I'm just so used to my other story. It's strange. OH WELL.

WELCOME TO: BLACK BUTLER ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. Where Ciel Phantomhive attends school. (these are my favorite kind of Kuro fanfiction.)

Well, I hope you give it a chance~, and READ ON, MY CHILDREN.

It's a new year. Ciel Phantomhive, the Earl Phantomhive, is watching as students his age get ready for their last year of junior high. Energy levels are high and everyone is anxious to get their class schedules. These students are much like other students, except for one crucial difference. The fact that they are of high birth status. Much higher than the average kid. Because of this, they are made to go to a special school meant for people like themselves, by their rich and well respected parents. This prominent school is known as the Saint Maria Private school.

The structure itself is divided into four portions. Each section is for differently skilled students. It's all based on societal rank, marks and special abilities. It is very competitive amongst the students to get the best dormitory or choose their dorm mate. Mostly for the highest rank in the school. Everyone desires ultimate popularity. The more popular you are, the more authority you have over others.

Ciel knows a few of the kids attending, but only because of his connection to other people like himself. It's common for people like Ciel to attend school. Especially when it's such a prestigious school.

Even so, Ciel refuses to go.

"I don't have time for something like going to school. I will not go." The slate haired boy paces back and forth in his office. He's wearing a solid navy blue T-shirt, sneakers and a pair of black skinny jeans. Sebastian, his butler in his usual black ensemble, standing by the door frowns.

"Young master, I believe it is better for you to just go. You will learn skills there that I simply cannot teach you. And even she suggests it for you." He held up the opened letter with the royal wax seal on it.

Ciel walked up to Sebastian and took the letter from him. "This is unreasonable… 'You are still just a young lad and need a break. I am aware of that. You had to grow up at such a young age and so suddenly. I'm so sorry. So, I suggest you attend school. It will allow you to make friends and have a childhood, even if only for a little while. I hope only the best for you, my dear boy.'" He lets out a sigh after he reread part of the note.

"I thought you believed her majesty's word was absolute…" Sebastian grins. He knows he's winning.

"Of course I do. I live for the queen. It's just that if I take a leave, I'll come back to piles and piles of more work to do. This is incredibly difficult for me. And why do you seem to want me gone so badly?" Ciel scoffed.

The butler smiled innocently, "I could never want my master gone. I just think you lack in many skills. For example, dancing." He struggled holding back a laugh. The bluenette gave him a cold look, but ignored him.

"Fine. Clearly it will only waste time if I argue against the queen. Sebastian, enroll me in this year's classes. Make it quick. I don't want to be stuck with any unwanted class or dorm. If I am, it's on your head." This is not something Ciel will look forward too.

Sebastian smirked and opened the door to leave Ciels office, "Of course, sir. If I couldn't do something as simple as that, what kind of butler would I be?" He bows and takes a step out, leaving Ciel to drearily look at what's yet to come. The boy sat down at his desk and stared at the exit ahead of him.

An abrupt knock on the door disturbed his peace.

"Come in." The boy announced.

The door opened and before him stood none other than Alois Trancy. He had on a purple V neck T-shirt, a pair of tall boots with purple ribbon and shorts that seemed a bit too short for him, or anyone else. All accompanied by his usual unbelievably annoying grin plastered on his face. Ciel groaned. Why does the day seem to get worse and worse?

Ciel looked stern, "Who let you in here?"

The blonde laughed, "You did, silly~."

"Never mind. Why are you here, Trancy?"

"Interesting story, actually. Thanks for asking. Well~… I got my class schedule and I was already on my way to visit you."

"Wait. C-Class schedule…? Don't tell me…"

"We're going to the same school! Saint Maria! Isn't that great?!" The blonde beamed at the sulking slate haired boy.

"A-And about the schedule…?" He knew there was no way of stopping him.

"About the schedule-." The icey-eyed one pulled a crumpled sheet of paper out of his pocket and lied it on the desk top in front of Ciel, "We're in the same dorm together~!" Ciel looked at the paper, hope slowly drifting from his eyes.

He's paralyzed with fear. Who knows what the blonde might do to him in his sleep.

"I won't request a new roommate as long as you keep your distance, alright?" The comment made Alois surprisingly happy, considering Ciel would probably build a steel fence between the two. And if Alois makes a single wrong move, Ciel won't think twice about getting rid of the blonde for good.

Alois ran up behind Ciel and choked him with a hug from behind.

"How did my information get to the school already, anyways?" The navy haired one asked. He paused. Sebastian must've already signed him up ahead of time. Without Ciel's consent. That damn sneaky bastard.

The blonde continued to choke the slate haired boy until he finally pushed the other off.

"When does school start? I forgot." Ciel asked the blonde.

The other stopped to think for a moment, "Um… I think in just a week. You'll have to pack up your things. If you need assistance, I'm capable~." He sang.

"No. I'm perfectly able of doing that myself."

Alois pouts in response. Ciel just glares at him. To the navy haired boy, the blonde is just a pest. Nothing more. But for some reason, this bothersome rodent, known as Alois, is relentlessly trying to befriend him. No matter how hard Ciel tries, he can't shake the tenacious blonde.

"I should get going, Ciel. I have a lot to do before school starts. I'll see you then, nevertheless. Try not to miss me too much~." Alois saluted and skipped out of the office, leaving Ciel alone again. With the blonde gone, Ciel just mopes around his office. Doing nothing productive whatsoever. He is helpless without Alois. The blonde is practically always his lone source of entertainment. So when he leaves, it's only natural for Ciel to be a little bored.

The dull child got up from his chair and went to his room. Time to pack up for school.

.oOo.o~TIME JUNK~ .

Sebastian pulled a shiny jet black car up to the dormitory entrance.

"Dorm 3A, correct?" The butler questioned, looking to Ciel through the rear view mirror.

The slate haired boy pulled out a sheet of paper and examined it, "I believe so. Let's get going." His butler unlocked the car doors and Ciel stepped out into the morning sunlight to let his eyes adjust. He slammed the door shut and walked towards the door, letting Sebastian carry his bags inside.

Ciel moved his eyes around campus. The school is large for being just a junior high. He looked at all of the other students moving in, just like him. All of them had butlers assisting them, just like him. And they all looked excited to start the year, as opposed to him.

The bluenette yawns and pushes the door open, and takes a step inside. The dorm house area is decently sized. It's similar to a living room in having typical seating and a television. The decorations were expensive looking, from marble statues to hand painted art. It's slightly intimidating to anyone who'd see it. The boy looked around to see the door to rooms. He was supposed to share a room with Alois. Speaking of which, where is that little blonde terror?

In that moment, Ciel is tackled to the ground.

"GET OFF OF ME!" The slate haired boy shouts to the blonde. It's obviously Alois. Nobody would do that but Alois Trancy.

Alois pushed himself off of Ciel and held out his hand to help his friend up. The bluenette took his hand and tried to straighten himself up. The blonde tried to help fix his hair.

"I'm sorry about that. I underestimated my speed. As soon as I saw you I came running." His blonde friend gave a kind smile and grabbed Ciel's wrist. Alois dragged him forwards until they got to a row of doors in numerical order.

'Room 663…664…665…666…'

"Ah, here it is. Welcome to our room, Ciel." Alois sneered, getting his key out.

"Room 666? Is this some kind of joke?"

The blonde laughed, "Ha. I never noticed that. Funny, huh? ~ A room for two devils." He unlocked the door and pulled his navy haired friend inside.

Their room was simple compared to the house area. It has bunk beds prepared and a work desk. Next to the desk is a television stand with a small TV and a gaming system. One window was against the wall ahead of where the two are standing. The room layout resembled a decent hotel room in many ways. Alois and Ciel walked into the room and their butlers left their bags by the bunk beds.

"I call top bunk!" The blonde broadcasted.

Ciel gladly sat down on his bed, closer to the ground. The blonde climbed the ladder up to his bed and sprawled out across the bed to stretch out. His dear slate haired friend did the opposite, by sitting up straight and sorting through his clothes and placing them into hiss dresser. Alois peeks his head over the ledge and uninterestingly watches him.

Ciel folded another navy blue shirt. "Ciel, when can we go do something?" Alois drones.

"Go do whatever you want." Ciel avoids having to spend time with that nuisance, as usual.

"No. You have to come with me." The blonde argues.

Ciel looked up at the disembodied head of Alois, observing his freakish behavior, "Why?"

"Because we need to go find out classrooms, or else we'll be completely lost tomorrow. And it wouldn't hurt to introduce ourselves to people in our dorm, y'know."

"Ugh… Do I have to? You can't just get someone else to go with?" The navy haired one begs to the blonde.

"You're my only friend, so you're obligated to come. So, hurry up~." Alois stretched down and nudged Ciel's head. The bluenette sighed and continued folding his attire.

Once he finished, his friend dragged him around the entire campus. They found their classes, Ciel and Alois only have four of them together, and they randomly introduced themselves to people. Alois did all the work, due to Ciel's need to be antisocial at all times. After a long day walking around, they returned to their room. The sun was barely still visible.

"Did you get your uniform yet, Ciel?" Alois asked from the top bunk.

"We get them tomorrow, remember? Ours are being tailored later than the other students' uniforms."

Alois over exaggeratedly sighed. "I don't even like the uniforms. They won't let us wear what we like."

"Honestly the rule should only apply to you…" Ciel mumbled. The blonde ignored him and lied back on his bed, pressing his head into his pillow. Ciel reached over and shut out the light. The rooms dim light was replaced with darkness.

"Goodnight, Alois." Ciel shut his eyes and pulled his pillow closer.

Alois smiled, "Nighty-Night, sweetie." He shut his eyelids halfway, as well. Ciel cringed at the blonde's words. Alois wrapped himself up tightly in his blanket and looked out the single window at the other side of the room.

They both awaited their first day of school at Saint Maria private school.


I hope you like it. I'll write more and everything later. If you have suggestions, tell me in reviews~. That'd be lovely, sweetheart.

I hope this is acceptable. It's gonna be pretty hard to write this, though. I've been craving a chance to write this ever since I joined Fanfiction. NOW I FINALLY HAVE. And I hope it's worth it for you as well, darling.


Please read and review~. Daisuki.