Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural. All rights go to Eric Kripke. I do enjoy toying with them though.

Ok, so this is my first fan fiction to be put up on this site. I thought, what better foot to start out on than Supernatural?

This is just the prologue and based on the response from this I may or may not continue. The Chapters will be short in the beginning but will hopefully grow in size.

Enjoy the Prologue of "18 Long Years"


Emerald eyes flit around the room as the old motel creaked and settled around him. It was sometime in the middle of the night and Dean Winchester couldn't sleep. His baby brother was sleeping in the bed not a few feet from him. He looked over and his gaze fell upon the rise and fall of the baby's chest as he breathed. He could feel his breathing gradually slow to match the pace.

That was good. He was alive. Still breathing underneath the small blanket he was wrapped in. His father had drilled into his head that Sammy was the priority. "First make sure he is safe then get yourself to safety." Was what John always said before closing the door to go off on a hunt. Dean sat on the floor between the two beds, knees brought up to his chest and chin resting on his knees. He had been sitting like this for the past hour or so. It was hard for a five year old to keep track of time as it passes by.

Their father was out on a hunt at the moment. Dean knew that it was no normal hunting trip, like he had said so many times. You needed animals to hunt, and what John was hunting was anything but.

The air in the motel room was stale and stuffy. Hey, he had been in there with Sammy for the past three day while their daddy was away. The middle Winchester stood from his spot on the floor and stretched towards the ceiling, back arching slightly. He needed air. Fresh, cool air that he knew was just outside the motel room door. His father had told him not to leave the room, though he didn't give a reason.

He would only take a minute. Just a moment wouldn't hurt right? He'll be back in a minute. At least, that's what he told himself.

Dean slipped on his jacket and worn sneakers. They were starting to get a bit small for his growing feet, but he would never tell his dad that. He zipped his jacket all the way up to his chin and slowly unlocked and opened the door to the outside world.

A strong gust of wind pushed against his small body as he walked down the sidewalk in front of the motel. The night was cold and the wind cut right through the jacket and chilled him to the core. The air was fresh and chilly just like he thought it would be. It did him good to be able to stretch his legs after being cooped up in a smelly motel room for three whole days with a baby.

He turned the corner with his hands in his pockets and eyes turned up to the starry night sky above his head. As he walked, he tried to count all the stars in the sky. It didn't really help that he could barely count up to a hundred and fifty without missing any of the numbers. Any higher than that was highly debatable.

Suddenly, a strong hand was clapped over his mouth and some weird smelly cloth was over his nose. An arm wrapped around his tiny waist, pinning his arms to his sides. Dean struggled against the strong arms, but to no avail. He was getting drowsy and black rimmed his vision. His body was becoming heavier by the second as if it were slowly getting filled with lead.

The last thing he heard before he slipped fully into unconsciousness was the rumble of the Impala's engine and the sound of his baby brother crying.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oO0Oo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

John Winchester killed the engine of his beloved Impala and stopped the sweet lull of the engine along with it. As that sound died, another more disconcerting sound hit his ears. The sound of his baby boy crying. He jumped out of the car and jogged over to his and his sons' motel room.

When he opened the door, he immediately noticed two things. One, Sammy, his youngest son, was lying on the bed alone bawling his eyes out at the top of his lungs. Two, Dean was nowhere to be seen. He was nowhere in the room and the bathroom across from him was dark.

John quickly went over and gathered Sam up into his arms. The baby quieted down almost immediately, his blue eyes staring up at his daddy. "Hi, Sammy. Hi…" He looked around the room once more.

"Dean?" He called out into the room, as if that would make his son appear out of thin air. It was a futile gesture since every spot in the room was visible from his spot between the two beds. He put Sam's face into his shoulder and covered his head with the blanket as he walked outside. "Dean?" The seasoned hunted called again louder into the night.

John looked around the motel parking lot to see a man putting a figure into the back of a dark car and getting into it himself. No figures on either of the figures could be distinguished, but fear ripped into his entire being with instinct that had been heightened over the last year. "Dean!" He yelled and began to run towards the car. The car in question started up and screeched out of the parking lot.

The eldest Winchester felt as though a hole had been ripped into his chest and another piece of his heart taken out with him standing there, completely helpless.


He couldn't lose Dean too. Not like this. It hadn't even been a full year since the nursery fire. Sammy couldn't grow up with just a father. No mother to kiss his scrapes when he fell and sing him to sleep, or comfort him when he had nightmares. No brother to teach him right from wrong and lead him in the right direction.

John sank to his knees in the middle of the parking lot. A choked sob escaped past the knot in his throat as the first tears slid down his stubbly cheeks. He put his face into the blanketed bundle that was his last living immediate family. The family that he had made with his wonderful wife, who was now also gone. To be so close to the baby comforted himself just as much as it comforted the baby.

He had just lost Dean. His eldest son, the one that had the blazing emerald eyes and light brown cropped hair, was now gone. Taken away from him within a heartbeat. Only God knows who or what took him away, if there even was a god anymore.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oO0Oo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The process of waking up seemed much more gradual than the movies made it seem. Each second felt like an eternity to the person who was actually doing the waking up. It came more in stages than really just waking up all fine and dandy.

At first, all Dean could understand was that he was lying down and was jostled every so often. Nobody seemed to be touching him so a car maybe? Most likely case scenario in this situation. The he heard it. The sound of the engine roaring what felt like right beside his head. His ear was against the smooth, most likely leather, car interior and he could hear the engine clearly.

What most adults didn't understand was that even though he was only five, his father trained him like a soldier over the past year. Drilling him in all case scenarios and what the best thing to do in all of them was. In the situation at present, the best thing to do was to take in your surroundings.

A dark haired man was driving the car that he was now in. Dean moaned softly, acting as though he had just woken up, and sat up in a groggy fashion to look around and at the man using the rear view mirror. The man up front noticed the movement and looked to Dean in the back seat.

"Ah, you're finally awake." A smile spread across his face as his deep voice rumbled out. "Good. Wouldn't want to do this to you while you were sleeping. Even I'm above that."

Being in a real life situation like this was much worse than just being drilled. Fear began to build up within Dean, but he hid it well behind his serious façade. "What are you going to do with me?" He asked with his voice quivering just slightly.

The man chuckled. "You'll just have to wait and see. Spoilers are always no fun."

The five year old frowned. He hated not knowing what was going on. He always had. Even if he was just kidnapped by a complete stranger, he still wanted to be on top of the situation. "Who are you?" He asked, holding his gaze with the man in the rear view mirror.

He looked up to the mirror where his and Dean's eyes met for a moment. "Oh, I can't just go out and tell you that, now can I?"

Dean saw a flash of yellow in the man's brown eyes before he turned his attention back to the road. He couldn't help but be fearful of the man when he saw the flash. He was stuck in the back of his car with no hopes of a safe escape.

The car ride went on for another hour or so with a silence thick enough that you could cut it with a knife. Slowly, the car came to a stop and the man got out of the car. Within seconds of the driver's door closing Dean's was pulled open. The freezing cold air hit him like a brick and the early morning sunlight was peeking out of the overcast clouds. How long had he really been out?

"You see," The man began speaking as Dean stepped out of the car and into the freezing cold morning. "I don't always give my victims a fighting chance. But I like you, Dean. You and your whole family." His smile appeared again and his eyes flashed yellow. "So I'll give you a chance."

Dean backed away from the man. He didn't follow him as he thought he would. That was strange. Wasn't he going to kill him? That's what usually happened in these situations? The man just watched him back away with a smirk on his face and his hands casually in his pockets.

The middle Winchester quickly turned and ran into the trees. He didn't dare turn around to see if the man was following him, but if his ears were reliable then he wasn't. He doubted the man even would. He was going to leave the five year old out here to fend for himself and eventually die. From either animal or starvation, one of them would have to do.

Dean had no intention of dying.

He had seen too many survival shows and had spent too much time with his dad to let that happen to himself. He had to find his way back to his father and Sammy. Though he had no idea how far into the woods he was, or what state he was in for that matter, he would try to find his way back.

Dean would just have to keep going and hopefully one day find his family again.

AN: So this is the prologue of "18 Long Years". I would love to hear back from you guys and know what you have to say. I have no publishing date for the first chapter yet, and no publishing schedule for that matter, but it is already written and waiting.

Please review!