going to die, I'm gonna take you bloody bitch with me! We win Phieas, Ferb!" I shouted as I pressed the button. My life then flashed before my eyes and I saw the good times I had with the guys.

(No one's POV)

The bomb detonates and absorbs the inner part of the rock. The rock then starts to crumble and slow down. The asteroid starts to break into pieces since there was no inner structure to support it anymore.

(Baljeet's POV)

We saw the asteroid start to break up. Then suddenly, a white flash blinded us and a shock wave rocked the ship. All of us hanged on to our seats during the moment. I was practically screaming at the time also.

(Jones' POV)

All of us rejoiced as the bomb detonated. " We have detonation! Confirming detonation!" one of the operators shouted.

(No one's POV)

The explosion was seen all around the world or at least the part the rock was gonna hit. People celebrated and cheered. Many got out of their hiding places and looked up. Many thanked their Gods and many ran to the streets to streets celebrating. The rock was now broken into millions of tiny pieces that could be burned down as they pass through the atmosphere.

(Jones' POV)

" The rock has completely been broken. 90% of the debris are not harmful and most will disintegrate as they pass through the atmosphere. Those that are a danger are being taken care of by Volez and his force." Alex said as once more we rejoiced.

(Phineas' POV)

We were now heading back towards Earth. We changed to our flight suits in the meantime. " Houston, we're coming home." Major Monogram said. " Copy that Freedom." an operator replied. " Yo Perry, yor the man!" Carl said as he wiped off is tears.

(Jones' POV)

I was congratulated by many and I myself congratulated others also. Mardon shook my hands and gave me a friendly hug. I then looked at the boys' families and friends and approached them. I looked at Isabella and she looked at me back. She then hugged me and I hugged her back and the others joined and we formed one giant group hug. After the group hug I got everyone's attention. " Okay, let's go and meet the men." I said as all of us then got on O.W.C.A planes and headed for Kennedy Space Center in Florida to wait for the boys. We arrived there within 12 minutes.

15 minutes later...

(Phineas' POV)

We were now approaching Kennedy Space Center. " Kennedy we see you, and you never look so good." Major Monogram said. " I've never told anybody this before, but I hate flying so it will be an awful shame to die now." Django said. " Easy for you to say! I owe 10 grand to a badass loan shark which I spent on a lifetime supply of beer!" Buford said. " Ohhh, that's bad." Django replied and we all laughed at Buford's predicament. " Kennedy we are 100% flaps suspension control on full." Carl reported as we finally landed.

We stopped shortly after and we got out of our seats. " Welcome home astronauts!" Major Monogram said as Ferb broke the emergency exit button. The door then opened and the inflatable slide got out. We saw helicopters fly by and we could also hear a lot of vehicles approaching. " Hey guys remember we're heroes now, so that incident with me and the burger on the fuel supply ship, let's keep it under wraps, alright." Buford said to us. " Alright." I said to him. The inflatable slide was finish and me and Ferb were the first ones to go. Baljeet and Buford followed, then Django and Carl. Last was Major Monogram.

We saw a lot vehicles parked in front of us. A lot of people were also approaching us as we approached them also. I then saw Isabella running towards me and then I saw my family and friends also approaching us. I ran towards Isabella and we hugged and I swirled her around as soon as we reached each other. People were clapping and cheering for us. Ferb then hugged Gretchen and Django lifted Adyson and swirled her around. Medics and other personnel came to treat us. Ginger lunged at Baljeet and they started making out on the ground. Briggite also lunged at Buford and both started making out.

Mom, dad and Candace greeted me and Ferb. All of us were having a fun reunion when Katie suddenly spoke. " Where's Jerry?" she asked. All our faces then fell down and we looked back at the shuttle. The medical team then brought out Jerry in a stretcher. He had a white cloth over him meaning he was dead. But he still had the dextrose still connected to him. Isabella then hugged me once more as Jerry's body approached us. Jerry's family started to tear up, as well as Katie. " What happened, I thought he was still alive." Katie said as tears started flowing from her eyes.

All of us just stood silent as Katie makes her way to Jerry. She started to break down and she hugged Jerry's dead body. " Why did you leave me Jerry! Why!" Katie said as she hit slams down her hand which is now in a fist on Jerry's chest. At that moment, Jerry suddenly groaned and Katie and Jerry's family backed off from his body with shock. She then pulls the white sheet and sees Jerry still alive. " Why did you do that for?!" Jerry said and in that moment the laughter me and the other guys were holding burst. All 7 of us laughed so hard that we fell to ground.

(Ferb's POV)

We were laughing on the ground on what just happened. We actually knew that Jerry was still alive but he had us do something for him. Here's a flashback to know why Jerry pretended to be dead.

Flashback begins...

After changing to our flight suits we prepared to enter Earth's atmosphere once more. But before we can strap ourselves on our seats we heard a loud groan. We immediately looked at Buford for an answer. " That wasn't me." he said and then we heard it again. We realized the groan was coming from Jerry. We immediately approached him and saw that he was awake. " Jerry! you're awake pal!" Phineas said. " What happened?" Jerry asked as he removed the oxygen mask. We then explained what happened. " Oh man, I feel useless! I was just a liability to you guys! You should have just left me to die." he said as he started crying.

" Dude, you were not a liability. If it wasn't for you manning the disintegrator cannon, we would have been killed immediately. You did your job already." Phineas said to him. He then stopped crying and wiped his tears off. " Thanks guys. Especially you Phineas and Ferb. I wish I could have thanked Perry for saving me." he said. " Don't worry. I'm sure he heard all of it." I said to him. " Uh guys, can you do something for me." he said. " What is it man?" Django asked. " Can you pretend that I'm dead. I want surprise Katie and the others." Jerry said and then we looked at each other with confused expressions.

" Not another one of your stupid ideas Jerry. It was already enough that you asked Katie to be your girlfriend in that way but now you want us to pretend that you're dead. No way man, they'll kill us!" Buford said. " Come on! Please pretty please!" Jerry said putting his best cute eyes. "Fine! But you owe us big time!" Buford replied. " Plus, you take the whole blame if this goes wrong." I said. " Okay." Jerry said as we pulled a white sheet over him and hid his whole body. " What about the dextrose?" Baljeet asked. " He still needs it. I'm sure they won't notice." Phineas said as we went back to our seats and strapped in.

After we touched down and having a moment with Gretchen, I approached one of the medics and told him about Jerry's plan in which he chuckled. But I managed to convince them to partake in it.

Flashback end...

All of us finallys topped laughing as we saw the others glaring at us. " You prick! Do you want us to have a heart attack! I'll kill you myself!" Jonathan said as he begun strangling Jerry. " No! I'm sorry! I'm still in critical condition man!" he said as he tried to remove Jonathan's hold. Katie managed to get Jonathan away but then slapped Jerry over and over. " You freak! You're always like this!" she said. " Please stop! No more! No more!" Jerry said as Katie then stopped slapping him. But then his parents came over and did the same to him.

Gretchen looked at me and then slapped me. " I didn't know you could stoop to Jerry's idea." she said. " Ow! Sorry!' I said back. She then smiled at me and we made out. The others were also in the same situation with Buford being kneed at the balls by Briggite and then both made out, while the rest was just a slap and a punch. " You know, sometimes I wonder why I fell in love with you." Katie said to Jerry. " Well, I don't know either. Perhaps because of my handsomeness." Jerry commented and both made out.

We then heard an ehem behind us and this broke all our moments. We saw Director Jones together with Administrator John and Deputy Administrator Alex. "Welcome back cowboys." Director Jones said to us. I approached him just as he winked to the girls. " Uh, Perry wanted you to have this." I said as I gave him the mission patch and Ferb gave him Perry's O.W.C.A badge. " Heh, he did huh." he said as he chuckled. Planes then flew over us and all of us looked up. Director Jones then left us alone but told us that a special dinner was going to happen later for us. We then went back to making out with our respective girlfriends and celebrating with our families.

1 month later...

(Isabella's POV)

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I just want to stay with you in this moment forever
Forever and ever

I was now at the altar with my soon to be husband, Phineas. Many people attended even Director Jones attended the wedding. I chose the girls to be the my bridesmaid and Gretchen of course as my maid of honor and Phineas picked Ferb as his best man obviously. Buford and Baljeet were already crying even though the wedding isn't finished yet. Jerry was recording everything with his camera. After saying our 'I do' the priest then announces " You may kiss the bride!". Before we kissed we looked at the pictures of Perry, Dr. D, Irving and the others who lost their lives during the mission.

Me and Phineas kissed and everybody rejoiced. We were showered with confetti and flowers as we went out of the church. Many congratulated us and after taking pictures, we went to the reception afterwards. I let Buford a long kiss me in the cheek. Phineas gave him a friendly punch and pushed him away. I also gave Baljeet a kiss in the lips since he always wanted one from me and once more Phineas did the same to him. I then threw my bouquet of flowers and the girls fought over it. In the end Gretchen caught the flowers and she and Ferb kissed.

Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing

Phineas put whipped cream on my left leg and then he started licking it much to my embarrassment. I blush as he did it and the guys were squealing at what he was doing. After that we started eating and Phineas took a piece of cake and smashed it on Ferb's face starting a food fight. Django meanwhile opened a bottle of champagne and he spilled it on Phineas.

Buford went directly to the cake but then Phineas managed to push him and his face fell to towards the cake and when he looked up his whole face was covered with frosting. The food fight continued with Django being covered with ketchup and Baljeet with curry. Jerry who was holding the camera was accidentally hit by a barrage of meatballs from Buford trying to hit Phineas. Jerry then gave the camera to Katie and joined in managing to throw pie at Phineas and pour wine at Ferb.

I don't want to miss one smile
I don't want to miss one kiss
I just want to be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just want to hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time

Yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah

Me and Phineas kissed once more as we raised our wine glass and cheered. The food fight continued with Django being covered with ketchup and Baljeet with curry. Jerry who was holding the camera was accidentally hit by a barrage of meatballs from Buford trying to hit Phineas. Jerry then gave the camera to Katie and joined in managing to throw pie at Phineas and pour wine at Ferb.

I don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing

Phineas was caught by Ferb and Jerry and they held him while Buford approached with a large portion of cake with him. He licked it one last time then smashed it inot Phineas whose face and tuxedo now covered with cake pieces and frosting. All of us then gathered for pictures. The guys were still covered with food but they didn't care. Me and Phineas kissed once more as we raised our wine glass and cheered.

I Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing

Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
And I don't want to miss a thing

After that, all of us went back to our homes and me and Phineas went to Paris for our honeymoon. It was the best day of my life. ' Thank you again Perry!' I thought as I looked up at the sky while we were heading there.

Okay, finished. PnF Armageddon is officially done. My next story is going to begin later and I'll try to post the next chapter by tomorrow. I expect it to be finished by March and it's not as long as this one. The other story has no connections with this story and it's a new one.