This sort of came from a prompt I received from Intensity215 which said 'I was just wondering if to was possible to do a Steve-centric chapter about his protecting his team.'
I don't think it's quite fulfilled, but here we go, I hope you enjoy it :)

They finally had some nice weather in New York so Darcy decided to take the kids to the park to get some fresh air, taking Pepper and Jane along with her to hopefully prevent a repeat of last time (where Phil had ended up in hospital and Natasha and Tony had gotten lost)

As soon as they got there the kids scattered; Bruce was content playing alone in the sand pit while Clint and Natasha competed to see who could go the highest on the swings. Tony and Thor played soccer over by the trees while Steve sat in the shade with his sketchbook

"Wow this is tiring" Darcy commented, keeping her eye on Tony and Thor as they ran back and forth across the field

"Tell me about it, but it's so much easier with you two here now. I don't know how we coped without you" Pepper added, watching Clint and Natasha carefully as she worried they'd fall; they were going far too high on those swings for her liking

"Let's grab a coffee" Jane said, nodding towards the small coffee stall just behind them

"On Shield?" Darcy smiled, holding up the Shied credit card she still hadn't given back

Bruce was happily playing, trying to make a wall out of sandcastles when an older boy walked right through it, making sure he kicked it all over before walking off

Natasha jumped off the swing and marched right over "That was mean!" she told him firmly with her hands on her hips, despite the fact he was at least twice as tall as her

"Back off pipsqueak" he said, as he pushed her aside and laughed to his friends

"Don't touch her" Clint warned, joining them quickly when he saw him push Natasha

"Oh great, there's another one" the boy leered, continuing on her way

"You should say you're sorry!" Natasha called after him

The older boy stopped and turned back to face the three kids, bending down so his face was mere inches from Natasha he whispered "I don't have to apologise to little kids like you"

"Yes you do!" she told him defiantly

At this point Tony and Thor marched up, even Thor wasn't bigger than the other boy who was starting to get angry

"What do you think you're doing?" Tony asked, pushing him back away from Natasha

"Come on John let's go" the boys friends called, but he shook his head and held up a finger, signalling 1 minute

"You need to learn to control the girl" he warned Tony, before glancing to Thor

"Excuse me?" Tony asked outraged, before Natasha could say what was on her mind and undoubtedly cause more trouble

"The little bitch doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut"

Everything happened at once then; Clint darted forward as Tony went to hit John and Natasha kicked out

The boy fell to the floor but quickly scrambled back to his feet

That was when his three friends decided to make their way over. Thor looked round for Jane, Darcy or Pepper but couldn't see them. He'd taken charge of dragging Bruce away from the fighting so he didn't get hurt but this was about to get out of hand.

John stood by his friends, all four of them had to be at least thirteen and much larger than the three children stood in front of them

"You're gonna pay for that you little brats" John hissed

"No they're not, you're going to leave them alone" a voice told them from behind

They turned to see Steve stood there clutching his sketch book and pencils

All four of them laughed; Steve, at twelve, was the eldest of the kids but was small and weedy for his age and definitely didn't look a match for them

"You should pick on someone your own size" Steve told them

"I would, but there's no one here" John said, looking down at Steve as he took a step closer

"Leave him alone!" Natasha called

"You again?" John sighed, turning back to face the five year old, which was when Steve shoved him and John fell face first into the ground

"You'll pay for that!" one of his friends called, lunging at Steve

Pepper, Jane and Darcy returned to the bench they previously occupied to find Thor and Bruce desperately waiting for them

"Hi boys, everything okay?" Darcy asked

Bruce shook his head as Thor rushed to explain about the run in with the bullies

When the adults made it over towards the sandpit the bullies had long since cleared off; Natasha was covered in mud having been pushed over, Tony was nursing a cut on his leg, Clint was sat panting on the ground out of breath while Steve had blood gushing from his nose.

"Oh guys" Pepper sighed, helping Natasha up from the ground

"It wasn't our fault!" Tony defended

"Why didn't you just walk away?" Darcy questioned

"He was mean to Bruce!" Natasha told them

"They said horrible things to Tasha" Clint reasoned

"I don't like bullies" Steve said as Jane dabbed at his face with a tissue

Everyone silently knew that if Steve had gotten involved it must have been bad

The nine of them made their way back across the park to head back to the tower when Natasha pulled her hand from Pepper's grasp and ran back towards the sandpit. She reappeared a moment later clutching Steve's blood soaked sketch book;

"I'm sorry it got ruined" she told him sadly, handing it back over

Steve smiled down at her; the bullies had taken the book when they'd hit him and knocked him down, Natasha had seen them throw it in a bush a moment before and had to go and get it for him

After noticing her limping slightly Pepper lifted the girl into her arms as they walked back to the tower

Once again, the mini Avengers found themselves on the receiving end of a lecture about not fighting, no violence, and the appropriate time to inform an adult if they needed help

They weren't allowed any desert after dinner that night, but Steve was secretly happy he'd been there for his friends when they'd needed him, and the adults couldn't help but be slightly proud that they'd stuck together, stood up for one another and defended their friends.