A/N: Sadly, this is the last chapter of Purge. Mostly because I lost my writing boner and didn't want to leave the story incomplete like I did Stay (which, by the way, I am writing an epilogue to, if anyone is interested). Thank you all very much for the follows, favorites, and the reviews! You are lovely people. And yes, to those who commented, this story is weird as fuck. It's an AHS fanfic. Of course it had to be weird.

Dear Holly,

I can't believe my little girl is graduating high school already. It seems like just yesterday I was picking you up and telling you stories! You're so grown up and beautiful, it's hard to believe. I love the pictures you sent me, by the way.

Everything is still the same around here. Yes, I know, shocking! But I've been

"What's that?" Tate chuckled, knocking lightly on the door to the bedroom where Violet was typing away in her computer. The boy's voice startled her, but she patted the spot on the bed next to her and he came closer, obediently sitting by her side. After a moment of silence, he peeked at the screen and sighed.

"High school?"


"You do know there's a very small chance of you guys actually staying in touch. I mean, even if you tell her you're moving out in a couple of years like you said you would, she'll still want to visit and hang out and get frustrated when you say you can't every time."

Violet put the laptop aside and leaned into him, both pairs of eyes closing for a long moment as she let herself be enveloped by his big arms.

"She turned eight today." The girl whispered, a small knot beginning to form in her throat. "Mr Littman commented on how I still look fifteen. I don't think we can go more than three years without disappearing now. And even that's not counting the fact that they could very well move out at any moment."

"You'll forget about her. In a hundred years, when everyone is gone and we're still here, you won't remember her name."

"That doesn't make me feel any better!"

"It's not supposed to. It's just the truth."

She nestled comfortably against him, bodies pressed together on Ginger Littman's bed while the boy hummed a song softly, not knowing any words that would comfort his girlfriend. In reality, he was just glad that they didn't have to part ways. Even after all that had happened, he couldn't be without her.

She hadn't said she forgave him, hadn't said anything at all. One day, in November, she'd just called him down to the basement and held him instead of hurting, kissed him instead of biting, made love instead of fucking. And he wasn't going to ruin any of it by asking questions - he just lay with her, in complete, almost sacred silence, and prayed that it wouldn't end. Most of all, he prayed that it wasn't another punishment, her cruelest one yet - but it wasn't. It was redemption. It was a new beginning, a new them.

In Violet's mind, it was simple. She'd spent the bigger part of a month thinking about it, wondering if it was right, punishing herself in silence with the blade she'd hidden in life and any other sharp object she could find. In the end, she realized it didn't matter. If she was now a monster, she didn't need the guilt. Two equals can be together with no guilt at all. And if now she despised herself in every conceivable way, there was someone - one person at least - who did not.

Had she forgiven him? No. She never would.

Did it matter? Not even a little bit.

"Do you think I could try to tell her? Not now, but... But when there's no other option?"

"You could try. Austin asked me the other night and I told him. He took it pretty well. I think it's all the anime."

"Does he still ask you to watch over him?"

"When he's home alone. It's getting more rare now. But he does ask me to play Mario Kart a lot."

Both chuckled.

"Maybe I'll tell her. Later. Now I wanna stay right here."

And he held her tight, eyes slipping shut as they remained in a comfortable silence, for a long time nobody cared to measure.

There was nowhere else they needed to be.

A/N: I tried really hard to include Hayden here and show that she and Violet are still good friends, but couldn't find a place to put her. Now you know, right? Thank you all for all the good words!