When He Met Her

Chapter 2

A.N: Hello! I am sorry for not updating in a while and for my short chapters. I really hope that you can continue reading!

Summary: He was tired of this life when there was nothing to look forward to. She was tired of her dull life where nothing changes. What happens when these two teens meet? 100fem!27


"Maybe I can forgive you for my coffee and call it even if you buy me another one."

"Sure Yuki-chan." He told me with a smile on his face and something in my gut told me that smile is going to bother me for the rest of my life.

Byakuran POV

I don't believe I met anyone like Yuki-chan before. She pretty much tore away every part of my logic and started to rebuild it all on her own. My smiles are met with blank stares, the only times I see her smile is when she thinks no one is looking or when she has a cup of coffee in her hands.

Someone who loves coffee and smells just like it. Maybe life isn't as predictable as I first thought it was. Looking down at my watch I notice that it is already 6:30am the time that Yuki-chan usually gets to this coffee shop. I didn't stalk her I just made sure to watch her every move very closely to learn her habits with hopes of becoming friends.

And here she enters now with the same plain orange sweatshirt that did nothing for her curves and baggy jeans with white sneakers. Her long brown hair that stopped around mid-back was held back in a ponytail and her bangs framed her heart shaped face.

She starts to walk to the counter and I stand up to go right behind her after she orders I can't help but let a small smile cross my face, not a forced one but a real genuine one.

"Can I get you something mister?" the lady at the cashier asked with an obvious blush on her face from seeing me smile most likely.

"A regular White Chocolate Latte please." I ask now with a my usual people smile and I turn to see that Yuki-chan is reading a book at a table in the corner. I walk over to her to greet her.

"Good morning Yuki-chan!" I tell her giving her a bright smile. She looks up with a blank face. I so wish she would greet me with a smile instead.

"Good morning Byakuran." she tells me in her quiet voice lifting her eyes from her book to meet mines before looking back down.

"Ne, it's not nice to look away when someone is trying to talk to you." I tell her playfully.

"I wasn't aware this was going further than a greeting." she responded before setting the book down to get her coffee. She might come off as cold to others but I know and I have seen the side of her that warms up to little animals and extended her hand to those in need.

I have seen her go up to a stranger to return a wallet that they dropped only to be yelled at that she stole something from only to give a smile then walk away. She is willing to gives all her kindness to strangers and expects nothing in return.

She is different. Different, different from all the other people I have met and I'll be damned if I let her get away.

~In School~

More to learn, more to ignore. School has always been more of a bore than actual learning. It isn't like I don't understand the things they teach it's just common sense and then they start repeating the same thing over and over again.

I walk out of the classroom only to see a wisp of brown to pass below me. I look down to my dear Yuki-chan walking past me, probably having to get to another class. It upsets me she doesn't even notice me but that's ok. I'll make it so that she has to notice me.

"Ne, Yuki-chan where are you off to in such a rush?" I ask her and then she looks up at my voice.

"Oh, Byakuran. I have to head to one of my literature classes. It's on the other side of the school campus and the class starts in 10 minutes. Excuse me." she tells me before bowing and walking, rather briskly, away.

Itʻs always like this. She seems to always be at class or studying. Tomorrow is the weekend so we should go out somewhere. Iʻm sure she hasnʻt seen much of the city yet. Iʻll ask her tonight. Yuki-chan is always so cold just like her name, but I donʻt care about that because I just want to see her smile.


I hear the door open across the hallway and the close again. I smile to myself before getting up to invite Yuki-chan out for a day of fun.

"Ne~ Yuki-chan!" I call out to her from the door while knocking. I hear a pair of feet shuffling and a crash with what I assume to be books falling to the floor. There was a small "HIIEE!" before the shuffling continues.

"Hello Byakuran." Yuki-chan opens the door slightly but I can see her messy hair and the books scattered across the room. She really is adorable.

"Do you want to go out with me?" I ask with a gentle smile on my face, I hope she can always be in my life. Her face heats up and an expression Iʻve never seen before takes over her face.

"What?" her jaw goes slack. And I realize my words my smile grows wider and my eyes close.

"I meant tomorrow, I can show you around the city tomorrow. Youʻve been doing nothing but classes and studying. You need some fresh air before you die." I continue deciding now that if letting Yuki-chan leave me will happen only after the Earth is destroyed.

"Oh. Ok, I donʻt really mind" the answer doesnʻt entirely register so I continue with more reasons.

"Plus I donʻt think Iʻve ever seen you eat anything except coffee and- wait. Really! Letʻs leave at 9 so we can get breakfast tomorrow! Wear something comfortable because there is going to be a lot of walking.

She gives me the slightest of smiles before nodding and leaving with a quiet.

"Iʻll see you tomorrow, good night Byakuran." I watch the door close with a smile that will probably never leave my face again. I walk back to my dorm room where I see Sho-chan.

"Sho-chan, guess what?" I ask only about a few centimeters away from his face.

"What is it Bya-Byakuran-san?" What a spoil sport, oh well nothing can bring me down right now.

"Yuki-chan said sheʻll go out to the city with me tomorrow!" Iʻm so happy I donʻt know how Iʻll ever sleep.

Until Next Chapter!

So sorry for the late update… Wow, Katekyo Hitman Reborn really ended and Iʻm still dead set on this fandom. :) See you guys later.