Striding along the middle of a street, Alice lead Pinkie Pie into a an Army Surplus store, and instructed. "I'm going to get some more weapons, and some new clothes. Wait here, got it?"

"Okie doki loki!" Pinkie Pie replied, taking a seat on a nearby crate and clasping her hands together in her lap.

Alice smirked at the strange rhyme, and walked over to the glass counter, slamming the stock of the shotgun from earlier into the surface.

Placing it aside, she reached into the display and took a matched pair of M1911 pistols that caught her eye. She next walked over to a clothing rack and grabbed an orange tank top and black pants.

Quickly changing into the outfit, she gathered a pair of holsters, and a gun harness.

Grabbing an M37 shotgun from a rack, she next took a pair of MP5k submachineguns and attacked them to the small hooks under her arms on the harness.

"Um... Alice? What's this thingy?" Pinkie's voice broke her focus and she turned to see Pinkie holding an M134 minigun in her arms.

"That is a minigun. It's too big to take with us." Alice replied, silently wondering how in the world it was even here in the first place. "Leave it behind."

"It's certainly not mini! It should be named... a giantgun!" Pinkie said as she lowered it back into the crate she'd pulled it from. "What about this then?"

Alice rolled her eyes, then glanced at Pinkie, who was holding an M66 rocket launcher.

"Rocket launcher, still way too big for us to take. Try to choose something a lot smaller instead." Alice said as she grabbed several boxes of her required ammunition from the shelves behind the counter.

"Is this okay?" Pinkie asked, likely holding up a flamethrower this time. Alice turned to see her only carrying an AK47.

"Are you sure you want to carry a gun? You obviously don't know how to use them." Alice shook her head as Pinkie peered intently into the barrel of the assault rifle.

"You have five of them! I want to have one or two... yeah, definitly two!" Pinkie said, lowering the AK47, and thankfully moving it away from her face. "Just two of them, that's all."

Alice heaved a sigh, deciding to let her choose two guns. "Fine, you can have two guns, but hurry up and pick them so we can get moving."

Pinkie's ever present smile widened greatly as she tossed the AK aside and skipped over towards a rack of various shotguns, humming that same catchy tune. Alice could have sworn she heard the words 'My little pony, my little pony...' in her head whenever she heard that tune.

Taking a Desert Eagle from a rack of various pistols, Pinkie placed it beside Alice's two MP5k's on the counter, then skipped over to the crate where she had found the M134 and the M66.

Alice stared at her back as she looked inside the crate, trying to decide what to take. Eventually, she hauled out the M134, which had an attached ammo backpack. She brought it over to Alice, who gave a defeated sigh and help to strap the backpack - which was seemingly fully loaded, judging by the weight - to her shoulders. She'd agreed to allow her to carry two guns, but she didn't say which ones not to include.

Taking her Desert Eagle - unloaded - Alice quickly located the .50 calibre Action Express ammunition on the shelves and began to load a dozen magazines with the large rounds, while Pinkie tested her movement capabilities with her M134.

Once she'd finished, Alice took a holster and an ammo belt from the rack and strapped them onto Pinkie Pie, who giggled happily.

"Are we ready to go yet?" Pinkie asked, drawing her Desert Eagle and examining it intently.

"Almost, just wait for a few minutes while I get myself ready." Alice replied, returning to her task of loading her weapons with ammo, and then loading her pouches with the magazines.

By the time that Alice had finished, Pinkie had somehow managed to rack a round into her Desert Eagle, and even clicked the safety off. Alice warily watched her out of the corner of her eye, but let out a held in breath when Pinkie slid the magnum back into the holster on her leg.

Either this strange girl was going to shoot herself, or her heavy minigun would slow her down so much she'd be eaten alive by the infected. Alice thought to herself. It was more likely that she'd shoot herself though...