A/N: Big thanks to BiohazardJackson63 for helping me to come up with the idea for this Fanfic. Brohoof to you, fellow Brony!

Disclaimer: Resident Evil belongs to Capcom, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro. I do not take ownership for either, this is a fan created story meant for entertainment purposes only.

Twilight Sparkle idly turned a page of her Equestria's Guide to Timekeeping: Tips for Everyone! with a sigh. She'd began to read it a few minutes earlier while she waited for Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy to arrive to help her with a Teleportation spell she'd been practicing. This version of the spell was most unlike the version she used upon herself at times. It was capable of transporting multiple ponies at once, so the forever hyperactive Pinkie Pie had volunteered to join with Twilight in practicing. Fluttershy had been passing by after visiting Sugarcube Corner, and Pinkie had flamboyantly explained Twilight's spell and began trying to convince the timid Pegasus to join them. Fluttershy eventually accepted the offer to help out… but now they were late.

Spike opened the front door of the library, which made Twilight spin around to see who it was. Her ears fell as she saw her faithful assistant.

"Spike, did you happen to see Pinkie and Fluttershy while you delivered Applejack's book?" Twilight asked, closing the book as she fully turned around to face the baby dragon.

"No, I didn't see them. Are you expecting them?" Spike asked as he closed the door and approached Twilight.

"Yes, they said they would assist me with the new Teleportation spell I've been practicing." Twilight answered, noticing a silhouette in the small window in the door behind Spike. She heard a quick double tap against the other side, and Spike opened the door to reveal Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy with Angel sitting on her back, looking quite grumpy as usual.

"Girls! You're finally here!" Twilight called as she used her magic to return the book to the shelf. Spike closed the door and jogged out of the room to fetch the specific spellbook that Twilight needed for the spell. She'd left it in the basement while she practiced teleporting various inanimate objects around with her earlier that day.

"Hiya! When do we start? I wanna go first! Pick me! Pick me!" Pinkie Pie started bouncing on the spot in her hyperactive excitement.

"Um… Spike just went to get the book that you need, right Twilight?" Fluttershy asked quietly, taking a step to the side to avoid having Pinkie Pie bouncing onto her tail. Angel gave an energetic nod that made his ears flap around.

"Yes, I must have left it in the basement when I was practicing this morning." Twilight replied, taking a moment to glance over to the slightly open door that Spike had entered. She could hear him ascending the staircase.

"Got it!" Spike announced as he nudged the door open wide enough to pass through. He quickly put the book that was as thick as his torso onto the table where Twilight had been reading moments earlier.

Twilight started to flip through the pages with her magic. After a few seconds she located the spell, which was labeled 'Multiple Entity Teleportation' in bold black letters. She quickly read the page to refresh herself with the spell, then turned to face her friends.

"Okay, where should we be teleporting to? I've been able to teleport around the library, so why not try somewhere around Ponyville?" Twilight asked, looking between Pinkie and Fluttershy for some suggestions.

"Oh! Oh! I know! We should go to Sugarcube Corner and make cupcakes! I have a new recipe that I wanted to test out!" Pinkie exclaimed, resuming her constant bouncing.

Spike rubbed his chin thoughtfully until he got a sparkling glint in his eye. "Maybe we could visit Rarity!" He suggested excitedly.

Twilight smiled slightly at Spike's idea. It was a good idea in fact. Rarity's Boutique was a ten minute walk from the library, so when they tested the distance that they could travel, they'd definitely be going there.

"What about you Fluttershy? Where do you want to teleport to?" Twilight asked, noticing that the timid Pegasus was shuffling her hoof on the floor and hadn't offered an idea yet.

"Um… Maybe we could… go to Sweet Apple Acres? If that's alright with you, I mean." Fluttershy answered quietly, looking away from Twilight. Angel gave a disinterested shrug at the idea, but it seemed that he actually couldn't care any less.

"We can try all three! Can we Twilight? Can we? Pleeeeease?!" Pinkie Pie was still jumping on the spot, and her excitement was even more than she normally displayed.

Twilight considered the idea carefully. Sweet Apple Acres was definitely farther than Rarity's Boutique, so maybe they should test distance first by travelling there instead.

"Okay, but first we'll try going to Sweet Apple Acres. Ready everypony?" Twilight was already gathering up her mental willpower to start focusing her magic for the spell. The tip of her horn began to glow with a pale purple light that slowly began to deepen to a lavender, then a deep violet. The light began to intensify and with a resonating high pitched whistling, the light flared blindingly, then everyone was gone, only leaving an open spellbook sitting on the table.

Closing Remarks: big flash of light, everypony disappears, and the camera zooms in a bit on the spellbook before fading to the next segment.