Chapter 1


Her stomach flutters at the sound of his voice, a low, raspy whisper. It's intoxicating, relaxing, comforting. So many years waking up on her own. So many years of solitude. But now? Now she wakes up every morning, warm and sated, wrapped up with the man she loves. Adores. Can't live without.


A tickling sensation travels up and down the length of her arm, leaving a fiery trail in its wake. 'Mmmmmm…. so good.' Shivers ripple through her as the pad of his thumb traces light circles on the inside of her palm. Tingles rush throughout her body from the tips of her fingers straight down to her toes. It's electric. She loves it when he touches her.

She just feels so completely loose, completely undone.

"So beautiful…" he mutters, almost inaudibly. But she heard him. Even in the most crowded space, she would always hear his voice. Sweetest sound in the world.

She knows he's watching her. He does that. Watches her while she's sleeping. As if she's a book that he's reading, studying, wondering what other twists and turns in her story might be revealed each day. She can picture in her mind the look on his face - the gleaming eyes, adoring smile, pure love radiating from every pore.

He continues to tantalize her skin, brushing soft, slow, concentric circles on the back of her hand with his finger tips... round... and round... and round... unsettling her very core. Goosebumps form on her supple flesh as the fine hairs on her arms stand on end.

She wants to reach over and touch him. Wrap her arms around his neck. Run her fingers through his soft, silky hair. But she can't bring herself to move. She's just so relaxed, like her body has melted into a cloud.

"Wake up, Kate…" His voice is soft, gentle. "It's time to wake up."

His fingers feather across her jaw, slowly tucking a stray hair behind her ear. His palm comes to rest on her cheek as his fingers continue to tease her temple, smoothing along her eyebrow.

The luscious aroma of coffee and vanilla permeates the air around her. 'Could this be a better morning?' she wonders blissfully. Waking to Castle's arousing touch, the delicious smell of caffeinated ambrosia filling the room.

She'd put off her own life for too long. Honouring the victims, giving a voice to those who had lost theirs - that had been her calling. Her purpose. For so long. She'd almost forgotten what pure, unadulterated happiness was. She'd been so afraid to give her heart, so afraid to be vulnerable. But she's changed. She's more now. She's more because of him. And he is more because of her. Two lost souls. Two lost souls that found their way...

She dove in. No regrets.

And here they are now. Greeting each morning together. Living their lives for each other. Embracing life fully.

Moving had drained her. Packing up everything. Carrying boxes all day. Finally making the leap - moving from her TriBeCa apartment to join him in his gorgeous SoHo loft. It had been an emotional decision. She so adored her apartment… but it was time.

Not a muscle in her body wants to move. She just feels so heavy. It's strange - she doesn't remember feeling so sluggish after her last move. Of course, she didn't have quite as much stuff to pack after the explosion...

His fingertips continue to trace the delicate lines of her cheek… jaw... mouth... as his other hand gingerly caresses the hand that lays at her side. She wants to lean into his touch, but her head feels so heavy, completely lax, as if it has sunk into the pillow.

"Kate, you have to wake up…"

The cadence in his voice alters. It wavers a bit, a slight panic lacing the tone of his words. She tries to grip his hand, but her fingers remain immobile. Unresponsive.


She can hear him swallow slightly as his voice cracks. "Come on, Kate. Open your eyes..."

Fear suddenly overtakes her. The desperation in his voice all-too familiar. She heard it once before. Only once... "Stay with me, Kate. Don't leave me, please. Stay with me, okay? Kate, I love you…"

She again attempts to squeeze the hand that is currently caressing her own.

Still nothing.

Words flow through her mind, but refuse to exit her lips. 'Castle! Castle, talk to me! What's going on?'

This is what comes of the PCA website running frustratingly slow at night.

Hope to get the next chapter up soon.


So there you go... Judge away.