Po and Tigress trained in the training hall. Tigress trained with the Jade turtle of wisdom. Po trained with the Gauntlet of Wooden Warriors.

Tigress: *landed softly on the floor of the training hall and stretched* Po! I am taking a break! Are you coming with!

Po: Eeeeh ... No thanks, Tigress. I train a little.

Tigress: Ok! As you wish! *leaves the training hall*

Po: *continued to train, until Shifu came* Master Shifu! Is it okay if I continue in 2 hours with the training? I must help my father!

Shifu: Well, Panda! This means then, that...

Po: *interrupted him* Ok! See you in 2 hours, Bye! *ran out of the hall*

Shifu: Po! Wait! *thought* I don't know why, but as Po ran out of the hall, I felt at that moment, a stab in my heart. It was, as if he would disappear forever from my life! It was, as if I would never see him again! *looked sadly after him*

Po came to the village and wanted to go to his father in the noodle restaurant, when he noticed some wolf bandits. The bandits ran into an alley and Po followed them. They stopped and discussed a raid. Po hid and overheard them.

Wolf 1: Men! Today we get a good booty. Here is the plan of our chef!

Po: *watched and whispered* I wonder, what they are planning now? *heard a noise behind him, turned around and got a blow on the head. He fainted*

Bandits: Hmmm ... ?

Wolf Chief: I think, the panda has spied on you, guys!

Wolf 1: *ran to him* This is the Dragon Warrior! Don't worry, boss. I'll kill him! *took his sword out*

Wolf Chief: Not so fast. I have something better! *took a bottle out* Here is a poison, that will kill him! *grabbed Po by the fur, picked his head up and forced him to drink the poison* Goodbye, Dragon Warrior! Hey Hey Hey! *ran with the other bandits away*

Po: *lay on the ground and fought against the pains until he screamed* AAAAAAAAAAH...!