We fled before the coming storm. My frozen child would be awakened and we had to escape before that happened.

My children brought me to a place surrounded by many humans. I saw that this was not wise. These humans would die amid my children's attempt to keep me safe. I would not advise, however. They deserved a chance to learn and grow. Sometimes, that means making mistakes. Huge ones that one always regretted afterwards.

I knew nothing of how this would all end. All I knew was that I could not fall into Megatron's hands. And that the cycle must be completed. All else was left to fate.

"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing."

The battlefield was chaotic. I had been on no battlefield since my imprisonment. Before...I recalled defending my elder children from dark powers, fighting above as they fought below. Now, I was a defenseless box carried through war by a rather under-sized human. Not the best of chances for survival.

I jostled back and forth in the boy's arms, as he raced past my fighting children.

He tripped- no, not really. He was almost hit by a car, by spoiled arrogant humans that did not seem to realize what was going on around them. Angered, I wished I could teach them the values of observation. I released energy that arced all over the place, accidentally creating new children in this world that would not accept them. A simple mistake, created by senseless rage.

I regretted my actions, of course, but that would do nothing to keep these new sparklings safe. Using the new fresh connections, I quickly inserted several new lines of coding that would allow them to find me whenever they wished...and a few more additions. Hopefully, they would survive, long enough to find each other. I did not have hope that if they were found by my warring, older children, that they would survive. It was better to hide in the shadows, until I could return to them.

And I would return. But first I had to complete the cycle.

"When you know better you do better."

"WATCH OUT!" It was too late for the human soldiers on the now-flaming helicopter.

He failed. We had failed. Now, I would stand with him to the end. This was the end, or close to it. I felt it, in the power that coursed through me. The boy, being human, felt none of it. "Oh my God...where do I go?" The Prime, one of my greatest children, for all that he bears the signs of my hated enemies, raced over the rooftops. To get to the human and myself, I was sure.

For a second, I felt we will be safe. Before my angry child, my frozen son, Megatron, crashed through the roof. The boy held on tightly to the edge of the building, hanging onto me with one arm and the apparent statue with the other. And for the first time, I was full of fear at the sight of the Lord High Protector. Fear for the delicate being that held me in his grasp.

"Is it fear or courage that compels you, fleshing?" The human's heartbeat tensed before rolling into a extremely quickened state. My son assumed fear, I can tell, but he was wrong. What compelled this human wad not mere fear. It was a courage that caused him to act beyond it. One that prompted him to rescue my yellow child, his friend, from his own kind.

"Give me the Allspark, and you may live to be my pet." A twisted sense of amusement coated his words, as Megatron reached forward. My carrier quivered, before making his decision. "I'm never giving you this Allspark!" Pride flooded through me. This human, Sam, proved himself worthy. I would grant him life, even if this encounter ends his. My frozen child had the opposite reaction. "Oh, so unwise..." He hissed, devastating the statue holding us above the street.

Sam cried out as he plunged to his death, I to my fate. Fate intervened on his behalf and the Prime's hand closed around the both of us. I was barely able to hear, "I got you, boy. Hold onto the Cube!" before his brother leapt forward on top of us.

"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."

Sam still carries me. We wait for the end. For the titans to end their clash. But I know what he does not. His Prime will not win, not against the might of his more powerful, ruthless, older brother. The tide must be turned. And it must be turned now.

The boy's mind flies from one thought to the next. It is difficult seeing his thoughts, but I manage it. I find the two parts I need, and link them together in his mind. I wait for him to take action, for his courage will allow to do what must be done. Because of his origins, he will never be the kind of great warrior Megatron would fear. Because of his origins, he will not hesitate to do what he must to save the Prime.

He will not hesitate to end me.

Now! Sam sees the open spark of Megatron. And uses the only weapon he has on hand. Me. I plunge into his spark, my rebellious child's spark. I regret how this must end, but he would never allow peace and my cycle must be completed. My children's story will finish without me.

Horrible pain burns throughout the whole of me, worse than any other I have ever felt. But somehow, I bear it. I divide my strength, sending it to my children, sending the most of it to two in particular. I spark, finally dying. I leave my shell, partaking with my final moments the Prime's words. "You left me no choice, brother."

"For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."

I am the future, for all of my children come from me. I am the past, for I am what they have always known.

But am I the present? Only time will tell. I leave what I can for my children, eldest to youngest, to find.

I do know who I am. I am a goddess of two races. A queen and mate of a god. A life-giver, mother of many. Subject of a cycle of life and death. I was the Allspark. I will come anew. But one thing I am, was always. I am Sorrow, goddess of life, in its many forms.

"There are causes worth dying for, but none worth killing for."