Demons Come to Play!

Jason's POV-

I walked inside the dirty old jail with my friends Sky, Husky, Ty, Mitch, Seto, and the Fluffy. I know what you guys are thinking what in the world did you guys do to get stuck in prison again! Well my answer is that it was Sky's idea to steal that BUDDER tree and well I only tagged along. The warden, Princess I think was her name lead us to some cells in far back corner and will passing I saw a four girl but one was different she had dark brown hair a cool black and blue jacket that said 'Demon Rebel' with emerald green eyes. The girl was glaring at us as if we had done something wrong like she wished we were someone else….


God it's been a week since me, Alex, Artemis (A/N most of the time she will be called Arty), Tally, Dragon, Hero, and Blaze got captured by the *shiver* Angels the second evilest thing (right next to Squids) in Minecraftia plus we still haven't heard anything from our leader Magma or her little adoptive sister in months ever since HE came back I just hope nothing bad happened to her.


(Still unknown's POV!)

I turned my head around only to see some more unlucky Humans being dragged into this hell hole, so did the only thing any SANE (A/N hahahahah Ki— opps almost ruined the surprise!) note the sarcasms person would do I ignored them after all it's not my fault that they're in this *sarcasm* beautiful place we now have to call home for at least ten-twenty years warden Angel (A/N leader of the Angels btw) and her annoying helper Princess; kind of ironic that both are named after people/group that you would expect to do good things tossed our new 'friends' into the middle of the rectangle shaped room "Wake up lazy pieces sh** you got some new weaklings to add to your pathetic group, and maybe just maybe your leader will accepted into the group after all she was always a sucker for people like these oh wait I guess I forgot she run away like the cowered she is!" that She-devil shrieked with her high pitched annoying voice "aren't you the cowered 'dear' warden after all it's not like you ever won a fight with Magma!" Alex replied sharply "Aww don't be like that Shad's after all its HER felt that your even here, but at last we all know you would follow that little brat till the ends of Minecraftia" the little b**** replied with her voices filled with fake kindness all most enough to make me throw up the 'edible' food they served about a week or two ago, *a couple insults later* "ENOUGH! They don't pay me enough to fight with people like you" the little twitch said "I bet they don't even pay you!" Alex of course knowing him yelled it at the top of his lungs (Dear Notch where Magma when you need her!) the she-devil fuming with rage aimed her bow at Alex's head and let go of the spring only to have Alex the dumbass dodge at the last second only receiving a small faint line in his cheek "Alex! Stop it now don't get her madder then she already is!" yelled the probably only sane person in this nut house, Artemis "Notch I don't have time for this! Let just move on and pretended this never happened" Angel said sighing (for the first time I actually agree with her!) Jack (A/N Jack is another one of my OC's he has a 'small' crush on Artemis and he is also Alex's friend) glaring daggers at Alex daring him to say something with that sharp tongue of his luckily Alex stayed quit for now at least…..