(And welcome to the long awaited finale, folks. I know you all enjoyed reading it and it makes me happy to know you did. Enjoy the last bits, my friends.)
After the destruction of the Vitrax all of the Naruto Prime world had regain it's form. The Naruto's themselves who were lying on the ground had returned to their normal forms, before regaining consciousness, "Ugh, wipe out." Teen Ninja Naruto ground.
"Everybody, ok?" Bang Baby Naruto asked, as they all voiced their confirmation.
"My world, it looks like it's returned to normal." Prime Naruto gasped.
"As normal as you can call this place." High school Naruto muttered.
They looked around until they saw a crater not too far form them, "Look!" Regular Naruto called, as they ran over.
They skidded to a halt seeing Menma, on his back and unconscious, "Menma." they gasped.
Suddenly Menma's hair shifted from black to the other Naruto's blonde hair, "He changed." Spy Naruto gasped.
"Menma's link to Tobi is broken." Shredder Naruto stated.
Catastrophe Naruto looked down and gasped seeing the spot where the Vitrax was embedded in left a hole in his torso, "Oh, God!"
"We gotta do something quick!" Psychic Naruto gasped.
"Leave it to me." Chi Wizard Naruto said, as he got down to Menma and covered his torso with his hands. Activating the horse talisman the wound in Menma's torso started healing, until it was completely restored.
Menma started groaning until his eyes were opening to reveal they were blue like the rest of them, minus Prime Naruto who had no color what so ever, "Menma, Menma, can you hear us?" Regular Naruto asked.
"What's going on?" Menma asked with a groan.
"Are you, ok?" High school Naruto asked.
"My head feels like it's on fire." he answered, "Ugh, and I feel so weak."
"Here, eat this." Spy Naruto offered him some energy boosting jerky.
Menma ate it, and felt his strength return to him. Regular Naruto helped him to his feet and spoke, "It's ok, man. It's all over."
Menma looked at his counterparts with guilt on his face, "What did I do?"
"What you did, you did it all from corruption of both the Vitrax and Tobi's mind." Psychic Naruto explained.
But I just can't believe I could've destroyed all of us." he continued to blame himself.
"Menma, listen to us," Spy Naruto began, "It's all over. You're free now. Nothing can control you anymore."
"He's right. You're you again. The real you." Teen Ninja Naruto stated.
"But after all that's happened how're you able to forgive me like this?" Menma asked in confusion.
Regular Naruto sighed, "You really haven't listened to us did you?" Menma raised a brow in confusion, as Regular Naruto continued, "You are just as much similar to us as we are similar to you. If we couldn't forgive you, then we could never forgive ourselves for doing what we had to do to bring you back to your senses. So how about it, Menma, buds?" he offered him his hand.
Menma looked at Reular Naruto's hand before looking at all the other Naruto's gathered around him, egging him to accept his offer. Menma smiled, and clasped his hand with Regular Naruto's and they shook on it. The other Naruto's cheered as they jumped and danced around, until a time hole opened up and appearing before them was Web, Beyonder, Max, and the Tribunal.
"Congratulations, Narutos." Beyonder began.
"You all did magnificently, and I am very proud of you all." Web continued.
"You saved the universe and all the worlds with it." Max smiled.
"You truly came through despite our skepticism." Kon finished, as the tribunal nodded in agreement.
"So if this world is saved, what about ours?" Chi Wizard Naruto asked.
"They have been restored as if they never even were erased." Web answered.
"Yeah!" the Naruto's and Menma cheered.
"Now that you have all succeeded in fixing your broken universe, it's time for you all to return home." Chikara stated.
"What, so soon?" Teen Ninja Naruto asked in shock.
"Come on Madame W, can't we celebrate after all the hard work we put in?" Catastrophe Naruto pleaded.
Madame Wed pondered before smiling, "It has been a long and perilous journey for you all. I feel you are all entitled to some enjoyment."
"All right!" the Naruto's and Menma cheered.
"So where should we go?" Menma asked.
High school Naruto smirked, "I got an idea." the counterparts looked with interest.
Soon, all the counterparts were in High school Naruto's world at an outdoor pizza cafe. They were all sitting outside at a big table with pizzas and slushee's. They were each snacking on a slice or two, while downing their slushee's with some like Regular Naruto, Menma, and Prime Naruto receiving brain freeze.
"I got to hand it to ya, bro, this was a great idea." Teen ninja Naruto admitted as he had a slice.
"We'll say." Catastrophe Naruto agreed as he sipped his slushee.
"Hey, what better way to celebrate than here in my world where there's no ninja villains or wars?" High school Naruto asked as he kicked back.
"So what're you guys gonna do when you get home?" Shredder Naruto asked.
"First we do when we get home is see our wives," Catastrophe Naruto answered, "Then we're gonna make love like we've never made love before!"
"Huh?" Prime Naruto asked, not getting it.
"Naruto?" a voice spoke up. The group of alternate Naruto's looked over and saw another group.
They recognized some such as Sasuke, Sakura, Tenten, and Samui, but accompanying them was a group of six girls, with one of the girls looking like a female Naruto, except she had scarlet red hair that went past her shoulders, "Hey, guys there you are!" High school Naruto smiled.
"Where were you?" Tenten asked.
"Just out doing some universe saving." he admitted.
"What?" Sakura asked in confusion.
"Hey, aren't ya gonna introduce us to these others?" Green Ranger Naruto asked.
High school Naruto spoke, "Right, well you all know Sasuke, Sakura, Tenten, and Samui. Now let me introduce ya to some of my other friends from my high school life. This is Avaron, Akira, Chiyo, Hiromi, Ayako, and my twin sister Kisa."
"Sister?!" the group of counterparts asked in shock.
"You have a sister by blood?" Teen Ninja Naruto asked.
"Uh-huh." the high school counterpart answered.
"Well, an actual sibling. Wish I had one of those." Regular Naruto admitted in envy.
"We all feel that way." Bang Baby Naruto admitted.
"Naruto, who are all these guys?" Kisa asked, while eyeing the counterparts.
"And why do they all look like you?" Avaron asked, before noticing Prime Naruto, "Well almost all fo them."
"Believe it or not, they're me from other worlds."
"WHAT?!" they shouted.
"Other worlds?" Tenten asked.
"Oh my." Chiyo held her hands to her mouth in shock.
"Are you for real?" Ayako asked.
"No joke, Ayako."
"Seriously, I've read a book on the multiverse theory, but I didn't think it was real." Kisa gasped.
"Well believe it, because it is. And in their worlds... I'M A FREAKIN BADASS!" High School Naruto cheered.
"You'd have to be to carry all those beautiful weapons, and to wear armor like that." Tenten salivated over Teen ninja Naruto's weapons and Shredder Naruto's armor.
"So if you exist in other worlds, then all of us do as well?" Sakura asked.
"That's right.
"So what about me, what am I like?" Sasuke inquired.
"Meh, you're a jerk." High school Naruto answered bluntly.
"What?" Sasuke asked.
"How can you say that, Naruto?" Kisa asked in surprise.
"Hey it's not my fault he's portrayed as a jerk in some of their worlds." her twin brother answered.
"Well he's not a jerk to me." Teen Ninja Naruto admitted.
"I loathe you with a passion because you fool around with all the girls." Menma added.
Kisa laughed, "Now there's a side of Sasuke I've never seen or would've envisioned." Sakura looked to Sasuke with a stern look, hoping to never see him try to fool around with a load of girls.
Green Ranger Naruto spoke, "You wouldn't like the Sasuke of my world. He was even bigger jerk."
"And mine turned into a freak." Chi Wizard Naruto put in, while Sasuke was confused at his words.
"I don't wanna talk about it." Bang Baby Naruto said, not wanting to say he died.
"But on one note, your family has a special gift." Spy Naruto said.
"You got special eyes." he answered.
"Eyes?" he asked.
"Uh-huh." Bang Baby Naruto nodded.
Akira was looking over Naruto Prime, "So where's your color, or did you come from Kansas?"
"Huh?" Prime Naruto asked in confusion.
Ayako looked at Green Ranger Naruto, "Whoa, you're a sentai hero?"
"Well If that's what we're called here, yes." he admitted.
"That is... so awesome!" Ayako scrunched her face up while cheering.
Kisa spoke up, "Uh, guys. Would there happen to be another universe where I exist not leading a normal life like I do here?"
The Naruto's looked at her giving unsure looks, until Menma spoke up, "Actually now that you mention it. I did happen to spot one world that had a girl similar to you in it."
"And the multiverse is huge. So there might be other versions of us with you in it." Regular Naruto admitted.
"What was I like in that world?" Kisa asked Menma.
"Well from what I could make out you were also a strong ninja like us. In fact intelligent much like Shikamaru only not a lazy kind. Plus you had your own kind of abilities as well."
"Like what?" she asked.
"Well from what I noticed..." Menma was cut off.
"That's quite enough, Menma."
They looked up and saw Madame Web appear, "Web." the Naruto's and Menma gasped.
Kisa hid behind Sasuke looking freaked, while the others looked in surprise, "It is best they do not know too much about the other worlds. This information will have to remain with you and your counterparts. I hope you all enjoyed your little celebration?"
"Oh, yeah." Psychic Naruto admitted.
"Good, because it's time for you all to go home."
"All right." they sighed.
High School Naruto got out of his seat and kissed by Tenten and Samui, "I'll be back in a flash, girls."
The group watched as all the Naruto's vanished with the old lady. Suddenly the Naruto's were back in Naruto Prime where Beyonder was waiting, "Hey, where's Max?" Spy Naruto saw no sign of him.
"And where's the Tribunal?" Shredder Naruto inquired.
"Back in their own worlds, which you all must return to as well." Beyonder instructed.
"Right, just give us a moment." Regular Naruto said, as the group stood facing each other.
"So, I guess this is it huh?" Prime Naruto asked.
"Afraid so." Green Ranger Naruto answered.
"I really wish you guys could stay so I can get to know you more," the source Naruto continued, "I mean we were just starting to become friends... Weren't we?"
The Naruto's smiled, "The moment we all met, the first thing on our minds was wanting to be friends with you." Psychic Naruto answered.
"Of course." Teen Ninja Naruto answered, "No matter what dimension we're in we're always friends. In fact we're all brothers."
"Brothers." Prime Naruto gasped.
The Naruto's smiled at each other, as Regular Naruto put his hand in, "Let's make a promise, guys. No matter what happens to us form here on out in our worlds, let's never forget each other and what we've done."
They all started putting their hands in with Menma and Prime Naruto being the final two, "Promise!" they announced.
They looked back at Madame Web, "We're ready." Shredder Naruto said.
"Yes, but first there is one last thing to be done. You three," she motioned to High school, Catastrophe, and Chi Wizard Naruto. They approached as she continued, "It's time to return what powers I've loaned to Powerless Naruto.
"Oh, does it have to be this way?" High school Naruto asked.
"Yes, their powers do not belong in your world." Web answered.
"I guess so." the street fighter sighed.
So Web placed one hand on High school Naruto's head, and her other on Chi Wizard Naruto's. Soon the three talisman powers copied for the powerless Naruto was given back to the Chi Wizard. Then the spider sense ability was transferred back to Catastrophe Naruto. When Street fighter Naruto tried to fly he saw he couldn't meaning the abilities really were gone, "Well it was fun while it lasted."
"You've all fought hard, and now it's time to send you all home. Menma, you're first." Beyonder said.
"Ok, I just hope my parents will forgive me for what I tried to do." Menma sighed.
"If we know our parents, we know they'd forgive you." Green Ranger Naruto assured him.
Menma smiled, "Yeah. Thanks again guys, for everything." he teleported off.
Bang Baby Naruto approached, "I'll catch you guys later." he teleported.
Teen Ninja Naruto spoke up, "Catch ya around the multiverse, bros!" he was sent home.
Shredder Naruto spoke up, "It was an honor to fight by your sides in this noble adventure." he vanished.
Spy Naruto spoke up, "It was great seeing all of you, even you Regular and Prime." he chuckled before Beyonder teleported him.
Green Ranger Naruto spoke, "Good luck in whatever you face in the future, my friends, and may the power protect you." he teleported off.
Chi Wizard Naruto spoke, "Take care you guys."
Shendu overshadowed him, "And do not falter on the paths that lie ahead for you." Beyonder teleported them home.
Catastrophe Naruto spoke to Regular Naruto, "We understand you have much to do in your world, but we're going to give you some words of encouragement we've learned from Spiderman who learned it from someone very important to him. With Great Power there must come Great Responsibility."
"Great Power and Great Responsibility," Regular Naruto repeated, "Yeah, I'll remember." Catastrophe Naruto smiled before he was teleported off.
Psychic Naruto spoke up, "Take care of yourselves."
"You do the same." Prime Naruto said, before the Psychic vanished.
"Time for me to go too," High school Naruto said, before turning to Regular and Prime, "It was awesome to see how extra hardcore I am in other worlds. And I know I'm gonna be just as hardcore as all of you on my own."
"We hope so too." Regular Naruto smiled, as the street fighter was sent home.
"Did they make it home ok?" Prime Naruto asked Beyonder and Web.
"Behold." Beyonder said as they saw Menma returned to the spot where Minato, Kushina, and the Akatsuki faded away. Menma approached his parents, who hugged the daylights out of him in worry. He accepted their hugs and cried on their shoulders.
Bang Baby Naruto was greeted by the Breed, his girls, and Yukina. Shredder Naruto stood before Ino, Hun, and his foot ninja. Teen Ninja Naruto was greeted by his bros, his master, mother, and friends. Spy Naruto was welcomed home by his six wives and his children. Green Ranger Naruto was greeted by his fellow rangers, and his mentors. Chi Wizard Naruto was welcomed home by the Chan family, who was glad to see him again. Catastrophe Naruto returned home and was greeted by his bevy of wives. Psychic Naruto was flying through the sky of the ninja land before landing at the Lihua Inn. Finally High school Naruto was back in his world, and just in time for class was about to start.
"They look so happy to be home." Prime Naruto smiled.
"Hey, what's gonna happen to them now?" Regular Naruto asked the two entities.
"They grew up and led extraordinary lives." Web answered, as their portals displayed their futures when they were adults now.
Bang baby Naruto was fighting along side Static, Gear, and Batman Beyond in a dark city known as Gotham. Teen Ninja Naruto was training his own ninjas, and suddenly it fast forward to his future great great grand kids with the great great grand kids of his teammates who were with a red haired boy and a robot watching his past endeavors through a ethereal window. Shredder Naruto had his own village, and was leader. Along with a child he was training to become the next new Shredder when his time came. Spy Naruto was Hokage of Konoha and was with his six wives, and his kids who had just become Genin.
Green Ranger Naruto grew up and became Hokage, and he and his wives had passed on their powers to Konohamaru, Moegi, Udon, and Hanabi Hyuga. Konohamaru became the new Green Ranger, Moegi the Pink Ranger, Hanabi the Yellow Ranger, and Udon became the White Dino Ranger. Chi Wizard Naruto grew up, married his girls, and had kids, along with being both Hokage and one of the greatest Chi Wizards since the eight immortals. Catastrophe Naruto helped Alistair Smythe with many medical ninja in restoring his father Spencer Smythe to life, and Catastrophe Naruto grew up, had kids who also became symbiotic ninja, and was Hokage as well.
The two Naruto's were amazed, but Regular Naruto spoke, "Hey, how come we didn't see the futures for Menma, our high school self, and our Psychic counterpart?"
"Because just like you their stories have yet to conclude, but knowing them they will strive to make it a good ending just like you will." Web explained.
Regular and Prime Naruto smiled, as the Regular one spoke, "I know they'll do great things like our other counterparts have."
"As do I, and I know another out there who knows that as well." Web smiled.
"Who?" Prime Naruto asked.
"Let's just say there is one out there watching over your counterparts making sure they achieve their goals." she answered, leaving the two confused.
"I don't understand." Regular Naruto replied.
"No one expects you to." she replied.
"And now it's your time to return home." Beyonder told Regular Naruto.
"Ok," he answered, before turning to his Prime self and their locked hands, "Take care of yourself, Naruto."
"Thanks, you do as well, Naruto." Prime Naruto replied.
Regular Naruto smiled as he went full chakra mode, "I got a war to win." he turned to Beyonder, who spoke up.
"Take care Naruto, and good luck in the war."
"Thanks, Beyonder, Web."
"And be on alert, I expect you will be running into additional allies very soon." Web said.
"Additional allies, who?"
"That is for you to find out, my boy." Beyonder answered.
"I hate it when people are vague to me. But I'll take your word for it." the two entities smiled, as Regular Naruto teleported back to his own world.
They looked down on Prime Naruto, "And now young one, you yourself must continue to live your life the way it was meant to be." Web said.
"Right." he nodded, as the two entities vanished.
Prime Naruto smiled as he started walking off, and thought, 'I'll never really understand why or how this happened. But I know this much. I've made some real good friends that day, and I know I'll continue to make more friends just like the chief wanted,' he started running, 'Because I'm Naruto Uzumaki. And I will become one of the greatest ninjas in the land. Believe it!' he jumped up with a fist pumped up, and the scene froze.
The scene of Prime Naruto faded into a drawing of him in the same pose, while in a frame and hanging on a wall in an office. The silhouette of a figure was cast off the wall of the office while it appeared looking at the picture, "You've come a long way since I first thought you up, my boy. And here I stand looking at you know and just how far I brought you. And the fans have even given you other alternates, as a fandom does," suddenly the figures cellphone rang and he answered it, "Moshi Moshi?"
"Masashi, we're all going to lunch, are you coming?"
"Yes, Kazuhiro, I'm on my way now." he hung up his cell and left his office. The scene panned out on the desk in the office loaded with images and designs of Naruto and the characters, until it stopped at a manga comic titled, Naruto Volume 1.
(And there you go. This fic has finally come to a close. I hope you all loved it, including the little surprise at the end. Those two names of the figures I don't own. Well I hope you all enjoyed it, but now it's come to an end. Thank you and see you around.)