Chapter 1

"Come onnnn Becs, just pick one any one!" Becca begrudgingly looked up at the board displaying the movie titles that were showing that evening. The thought of sitting through two hours of predictable scenes made her wish she had never made the deal with Jesse to begin with.

"Just whatever, you pick. I'm sure it will be some lame ass storyline anyway, one of us may as well enjoy it" Becca sighed, noticing Jesse roll her eyes at her.

"Seriously…I won the deal fair and square Bec. If you win by stacking the most CD's I keep you company until 4am working on your mix. I win you come to the movies and watch a full film with me! Which I am also paying for I may add, so suck it up and enjoy it moviephobe!"

Becca folded her arms pouting, she knew Jesse was right but it didn't make the situation any better. Jesse nudged Becca "Let's see this one" Jesse pointed at the corniest looking movie.

Of course he would pick the soppiest looking movie advertised, Becca wondered how Jesse was still single. He was literally any girls ideal boyfriend, hell...if she was straight she would even consider Jesse in that way.

Becca followed Jesse to the ticket stall dragging her feet, pondering new mixes she could create when she gets back to her flat.

"Hey Jess I'm gonna go grab some snacks, may aswell attempt to put myself in a food coma for the next two hours! Want anything?"

"Sure, large popcorn and some nachos please sweetness" Jesse teased, he smirked knowing the use of the pet name would piss Becca off. Becca scrunched her face and jabbed Jesse in the arm before wandering off towards the food line.

How the hell am I gonna carry all this food back.. Becca thought juggling two popcorns, nachos and 2 candy bars she was trying to balance under her chin on top of the two mountains of popcorn.

Next thing she noticed was a flash of red flying towards her, before realizing she was on the floor with Nacho cheese all over her boots and popcorn sprawled everywhere.

Great…fan-fucking tastic. This isn't embarrassing at all, before Becca could clamber herself back up and begin to argue with whoever barged into her she paused. Taking in the sight before her, beautiful mounds of flowing red hair along with the bluest eyes she has ever witnessed. This girl was stunning, hang on what...shit shes talking to you.

"Sorry what…did you say.." Becca could hardly string her words together her mouth suddenly dry and her thoughts empty from gawping at the girl infront of her.

"What are you saying sorry for this was totally all my fault! Oh my god I am so clumsy. I wasn't looking where I was going and before I knew it popcorn was flying everywhere and ...oh god I'm so sorry. Here how much did you spend on this take this 20" the red head rummaged through her purse and handed over a 20 dollar note.

Becca shook her head "No no that's really not necessary, I mean it's partially my fault for ordering all this food anyway! I could hardly see where I was going" Becca explained, hoping that her explanation would set the other girl at ease.

As Becca was explaining the red head was picking off pieces of popcorn off of Becca, and discarding them into Beccas now empty popcorn tub.

"I suppose that was a lot of food, surely not all for you? Still I totally owe you something" the girl smiled. Becca couldn't help but be entranced by the girl, she should be mad at her or atleast accept the money she offered her. She couldn't, that smile was hypnotizing Becca to just nod and smile back at her.

"I'm Chloe by the way" she reached her hand out to Beccas and Becca took it, feeling a sudden rush in her stomach as soon as she touched it.

"Are you here with someone? Friends?...boyfriend?" Chloe asked while staring intently into Beccas eyes. Chloe and Beccas hands were still clasped together as if neither of them were wanting to let go.

"Erm…No no.. well yeah I'm here with my friend Jesse but he isn't my boyfriend or anything just a friend" Becca rambled out as they both let their hands fall back slowly by their sides.

"So at the movies...girl and boy..just friends…is that even possible?" Chloe questioned raising her eyebrow and titling her head to the left slightly.

"Well when the girl is 100% gay as the day then yeah it is very possible" Becca replied with a slight smirk, wondering how their conversation had suddenly gotten on to the point of Beccas sexuality.

The red head suddenly seemed less confident than before and started fidgeting with her hands nervously looking around, anywhere but where Becca was.

"Ahh…right I see. Cool" finding her composure Chloe suddenly shook her head and went to the previous subject matter.

"Well my movie is about to start any minute I should probably.." before Chloe could finish off her sentence a tall dark haired boy came striding towards the two girls.

"Hey Chlo did you get the…holy shit what happened here?" the boy asked as her surveyed the mess around him.

"I stupidly ran into…wait I don't even know your name?" Chloe probed.

"Becca my names Becca" she stated, as she watched the tall boy hang his arm around the red heads neck"

Chloe beamed at her before beginning again "So yeah I bumped into Becca and all her food went everywhere, by the way this is my boyfriend Tom" Becca couldn't help but notice the eye contact the red head was giving her, as if trying to judge Beccas reaction.

Becca had to admit the word boyfriend stung, but why? She had only known the girl 2 minutes why would she be bothered by that.

"Becawwwww what the hell dude, I got the tickets but by the looks of things you did have the food but guessing it didn't go to plan" Jesse intervened Beccas thoughts as he walked over to the three of them. "Here, I know how clumsy my babe can get, here take this It should cover it" Tom said passing 10 bucks over to Becca.

Ignoring the word babe and the 10 dollars Becca refused to take it from him,

"It's cool man, I explained to Chloe no need for reimbursements, was a total accident" Plus Chloe actually offered enough to cover the food Becca thought to herself.

"Sweet, well movies starting we gonna head in babe?" Tom asked staring at Chloe.

Chloe timidly smiled at him and nodded she then looked at Becca before Tom grabbed her hand and started leading her towards the line.

"What are you guys going to see?" Jesse piped up towards the fleeting couple, Becca swung her head round and glared at Jesse. Why is he doing this, they are walking away.

"Umm…some romcom thing I don't know the name Chlo picked it, shes a sucker for anything with romance" Tom replied slowly moving back towards Jesse and Becca.

Jesse reached out to his movie ticket stub and silently read the title "Ahhh yeah were going to see that as well, Becca begged me to see this film. She loves the whole boy meets girl, girl marries boy type thing dontchya Bec?"

Becca's cheeks began to grow warm, as her eyes shot from Chloe's giggling face to Jesses mischievous grin.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I would rather roll on broken glass than go see this movie" Becca stated firmly. "Come on let's just go in and get this over with okay" with that the four of them walked into the movie theatre and took their seats.

As the lights dimmed and the film began Becca couldn't help but scan the theatre to see where Chloe had sat. She doesn't know why she is so drawn to this girl but she actually didn't mind being here if it meant getting a glimpse of her again. Finally Becca locked sight of her, Chloe was sipping her soda while Tom done the whole 'I'm tired and stretching so I can put my arm around you move'. Lame. My god she was beautiful even from far away you could feel her energy radiating from her.

"Are you just gonna ogle her all the way though the film Mitchell?" Jesse whispered into Beccas ear while crunching his popcorn.

"Shut it Jesse, you're lucky I'm even here, and as for the ogling comment your deluded dude"

"But you knew who I was referring to huh Becs" Jesse said with a wink before focusing his attention back on the movie.

Becca huffed and fell back into her chair, hating it when Jesse would win their little quarrels. She glanced over again at the red head only to be met with the same intent stare glaring back at her. Becca gulped as she and Chloe remained their eye contact with one another, hold is together Mitchell she may just be glancing around after a minute or so of the intense eye contact, Chloe pulled away her eyes suddenly glued to the screen. Becca felt some form of relief as she did so, not that she didn't want the attention of the red head, but the sheer gravitationally pull she is feeling from her was enough to scare the shit out of Becca.

Half an hour later Becca felt eyes on her again only to peer and see it was in fact Chloe glaring Maybe she feels it too Becca pondered… Or maybe you're creeping the shit out of her staring! Look away now! Look at the screen. Becca suddenly shifted her eyes to the screen but couldn't concentrate on anything but the eyes she still felt on her.

"Going to the toilet man" Becca whispered as she squeezed past Jesse and out of the movie theatre. Becca suddenly felt like she could breathe as soon as the lights hit her outside the door, was I even holding my breath?

Becca shrugged any thoughts away and made her way to the rest room, she placed both hands on each side of the sink and stared into the sink in front of her. She turned the tap on and splashed some water onto her face, she doesn't know why but the relief of the cold water is helping her to focus. Before Becca could enter a cubicle the door creaked open, and there stood Chloe with the widest grin on her face.

"So…" Chloe started as she walked over next to Becca at the sink, Becca could swear she could feel the heat radiating from Chloes body to hers. "What do you think so far? I think it's a bit slow really, I swear Tom is ready to nod off" Chloe jokingly said.

"To be honest I haven't been paying much attention to it, movies aren't my thing especially the romcom types" Becca stated while using air qutoes for romcom.

Chloe chuckled "Yeah I get what you mean, what have you been paying attention to then for an hour?" Chloe questioned as she turned and faced Becca. Becca knew from the menacing tone that Chloe knew fine well what Becca had been paying attention to, but didn't know why the red head would bring it up with just them two..alone.

"Errmmm..just been thinking of stuff. Like my ahhh mixes, I DJ you see, just been thinking about what new mixes I can do when I get back home yano" Becca explained avoiding all possible eye contact with Chloe. Becca was a crappy liar and didn't want Chloe to know how nervous she was really feeling.

"That's so cool! I love music but never had the creative side to do anything more important with it, I bet you rock!..So it wasn't thoughts of your girlfriend then keeping you busy for the past hour?" Chloe wondered, Becca noticed how Chloe drew her eyes away from Becca as soon as the word girlfriend left her mouth. Why has she assumed I have a girlfriend, maybe I should lie? Wait why would I !

Becca stopped her trail of thoughts to look at Chloe and answer her "I'm pretty good, without sounding like a complete big head…and erm no, no thinking of a girlfriend don't have one" Becca shrugged.

Chloe face seem to light up at that "Aww a catch like you Becca, I doubt you will be single for long" Chloe nudged her shoulder into Beccas.

Both girls turned and entered cubicles next to each other, Becca suddenly felt nervous to pee God what is she doing to me, why do I have stage fright right now It was silence as the girls sat in their cubiles.

"Hey Becca..I'm outta Loo roll could you pass me some of yours please" Chloe asked, suddenly Chloes hand appeared under the cubicle to Beccas right hand side.

"Sure…uh hang on" Becca mumbled as she quickly spun the toilet paper and folded it. Becca reached down towards Chloes hand and placed it in her palm. Only to feel Chloes fingers tighten around Beccas, Becca glared at their hands. It was weird how much intensity she was feeling in this moment. "Thanks" Chloe replied as she slowly removed her hand away. Becca quickly finished and walked out to stand by Chloes side by the sinks again.

"So what are you and Jesse doing after this?" the red head quizzed "Nothing spectacular, probably head back to mine or go grab a beer or something" Becca answered trying to act nonchalantly. "Would you be up for drinks after this? I mean yano the four of us me you Jesse and Tom?" Becca started to feel giddy at the thought of spending more time with the ginger. "Sure, sounds awesome – I'll check with Jesse but I'm guessing he will be cool with it" Becca answered coolly.

Both girls wandered back into the theatre, Becca explaining the drink situation to Jesse. "Go Becs! You're so in there!" Jesse stated after Becca finished explaining "Erm in case you hadn't noticed she has a boyfriend" Becca hated reminding herself of this fact but tried to focus on the red head anyway. Becca smirked as the last scenes played out in the movie, knowing that tonight she would be spending it with Chloe.